Rhett (Signature Sweethearts)

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Rhett (Signature Sweethearts) Page 18

by Kelsie Rae

  And people think I'm the crazy one.

  "Fiiiine. When do we start? And where are you getting married?”

  She smiles wistfully. “In Maldives. It’s a destination wedding, and it’s freaking gorgeous!”

  “Where the hell is Maldives? And what about Harry?” I inquire, mentioning Rhett’s dog. I’m pretty much convinced he brought the two of them together.

  Indie pouts in response. “Maldives is in the Indian Ocean kinda by India, and Harry has to stay home. Julio is going to watch him and also cover for me at Get Baked because he’s a superhero.”

  “Phew!” I wipe pretend sweat off my forehead dramatically. “That’s good at least. I thought I needed to talk to my boss to see if I could get the time off on such short notice.”

  Indie playfully sticks her tongue out at me. “Good thing your boss is amazing.”

  I snort.

  “That’s still really short notice, though! Are other people having any issues squeezing a destination wedding into their schedule?”

  Indie grimaces slightly. “Only Laney, Rhett’s little sister. We’re super bummed, but she’s doing a study abroad and won’t be able to make it. Oh, and his dad, but he wasn’t invited anyway.”

  “Ouch,” Natalie pipes up.

  Indie shrugs like it isn’t that big of a deal. “Meh. Some relationships aren’t worth salvaging, as terrible as that is to say out loud. But Rhett isn’t hurt over it or anything, so neither am I. Laney, on the other hand . . . .”

  I lean into Indie’s side to playfully nudge her before saying, “I’m sure you could Facetime the ceremony! Then it’ll be like she’s really there!”

  Indie’s face lights up like a kid on Christmas morning. “That’s a brilliant idea, Soph! Thank you!”

  She pulls out her phone and her fingers fly across her screen as she sends my suggestion to Rhett for approval. Less than a minute later, she gives us a beaming smile.

  “Well, now that we figured that out, let’s see how many other solutions you guys have up your sleeves, shall we?” She dives into all the things that need to be figured out, and we get to work, one solution at a time.

  After three hours of appetizers, latte refills, and bathroom breaks, we have the itinerary written out, the menu narrowed down, and the invitation list finalized. They’re planning a small wedding with only family and close friends, which definitely makes things easier. That being said, there’s still the flowers, the dresses, the photographer, the cake, the flights. Oh my goodness, the flights!

  Immediately, I whip out my phone and start checking prices. My eyes practically bug out of my head when I see the number.

  “Dude! Have you seen the prices of flights?” I squeal when the astronomically high prices flash across the screen. “I hope you’re including a pay raise for this!”

  Natalie snorts at my terrible joke before grabbing my phone from my hand and mimicking my initial reaction.

  “Holy shitballs!”

  Indie is staring at the screen on her cell with a goofy grin on her face. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know she’s texting Rhett.

  Her fiance.

  I’d be jealous if I weren’t so damn happy for her.

  “Yeah?” She answers before tearing her eyes away from the latest message Rhett sent her. She looks like a swooning princess from a Disney movie.

  Scratch that. Definitely jealous.

  My phone buzzes in my hand, reminding me of my current predicament. “Let me repeat, since you were off in la-la land with Mr. Prince Charming, have you seen the prices of flights? No offense, Indie, but I don’t think many of your guests will be able to make it to the wedding if they have to fork out this much cash. I mean, we love you and all, but we love food more.” I wink playfully, while still getting my point across.

  Indie scoffs at my terrible joke as Natalie shakes her head, grinning from ear to ear. She’s used to my crazy antics.

  “Stop worrying, ladies!” Indie bats her hand at me, waving off my reluctance like a pesky fly. “Rhett and I are covering everything.”

  I nearly choke on my tongue. “I’m sorry––come again?”

  My gaze shifts to Natalie whose jaw is practically touching the floor. Pretty sure we’re wearing the same look right about now.

  “I said . . .” she speaks slowly, emphasizing her words. “Rhett and I are taking care of the cost. We understand it’s short notice and that you want to come to support us. We’ve already purchased the tickets and the rooms at the all-inclusive resort, so all you need to do is show up and have a good time.” She winks before scanning another message on her phone. Her face is practically splitting in two with her giant smile.

  I get the distinct impression that Rhett’s a smooth talker, and it reminds me of another Weiner I don’t ever want to see again.


  As soon as the thought crosses my mind, I pray I’m wrong.

  Please. Please. Please.

  The blood drains from my face as I work up the nerve to ask Indie a question that I’m dreading the answer to.

  “Hey, Indie?” I ask quietly. The soft vulnerability in my tone catches her attention, and she looks up at me with open concern.

  “Yeah, Soph?”

  I try to swallow past the lump in my throat as the memories hit me all over again.

  “Who’s the best man?” I whisper as the omelette I ate earlier churns in my stomach.

  She bites her lower lip, giving me my answer without uttering a word.

  “Damn it!” I mumble to myself.

  What the hell am I gonna do now? I can’t see him again!

  “Soph . . .” She pauses before placing her delicate hand on top of mine in silent comfort. I pull it away.

  “He’s Rhett’s best friend . . .” Indie reasons. “I tried to talk him out of it, but . . . .” Her words hang in the air.

  “That bastard. Let him come. If I get within a mile radius of him, I’m cutting off his balls. He’d be an idiot to show his face after what he did,” Natalie pipes in as fury radiates off her flawless skin.

  Slowly, I release a deep breath.

  “Noogie,” I call to her, trying to rein in my best friend from going into beast mode.

  It’s funny. Usually, I’m the one with anger issues, and she’s the one keeping me grounded.

  Her nostrils flare, but she pauses her rant to hear what I have to say.

  “It’s fine,” I reassure her. “He’s just an ass that I’d prefer to leave in the past. That being said, Indie’s right.” I turn my attention to Indie. “He’s Rhett’s best friend, and it wouldn’t be fair to you, or your fiance, to throw a tizzy-fit over a one-night stand gone wrong. I’m going to be the best damn maid-of-honor you two have ever seen. It’ll be fine. Everything will be fine.” I repeat the last sentence under my breath, praying that I’m right.

  “Are you sure?” I feel like I’m being examined under a microscope as my two best friends stare at me from across the table.

  I nod once. “Yup. It’s only four days. We can all play nice for that long, right? Piece of cake.”

  Natalie groans under her breath before whispering, “Only if you keep the knives away from me.”

  Indie and I snort at her dry sense of humor before I place an order for fries. Natalie doesn’t even bat an eye at my weird food choice, considering I recently ate a big ass omelette. Indie also caught on to my addiction to french fries relatively early in our relationship and continues her agenda without a second glance. I think she’s secretly grateful I didn’t have a meltdown over the fact that the guy I kinda, sorta, fell for will be at the wedding. And that I have to play nice with him for a loooong weekend while still keeping my bruised heart intact.

  Good luck.

  Also by Kelsie Rae

  Liv-Available Now

  Breezy-Available Now

  Jude-Available Now

  Luke-November 1, 2018

  Sophie-December 2018

  About the Author

  Kelsie is
a new indie author who has loved the amazing community she plunged into. Kelsie likes to spend all of her time with her three kids, an amazing husband, and two fur babies.

  She’s addicted to sugar and goes through books like she does Ben and Jerry’s ice cream! When she isn’t reading or juggling kids, Kelsie can be found binging the newest television show on Netflix.

  If you’d like to connect with Kelsie, follow her on Facebook, sign up for her newsletter, or join Kelsie Rae's Reader Group to stay up to date on new releases, exclusive content, giveaways, and her crazy publishing journey.




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