Separated from My Love

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Separated from My Love Page 9

by Dawn Brower

  Trenton was confused. Was she playing games with him? Why did she want to be in his room? There wasn’t anything else for them to discuss was there? Perhaps she was nervous about going through the mirror. He shut the door with a soft click and then turned to face her.

  “Took you long enough,” she said.

  She undid her wrapper and let it drop to the floor. His mouth fell open and he stood shocked into silence for several heartbeats. She had the most indecent thing he’d ever seen underneath it. Where had she found such a contraption? It was sheer silk that left little to the imagination. Even though it covered her from her chest down to her ankles he could see every inch of her. The dark curls between her thighs, to the swell of her hips, and her rosy nipples that were hardening under his perusal.

  Trenton swallowed down a lump in his throat. His whole body hardened to the point of pain. His dick throbbed against the borrowed breaches the duke had given him for the journey. He barely resisted the urge to adjust himself. Before he leapt at her, he had to make sure she wanted him too. Maybe this was some kind of trick or punishment… God, he hoped not. He itched to run his hands all over her and taste every inch of her in the process.

  “Eve…” He took a step toward her. “Where did you find that gown, and please tell me you have more hidden somewhere.”

  “You like it?” Her lips tilted up into a wanton smile. She brought her hand to her breast and ran her fingers over her nipple. “It feels decadent on my skin.”

  She was a temptress, and he was her willing slave. Trenton was about to drop to his knees and beg her to allow him to touch her. He wanted to put his mouth on the very spot her fingers had travelled over.

  “Sweetheart,” Trenton croaked out. “What do you expect to gain out of this?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?”

  He thought so, but he had to be sure. If he was wrong and set them back… “I need you to say it.”

  “Make love to me,” she said on bated breath. “I need you.”

  That was all he needed to hear. He two long strides and was at her side, pulling her into his arms. Trenton leaned down and placed his lips on hers. She opened to him willingly and met the thrust of his tongue with equal vigor. They did a dance of sorts for several moments before he couldn’t take any more. Trenton had to touch her and bring her as much pleasure as possible. He reached down and lifted the edge of the gown to bring it up over her hips. Her skin was softer than the silk of the gown and more alluring. He rested his hand on her hip, holding the gown in place.

  Trenton lifted his head and gazed into her eyes. “I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered. Then he leaned down and kissed her cheeks and trailed kisses down her face, neck, and shoulders. He pushed the gown down around her breasts and kissed her rosy nipples. Genevieve moaned as he swirled his tongue over one of the tight buds. He kept his one hand on her hip as he brought his other down to the juncture between her thighs. He found her damp curls with one of his fingers and stroked her sensitive flesh. She moaned louder with each stroke.

  “Yes,” she said. “I need more.”

  “Anything for you, love,” he said. He continued stroking her as he sucked on her nipples. She squirmed in his arms, but he kept her in place. She wanted pleasure and he’d give it to her, but she had to stay in one place while he brought her to release. Her thighs tightened around his hand, but he didn’t stop moving his fingers against her slick cleft.

  “I’m so close…” Her head dropped back as a loud moan escaped.

  “Yes,” he said. “That’s it. Come for me, baby.”

  Genevieve went limp in his arms. He pushed the gown all the way off of her and carried her over to the bed. He set her down and pulled off his shirt. He left his breeches on. When the time was right he’d remove them, but he wanted this to be all about her for now. His pleasure would come last.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. “I need you.”

  Trenton had been dreaming of this moment for so long, and he wanted to take a moment and savor it. There was a time he had believed he’d never have her in his arms ever again.

  “And you’ll have me,” he said. This moment was something he wanted to cherish. It was almost hard for him to believe it was real. “But first I need to taste you.”

  “No,” she moaned. “I can’t take any more. Fuck me, now.”

  She wasn’t going to reduce them to a simple fuck. He loved her and he intended for her to realize how much before the night was over. Sex wasn’t just about pounding into a person and finding release. If you truly loved another person, it was sharing everything about yourself with them. She’d see that when he was done.

  “All in time,” he promised. Trenton pushed her legs apart and leaned down. He kissed the inside of her thigh and continued to kiss down until he came to her center. He darted his tongue out and licked her clit. She wiggled and moaned. It was all the encouragement he needed. He pushed her legs open wider and brought his hand down, continuing to lick her with each movement. Her breathing became more ragged with each swipe of his tongue. He pushed one of his fingers inside her tight flesh. Genevieve moved closer to him. He stroked his finger in and out in a perfect rhythm as he licked her sensitive nub.

  “Trenton,” she said breathlessly. “It’s too much…”

  He sucked her clit between his lips. She screamed as her release hit her. He continued to lick her until she became lip once again in his arms. “How many times do you think I can make you come tonight?”

  “I don’t think I can handle any more. You’re killing me.”

  Trenton grinned wickedly. “We have a lot to make up for. This is the beginning.” He undid his pants and pushed them down. His cock shot out, hard and ready to finally find release, but she wasn’t quite there yet. He wanted to make her come one more time before he pushed himself into her and found his own pleasure. She was sensitive from already coming twice. It wouldn’t take much to bring her over the edge a third time.

  He joined her on the bed and pulled her into his arms. She brought her lips to his and kissed him tenderly. Trenton rolled them to their sides and he continued to kiss her deeply. It distracted her enough for him to bring his hand down to her clit again. He rubbed his finger against it and she screamed into his mouth. His kiss absorbed the sound. When she slackened once more, he brought her leg over his hip and slowly pushed his hard cock inside of her.

  “I love you,” he said as he rocked into her. It felt so damn good to be joined with her. Trenton hadn’t realized how much he needed her until that very moment. Making love to her was finally finding his way home. It didn’t matter where they were. As long as he had her he had everything. They didn’t have to go back to the future for him to be happy. If not for Peyton’s illness, he’d suggest they stay right where they were.

  “Don’t stop,” she said and rolled him onto his back. She climbed on top of him and made her own rhythm. Up, Down, again and again until he thought he couldn’t take it anymore. She squeezed his dick in her tight channel as she slid over him repeatedly. He threw his head back as his release hit him. If it were possible he’d swear he saw stars as he came inside of her.

  She found her fourth release sometime after him. He couldn’t be sure when it hit because he had been lost in his own pleasure. At least he’d made sure she was well satisfied before he’d become selfish. She rolled off him and laid next to him.

  “Anytime you want to surprise me with sexy lingerie please do,” he brought her against him, nuzzling her neck and enjoying having her beside him. Could things ever get any better than this moment? He didn’t think so. This was perhaps the best night of his life. She’d sought him out, and that had to be a positive sign she was ready to give their relationship a chance. The sex had been an added bonus.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she said. “But for now…” Genevieve leaned down and kissed him quickly. “I have to return to my room. It wouldn’t do to be found here in the morning.”

  He pulled her back against him. �
��Don’t go yet. What’s the rush?”

  “If I don’t leave now, I won’t,” she said. “You’re too tempting.”

  The corner of his mouth lifted. “That’s the point. Please stay.”

  Genevieve scooted off the bed and turned toward him. “I’m not ready for more than this right now.” She shook her head and pulled on her wrapper, tying it closed. “I can’t stay.” With those final words, she quietly walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her with a soft click.

  They’d taken a step forward and a thousand backward. He shouldn’t have allowed her to seduce him, but he was weak. His desire for her too strong… He closed his eyes and prayed he’d find a way for her to realize she could trust her heart with him again. Giving up on her wasn’t an option.

  Chapter 10

  Genevieve slid her dress on and tied it in the front, preparing to leave the nineteenth century once and for all. She hadn’t managed to get any sleep after she’d left Trenton’s room. She had many reasons for leaving his chamber. One was because it hadn’t gone exactly as she’d planned. Yes, she’d been able to seduce him. He hadn’t exactly hidden how he felt about her. What she hadn’t counted on was her own feelings. They had sneaked up and overwhelmed her in ways she’d never imagined. He made love to her and reminded her how good they were together.

  She’d hoped it would be like scratching an itch. She hadn’t had sex since… It had been so long she couldn’t really remember. It had been some time before she’d fallen off the cliff, and Trenton had grown distant. Trenton had been the only man she’d wanted and no one had truly appealed to her in the nineteenth century. If she could be with Trenton without involving her heart, she might be able to move on without him. She’d been, in fact, running scared, and it was a final test to see if things had changed between them. What it ended up being was the beginning of a wakeup call she’d been desperately in need of.

  She loved him.

  Why had she ever thought she could stop? He was the first person she thought of when she woke in the morning and the last person to cross her mind as she fell asleep at night. Hell, he was always there right on the edge of everything she did. Nothing she did could ever erase him from her heart or mind, and if she were honest with herself, she didn’t really want to. Her heart and mind were colliding to bring her to the pinnacle point of deciding on what path she must take.

  Trenton was her future.

  She didn’t have to think that over. Deep inside where it mattered, she’d always known who he was too her. It was why when she’d first met Rosanna she devised a plan to reach him. At the time, she’d known he’d married Regina and she attempted to reach out anyway. If she’d never met Rosanna, she’d never have known about his marriage. Alys fell through time after the wedding. Rosanna hadn’t known Regina and Trenton’s names, but the details she did have were enough for Genevieve to figure out who’s wedding it had been. When she was finally able to break though and arrange a line of communication with Regina—the marriage had ended. She’d believed that it meant Trenton was coming for her. After months went by and he’d still not arrived, she’d given up. She should have had more faith in him and their love. There were a lot of risks involved with time travel.

  Before they’d left Branterberry’s home, Serenity had explained how they traveled through the mirror. It was a magic plane that only those with a little bit of the supernatural in their genes could access. Her telepathy should be the quality needed to help her tap into it. Trenton didn’t have a lick of psychic energy in him. In order for him to cross through, he needed someone with a link to hold onto. If, while crossing over, their link was broken, he’d be suspended in limbo. She would have to make sure to hold onto him the entire time or she’d lose him forever.

  At first, she’d brushed it off. They could make it over all right. What could possibly go wrong? She’d make sure that she didn’t let go. They could work out their issues when they returned home. No reason to hash it all out beforehand when they had plenty of time. Genevieve was being a fool, and she fully realized it now that she thought about it. Losing Trenton would destroy her again, and she’d never recover from it. He was her everything and the only man she’d ever loved.

  Staying in her room, afraid to face her fears, wouldn’t get her anywhere. She had to leave it and tell him how she felt—before they went through the mirror. She couldn’t take the risk of him not knowing how much she loved him. If something happened to either one of them and he still had doubts… Genevieve rushed out of the room and ran down the stairs. She went to the study where Alys had assured them the mirror still hung on a wall. Trenton was already in the room staring into the mirror.

  “Contemplating all of life’s problems?” she asked in a light tone.

  He shook his head. “Nothing left to mull over. I have all the answers I could possibly hope to gain.”

  There was sadness in his eyes. He didn’t smile at all; in fact, his face was devoid of all emotion. She’d done that to him by leaving the night before. What did she care what the servants in the nineteenth century thought of her spending the night with the man she loved? The servants would never see either one of them again after they stepped through the mirror.

  “There’s always hope,” she said. Genevieve crossed the room and stopped in front of him. She brought her hand up to his cheek. “We’ve both made mistakes. It’s time we stopped repeating them and found a way to show each other kindness and love.”

  “I’d like that,” he said softly. “Do you think that it’s possible?”

  “Let’s make a promise to each other here and now to always stay the way we are in this moment. Two people who love each other more than anything in the world.”

  Trenton brought his hand up and cupped it over hers. He pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm. “I’ll add to that. Let’s make each tomorrow the best that it can be. I promise to give all the love I have inside of me to make every one of your dreams come true. You’ll never find another man who loves you as much as I do. No matter what storms we have to go through, I’ll always be there right by your side. Together we are stronger and there’s nothing we can’t solve.”

  He had a way with words. If he’d said those things to her all those years ago before she’d fell through time and disappeared from his life... There were times she wasn’t sure how she’d live without him. Breathing was an exercise of patience. Those were some of the darkest days of her life. The world as she’d known it ceased to exist. She was lost in a time where she had no friends or family to lean on. Somehow, she’d survived, but she never wanted to go through anything like it ever again.

  “You are the bright spot in my life. I about lost my mind when I thought I’d lost you forever. I’m sorry I was such a bitch when you showed up to save me. I should never have pushed you away. Because of you, I have a chance to go home and see my family again. Thank you for never giving up on me.”

  Trenton leaned down and kissed her. It was the sweetest, softest, kiss he’d ever given her. The night before had been filled with passion, but this was what his love filled her with. Warmth spread through her and it lightened the burden she’d been carrying around for so long. She’d stopped fighting herself and accepted her love. They’d been separated for so long she’d not known how to reconnect.

  “Are you ready to go home?” he asked.

  “More than ever. I have a sister who needs me.”

  He smiled. “Do you know what to do?”

  She hoped so. Serenity had tried to teach her before they left. Genevieve was usually a quick study, but without the actual mirror to practice with she wasn’t entirely sure she had it down. There was one thing left for her to do. The mirror beckoned her and she could feel magic pouring off of it. The damn thing wanted her to touch it and make it sing. She stepped forward and pressed her hand to the shiny surface. Gray smoke swirled inside of it, growing the longer she stayed connected to it. Not long after that her hand could slip through it. She almost jerked her hand
back from the shock of it.

  Trenton stepped next to her and latched his hand into her free one. Genevieve held on tight and began to walk through the smoke. Wind picked up speed and whipped around them. The smoke twisted and wrapped around them both, pulling them inside of it. It formed a tunnel and pushed them along. Her hand was slipping from Trenton’s. She screamed a silent no and held onto him as tight as she could. The smoke couldn’t have him. He belonged to her, and she wasn’t ever letting go of him again. As she yanked on him they both fell backward and landed on a hard surface with a loud thud.

  “Well, look who decided to drop in for a visit,” a man said.

  Genevieve glanced up and met Bradford’s gaze. “Thank God it’s you.” She tried to sit up, but Trenton’s body was crushing hers. He’d passed out cold from the trip through the mirror. That had happened to him the first time, so she wasn’t worried—too much. “Help me, would you. He’s not light.”

  Bradford walked over and pulled Trenton off of Genevieve. He laid him gently on the floor and then extended his hand to help her up. “Where’s your relative? I forget which one went with him,” he asked glibly.

  “Serenity stayed behind. I’m sure she’ll return when she can, or if she chooses to. She knows how.”

  He nodded. “Will he wake? Should I send for a doctor?”

  “He’ll be fine. It is taxing for him to go through the mirror since he has no abilities.” She tilted her head and studied him. He seemed—happy. He used to look haggard and mean whenever she’d been around him. The worry lines and darkness under his eyes had disappeared. A smile seemed natural on his face. “I hear you married. She must be amazing to agree to put up with you every day.”

  Regina waddled into the room as Genevieve spoke. She was as beautiful as Genevieve had always imagined. She had an ethereal grace, even heavily pregnant. Her platinum blonde hair hung over her shoulders in waves. “Oh, he is incredibly lucky to have me.” She smiled at Bradford and then turned toward Genevieve. “You must be, Eve,” she said. “I must say, it’s so good to finally meet you in person. Trenton has been slaving away trying to find you for so long. I’m glad you have each other again. I so want him to be as happy as Bradford and I are.”


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