Chasing Destiny

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Chasing Destiny Page 9

by Nikki Rittenberry

  * * *

  Jacob stood on the back porch dressed in his Sunday best, although he hadn’t been to church in years. His tie was tucked behind his gray, suit vest and his sleeves were rolled up just below his elbows. With a large bouquet of pink Chrysanthemums in one hand, he advanced toward Emily and Cassie.

  He handed the bouquet to Emily, kissed her on the cheek, and then turned to face Cassie. Damn, she looked beautiful! He stood motionless for a moment, deciphering how to greet her. He finally placed both hands in his pocket and nodded. “Hey, Cass”, he said softly.


  “It’s good to see you”, he said.

  “It’s good to see you, too…”

  They stared into one another’s eyes for a few moments without uttering a word until Jacob finally broke their silence. “Well—I’m going to let you both get back to your conversation; I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  Jacob stepped away and picked up a glass of champagne from a nearby tray before joining the groomsmen on the other side of the deck. They were engaged in conversation about the upcoming NFL season opener, which just so happened to be the day of the wedding. He listened as the two men were verbally battling over speculations into whether an insider from the New York Jets was secretly selling offensive plays & strategies to the New England Patriots. The story had broke late last week but hadn’t been officially validated as of yet.

  “Well, it isn’t a party until the best man shows up”, Tanner shouted as he approached from behind. They clasped their right hands together and then embraced in a masculine-type hug.

  “Hey, bro—nice party”, Jacob said.

  “Thanks, man—I wish I could take credit for it, but unfortunately I can’t. My mother and Emily just told me what time to show up! So, on a more serious note, have you spoken to Cassie yet?”

  “You don’t waste any time getting to the point, do you?”


  Jacob took a sip of his champagne and then observed the glass in his hand as he spoke. “We briefly said hello—that’s about the extent of it.”

  “Well, then you were probably unaware that she’s here alone.”

  “What are you talking about?” Jacob asked.

  “You heard me—Landon didn’t come with her. She said it was a ‘last minute business complication’, but I think there’s more to it than that. I’m sure she’s probably filling Emily in on the details as we speak. I think this is the perfect opportunity for you—”

  “Look man, I was on the brink of establishing a friendship with her last fall before I royally screwed everything up by kissing her. The only thing I’m interested in is clearing the air so that we can carry-on with our lives. The last thing I want is for her to feel awkward around me for the rest of the week.”

  “So, are you saying you’re finally over her?”

  Jacob hesitated for a moment before answering, choosing his words carefully. “She’s clearly moved on… She’s not in love with me anymore.”

  “But, you still love her…”

  Jacob threw his head back and emptied his glass of champagne. “It doesn’t matter.”

  * * *

  The crowd receded as the evening grew later. Jacob walked to the edge of the deck, resting his elbows against the railing, when he caught a glimpse of Cassie. She was sitting alone on an Adirondack chair in front of the cobblestone fire pit on the lower deck. He studied her for a moment, something was obviously troubling her. After obtaining two glasses of champagne from a nearby tray, he journeyed down the steps and took a seat beside her.

  “You look like you could use one of these”, he said as he offered one of the glasses to her.

  “Is it that obvious?” she asked. Jacob took a sip and chuckled softly. “I heard about your promotion—congratulations!”

  “Thank you, I appreciate that.” There was an awkward moment of silence and he felt as though this was an appropriate time to apologize. “Um… Look, Cass… I want you to know how sorry I am about what happened last fall.”

  “Jake, really—you don’t need to apologize.”

  “Yeah… I think I do. It was completely disrespectful for me to put you in that predicament.”

  “It’s okay—

  “No it’s not… I want you to know that I value our friendship and that will never happen again.”

  “I’ve never been one to hold a grudge…” She gazed into his light, green eyes. “You’re forgiven.”

  Jacob raised his glass. “I think this deserves a toast… to fresh starts.” She raised her glass and tapped it against his. “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”, he said, in his best Humphrey Bogart voice.

  Cassie smiled. “I think so, too.”

  * * *

  With just a handful of guests remaining, Emily and Tanner reunited on the deck and shared a loving embrace. Entertaining their families and other distinguished guests hadn’t left much time for them to spend together. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck when she heard a familiar sound of laughter coming from the small, lower deck.

  “Well, would you look at that”, she said.

  Tanner turned his head, focusing his attention on the lower deck. “I just don’t understand why the two of them try to fight it…”

  Cassie and Jacob were immersed in conversation and appeared to be enjoying each other’s company. After sharing a quick kiss, Emily and Tanner descended down the steps and joined them.

  “It’s good to see the two of you sitting here, laughing together! Mind if we join you?” Tanner asked.

  “Not at all”, Cassie replied. “So, what’s on the agenda for tomorrow?”

  “I’m glad you asked—how about a trip up the coast in my father’s sailboat?”

  ‘Tanner, are you serious?” Cassie asked.

  “Of course I’m serious!”

  “Well, count me in!”

  “Me, too”, Jacob added. “What time are you planning to set sail?”

  “I don’t know… nine o’clock?”

  The four friends conversed around the fire for over an hour when suddenly they realized that the handful of remaining guests had left. Cassie glanced at her watch: eleven fifty-two.

  “Well guys, I hate to break up our reunion—but, I should probably head back.”

  “Jacob, you should follow her back. It can get pretty dark out here and it’s pretty easy to get lost—especially when you’re not familiar with the area”, Tanner suggested.

  “That really isn’t necessary—I have a pretty good sense of direction. Besides, there’s no need for him to go out of his way.”

  “Oh, it’s not out of his way… you both are staying at the same bed and breakfast.”

  Cassie met Jacob’s gaze. She suddenly became aware that it wasn’t a coincidence. Tanner had arranged their reservations and judging by Jacob’s reaction, he was just as shocked as she was. This was typical of Tanner—always playing cupid with the two of them. She should probably be offended, but she wasn’t. Tanner meant well and besides—she’d buried the hatchet with Jacob and agreed to a fresh start.

  “Um, okay”, she said softly.

  The drive took longer than it had earlier. Tanner was right, she thought, one could easily get turned around in the dark. After pulling into the gravel lot, they abandoned their rental cars and approached the front porch steps of the historic inn. They kept a certain amount of distance between them as they continued down the lengthy hallway and stepped aboard the elevator. Jacob made sure to close the gate and as if on cue, they both reached for the third floor button simultaneously, their fingertips touching for a moment before they quickly pulled away. Her touch sent a surge of electricity up his arm and it spread like wildfire throughout his body. They laughed nervously before Jacob held out his palm, offering for her to proceed.

  After she pushed the button the elevator jerked slightly, causing them both to reach for the railing for balance. They ascended to the third floor in silence, avoiding eye contact at all co
sts. When they’d reached their destination, he held out the palm of his hand, motioning for her to exit.

  “Ladies first”, he said.

  Cassie smiled and then stepped off of the elevator. She continued down the hall, aware that Jacob was still following behind. She reached into her clutch and retrieved her room key as she approached her suite and looked back, only to find that Jacob was staying across the hall, two doors down in the Sapphire Suite. He met her gaze as he reached for his door.

  “Goodnight, Cass.”



  The alarm sounded loudly, playing U2’s Beautiful Day. Jacob raised his arm, patting the nightstand with his hand until he felt the alarm clock. Once it was turned off, he reached for a pair of loose, khaki linen cargos, a white V-neck, and a pair of flip-flops. It was early, but he wanted to see the sunrise from the back terrace while he enjoyed a cup of coffee. He grabbed The Wall Street Journal and found a café table nestled along the railing and took a seat. The innkeeper, Janice, greeted him with a smile and a steaming hot cup of freshly brewed coffee. She placed a basket on the table containing sugar and cream for his morning beverage and warm croissants.

  The sun peaked over the horizon, casting its brilliant reflection upon the quiet river below. Beams of light filtered through the colossal pine trees residing along the bank, allowing the morning dew to glisten on the expansive lawn beneath. He took a sip of his coffee and opened his paper, attempting to catch up on the latest news from what seemed like another world. He was captivated by the Dow Jones Industrial Average; it had closed the day before with an astounding two-hundred eighty-four point gain, signaling that it was hopefully on the mend. He held the newspaper close to his face, searching for the status of his personal stocks when he sensed that someone was standing in front of him.

  “Is this seat taken?” Cassie asked.

  Jacob lowered his paper and smiled. He remembered asking her that same question when they’d first met on campus back in New Orleans years ago. “It is now”, he replied. Jacob folded his paper and placed it back on the café table as Janice came by and handed Cassie a large mug filled with coffee. “How did you sleep?”

  “Pretty good—I can’t believe how quiet it was. My condo back in Chicago is on the sixth floor and it’s not unusual to wake up in the middle of the night from traffic below or noisy neighbors!”

  “I know what you mean! My old apartment was notorious for that.”

  “I remember…” Their eyes met for a moment, recalling her first trip to New York before their separation. Cassie looked away and took a sip of her coffee. “So, are you excited about sailing today?” she asked, attempting to change the subject.

  “Yeah—it should be fun. Have you ever been before?”

  “Nope… this will be my first time. What about you? Have you been before?”

  “Once—I traveled here two years ago for Labor Day Weekend with Tanner and we took the boat out. You’re going to love it.”

  “So, how long have you been sitting here?” She asked.

  “For a while…” Jacob watched her as her eyes scanned the horizon. She took a sip of coffee and licked her lips as she pulled the coffee mug away from her mouth. She was completely unaware of her subtle actions, but he certainly wasn’t. He’d give anything to trade places with her coffee mug. “So, I was thinking… we should just ride together to the cottage. It really doesn’t make any sense for us to drive separately.”

  “Um, okay… I guess it does make more sense.” Cassie smiled and returned her attention to the mirror-like Kennebec River.

  They sat in silence for the next ten minutes, committing the pristine landscape to memory. The calm aura was refreshing and he was fully aware that she was the only woman he’d ever met that could appreciate that moment without cluttering it with meaningless conversation.

  After finishing their coffee and freshly baked croissants, they abandoned their table and sauntered to the gravel parking lot. Jacob opened the passenger door to his rented Jeep Wrangler and closed it once she was seated inside. He situated himself in the driver’s seat and turned over the ignition.

  “You know, I have to admit I’m pretty nervous about this…”

  “Nervous about what?” he asked curiously.

  “You don’t exactly have the best track record with rental cars”, said Cassie. She giggled and looked up at him, expecting a witty remark in return. He kept his eyes focused on the road ahead.

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about; I’m hauling precious cargo today…”

  Cassie felt the corners of her mouth lift and quickly looked away. She watched the endless rows of trees race by as they traveled down the interstate.

  She reveled in his comment—he always had a way with words. She felt a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach and patted it softly with her hand in response. Why did he have to be so damn charming, she asked herself? And why was she enjoying so?

  They arrived in Bailey Island shortly before nine o’clock and parked his Jeep in the extensive, asphalt driveway that led to the cottage. Cassie grabbed her bag and the two crossed the street to the small marina in search of boat slip number seven. The grand, forty-three foot vessel with the words First Love elegantly painted in white on the stern came into view as soon as they reached the dock. The navy hull shifted slightly with the movement of the dark water below and when they finally reached the craft, Tanner emerged from the lower deck.

  “Good morning!” Tanner shouted. He walked to the edge of the boat and offered his hand. “Here, let me help you climb aboard. Jacob, can you give her a little boost while I pull her up?”

  Cassie reached for Tanner’s hand as Jacob approached her from behind. Damn, she looked beautiful. Her hair was swept back into a loose braid which fell down the middle of her back. Her olive, long sleeves were rolled, revealing her forearms and the bottom buttons were left intentionally undone, allowing her to tie it into a knot at her narrow waist. The petite, white shorts and flesh-colored wedge sandals elongated her seductively sculpted legs. Jacob placed his large hands on either side of her contoured waist and lifted her while Tanner helped her aboard. He exhaled forcefully as he watched her rise above him in an attempt to regain his composure. He hadn’t been that close to her since their kiss last fall and it felt so good. This was torture and he wondered how long he’d be able to fight back the raw urge to touch her again.

  Once aboard, the hefty vessel departed the calm waters of the harbor and embarked on its destination. The mainsail caught the wind and propelled the craft parallel along the jagged coast. Jacob kept his distance for a while, allowing her to mingle with Emily and her sisters, while he received an impromptu sailing lesson from Tanner. It served as a much needed distraction from Cassie, although observing her had always been one of his favorite pastimes.

  They’d been cruising for several hours when Cassie snuck away from the girls and took a seat on the upper deck toward the bow of the boat. She sat with her knees bent and her hands supporting her weight from behind. She closed her eyes as the cool wind collided against her body, feeling at peace for the first time since she’d arrived. Waves crashed against the bow, tipping it forward in a rhythmic motion that lulled her deeper into relaxation.

  “You look like you’ve found the best seat in the house—mind if I join you?” Jacob asked.

  “Not at all…” Cassie kept her gaze over the horizon. “I don’t think I’ve ever encountered scenery as beautiful as this.”

  Jacob turned his gaze toward her. “Me either.”

  Cassie smiled, realizing that he was referring to her. “You see that?” she pointed to a clearing above the rock-ribbed coast. “I want to live there. Can you imagine what it would be like to wake up every morning to this view?”

  “Yeah, that would be nice”, he answered.

  She sensed he was still referring to her and quickly continued, as not to dwell on it. “I can just see myself in a custom built home with a wa
ll full of windows overlooking the Atlantic.” She nudged her shoulder against his. “Maybe I can convince a talented New York City architect to design it for me.”

  Jacob smiled, nodding his head in agreement. “Yeah, I suppose—but you know Landon, he’d have to approve every last detail.”

  Cassie’s smile faded and her body tensed. “Yeah, well… I’m not so sure about that”, she said softly.

  He watched her demeanor change before his eyes and witnessed for the first time the anguish she kept hidden so well. He repositioned himself, resting his forearms on his bent knees and kept his focus forward. “Hey Cass… Can I ask you a question?”


  Jacob hesitated for a moment before continuing. “Why didn’t Landon come with you?” Cassie sat in silence and he wondered if maybe he’d crossed the line. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want. You certainly don’t owe me any sort of explanation.”

  “No… It’s okay.” Cassie tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and drew a deep breath. “It’s always a last minute business catastrophe. Although I’m not surprised, this isn’t the first time I’ve found myself in this predicament.”

  “What do you mean? He’s good to you, right?”

  “He’s a very generous man. He sends flowers often, we dine at extravagant restaurants, but—”

  “But what?”

  She paused for a moment and turned her gaze over the horizon ahead. “When Landon and I first met we were both preoccupied with our careers. He had established himself as a prominent force in the real estate world and I had just recently moved to Chicago. We dated casually for a while and I didn’t mind that we didn’t spend every free moment together; I had my own hurdles to overcome with the therapy clinic. Before we both knew it, we were celebrating one year together… time just seemed to ease by, I guess. Anyhow, after I left New York Last fall I realized that I was ready to move forward, you know? I was ready to consider a future with him.”


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