The Holiday Sweet Spot: An opposites attract, gorgeous, feel-good romantic comedy (Falcons in Love Book 2)

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The Holiday Sweet Spot: An opposites attract, gorgeous, feel-good romantic comedy (Falcons in Love Book 2) Page 13

by Sophia Knightly

  Pilar held his hand, and he opened his eyes. Her heart squeezed at the raw emotion she saw in their deep blue depths. “Physical distances are just that—physical. You were there in spirit, and he knew it. He must have been so proud of the man you’ve become. And I’m certain he knew you loved and admired him dearly.”

  Jake’s somber face lightened. “Thank you for saying that,” he said in hushed tone. “It means a lot to me.”

  Rising from the floor, he pulled her up beside him. He led her to the couch and sat down. Holding her about the waist, he positioned her on his lap and pulled a foil wrapped little box from his pocket. “This is for you.” He handed it to her along with a small white envelope. “Merry Christmas, beautiful.”

  Pilar was about to open the envelope to read his card, when he said, “Open the box first.”

  She unwrapped the package and lifted out a small jewelry box. Opening the lid, she saw gold butterfly earrings with multi-colored crystals twinkling inside. She gave an enchanted gasp as her eyes flew to his. “How did you know?”

  His thumb stroked her cheek. “What do you mean?”

  “Before I left Naples, I was feeling burdened,” she admitted, “like my wings were pinned down. But ever since I arrived her, my butterfly wings have unfurled.”

  “Unfurled,” he repeated softly. “I like that.” Smoothing her hair back, he inclined his head and grazed her earlobe with his lips.

  The velvety feel against her skin made her squirm with pleasure. “Thank you so much,” she said, breathlessly hugging him tight. “I love them!”

  The corners of eyes crinkled. “I’m glad.”

  She opened his card and read, “Fanciful and beautiful, you remind me of a springtime butterfly.”

  “Aw, that is so sweet,” she said, melting. “Every time I wear them, I’ll think of you.”

  “That sounds a bit final.” He nibbled on her lips. “I want to be there when you wear them.”

  “I’d like that.” Languorous longing spread through her as his tongue entered her mouth. “How long will your mom be gone?” she moaned between his hungry kisses.

  “Long enough for me to make love to you,” he said, tipping her backward. “You smell good enough to eat.” He lightly nipped the base of her throat. “And I’m ravenous for you.”

  Christmas dinner at Tavern on the Green was a magical, one-of-a kind experience for Pilar. Not only because of the festive ambiance and sumptuous food, but because of the lovely, warm vibes in the cozy group they comprised.

  Pilar, Jake, Emily and Choco Bear were gathered around a table as they sipped champagne after dinner. Jake held her hand, and she felt warm and fuzzy inside, partly from the wine and bubbly they’d indulged in, but mostly because she’d been on a high since Jake had made love to her this morning.

  A pleasant buzz teased her senses as she turned her gaze to the strings of tiny lights hanging between snow-covered trees. Like free-form chandeliers, they cast a sparkling, ethereal glow to the iconic restaurant in Central Park.

  “How is your family, Pilar?” Emily said.

  “They’re doing great, and they send their regards. I FaceTimed with them yesterday.”

  “And I met all of them,” Jake added.

  “You did? How wonderful,” Emily exclaimed. “When does your family celebrate Christmas? On Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?”

  “Both, actually. We start celebrating on Christmas Eve with our tamale party. Then on Christmas Day, we go to mass in the morning, and later head to my parents’ house for a cookout and dancing. My father grills the meat, and my mother makes the side dishes with my Abuelita. It’s casual with friends stopping by all day.”

  “Sounds like fun,” Choco Bear said. “I saw it’s 84 degrees there today.”

  “Crazy isn’t it?” Pilar said.

  “Not crazy, wonderful,” Jake said.

  “Wonderful, indeed,” Emily agreed. She cast a glance at Jake. “Choco Bear and I had a long talk last night, and he has agreed to run the shop while I’m in Naples for the winter months.”

  Jake’s gaze traveled from Emily to Choco Bear with interest. “That’s great. Thanks, Choco Bear, but we may have a buyer very soon.”

  “Please, son, let’s not ruin Christmas dinner with talk about selling,” Emily implored. “We can discuss that in the New Year.” She turned to Pilar with a bright smile. “Those are lovely earrings on you.”

  “Thanks, they’re a gift from your son, who has excellent taste,” Pilar said, beaming at Jake.

  Jake squeezed Pilar’s hand. “So do you.” He turned to Choco Bear and said, “I love the airplane replica you made for me.”

  Emily tilted her head and eyed Choco Bear curiously. “What airplane replica?”

  “It’s a clay model of the plane John taught Jake to fly in,” Choco Bear explained.

  “Thank you for making it. I’m really impressed by your artistry. I knew you were an excellent painter, but I had no idea you sculpt too,” Jake said.

  “Choco Bear is a man of many talents,” Emily said.

  “And you’re a lady of many talents, Queen Bee.”

  Emily patted his forearm. “We’re a mutual fan club then.” Her expectant gaze traveled from Jake to Pilar. “What did you two do today?”

  “We went to mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral,” Pilar said. “Then Jake took me to see the awesome tree in Rockefeller Center.”

  “You left out an important detail,” Jake said, eyes dancing. “Tell them about our Olympian ice-skating session.”

  “You mean your Olympian ice skating. I spent most of the afternoon sitting on the ice,” Pilar said with a rueful grin.

  “Oh, no. Why?” Emily said.

  “I’ve never ice skated before. I was safe while I hung onto Jake, but every time I let go and skated away, I tumbled down.” She rolled her eyes. “Good thing I have enough padding for protection,” she said, patting her hip.

  Emily and Choco Bear chuckled and exchanged amused glances.

  Lips twitching, Jake’s eyes twinkled with wicked intent as his hand surreptitiously slid under the table. The firm, little squeeze he gave Pilar’s bottom was his promise of sensual pleasure ahead.

  Pilar emitted a throaty gasp as heat crept up her cheeks.

  Emily peered at her curiously. “Are you OK? All of sudden you look flushed, dear.”

  “I’m OK,” Pilar assured her. “It’s the champagne. I think I might have overindulged.” In Jake’s lovemaking, not the champagne, but they didn’t need to know that, Pilar thought, stifling a grin.

  She lightly fanned herself with her hand and looked away from the amused lift of Jake’s brows.

  Chapter 16

  As the week raced by after Christmas, Pilar held onto every moment she spent with Jake, loving him more each day. She wanted to believe that he felt the same about her, but he hadn’t said so. Her mother always said, “loving actions speak louder than sweet words” and if that was true, then Pilar felt optimistic. Jake was incredibly amorous and attentive, and she’d never felt so cherished in her life.

  But he needed to come up with a future plan for them. Long-distance relationships rarely worked. They were in the honeymoon phase of dating where passion ruled, and reason took a back seat. But for their relationship to flourish, they had to be together in the same city or at least communicate on a daily basis.

  With her leaving for Naples on New Year’s Day, and Jake heading to Shanghai, their days together were numbered. Living on the other side of the world, Jake’s communication with her would be a challenge given the difference in hours. If they didn’t have an end goal, they would grow apart. He was too hot for his own good, and he had a robust sex drive. She had one too—but only for him. How would he handle long periods of time without her? Would temptation destroy the trust they’d built?

  She couldn’t get enough of his company. All week, he had picked her up at The Sweet Spot after she finished work and treated her to a wonderful dinner. Afterwards, he’d planned am
azing experiences. So far, they’d seen “The Nutcracker” ballet at Lincoln Center, a live jazz show at Dizzy’s Club, a comedy club performance, and “Hamilton” on Broadway.

  At night, when Emily had retired to her bedroom, Jake would sneak into Pilar’s room or she’d go to his. After being in his arms each passion-filled night, she couldn’t imagine sleeping alone again. It was going to be difficult to leave New York, especially since the future was a question mark. It was as if Jake only wanted to live in the moment.

  She didn’t want to ruin things by asking what his intentions were, but she hoped they’d have that conversation before she returned home, or she wouldn’t have a moment’s peace.

  Before long, New Year’s Eve dawned, and Pilar woke up that morning feeling emotional. Jake had already left for his daily run. She’d foregone her early morning walk to take a leisurely shower to prepare for her important mission ahead: the creation of exquisite desserts for the 50 guests attending the party.

  Yesterday, she’d worked with the catering staff Emily had hired, putting the wheels in motion for tonight. She was excited about showcasing her culinary skills, but that’s where the excitement ended. She couldn’t shake her dread of leaving early tomorrow morning.

  Did she have a future with Jake? She hoped so with all her heart, but as soon as Emily flew down to Naples, he’d be off to Shanghai. Pilar would see him one more time before he left—the weekend he moved Emily in. After that, she had no idea when she’d see him again.

  So much for following her heart and letting things unfold as they may. But in all honesty, she wouldn’t trade these past few weeks with Jake for anything. She had spent every glorious day since coming to New York with him growing head-over-heels in love.

  As she exited the bathroom in her bathrobe and slippers, Emily appeared in the hallway. “Good morning. Care to join me for breakfast?”

  “I’d love to.” Pilar’s mood lifted seeing Emily’s smiling face.

  “Jake has gone jogging, and I thought we could chat a bit.” A hint of a conspiratorial smile appeared. “Just us girls.”

  “Sounds great,” Pilar said, following her into the kitchen. She hadn’t had much time alone with Emily, and she welcomed the chance to speak to her.

  Emily poured two mugs of coffee and set them on the dining table. “Please help yourself to an orange cranberry muffin.” She indicated the plump, golden muffins in a basket at the center of the table. “I got them right out of the oven from Rocco’s Bakery down the street.”

  “Thanks, can’t wait to try one.” Pilar took a sip of coffee and reached for a muffin.

  “I take it everything is set for tonight,” Emily said in a confident tone as she grabbed a muffin.

  “It is. Your catering company is top notch. I enjoyed working with them yesterday.”

  “Good, I hope you’ll feel confident letting them plate your desserts so you can join the party as our guest.” Emily divided the muffin and buttered it.

  “Thank you, Emily, but I can’t do that. I have to see this through.”

  Her knowing smile put Pilar at ease. “I thought you’d say that. I’d do the same,” she admitted. “Will you come to the party after dessert is served? I want you to enjoy the dancing and Jake’s champagne toast.”

  “Of course,” Pilar said right away. “I’m excited to wear the beautiful dress you gave me for Christmas. I love it so much, Emily.”

  Emily clasped her hands. “I can’t wait to see my son’s face when you glide in looking like a princess.”

  “I hope I live up to that,” Pilar said, smiling at her fairytale description. “I’m glad we have this time to catch up. It’s been a really busy week.”

  “I’ll say. Jake has monopolized all your evenings. It delights me to see how smitten he is with you. He’s turned a new leaf since you arrived.”

  “What do you mean?” Pilar said, searching her eyes.

  “When he arrived, he was on a mission to move me to Naples. He was emotionally closed off and tense, but that’s not his true nature. I knew he was concerned that I’d be a challenge to convince. But mostly, his somber mood was being home for the first Christmas without his dad.”

  “That’s understandable. He loved him very much.”

  “He did. Jake is a closed book when it comes to his emotions. Before you got here, he had no interest in doing anything holiday related, but now he’s embracing everything about Christmas.” Her beaming smile filled Pilar with joy. “It’s all because of you.”

  “Thank you. I’m really touched. That’s sweet of you to say.”

  “Not sweet. It’s the truth. I’m plain spoken,” Emily said. “And I can be just as stubborn as my son. But I’m not too stubborn to admit when I’m wrong.” She sighed. “I wish I hadn’t been so resistant to Jake.”

  “What do you mean?” Pilar took a bite of muffin as she listened to Emily.

  “I gave him a hard time when he insisted that I move down to Naples, but I’m relieved we’ve come to a compromise for me to spend the winter there. I don’t want him worrying about me when he’s in Asia.” She leaned forward and confided, “Between you and me, my foot has been hurting lately when I walk too much. I feel like my gait is off because I’ve been favoring it.”

  “Oh, no. I hope you haven’t reinjured it,” Pilar said.

  Emily set her mug down and waved a blithe hand. “I doubt it. My foot is all healed from the break. I think the pain is caused by the cold weather. The first thing I’m going to do when I arrive in Naples is book a therapeutic massage and sign up for yoga classes. I’m going to find a good physical therapist too.”

  “I can ask around for recommendations, if you like.”

  “I’d appreciate that.”

  “Your foot will heal nicely in the warm climate.”

  “I have to admit I’m looking forward to the picture-perfect weather.”

  Pilar chewed the moist muffin, savoring the perfect texture and crumb. “Yum. I’m going to miss the amazing bakeries you have in New York.”

  Emily cast a sidelong glance at her. “What else will you miss?”

  “Everything about this wonderful city, and all the friends I’ve made at The Sweet Spot.” She smiled at Emily and touched her wrist. “At least you’ll be in Naples, so I won’t be missing you.”

  Emily affectionately patted her hand. “And Jake?”

  “Yes, most definitely Jake.” Pilar winced at the ache she felt over leaving him. “I’m going to miss him so much my heart hurts just thinking about it,” she admitted ruefully.

  “He’ll miss you too. Has he told you when he’s coming to see you?” When Pilar shook her head, Emily’s brows snapped together. “It must be because he’s unsure of his schedule. The next month will be intense as he closes his deal in Shanghai.” A frown tugged at her forehead. “When my workhorse son is occupied, he’s totally focused on the task at hand.”

  Pilar remained silent. She was the same way, but she didn’t put her work before her feelings.

  Emily blew out an exasperated breath. “Men aren’t good at multi-tasking, but that’s not an excuse for his lack of communication. I’m sure he’ll say something to you before you leave.”

  Pilar lifted her shoulder in a half-shrug. She wanted to give Jake the same benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was planning on telling her tonight. She could only hope.

  “How early do you have to leave tomorrow to catch your flight?” Emily said.

  “I’m leaving at five. Jake offered to drive me to the airport.”

  “If he even lets you go…” Emily trailed off thoughtfully.

  Chapter 17

  Once the desserts were served to the party guests to her satisfaction, Pilar surreptitiously slipped out of the Carnegie Hall back of house area where the catering was set up and ran into the staff restroom. She locked the door and quickly changed out of her chef’s tunic. Tucking the folded garment in her tote bag, she removed the plastic covering from the scarlet velvet dress that Emily had given her
and lifted the dress over her head.

  She zipped it up the back and gazed in the mirror, admiring the bare, sweetheart neckline, the long tight sleeves and the ruched waistline. She felt like Shakespeare’s Juliet in it. The swirling skirt grazed her knees in the front and draped down to just above her ankles in the back, creating a high low effect that showcased her legs.

  She applied a shimmering berry lipgloss, a dusting of rosy blush and a few spritzes of the light, floral perfume that her sister-in-law Lily had custom created for her. She kicked off her comfy work flats and stepped into her dancing shoes, high-heeled crimson suede pumps with rhinestone ankle straps.

  Lastly, she put on the sparkly butterfly earrings Jake had given her and hugged herself, remembering what he’d said after they’d made love on Christmas morning. His mouth had lingered at her earlobe, his warm breath fanning it as he’d whispered huskily, “This is how I want to remember you on our first Christmas together. In my bed, wearing butterfly earrings and nothing else.”

  Holding her arms out wide, Pilar twirled before the mirror as a rush of keen anticipation sparked inside her. She couldn’t wait to dance with him at the party, and later to spend the first hours of the New Year deliciously snug in his arms before her early flight home.

  Knowing Jake’s sexual stamina, it would be an all-nighter, one she’d welcome wholeheartedly. Who needed sleep when every waking moment in Jake’s embrace made her woozy with pleasure?

  With a final pat to her upswept hair, she was ready to join the party, relieved that her desserts had been flawlessly executed. She was anxious to get Emily’s feedback on how the guests had liked them. Once she got her generous employer’s approval, she could kick back with abandon and ring in the New Year with Jake.


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