Frémont, John C., 318, 325, 326, 341, 349, 426, 431, 437, 502, 525
anti-slavery proclamation of, 314–17, 363, 479
1856 election and, 193, 194, 199, 207, 230, 237, 247
1860 election and, 237
1864 election and, 474, 478, 494, 496, 503, 525, 534–35, 541, 542, 674n–75n
Shenandoah campaign and, 355, 356, 357, 425
French, Benjamin B., 313, 463, 464
Frontier Guards, 298
Fugitive Slave Act (1850), 180, 181, 189, 216, 218, 231–32, 268, 269, 343
Funk, Isaac, 234
Funk family, 148
Gaither, William, 148
Galloway, Samuel, 236, 244, 373, 401
Galveston, Tex, 408–9
Gamble, Hamilton R, 315, 451, 452, 453
Gamea, or the Jewish Mother (musical play), 570
Garfield, James A., 481, 493
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 412
Garnet, Henry Highland, 368
Garrison, William Lloyd, 63, 379, 503, 541–42
Gay, Sydney Howard, 448
General Assembly, Illinois, 63, 181, 182
General Order No. 38, 419–20
General War Order No. 1, 334–35, 338–39
Gentry, Allen, 34
Gentry, James, 34–35
Gentry, Matthew, 118
Georgia, 257, 363, 468, 498, 512, 555, 558
secession of, 267
Sherman’s march through, 553
see also Atlanta campaign
Gerolt, Baron, 548
Gettysburg, battle of, 446–47, 455, 459, 461, 469
Gettysburg Address (1863), 304, 460–66, 471
Constitution and, 462, 465
Declaration of Independence and, 460, 462, 465–66
delivery of, 464–65
language and form of, 460
reaction to, 465–66
war news and, 466
writing of, 461, 665n
Gettysburg Cemetery Commission, 460, 464
Gibson, Charles, 520
Gibson, Robert, 51
Giddings, Joshua R., 120, 121, 135, 136, 165, 170, 173, 181, 250, 426
Gillespie, Joseph, 79, 184, 203, 208
Gilmer, John A., 263–64
Gilmore, James R., 523, 555, 556
Gilmore, Joseph A., 480
Gladstone, W. E., 414
Globe Tavern, 94–95
Glover, Joseph O., 215–16
Godbey, Russell, 51
Godey’s Lady’s Book, 471
Godwin, Parke, 525, 531
Gott, Daniel, 135, 136
Gounod, Charles–François, 570
Gooch, Daniel, 327
Goodrich, Grant, 142, 144–45
Goosenest Prairie, 96, 152, 153
Gordon, Nathaniel, 342
Gourley, James, 158–59
Graham, Mentor, 41, 42, 48, 56
Grant, Julia, 571, 572, 594
Grant, Ulysses S, 335, 384, 408, 411, 448, 468, 495, 528, 553, 555, 557, 559, 581, 590, 591, 592, 594, 595
appointed general-in-chief, 491–92, 493
at Chattanooga, 458
at City Point meeting, 571, 573, 579, 580
Early’s raid and, 518, 519–20
1864 election and, 478, 479, 490–91, 494, 503, 505, 525–26
Lincoln and, 491–92, 497
reputation of, 338, 349, 409
Robert Lincoln and, 571
Stanton and, 497, 500–501
strategy of, 498–99
Vicksburg campaign and, 409, 432–33, 435, 445–46
Wilderness campaign and, 499–501, 512–13, 515
Great Britain, 122, 192, 289, 468, 547
Emancipation Proclamation and, 379
Lincoln’s propaganda campaign in, 415–16
slave trade and, 342
Trent affair and, 320–23
U.S. relations with, 413–16
Great Central Sanitary Fair, 538
Greeley, Horace, 115, 164, 199, 204, 205, 228, 232, 236, 237–40, 247, 281, 287, 305, 318, 348, 377, 379, 381, 416, 422, 466, 468, 473, 477, 494, 503, 513, 531, 532
foreign intervention scheme of, 414
Lincoln’s letter to, 368–69
peace negotiations and, 521–22, 547
Green, Bowling, 41, 57, 71
Green, Mrs. Bowling, 68
Green Bay (Wis.) Advocate, 526
Greene, William, Jr., 47
Greenleaf, Simon, 55
Grey, John, 71
Grigsby, Aaron, 33
Grigsby, Billy, 35
Grigsby, Charles, 35
Grigsby, Nathaniel, 116
Grigsby, Reuben, 35
Grigsby, Reuben, Jr., 35
Grigsby, Sarah Lincoln, see Lincoln, Sarah (sister)
Grimes, James W., 332, 399, 402, 477, 509, 515, 564
Grimshaw, Jackson, 241
Grimshaw, William, 31
Grover Theatre, 568–69
Grow, Galusha A., 383
Gurley, Phineas D., 337, 599
Gurney, Eliza P., 514
Gurowski, Adam, 314, 348, 375, 504
habeas corpus, 299, 380, 387, 416, 437, 441, 489
Albany protest and, 441–43
Congress and, 303–4, 305
Constitution and, 303–4, 442, 443
1862 election and, 382, 383
Lincoln’s Corning letter and, 442–43
Stanton and, 380
Vallandigham affair and, 419–20
Hackett, James H., 569
Hahn, Michael, 485, 486–88, 563
Haines, Joseph F., 148
Hale, John P, 592–93
Hale, Sarah Josepha, 471
Hall, Matilda Johnston, see Johnston, Matilda
Hall, Squire, 34
Halleck, Henry W., 319, 329, 338, 341, 343, 349, 371, 372, 384, 388, 389–90, 399, 409, 411, 420, 426, 438, 440, 444, 445, 447, 476, 490, 491, 499, 521, 534
appointed general–in–chief, 361
command system and, 439
Early’s raid and, 518, 519
as chief of staff, 492, 498
Lincoln and, 410
McClellan replaced by, 361
personality of, 369–70
Halstead, Murat, 324, 409, 424–25
Hamilton, Alexander, 238
Hamilton, James A., 325
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 15, 337, 569
Hamlin, Charles E., 506
Hamlin, Hannibal, 251, 253, 256, 262–63, 264, 266, 279, 283, 314, 363, 367, 378, 422, 426, 430, 503–4, 505
Hammond, James Henry, 234
Hampton Roads Conference (1864), 557–561, 573, 577
Hanks, Dennis, 26–27, 28, 29, 30, 32–33, 34, 36, 152
Hanks, Elizabeth, see Sparrow, Elizabeth Hanks
Hanks, Elizabeth Johnston, 32
Hanks, Harriet, 107
Hanks, John, 29, 30, 36–37, 38, 244–45
Hanks, Lucy, 20
Hanks, Nancy, see Lincoln, Nancy Hanks
Hardin, John J., 84, 92, 111, 112, 113–14, 122, 124–25
Harding, George, 185–86
Harlan, James, 551, 579, 593
Harlan, Mary, 551
Harney, William A., 300
Harper’s Magazine, 232
Harper’s Weekly, 465
Harris, Clara, 594, 595, 597
Harris, Gibson W., 102
Harris, Ira, 405, 407
Harris, Thomas L., 133, 178
Harrison, Peachy Quinn, 150, 230, 621n
Harrison, William Henry, 78, 85, 139, 244, 245
Harrison’s Landing, 359–60
Hart, David, 72–73
Hartford Convention, 74
Hartford Evening Press, 264
Hatch, Ozias M., 203, 231, 236, 241–42, 255, 273, 387
Haven, Gilbert, 542
Hay, John, 14, 258, 312, 318, 319, 332–33, 346, 370, 401, 406, 447, 449, 450, 455–56, 457, 463, 464, 468, 473, 480, 484, 501, 503, 505, 522, 539, 543, 550, 645n, 680n
Lincoln’s rela
tionship with, 310, 428–29
Hay, Milton, 70
Hayes, Rutherford B., 274
Hayne, Robert Y., 270
Haynie, Isham, 593, 594
Hazel, Caleb, 23
Heintzelman, Samuel P., 319, 341, 352
Helm, Benjamin Hardin, 475
Helm, Emilie Todd, 475
Hennepin (Ill.) Tribune, 235
Henning, Fanny, see Speed, Fanny Henning
Henry, Anson G., 74, 75, 87, 90, 125, 228–229, 433, 435–36
Henry IV (Shakespeare), 569
Henry VIII (Shakespeare), 569
Hermann, Prince of Hohenloe Langenburg, 390
Herndon, Elliott, 213
Herndon, James, 47
Herndon, J. Rowan, 47, 52, 97
Herndon, William H., 15, 20, 23, 40, 70, 71, 81, 84, 98, 119, 121, 125–26, 127, 128, 133, 162, 168, 176, 177, 179, 181, 183, 186–87, 188, 195, 197, 205–6, 209, 212, 213, 219, 254, 255, 266, 270, 317, 46l, 6l9n, 626n, 659n
background of, 101–2
1858 election and, 202–3, 204
elected mayor of Springfield, 160
Lincoln contrasted with, 102
Lincoln described by, 115–16
Lincoln–Rutledge romance and, 608n
on Lincoln’s children, 159–60
on Lincoln’s depression, 163–64
Lincoln’s law partnership with, 100–103, 118, 142–46, 150, 272
Lincoln’s law–work habits described by, 97, 99, 142–46
Lincoln’s relationship with, 101
Lincoln’s trust in, 228
Mary Lincoln’s relationship with, 160, 401
Republican party and, 190, 191–92
Herold, David E., 587, 588, 596, 599
Hesler, Alexander, 252
Hickman, John, 348
Hicks, Thomas, 252, 297, 298
“High-Handed Outrage at Utica,” 374–375
Hill, Mrs. Samuel, 55–56
Hill, Samuel, 39, 47, 50, 56
History of the United States (Grimshaw), 31
Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 348–49, 350, 518
Hitt, Robert R., 214
Hodges, Albert G., 9, 14, 514
Hoffmann, Francis A., 191
Hogeboom, John T., 495, 508
Holcombe, James P., 521
Holland, Josiah, G., 465
Holmes, Mary Anne, 586
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 47–48
Holt, Joseph, 313, 325, 333, 394, 550, 551
Homestead Act (1862), 424
Hood, John Bell, 530–31, 553
Hood, Thomas, 429
Hooker, Joseph, 390, 395, 433, 434, 435, 438–39, 440, 444, 458, 500
Burnside replaced by, 411–12
Meade’s replacement of, 445
Hooper, Samuel, 507
Houghton, Elijah, 72–73
“house divided” speech, 206–9, 232, 240
House of Representatives, C.S., 555
House of Representatives, Illinois, 54, 58, 60, 424
House of Representatives, U.S., 70, 78, 86, 112, 119, 180, 182, 183, 267, 468–69, 484, 485, 553, 562
1848 election and, 129
1854 election and, 178–79
1862 election and, 382–83, 395
1864 election and, 477
1861 Republican majority in, 305
Expenditures in the War Department Committee of, 121
Judiciary Committee of, 324
Lincoln elected to, 113–15
Lincoln in, 121, 123–24, 134–35, 236
Post Offices and Post Roads Committee of, 121
13th Amendment and, 554, 555
Vallandigham’s address to, 416
Ways and Means Committee of, 470
Howard, James Quay, 253
Howard, Joseph, 278, 501–2
Howard, William A., 592, 594
Howe, Timothy O., 369
Howells, William Dean, 20, 160–61, 162, 253, 592
Hoyt, Charles, 179, 182
Hungary, 177
Hunter, David, 273, 274, 363, 430, 479, 512, 519
Hunter, Mrs., 459
Hunter, Robert M. T., 555, 557, 558, 560, 578
Hurd, John, S., 157
Hurd v. Rock Island Bridge Co., 157
Hurlbut, Stephen A., 287, 288, 292
Hurst, Charles R., 70
Idaho Territory, 594
Illinois, 42, 49, 97, 111, 156, 247, 262, 265, 389, 417, 418, 419, 484, 494, 529, 534
abolition societies in, 63, 64
convention system of, 58
court system of, 144
1854 election and, 178–79
1856 election and, 194
1858 election and, 228
1862 election and, 381–82, 383
1863 election and, 455–56
growth of, 157
immigration and, 169
internal improvements issue and, 59, 61, 62, 75–76, 86, 122, 128
Kansas–Nebraska Act and, 169
Lincoln in legislature of, 53–54, 58–59, 60–64, 75–78
railroads and, 157
Republican party in, 177, 189–90
slavery and, 103–4
Springfield as capital of, 62, 63–64
State Bank of, 76–78
suffrage and, 59
13th Amendment and, 563
Illinois and Michigan Canal, 59, 61
Illinois Central Railroad, 155–56, 196–97, 623n
Illinois Central Railroad v. the County of McLean, 156, 168–69, 196–97
Illinois Colonization Society, 343
Illinois Gazette, 234
Illinois Globe, 125
Illinois Reports, 71
Illinois Republican, 67
Illinois Stoats-Anzeiger, 242, 412
Illinois State Bank, 62–63
Illinois State Democrat, 213
Illinois State Journal, 125, 170, 171, 172, 176, 178, 246, 250, 263, 270, 63ln, 634n
Illinois State Register, 67, 83, 124–25, 133, 173, 177–78, 210, 217, 382
immigration, 169–70, 188, 255
Independent, 525, 532
Independent Democrats, 183
Independent Treasury system, 109
Indiana, 23, 24–25, 156, 178, 235, 247, 249, 255, 265, 276, 292, 297, 382, 389, 417, 418, 483, 484, 529, 534, 539
Indiana Freie Presse, 477
Indianapolis Daily Journal, 284
Interior Department, U.S., 281, 393, 396, 550–51, 591
Internal Revenue Act (1862), 424
Iowa, 167, 173, 175, 235, 247, 316, 454, 458, 476, 502
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