Montgomery Billionaire Series

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Montgomery Billionaire Series Page 63

by Michelle Love

  ‘I can’t. I won’t let you suffer anymore.’ Roman was surprised at the words.

  Kym slowly lowered the gun and Stu crowed just long enough before Roman silenced him with a kick to the head.

  Kym slumped by Stu’s unconscious body, the gun still in her hand, defeated, sobbing. ‘You didn’t have to kill her…’ Her voice was barely a whisper now as Roman pulled her away and out of the door.

  ‘We need to call the police.’ He wrapped an arm around her shaking body and tugged his cell phone from his pocket. A minute later, he made her look at him. ‘Look, they’ll be questioning us for a long time. Just tell the truth. It was self-defense.’

  Kym was trembling uncontrollably. ‘Bay’s dead…’

  Roman sucked in a breath and steeled himself. ‘No. I lied, god, Kym…I wanted to hurt you. I was so mad at you for not turning him in. He shot a defenseless woman. Three times. Bay’s not dead but she’s been in unbelievable pain. She nearly died, twice but she pulled through. She’s been desperate to know if you’re okay.’

  ‘I did this,’ Kym said blankly. ‘I let her down.’

  Roman drew in a deep breath. ‘No. Stu did this – and he’s going to pay. In the meantime, we need to get you back to Seattle…’

  ‘No,’ Kym looked panicked, ‘I can’t. I can’t face Bay, Tom, and Pete. It’s better that I stay away. I’ll testify, of course, but…’

  ‘For the love of god!’ Roman got up, frustrated then realized that the traumatized woman probably didn’t need him yelling at her. Kym was frozen and Roman’s conscience pricked.

  ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it. Bay’s really going to okay?’

  Roman smiled. ‘You bet she is.’

  A police car pulled into the lot then and Roman stood and went to greet the officers. Kym shivered, her entire body aching from stress and from Stu’s beatings. If the police had any doubt that it had been self-defense, she thought, they’d only need look at her bruised and battered body. Bruised and battered but still alive, still breathing.

  Kym let out a long breath as Roman and the officers came over to her. Come on, baby girl, she willed Bay silently, keep getting better. We’re survivors, you and me, it’s what we do. It’s always what we do. I love you.

  I’m sorry.

  Tom met Shae as she came back to the hospital the following morning. She smiled at him.

  ‘Hey…Bay’s being released today, did she tell you? Of course, she told you, stupid question.’

  He walked with her into the hospital. ‘Looking forward to getting her home.’

  Shae pressed the call button for the elevator and grinned at him. ‘Now, you know the drill, no sexy shenanigans until the doctor says so.’

  She meant it as a joke but then flinched. The memory of that day in the supply closet with Otis was still fresh. The day she had left him. Tom, luckily, didn’t notice.

  ‘I need to ask your advice.’

  Shae looked surprised. ‘Go for it.’

  ‘Roman found Kym. She’s okay.’

  ‘Oh, Tom, I’m so glad, that’s wonderful news.’

  Tom nodded. ‘It is, just…Kym isn’t coming back to Seattle. She doesn’t want to see Bay. Roman says she’s adamant, thinks she feels guilty.’

  Shae sighed. ‘The victim blaming themselves. Jesus, the things people do to each other. What does Bay say?’

  ‘That’s it. I haven’t told her. Not that part, I’ve told her Kym’s safe, of course. Should I tell her the whole truth?’

  Shae didn’t hesitate, nodded. ‘Kym’s absence, whether voluntary or not, impacts the band. Bay and Pete need to know if they need to replace her; it’s their life too. Of course, you should tell her.’

  Shae listened as Tom relayed Kym’s decision to Bay. Bay was calm, just nodding. ‘That’s her prerogative.’ Tom and Shae looked at each other, surprised.

  Bay stuffed the remainder of her possessions in her bag then smiled at Shae, going to hug her. ‘You better stay in touch, doc. Thank you for everything, Shae, I mean it.’

  Shae hugged her back. ‘I’ll call, I promise.’

  Bay started to let her go, and then hesitated. ‘Give him a chance, Shae. He really is wonderful under all that surface sheen. Don’t waste love; you never know when it’s too late. Believe me. You both deserve to be happy.’

  Shae gave her a half smile.

  Otis knocked on the door. ‘You ready to go?’

  Bay beamed at him. ‘All discharged. Thank you, Otis, for everything.’

  Tom grabbed her bag. ‘Come on, I’ve been waiting too long to take you home, woman.’

  Bay grabbed Shae’s hand. ‘You’ll come to the wedding?’

  Shae nodded, not looking at Otis. ‘Try and keep me away.’

  Bay winked at Otis. ‘Well, we’ll leave you to alone to discuss…surgical instruments. Supply closets. That sort of thing.’

  She dragged a grinning Tom out of the door and closed it behind her before reopening it and sticking her head back in. ‘Nurses are chatty, closets aren’t soundproofed.’ She giggled and shut the door.

  Tom took her hand. ‘That was subtle.’

  ‘Well, I have a new lease on life. And they’re crazy about each other so screw subtlety.’

  Tom shook his head, laughing. ‘God, I love you, you lunatic.’

  He helped her into his car then threw her bags in the trunk. Slipping into the driver’s seat, he leaned over to kiss her. ‘Let’s go home, baby, and worry about this couple right here.’

  She kissed him back. ‘No more worry, no more pain. Just love.’

  ‘I’m gonna marry you, woman.’

  ‘You bet your ass you are.’

  Shae looked down at her hands. Something was making her stay in the empty room, with the man she was crazy about but had rejected. This is one messed up situation.

  Otis cleared his throat. ‘So…I have a total joint reconstruction at two…want to scrub in?’

  Shae smiled gratefully, glad he was keeping his tone light, professional but friendly. ‘Love to. Complicated?’

  ‘Routine but we can have some fun. Surgery is always fun.’

  She laughed. ‘Is this you trying to be carefree?’

  ‘Is it working?’

  ‘It’s kind of weird but yes.’

  Otis nodded to the door. ‘Come help me organize tomorrow’s surgeries, would you?’

  She followed him out into the hall and down to his office. As they walked, she caught the scent of his soap, woody and fresh. She breathed the scent in deeply as he reached past her to open the office door.

  Before he opened it, he paused, looked at her, his face an inch from hers. Her breath caught as she gazed into his eyes.


  ‘Sssh,’ she whispered, ‘Don’t spoil this moment by talking.’

  Otis smiled but stayed silent. He opened the door and Shae gently pushed him inside, locking it behind her. Shae put her finger over his lips, then, with her other hand, touched his face, smoothed out the line between his eyes, traced a pattern across his cheekbones. Here, now, he was just a man, a man whose brain excited her, whose body had conquered her. It frightened her how much she felt for him, how much she wanted him. Everything told her to run but what Bay had said had flipped her switch in her brain.

  Don’t waste love. You deserve to be happy.

  Slowly Shae moved her finger away from his lips and pressed hers to them. They kissed, hesitantly at first, then the fire ignited and the kissing became deeper, intense.

  They finally broke free, gasping for air.

  Otis leaned his forehead. ‘Shae, let me say this…let me ask this. Would you do me the honor of having dinner with me?’

  Shae, breathless, started to giggle.

  ‘What?’ Otis was grinning, a confused look on his face.’

  ‘You know that’s the first time you’ve ever actually asked me to dinner? You usually just tell me we’re having dinner.’

  ‘Really?’ Otis laugh
ed. ‘I’m appalling. Why do you put up with me?’

  ‘Lord knows. Because you’re a genius. Because you’re gorgeous. ‘Because you infuriate me more than any other person.’

  Otis considered. ‘I can live with that if you can. Can you?’ His face was suddenly serious – and vulnerable.

  Shae slid her arms around him. ‘I can, Otis. I can give this another try…and another try…’

  When he kissed her this time, there were tears on her cheeks. ‘My wonderful, beautiful Shae…’

  ‘I’m yours, Otis Ford.’

  ‘And I’m yours, my darling.’

  She smiled, glancing around the darkened office. ‘Is this thing sound-proofed?’

  Otis grinned. ‘No…and we have rounds. But I tell you what, after dinner tonight…I’ll hold you to that promise you made.’

  Shae feigned ignorance. ‘What promise? I didn’t make a..’ She didn’t get to finish the sentence before his lips found hers again. ‘Okay,’ she sighed, ‘I promised.’

  Otis rubbed her nose with his. ‘Good. Now for the hottest sex talk you’ll hear from me…let’s go see the sick and needy.’

  Later, after a morning of rounds, they stood beside each other in the scrub room. The nurses were already in theater. Otis was talking Shae through the procedure. ‘Every patient is different of course, but this one should be straight forward. Oh and I love you.’

  ‘I do know how to do this procedure,’ Shae, blushing furiously, looked Otis in the eye,’ I’ve done them thousands of time and I love you too.’

  Otis nodded, his smile spreading across his handsome face, his eyes sparkling. ‘Well, then, Dr. Groves, shall we go give this man back the use of his legs?’

  ‘Why, yes, Dr. Ford, lead on…’

  End of Part Three

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  By Michelle Love

  Aussie rocker and billionaire, Kip Dixon, has been wrestling with the idea of being a rock star while finding a woman to settle down with. The match is won as he decides there is no room for a relationship for him anytime soon. The future is about work and some play as he can find company for his bed with the snap of his fingers after all. That is until a pretty, little, country girl catches his eye and she can’t seem to stand him. From the get go Peyton Reed is anything but impressed with the rock star. During his performance he sings a song to her, making her think a little differently about him, but as he takes her backstage she sees what he’s really after, proving to herself she was right about him. Peyton leaves the billionaire with an invitation she’s sure he won’t take her up on.

  Star Struck

  By Michelle Love


  The shade of a large oak tree does little to cool us off as we practice Yoga beneath its massive branches on the last day in May. San Marcos, Texas gets hot in the summer months. This will be my last time to practice Yoga on the college campus of Texas State, I’m graduating tonight and so ready to get my future started as a writer.

  I’m in the downward dog position as the instructor tells us to go into a high lunge. I rise and move into the position as a young man with spiky, black hair, eyeliner, and lipstick walks in front of me.

  He looks like that guy who’s going to play at the charity event this evening. That Australian rocker.

  An entourage of similar characters follow him. His band no doubt. His bright, blue eyes look right into mine as a smile spreads over his face. “Hey there, beautiful,” he says with a thick Australian accent.

  I’m sure he’s used to girls falling all over themselves for his attention!

  I give him a slight nod. He pauses in front of me and stares at me. “Can I help you?” I ask.

  This guy is something else, jeeze!

  His pierced eyebrow raises, and he asks, “Really?”

  The instructor wraps up the practice as the other girls in the group flock around the young man. “OMG! It’s Kip Dixon!” one girl shouts.

  I pick up my yoga mat and say, “Looks like you’re about to get mobbed, Mr. Dixon.”

  I’m sure he’s used to it and loves all the attention the girls who seem to go brainless with his presence give him.

  One of the bigger breasted women moves in between Kip and me, screaming, “Please sign my boob, Kip!” She holds out a Sharpie and pulls her shirt down, exposing the top of her plump breast.

  I roll my eyes and try to walk away but find I’m caught up in the crowd of girls who cluster together around the pop rocker. I try to push my way out of them but find it useless.

  A hand grabs my shoulder, and I turn back to find the painted boy pulling me along with him. “Come on,” he says. “I’ll get you out of here.” His hand slides along my arm and he entwines his fingers with mine.

  What the hell?

  For some reason warmth creeps through me, right down to my core and I find it unsettling. I’ve held hands with guys before and this never happened.

  Damn! I hope I’m not coming down with something like the idiot fever I just witnessed happening to my Yoga class over this dude.

  Two burley men move in between us and the crowd of screaming girls. “Back up now, girls,” one of the men says. “Kip will sign autographs in an hour, before he does the show.”

  I flow along with the spiky haired guy and his band of merry misfits as they move along to the auditorium. One of the other guys laughs and looks at Kip. “Guess your little idea of mingling with the masses went awry,” he says.

  Kip looks at me and winks. “Not entirely,” he says as he gives my hand a squeeze. “Looks like I found me a girl.”

  What? He hasn’t found anything!

  My head snaps his way, and I say, “Afraid you got the wrong girl, Mr. Pop Rock.” I pull at my hand but he holds it tight in his.

  He snickers. “Mr. Pop Rock?” he asks as he gives me a million dollar smile. “Been called lots of things, not that though. I take it you don’t care for my music?”

  I shake my head. “It’s loud and I find the lyrics obnoxious,” I say as I tug once more for my hand to be released but he still holds it tight in his. “Tell me, do you think as highly of yourself as your songs claim?”

  His songs are filled with lyrics about how big his dick and balls are. I’m sure his ego is even bigger and I doubt his dick is anything so great to write songs about either.

  Like most men who have small wankers they tend to make more out of their appendage than men with normal size penises do. The way this guy sings about how huge he is and how great a fucker he is and how many lucky, lucky females have got to taste his magic juice, well, let’s just say I bet that bulge beneath his tight leather pants is a roll of socks.

  “Well, it depends on which of the songs your speaking of, Miss, uh, I don’t believe I caught your name,” he says.

  “I could throw it at you, not that you’d ever remember it,” I say as I tug hard at my hand.

  He lets it go and looks at the guy with purple spikes in his hair who walks beside him. “You ever seen anyone like her, Bobby?”

  Bobby shakes his head. “No boss, never.”

  Kip looks back at me and says, “Toss it to me anyway, gorgeous.”

  I glance at him. “It’s Peyton Reed,” I say then look away. “I’ll let you get to your business of entertaining the throngs of screaming nymphos.” Taking the chance to get away from the group, I slip past one of them and walk away.

  “See ya around then, Peyton,” Kip shouts.

  I lift my arm and give him a peace sign as I walk away.

  Silly boy thinking he can treat me like he treats all the groupies! I’m not one to get star struck!


  Tripping over a crack in the sidewalk as I watch Peyton Reed walk away, ignites laughter from the guys in my group. “Shit, Kip!” Bobby says with a fake southern drawl. “I think that little filly done stole your heart.”

  I punch him in the bac
k. “Shut it, Bobby!”

  My heart can’t be stolen, it beats for me and me alone!

  As we get to the door of the auditorium I look back to see the girl. Her shoulder length, blonde curls bob as she walks away. My eyes travel all the way down her curvy body and I take in a deep breath. “Such the girl next door.”

  Bobby grabs my arm and pulls me inside the building. “But those pretty light brown eyes were something huh?” he asks.

  I sigh. “Yeah, they have little green flecks in them and those long, lush lashes, not a bit of make-up on and she glowed, mate.”

  “Bet she’s a country girl, don’t you?” Bobby asks.

  I nod. “Probably going to be a veterinarian or something noble like that. No wonder she looked at me as if I was a drug dealer or something,” I say with a laugh. “I’m sure she’s a Sunday school teacher or some shit.”

  Bobby pokes me in the ribs and says, “You’d most likely hate her if you got to know her. Which you won’t, not on our crazy tour, and she doesn’t seem the type to hang out in L.A.”

  I shake my head. “Nah, L.A. and her most likely wouldn’t get along.”

  But I don’t live exactly in Los Angeles, my mansion is a bit outside of town and there’s even empty stables at the back of the property, so she might like it.

  The band’s manager, Silas, pops out of a side door and motions for us to come to him. “Wonder what Silas has up his sleeve for us tonight,” one of the other band members named, Troy, says.

  Silas claps his hands as we make our way to him. “You ready to hear tons of this sound in a little while guys?” he asks.

  Simultaneous and lackluster yes’s we all give and Silas frowns. I pat Silas on the back and say, “We’ll get hyped, dude, no worries.”

  “Follow me,” Silas says as he turns to go back in the door he came out of. “Let’s get you guys something to eat. They put out quite the spread for you, a lot of shrimp as usual as I assume people from Texas think Australians love the stuff, cause there is a boat load of it.”


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