Utterly Wicked: Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions

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Utterly Wicked: Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions Page 18

by Dorothy Morrison

  Continuing to work in a counter-clockwise direction, tie a half hitch in the center of each stitch from the previous round.

  Repeat the process with each round until you reach the center of the web, then add the bead and tie off. Then enchant the dream catcher by saying:

  Your dreams shall haunt you every night

  Until your sleep is fraught with fright.

  Of what you’ve done to cause me harm,

  Your chest shall pound in pure alarm.

  You’ll sweat and shake in terror through

  Each night until I get my due.

  Until you finally make amends,

  Your restful nights are at an end.

  Restless Spirits Curse


  9 dimes

  Hold the dimes in your hand, and visualize the target being the object of spirit aggravation. Say:

  All restless Spirits, I do call

  Who roam the Earth when night does fall

  To (name of target) do go and cause unrest,

  Leave him/her in wild distress.

  Without a wink of sleep in sight

  And every minute fraught with fright,

  With frazzled nerves and sheer dismay

  And for this service, I do pay

  These dimes to cut our own connection

  And guarantee your clear direction.

  Toss the nine dimes at a crossroads away from your home to prevent the Spirits from disturbing your sleep as well.

  No Rest for the Wicked Hex


  1 black feather

  1 T. valerian

  Small red bag with drawstring

  Place the feather and valerian in the bag, draw up the ends, and knot them nine times. Hang the bag over the bedroom door.

  As long as the bag stays in place, no one will be able to rest or dream peacefully in that room.


  While snippets of hair or fingernail clippings are most widely used to connect magic to a target, other taglocks can be used just as effectively in their place. The following list comprises some great substitutions that are much more easily obtained.

  Butt from a cigarette smoked by the target

  Discarded gum chewed by the target

  Tissue used to blow the target’s nose

  Tissue used to wipe the target’s glasses

  Paper towel used to wipe the target’s hands

  Paper napkin used to wipe the target’s mouth

  Plastic knife, fork, or spoon used by the target

  Paper or plastic drinking cup used by the target

  Paper crumpled and discarded by the target

  Dirt from the target’s footprint


  Public Coffin Hex

  This is probably the easiest—and most famous—curse in this entire book, as it requires nothing more of you than putting the parcel together and seeing to delivery. Because of its ability to frighten and terrify, the target actually winds up cursing him or herself!


  Small wooden box (For full impact, try to find one shaped like a coffin.)

  1 raw chicken liver, split in half lengthwise

  13 straight pins

  Graveyard dirt (optional)

  Pen and paper

  Write the target’s name on the paper, and insert between the two liver halves. Pin in place securely with the straight pins, then sprinkle with graveyard dirt if you like. Close the box, place it on the target’s front door step, and watch the curse ensue.

  Get Lost Hex

  While this hex will definitely force the target to leave you alone, it also causes enough personal aggravation so that he or she is way too busy to bother anyone else.


  Prepared poppet

  Black wax, melted

  Lost and Away Powder

  Brown paper sack

  Place the poppet in the sack and sprinkle liberally with Lost and Away Powder, saying:

  Lost and away from me you go

  As your life’s sprinkled with troubles, problems and woe.

  Pour the melted wax on top of the poppet, and quickly douse with the powder again. (Do this before the wax sets up, as you want the powder to adhere to it.) As you sprinkle the powder, say:

  Problems stick like black to crow

  Like melted wax they ooze and flow,

  And when you think they’re finally done,

  More arrive with rise of Sun.

  Bury the poppet in an area easily accessible to you but away from your home. To keep the hex active, visit the grave once each week, and dust it with the powder.

  Crossroads Curse


  1 black candle

  Photograph of the target

  Small bag with drawstring closure (Any color will do.)

  Graveyard dirt

  An assortment of sharp objects (needles, pins, nails, tacks, broken mirrors or glass, etc.)

  Place all the objects in front of the candle, and light the wick. Add the sharp objects to the charm bag, then holding the photograph in your hands, tell the target just how mad you are. Yell, scream, and curse, working yourself up into a real tizzy. Then rip the image to shreds, toss it into the bag, and add the dirt. Place the bag in front of the candle, saying:

  Things that cut and poke and prick,

  Do your job by flaming wick.

  Graveyard dirt, do your job too

  So no relief shall come unto

  (Name of target).

  Together, you shall irritate,

  Torment, plague, and aggravate,

  Until the time you are retrieved

  And of your duties, so relieved.

  Leave the bag in front of the candle until the wick burns out, then add any leftover wax or wick to the contents. Close the bag and knot securely, then bury it at a crossroads in a cemetery.

  Guilty as Charged Hex


  1 to 2 fresh pansy blossoms

  Goofer Dust Powder

  Paper and pen

  Red charm bag with drawstring closure

  Write the target’s name at the top of the paper as if you were writing him or her a note. Then copy the following curse onto the paper. (This must be in your own handwriting, so don’t cheat and type it!)

  For all the things that you have done,

  The blame you’ve cast while taking none,

  The things you’ve taken credit for

  Although you sailed right out the door,

  And didn’t lift a finger toward

  A single one, but claimed the reward.

  That awful way you’ve treated me

  As if it were my place to be

  Your servant—fetching this and that

  Kissing your feet, putting up with your crap—

  With this curse, I swear you’ll pay,

  And this misery starts today:

  Guilt to cloud your morning Sun,

  Guilt to haunt and mar your fun.

  Guilt so dark and guilt so deep,

  All you’ll want to do is weep.

  Guilt so heavy over all

  Your despicable acts, you’ll want to fall

  To your knees and beg me to

  Forgive, forget and exonerate you.

  But that won’t happen, so you’ll pay

  Each and every single day

  By bending over backwards to

  Do for me as I did for you;

  Still, nothing will ever be enough

  To assuage the guilt to which you’re cuffed.

  Sign your name, then take the pansy, and rub each line of words thoroughly with the petals. (Apply a little elbow grease, as the idea is to get some of the juice on the paper.) Place what’s left of the blossoms on top of the paper, sprinkle well with Goofer Dust, and spit on it three times.

  Fold the paper to hold the contents, then continue to fold it until it’s impossible to fold it again. Place it in the bag, pull the draws
trings shut, and secure with three knots. Bury the bag as close to the target’s property as possible.

  Witch’s Bottle Hex


  13 straight pins

  3” x 3” square of red felt

  Black permanent marker

  Small bottle with a tight-fitting screw-on cap (Soy sauce and steak sauce bottles work well for this.)

  Assortment of sharp objects (broken glass, pins, needles, tacks, wood splinters, etc.)

  Black candle drippings

  Your urine

  Place the sharp objects in the bottle and set aside. Cut a heart from the felt, and write the target’s name in the center. Then one at a time, stab the pins through the heart in various locations, saying with each one:

  I prick your heart and you shall bleed

  With guilt for all your nasty deeds.

  When all the pins are in place, put the heart in the bottle, and cover the contents with your urine. Drip black candle wax on the inside of the bottle cap and screw it on securely. Throw the bottle in the nearest river or some other body of running water.

  Living Hell Hex


  1 black candle

  Four Thieves Vinegar

  Goofer Dust Powder

  Patchouli oil

  Pen and paper

  Cauldron or fire-proof dish

  Soak the paper in the vinegar, allow to dry thoroughly, then write the target’s name in the center. Anoint the candle with patchouli oil, roll it in Goofer Dust to coat it, and light the wick. Once the wick is burning steadily, light the paper from the flame, and toss it in the cauldron to burn. (Be sure this burns to ash; if it doesn’t relight it from the flame.)

  After the candle burns out, sprinkle the ashes on the target’s property.

  Weeping Willow Hex

  This hex brings bouts of tears and depression to the target’s home.


  1 weeping willow branch (Do not cut a branch; find one on the ground.)

  Sharp knife

  5 gallon bucket

  Pen and paper


  Using a sharp knife, cut the end of the branch at a sharp diagonal. Write the target’s name on the paper, then spear it securely on the branch. Place the branch in the bucket, fill it with water and say:

  As the weeping willow cries

  So shall tears fall from your eyes.

  Despair and sadness shan’t abate,

  Misery shall be your fate.

  Each day for nine days, add water to the bucket and repeat the chant. On the tenth day, remove the branch from the bucket and check for roots. If there are any, plant the branch away from your home; if not, throw the branch away. Toss the water on the target’s front porch or lawn.


  Mary Caliendo’s Vermin Hexing Spell

  While this particular spell was initially created to eradicate mice and bedbugs, it may be easily re-worked to handle any sort of vermin.


  1 black candle

  Crossing Oil #2

  Hot Foot Powder

  1 garlic clove

  1/8 tsp. asafoetida

  1 tsp. Dragon’s Blood

  1 rusty nail


  Jar with tight-fitting, screw-on lid

  Your urine

  Begin by saying:

  Hecate and the Horned God entered my home

  And saw that the vermin had started to roam.

  They looked at the bed bugs, they picked up the mice,

  Together we banished and cursed them right out of my life.

  “The pests will now go,” the Goddess, She said,

  “And we’ll start by banishing the bugs of the bed:

  Curse them, curse them, ‘til they are dead!”

  Herne said, “The mice will find a new home

  In the land of the dead, they will be free to roam.

  Ganesha, forgive us if we've stepped on your toes.

  Sacred are your mice, but they’ve become foes.”

  Anoint the candle with the oil and light the wick, saying:

  This black candle will begin the curse,

  Sprinkle Hot Foot Powder around the home while saying:

  Three peppers mixed will make it disperse.

  Place the jar in front of you, saying:

  We’ll bottle the evil so that it is cured,

  And trauma and misery will become obscure.

  Add the garlic to the jar, saying:

  Garlic to exorcise it’s unholy light,

  Add the asafoetida and say:

  Asafoetida to curse it clear out of sight

  Add the Dragon’s Blood, saying:

  Dragons Blood to add power and win the fight.

  Add the rusty nail, saying:

  A rusty nail to keep it at bay,

  Fill the jar half full of vinegar, then urinate in it, saying:

  Vinegar and piss to send it away.

  Drip candle wax around the inside of the lid, then screw it tightly on the jar, saying:

  Sealing the bottle with wax and so tight

  Will it I do and conclude this plight,

  Never to return to cause me dismay—

  Or rob me of energy by night or by day.

  My home is once more filled with warm light

  Sacred and safe and holy and bright!

  Leave the jar in front of the candle until the wick burns out, then put it under your bed.


  Mary Caliendo’s Potato Chip Hex

  This is so easy, you can perform it right at the office. Don’t let its simplicity fool you though. It’s powerful enough to get rid of even the nastiest boss or co-worker.


  2 bags potato chips (Get them from the building vending machine if possible.)

  3 packets black pepper

  1 sticky note

  Black pen


  Open both bags to let the air out. Write your enemy’s name on the sticky note in black ink, place it in one of the bags, and add the pepper. Sit on one bag to crush the chips. (Move around a little if you need to, as it’s imperative that the chips are reduced to crumbs.) Retrieve the bag, fold the top three times, and staple several times to secure. Place the bag in your purse, and toss it in a public garbage receptacle after work.

  Now, eat the other bag of chips. You certainly wouldn’t want to appear to be doing anything suspicious at work, would you?!

  Mary Caliendo’s Shredder Hex

  Perfect for handling the nasty, condescending, and demanding tyrant who takes credit for your work to garner praise from the bosses, while you toil away unnoticed.


  Email from the target (the more patronizing and nasty the tone, the better)

  Print out the email, and draw a large black X across it from corner to corner. Now either put it in the shredder, or shred it with your bare hands while chanting:

  What you do comes back to you

  With no escape and no rescue.

  Before this very day is through

  You shall rue the things you do.

  Wash your hands thoroughly to sever your connection to the target, then go on with your work. The problem will take care of itself before the end of the day.

  Kiss Ass Curse


  1 black candle

  1 lemon

  3 coffin nails

  Graveyard dirt

  Pen and paper

  Light the candle, then cut the lemon in half lengthwise, being careful not to dislodge the seeds. Coat the inside of the fruit with graveyard dirt and set aside.

  Write the target’s name on the paper, and calling to mind all the things s/he’s done to cause misery in the workplace, say:

  Kiss ass, kiss ass, brown-nosed one,

  You shall pay for what you’ve done.

  All the blame that you have cast

  On others comes back hard and fa

  All the credit that you took

  Reels you in like fish on hook.

  Honors that you stole and claimed

  Are now declared and bring you shame.

  While you were once the golden child,

  Your reputation’s now defiled.

  Your two-faced crap is now revealed,

  I’ve had enough—your fate is sealed—

  I curse you with the seeds you’ve sown,

  The harvest reaped shall be your own:

  A ruinous harvest that’s turned sour,

  One that’s reaped this very hour.

  Drip candle wax across the name, then fold the paper. Drip more candle wax on the paper, and fold it again. Continue the process until the paper can no longer be folded. Then place it between the two lemon halves and holding the fruit together, push a nail through its center to secure it. Push another nail through the fruit to the left side of the first, and drive the last one through to the right.

  Place the lemon in front of the candle, and leave it there until the wick burns out. Bury the lemon.

  White-Out Hex


  Letter, memo or email with the target’s name on it

  Correction fluid

  Hot Foot Powder

  Make a copy of the document, then white out the target’s name everywhere it appears, saying with each erasure:

  You, (name of target), I now erase:

  You’re gone from this job and gone from this place.

  When the correction fluid is dry, rub a little Hot Foot Powder on each erasure and say:

  (Name of target), make tracks and hit the road,

  Get out of here! You’ve been kayoed!

  Crumple up the paper, and deposit it in the trash receptacle nearest the target’s work space.

  Hagalaz Hex

  To create general chaos for a boss or co-worker, draw the Hagalaz rune on a piece of paper (see illustration below), and slip it among the papers on his or her desk. (This rune symbolizes hail and brings all sorts of chaos and misery.) Once the target picks it up and handles it—even if just to throw it in the trash—the rune has been “accepted.” And once accepted, it begins to do its thing.


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