Chasing Destiny

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by Nikki Rittenberry

  Chasing Destiny


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2011 by Nikki Rittenberry

  All rights reserved.

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  ISBN: 978-1466338562


  To my incredible husband, Erik:

  Thank you for your patience and support. You are my destiny and I am truly blessed to have found you.

  “The real test of a man is not how well he plays the role he has invented for himself, but how well he plays the role that destiny assigned to him.”

  -Jan Patocka


  “Is this seat taken?” he asked. She looked up at him and smiled. Her big, hazel eyes sparkled and for a moment, her beauty took his breath away.

  “It is now,” she replied.

  He sat down and offered her his hand. “I’m Jacob Nelson.”

  She firmly shook his. “Cassie Warner. Nice to meet you,” she replied.

  “You come here often?”

  “Every day… It’s by far the most peaceful place on campus.”

  Jacob observed his surroundings. They sat on a wood bench under a colossal, Laurel Oak tree, overlooking an expansive, green lawn and a large pond with a fountain in the center. He listened as the manmade geyser erupted in a rhythmic pattern. The rise and fall of the water was the perfect accompaniment to the birds chirping overhead and the heavy thump in his chest. He was nervous—an emotion almost foreign to him.

  There was something about her that intrigued him. Initially it was her appearance. Her long, wavy blonde hair was swept back into a loose ponytail, drawing attention to her bright, hazel eyes and voluptuous pink lips. Her yellow sundress hugged her petite body in all the right places and the only improvement her sleek, toned legs needed in order to be perfect was his waist. Visions of those gorgeous, tan legs wrapped tightly around him sent warmth across the surface of his skin like a sweltering New Orleans summer day, but somehow his attraction toward this beautiful creature went deeper. She was intelligent, refined, genuine, and she had the most infectious laugh he’d ever heard.

  They sat and talked for over an hour—Jacob even missed his class. Somehow by the end of their first encounter, he knew she was unlike any girl he’d ever met before. They continued to meet at the same location everyday for the next week. He used his charismatic personality to reel her in, but she wasn’t falling for it like all the girls from his past. That was alright, though; he liked a challenge. After several weeks of consecutively rejecting his advances, she finally agreed to have dinner with him.

  Cassie was hesitant about starting an exclusive relationship; however she couldn’t ignore his charm. Soon they were spending every spare moment together. They loved to eat Chinese take-out and then cuddle on the floor, surrounded by a multitude of pillows and talk about their future. They envisioned Jacob securing a position at a prestigious architect firm and working his way to the top as partner. Cassie would finish her last semester of college and then join Jacob in New York City. Manhattan typically had hospitals with physical therapy opportunities available year round.

  Everything seemed to be falling into place when Jacob received notification that he was accepted to intern at the Anderson James Architect Firm in New York City.

  “Can you believe it?” he asked. Cassie placed her hands on each side of his face and pressed her forehead against his.

  “I’m so proud of you, Jake.”

  “It’s happening, babe… it’s really happening—just like we planned.”

  Yeah, it was really happening. She was elated, although she couldn’t help but think about how difficult the next six months would be. She wasn’t looking to fall in love, but she fell hard for Jacob. He assured her that everything was going to be alright and that they would find a way to make their long distance relationship work. He was scheduled to leave for the city in three weeks, which didn’t leave much time for them to spend together.

  Late spring in New Orleans was a magical time of year. Jasmine lined the streets and perfumed the historic city with the sweet scent of heaven. Jacob acknowledged that falling in love here had changed him. He was going to miss Cassie, yes, but he was also going to miss the beautiful landscape he had called home for the past twenty-five years.

  They did their best to carry on with their lives during the weeks leading up to his departure; picnics in the park, beignets and coffee at their favorite French Quarter cafe, live music at some of their favorite blues joints. As their days became numbered, they found comfort in each other’s embrace. Their impending deadline lurked behind every corner and revealed itself far too soon.


  She was standing in the gift shop reading Glamour Magazine. Jacob sat at a nearby café at the airport, sipping his chicory coffee and examining her from a distance. Staring at Cassie’s beautiful body was one of his favorite pastimes; he loved watching her. He could interpret her body language like a professional and the constant need to tuck her hair behind her ear could only mean one thing… she was anxious and afraid.

  They’d met by chance ten months earlier. He remembered waking up that morning with a tremendous amount of stress. He’d been up late the night before, preparing for one of his upcoming presentations, and felt an overwhelming urge to take a jog. He’d veered from his usual course, deciding to take a narrow, winding path underneath a canopy of oak trees and stumbled upon a petite, blonde stranger… Cassie. Their chance meeting had changed his life, filling a void he never knew existed. Thinking about that first day and all of the days in between brought a smile to his face.

  He stroked the stubble along his jaw with the back of his bent fingers and savored the last drop of chicory coffee on his tongue. He was doing the right thing, he repeatedly reminded himself. He’d known he’d wanted to pursue a career in architecture ever since he was in elementary school. He remembered how he would spend hours playing with Lego’s, stacking the colorful, plastic blocks into buildings, creating his own personal city. Acceptance into the Anderson James Architect Firm, arguably one of the top firms in the country, confirmed his talent and justified his lengthy journey, but he had one more obstacle to overcome. Pursuing his dreams meant leaving Cassie behind; his biggest cheerleader, his best friend, his heart.

  Jacob stood up from his seat and walked toward the gift shop. He snuck up behind Cassie and swaddled her waist with his strong arms. He kissed the back of her head and let out a deep sigh. “I must be out of my mind for leaving you,” he whispered.

  Cassie smiled. He always had a way of making her feel incredibly special. She turned around and wrapped her arms firmly around his neck. “I can’t believe this day is finally here”, she said while still enveloped in his embrace.

  “I know. But I don’t want you to worry. We’re going to make this work.”

  “Can you please explain to me how you’re able to remain so positive?”

  “There is an old saying… ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder.’ This journey that we’re about to embark on is only going to strengthen what we already have, alright?”

  Cassie shook her head in agreement. She desperately prayed that he was right.

  “May I have your attention, please—” the intercom announcer began “—flight fourteen twenty-nine to New York City is scheduled to begin boarding in twenty minutes. If this is your departing flight, please make your way to gate seventeen. Thank you.”

  After placing the magazine back on the rack, they left the gift shop and headed b
ack to the security area. Jacob’s knees became weaker with every step he took, threatening to buckle beneath him. He reached for her hands and pulled her closer. He pressed his lips against hers and hugged her so tight; her feet came off the ground.

  “I want you to remember this is only temporary”, he whispered. “You’re going to be so busy; you’ll hardly have time to miss me.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” She attempted to laugh, although it came out sounding more like a sob. She could feel the back of her eyes beginning to sting and she gave herself a silent pep talk to prevent the tears from falling. She had plenty of time over the next few months to shed tears and she didn’t want his last memory to be of her falling to pieces.

  After one last embrace, Jacob picked up his bag and placed it on the conveyor system. He traveled through the metal detectors and retrieved his luggage and after completing the security process, he looked back one last time at Cassie. She stood with her hands in her front pockets and a brave smile adorned to her beautiful face. He appreciated her fortitude—it gave him the strength to leave, but it broke his heart knowing that as soon as he traveled out of sight, her courage would falter and she would inevitably crumble. He raised his hand and waved goodbye just as she blew him a kiss. Raising his hand above his head, he caught the imaginary kiss and placed his fingers on his lips. He mouthed the words I love you and then turned and walked away.

  * *.*

  Jacob’s new internship at the Anderson James Architect Firm kept him extremely busy. He wanted to make a lasting impression on his supervisor and fellow co-workers, even volunteering to work late in order to meet an approaching deadline. It wasn’t uncommon for him to work a fifteen hour day, go home to sleep, then arrive again the next day and repeat the process over again. It was difficult to find the time to communicate with Cassie every day. Their schedules were no longer in sync and he hated that most nights he had to go to bed without hearing her voice.

  He worried how the stress of her hectic schedule and the loneliness of their situation would affect her. He’d confided in his best friend, Tanner, about his uneasiness and enlisted him to look out for her while he was away. He was so afraid she would get discouraged and end their relationship; He didn’t think he could bear that.

  Back in New Orleans, Cassie felt as though someone had pressed the pause button on her love life. Her heart was idling, longing for a jolt of electricity to revive her. She did her best to keep busy. Luckily for her she had great friends, not to mention a heavy class load this semester. She had quickly become close with Tanner and his girlfriend, Emily. They always seemed to understand when Cassie needed company or when she cancelled plans because she wanted to be alone. She often confided in Emily about her frustrations. A long distance relationship was more difficult than she imagined it would be. She reminded herself that every day she was one day closer to being reunited with Jacob and she was desperately looking forward to her upcoming trip to New York.

  * * *

  After twelve long weeks of separation, Cassie boarded a plane to New York City to spend the weekend with Jacob. Butterflies frolicked within her stomach and her heart pulsated wildly in her chest. His absence had solidified her feelings. She loved him—more than she ever thought possible. The next thirty-six hours were crucial. She knew how strongly she felt, but she worried how their distance had affected him. What if seeing her again made him re-evaluate his feelings? Well, she would soon find out. The wheels touched down and jarred her body forward—hopefully ridding her of her insecurities.

  Jacob waited anxiously for her at the airport with a dozen red roses in hand. His pulse galloped like a racing thoroughbred competing in The Kentucky Derby, surging toward the finish line for a shot at The Triple Crown. No woman had ever affected him like this before. She twisted his insides like a pretzel and he loved every minute of it—he loved her.

  Cassie spotted him through the crowd and rushed forward, jumping into his outstretched arms. She pressed her lips against his and gazed into his intense, green eyes. “I missed you so much!” she exclaimed.

  “I missed you, too, babe. I can’t believe you’re really here!”

  It seemed as though it had been a lifetime since she last saw him. She took a step back and examined him closely; he looked so handsome and professional, she thought. His mint-green shirt sleeves were rolled midway up his forearms and his green and black striped tie was slightly loosened. He reached for her hand and after retrieving her luggage from baggage claim, they hailed a taxi and headed to his apartment to freshen-up before dinner.

  Nothing pleased Jacob more than seeing Cassie smile. He spent what little time he had available on planning a memorable and romantic weekend. After freshening up, he took her to a popular restaurant in Times Square for dinner. Their table overlooked the impressive lights and fast-paced chaos on the street below. Conversation was easy—as it had always been and when the check came he abandoned his original plans in light of a new one. Jacob informed her that he no longer wanted to share her with a bunch of strangers and wanted nothing more than to spend some much needed, quiet time together—just the two of them. After the bill was paid, they hailed a cab and headed back to his place.

  The heavy door to his modest-sized apartment slammed shut; he was finally alone with his living, breathing fantasy. Jacob took Cassie by the hand and pulled her close. It had been so long since he’d held her. He detected the irrefutable scent of jasmine from her perfume and he was instantly reminded of their time together last spring in New Orleans. He inhaled her essence. “Mmm… you smell delicious”, he mumbled softly.

  He began kissing her neck as they embraced and then slowly made his way to her lips. She tasted like sweet wine and raw passion and he wanted to devour every last inch of her. He unzipped her black, silk dress and ran his hands down her shoulders, nudging the soft material down her arms until the garment lay in a puddle around her feet.

  Cassie removed his tie and quickly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his toned chest and chiseled abs. He quickly shrugged out of it and covered her mouth with his. His tongue slowly explored her mouth at first; re-acquainting his taste buds with her sweet flavor, and then the kiss gradually became more aggressive and needy. He craved her and his hunger triumphed. He ran his hands down her back and cupped her bottom, lifting her feet off the floor. Her legs wrapped around his waist as though he was her only lifeline and with their lips still caressing, he carried her to his bed.

  * * *

  Narrow beams of light trickled though the small living room window, landing on the left side of Jacob’s face. He’d prepared himself a cup of coffee and sat on his couch in silence, waiting for her to awake. He closed his eyes, trying to memorize every moment of the night before. She truly was amazing. He had to admit he’d been nervous about her scheduled visit. Tanner often reported back to him in regards to how she was doing in New Orleans and revealed Cassie was growing impatient with their situation. Jacob had previously wondered how the distance would affect their relationship. What if they grew apart and found that everyday life became easier without each other? He laughed quietly to himself. He was convinced now more than ever that they were stronger because of it.

  Cassie appeared from the small bedroom and ambled toward the kitchen. She poured herself a cup of coffee and joined Jacob on the couch. She interlocked her hand with his and placed her head on his shoulder. She too was astonished at how their bond had grown while they were apart. Being with Jacob was like breathing; it was natural. Automatic. Refreshing.

  They spent their last day together touring the city; the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Central Park, and lastly Jacob revealed the steel, high rise building that housed the Anderson James Architect Firm in Lower Manhattan. Cassie was mesmerized by the fast-paced city. It was a far cry from the small Louisiana town she’d grown up in. Professionals scurried to their destinations in droves and tourists snapped shots of the scenery surrounding them as though it was the eighth wonder of the world. The Ma
nhattan lifestyle exuded energy unlike anything she’d ever experienced. It settled in the pit of her gut and even though it was new, it felt oddly familiar.

  Cassie heard a loud rumble and looked down at her tummy.

  “Are you getting hungry?” Jacob asked.

  She placed one of her hands on her stomach and rubbed it gently. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

  “Do you want to grab a quick bite to eat before dinner this evening?”

  “Actually, I have a better idea”, she said as she came to a halt. She stepped in front of him and ran her hands up his hard chest. “Why don’t we order Chinese take-out and stay-in this evening?”

  Jacob wrapped his arms around her waist, nestling her body closer to his. “That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day.”

  Jacob and Cassie headed back to his tiny apartment. She decided to take a quick shower and change into something a little more comfortable while he called in their take-out order. He knocked on the bathroom door and explained he was going out to pick up their dinner and would return shortly. Cassie waited to hear the front door slam and began to sob. She felt more in love with Jacob than ever before and didn’t want to leave him the following morning. She wiped the mirror with her hand to remove the condensation and took a deep breath, examining her face as if trying to recognize the image staring back at her.

  She was perplexed about what to do regarding the offer to intern at the Denver Therapy Institute after graduation. It was an overwhelming honor to have been selected, but accepting the offer would mean at least another six months away from Jacob. Besides, DTI would probably only look impressive on her resume, right?


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