The Holiday Sweet Spot: An opposites attract, gorgeous, feel-good romantic comedy (Falcons in Love Book 2)

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The Holiday Sweet Spot: An opposites attract, gorgeous, feel-good romantic comedy (Falcons in Love Book 2) Page 17

by Sophia Knightly

  “I’m giving you my shares.” There was an uncompromising edge to his voice. His hand gently cradled her jaw. “I want you to have The Sweet Spot and manage it to your heart’s content.”

  “Why?” she choked out.

  A tender smile lifted the corners of his lips. “Because you are my sweet spot.”

  Tears pricked the back of Pilar’s eyes at the sincere glow in his eyes.

  She slowly shook her head. “Thank you, but it’s too much. I can’t accept such a generous gift,” she mumbled.

  “Nonsense. You have the talent and drive to make the shop thrive.”

  “But what about Emily?” Pilar said, turning to glance at her.

  “She’ll retain her half and come and go as she pleases. We’ve discussed it at length. She wants to spend more time in Naples.” He grinned. “So does Choco Bear. I’ll help with the finance planning and marketing. Together we’ll take The Sweet Spot to the next level. What do you say?”

  “I say yes!” Pilar said, hugging him hard. “Thank you so much for making my dream come true. But what about your health apps?”

  “That won’t change.” He shook his head and chuckled softly under his breath. “The irony of working on my health app and a business plan for The Sweet Spot doesn’t escape me,” he said ruefully.

  She laughed softly. “I have confidence in you.”

  An exultant smile surfaced. “There’s more.” He unfastened the smaller gold key that hung from a delicate gold chain and handed it to her. “This is the key to my heart. From the moment I met you, you stole it anyway. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.”

  Her eyes flooded as she swallowed against the emotional thickness in her throat. “Thank you,” she managed. She tremulously lifted the chain over her head and felt the tiny key slide into her cleavage and nestle close to her heart.

  A victory sound rumbled from his chest as he hauled her into his arms. “There’s no escaping me now. I’ll never let you go,” he growled before his mouth descended on hers with a fiery, possessive kiss.

  Catching her breath, Pilar held his beloved face in her hands. “I will never leave you again, Jake. Never,” she pledged. “You are everything I ever hoped for.” She lavished kisses on his face. “I love you.”

  His brows lifted sardonically. “More than chocolate?” A sexy smile hovered on his lips.

  Pilar threw her head back with a peal of laughter. “Chocolate doesn’t compare to you.”

  “Damn right.” He kissed her with such scorching heat, her legs buckled.

  “Everyone is watching,” Pilar reminded him breathlessly.

  “Let them,” he said between kisses. “I’m going to work hard to make you happy. Will you live in New York with me?”

  “I will,” she said excitedly. “Take me with you.”

  Jake turned her face to him. “I intend to do just that,” he promised. Then he kissed her fiercely.

  Pulling back, Pilar drew a shaky breath and turned to gauge her family’s reaction. A crowd of smiling faces lifted her. She laughed when she saw Mamá high-five Emily. That coming from her usually reserved mother spoke volumes. Moved by their loving support, she knew everything was finally right.

  Jake spun around and said in a loud voice, “Mr. and Mrs. Falcon, I’m only kidnapping your daughter briefly. We’ll be back in time for cake, and I’ll explain more.”

  Boisterous applause and cheering hoots followed their exit as Jake grabbed Pilar’s hand and sprinted away with her. Her hand clasped firmly in his, Pilar’s heart soared at the recent events.

  Just before they got to his rental car, Jake stopped and leveled an uncompromising look at her. “No more dating app for you,” he said, nostrils flaring.

  “What are you talking about?” Pilar said, taken aback by his strange command.

  “I’m the only man for you. Agreed?”

  “Absolutely,” she said sweetly. She bit back a grin at the possessive gleam in his eyes.

  “Good,” he grunted.

  She tapped his chest. “I won’t share you with anyone either, mister.”

  His eyes darkened. “You never did. It’s always been you, darling. Only you.”


  Three months later…

  Jake held Pilar’s blissfully sated body in his arms. She snuggled close, loving the hard-muscled feel of his body against hers. He was so potently masculine it took her breath away.

  They lay in the luxurious, king-sized bed in his apartment in Brooklyn Heights. She could barely move a muscle after his unhurried, deliberate lovemaking. He had coaxed intensely pleasurable climaxes from her all weekend.

  She loved the way he started slowly, tenderly, until their need built to a frenzied pitch, then he made love to her with consuming fervor. Their feelings went far beyond passion. They shared committed love—the kind that lasted forever.

  “Hungry?” he said, interrupting her musings. His hand lazily drew circles on the bare arc of her hip.

  “Always. For you,” she murmured, lifting her gaze to his.

  “You have me,” he reminded her, depositing a kiss on her temple. His fingers toyed with the tiny gold key nestled between her breasts that he’d given her on Valentine’s Day.

  She pulled back to search his eyes. “I know you enjoy having me here, but do you really enjoy working with me?”

  “Sure.” He lifted a quizzical brow. “Why do you ask?”

  Since they’d returned to New York after Valentine’s Day, Jake had simultaneously worked on his new lifestyle app and on creating an exciting marketing plan for The Sweet Spot. Emily was over the moon that her son was finally on board with the candy shop. So was Pilar.

  He had dived in, methodically structuring a plan sure to succeed and moving to implement it quickly.

  She gazed at him curiously. “I can’t imagine you being happy promoting sweets.”

  “Why not?” A wolfish grin spread over his face. “I’ve developed an insatiable sweet tooth.”

  She cast a dubious look at him, a coy smile emerging.

  His arresting eyes gleamed with devilish intent. “I constantly relish the sweetest treats right here.” His hands swept over her curves with maddening caresses that made her toes curl. “You don’t hear me complaining. Do you?”

  She shook her head and burrowed closer, her smile widening. “I still can’t believe you said all those sweet, personal things in front of our families on Valentine’s Day. It makes me blush remembering the show we put on.”

  He frowned down at her. “It wasn’t a show. I meant every word.”

  “I know. So did I,” she assured him. “You’ll have to get used to my large family. They mean well, but they can be a bit intrusive.”

  “I don’t mind.” He laughed and shook his head. “I have an intrusive mother, remember?”

  “It’s because you’re her only child.”

  “You’re probably right,” he conceded. “Choco Bear did a good job distracting her while I planned my birthday surprise for you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “After I told my mom what I planned to do, she was ready to call a preacher to marry us right away.” His chest rumbled with amusement. “I have Choco Bear to thank for keeping her out of my hair.”

  “They make a great team,” Pilar said. “I love how they’re best friends. Choco Bear lost his wife and son many years ago, and he doesn’t have a family.”

  “Yes, he does. My mom is his family, and I’m glad he’s there for her.” Jake’s understanding warmed her heart. “One day, you and I will start our own family.” He pulled back and gazed at her expectantly.

  Pilar’s heart swelled with joy. “I want that more than you can imagine. I love children.”

  A slow smile curved his lips. “But first you’ll have to marry me…”

  She hugged him tight and cried, “If that’s a proposal, then yes!”

  His arms tightened around her. “Damn right it is. I told you once I’d never let you go, and I meant it.”

  “I can’t wait to have babies with you, Jake,” she said with giddy delight.

  “And I can’t wait to raise them with you.” He snorted softly and shook his head. “Cupid aimed his arrow straight at my heart soon after you arrived in New York. Do you know when it happened?”

  Her brow crinkled. “When?”

  He grinned. “When I caught you rocking out in the kitchen to ‘Feliz Navidad.’ You looked so damn cute with your hair in the ponytail, dancing and singing your little heart out off-key.” He threw his head back and laughed.

  She jabbed his side. “I don’t sing off-key,” she protested, giggling when he tickled her.

  He captured her mouth in a hard, deep kiss. “God, I love you.”

  The look in his eyes made her burn with desire. “I love you too, Jake,” she whimpered, unraveling under his hot, possessive kisses. Life couldn’t get any sweeter.

  “We have a lifetime together ahead of us,” he promised, and proceeded to show her just how breathtaking it would be.

  Thank you for reading The Holiday Sweet Spot. If you enjoyed it, please leave a review so others can discover it.

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  Turn the page to read an excerpt of Gabe and Lily’s love story in Scent of Love (Falcons in Love, Book 1)

  Excerpt — Scent of Love

  Lily Marlowe walked to the window and lifted a blue and gold Venetian glass atomizer to admire the prism of colors in the sunlight, but she nearly dropped it when she got an eyeful of raw masculine beauty. Bare from the waist up, a tall, swarthy man flexed his brawn outside her perfume shop. The rippling sinew and hard muscular planes of his torso gleamed in the January afternoon sun like a bronze statue.

  Mouth agog, she watched him unload crates from a white pickup truck. Faded jeans hung sinfully low on washboard abs and hugged lean hips and muscular thighs. In synchronized harmony, his strong arms and broad shoulders fulfilled the mindless task as she gawked.

  A slow shiver ran through her at the sight of big brown hands effortlessly lifting the crates as if they were filled with feathers. The laborer had been there for the past week, but this was the first time he’d shed his shirt, and she hadn’t been prepared for the bountiful display of male virility.

  Reining in her momentary weakness, she closed her gaping mouth and turned to Belinda Clarke, her full-time employee and good friend, with raised brows. “He’s back.”

  “Who is?” Belinda said absently. Immersed in the inventory list, she didn’t lift her gaze.

  “Our resident eye candy. He’s practically naked today.” Lily snorted when Belinda dropped the inventory list and flew to her side with a squeal of delight.

  “Ooh, let me see.” Belinda peered out of the window eagerly. “Yummm,” she purred. “I could watch him all day.”

  Lily shut the shades with a decisive snap.

  Belinda pouted. “Aw, why’d you do that?”

  “He’s too distracting.”

  “I don’t mind the distraction. All those muscles.” Belinda fanned herself. “He is hotter than a habanero pepper.”

  Lily waved a dismissive hand, though she privately agreed. “He’s an exhibitionist. No one would go shirtless in fifty-degree weather unless he wanted to call attention to himself.”

  “Maybe,” Belinda said in her lilting West Indies accent. “But he has been working hard, and the sun is hot. He must be building up a sweat.” Her chocolate brown eyes danced merrily in her caramel colored face as she clasped her hands to her chest and lifted her gaze heavenward. “Please don’t let it rain.”

  Lily smiled. “I wish he would finish the work already. All the commotion isn’t good for business.” Her gaze swept the cool, tranquil interior of Fleur Perfumery with pleasure. It was near dinnertime and the last shopper had just left giving them a moment to chat. “Our customers come here for a luxurious experience, not to hear drilling and pounding.”

  Lily fondly eyed the whimsical Venetian glass atomizers lined up on her beloved Aunt Simone’s desk. Sparkling like multi-colored jewels, they reminded Lily of countless childhood afternoons spent gazing at them in wonder. All of her memories, hopes and dreams were tied up in this enchanting shop. She’d helped Aunt Simone run Fleur Perfumery after school, during the long, hot summers and over the holidays.

  She knew the business inside out and loved everything about it, from the sheer artistry of creating custom perfumes to the joy of discovering new scent combinations that magically lifted a client’s spirits. Fleur Perfumery was home for her.

  “Did you ever find out what type of restaurant they’re opening?” Belinda said.

  “No, not yet.” She blew out a frustrated breath. “The sign says they’re opening soon, but there’s no name anywhere. And the windows are blacked out. Why the big secret? I want to know what to expect next door.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine. We’re on 5th Avenue in downtown Naples, remember?” Belinda flashed a reassuring smile. “You know how difficult it is to get permits approved here.”

  “Yeah, don’t I know it,” Lily said on a reflective sigh. “I spent countless hours at zoning hearings lobbying for Aunt Simone when they wanted to turn this block into restaurant row. It would have killed her if they had. She was very attached to this shop. Her French husband, my Uncle Bertrand, bought it for her when they moved back to the States from Paris.”

  After Lily’s mother had remarried and relocated to Canada with her new husband, Aunt Simone had become Lily’s surrogate mom, encouraging her to get a business degree. She’d paid for Lily’s education at the Wharton School of Business. Grateful for her generosity, Lily had buried herself in studying and had graduated Magna Cum Laude, but her personal life had taken a toll because of it.

  Returning to Naples with an MBA and a keen knowledge of social media marketing, Lily had vowed to repay her aunt’s generosity by bringing Fleur Perfumery into the 21st Century. But that hadn’t been enough for Aunt Simone, who was obsessed with getting Lily married off. Good thing she’d left for a year as Lily was getting tired of Faye Honeywell, the matchmaker Aunt Simone had contracted for Lily. So far, the candidates Faye had come up with hadn’t worked out, and Lily needed a break from all of it.

  She hadn’t heard from Faye in a while, but that didn’t make her let her guard down. Lily was constantly on the alert for one of the pushy woman’s impromptu calls or visits.

  “Have you gotten another postcard from your aunt? I love that she sends postcards. It’s so old school.”

  “I love getting them. I’m putting them in a photo album she gave me before leaving. She’s been gone three months. At the rate she’s going, I may need to get another album.”

  “Where is she now?” Belinda said.

  “She’s touring the Greek Islands. Her honeymoon is the longest I’ve ever seen. They plan to travel the world.”

  Last year, Aunt Simone had met Charlie, a tycoon widower, at a charity benefit and married him three months later. After a whirlwind romance, she’d handed the shop keys to Lily and said, “Fleur Perfumery can be yours if you get us out of the red and turn a nice profit while I’m away.” Aunt Simone had looked her square in the eye with her trademark shrewd green eyes. “But whatever you do, don’t neglect your personal life. Your Uncle Bertrand was the most wonderful husband I could’ve asked for, and I miss him dearly. But now I have a sweetie who is making me happy again. I want the same for you.”

  As if it were that easy…

  “It’s amazing she got lucky twice. I mean, two husbands, and both of them great,” Belinda said interrupting Lily’s musings. “I can’t even meet one decent guy.”

  “Tell me about it,” Lily mumbled.

  “Sometimes I miss Sebastian so much I’m tempted to call him, but then I remember why I broke up with him.” Belinda had been living with Sebastian for four years, and they’d dated for a year before she’d moved in with him. When he
didn’t propose at Christmastime, she’d taken her parents’ advice and asked him if he ever intended to get married. His answer had been so evasive, she’d moved out the next day.

  “You were smart to leave. If he comes back to you with a ring, that’s another story.”

  Belinda’s eyes burned with affront. “I hate that I wasted five years on him. It seems like most guys these days are serial daters. I’m about ready to give up on them.”

  “Please. You have plenty of time. I’m not going to settle even though I’m five years older than you.”

  “Nobody would believe it,” Belinda said loyally. “You look much younger than 35.”

  “Thanks, but I’m worried my hair will turn gray with all I’ve got going on.”

  “What are you worried about?”

  “My aunt took a giant leap of faith turning her business over to me. I want to live up to my promises and make her proud.” The prospect of owning Fleur Perfumery made Lily dizzy with longing and anticipation.

  “You’re doing great. Everything runs like clockwork, and you’re gaining a loyal group of return clients.”

  Lily smiled. “I’m really proud of that. I hope that everything next door is up and running soon. We can’t have anything ruin Winterfest. Our booth has to turn a big profit to jumpstart sales and orders.”

  “Winterfest is a month away. Maybe you should ask Mr. Habanero about the restaurant.”

  “I’d rather talk to his boss, not the foreman.”

  “I wouldn’t mind talking to the foreman.” She grinned. “He looks exotic…Latino maybe. I want to see him up close.”

  “No, I’ll go. I have a few questions I want answered.”

  Belinda tilted her head. “Like what?”

  “I want to know who took my parking spot today. I have a feeling the silver jag belongs to his boss, the man or woman who bought the place next door.”

  “Find out his name,” Belinda prompted as Lily headed to the front door.

  “Be right back,” Lily said, ignoring Belinda’s half-joking request.


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