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Lincoln Page 121

by David Herbert Donald

  Next Presidential Election, The, 481

  Nicolay, John G., 14, 211, 252, 258, 269, 270, 273, 282, 285, 312, 325, 336, 388, 389, 395, 401, 405, 463, 476, 496, 504, 520, 532, 536, 544, 550, 645n

  Lincoln’s relationship with, 310, 428–29

  Norfolk Democrat, 131

  Norris, James, 150

  North American Review, 543

  North Carolina, 281, 297, 301, 356, 469, 483, 498, 499, 555, 556, 575, 591, 592

  Northwest Confederation, 517

  Northwest Ordinance, 24, 103, 175, 199, 6l5n

  Norton, Jesse O., 191, 510

  Noyes, W. C., 263

  Nuckles, Robert, 143

  nullification crisis, 260, 269, 270, 283

  Observer, 82

  Odell, Moses, 327

  Office of Indian Affairs, U.S., 393

  Offutt, Denton, 37, 38–39, 40, 44, 145

  Oglesby, Richard J., 593

  Ohio, 178, 231–35, 236, 237, 247, 255, 267, 276, 292, 382, 389, 395, 417, 421, 454, 483, 502, 536, 543, 544

  O’Laughlin, Michael, 587, 596

  Old Buck (Lincoln’s horse), 147

  Old Tom (Lincoln’s horse), 104, 147

  Olney (Ill.) Times, 235

  Olustee, battle of, 484

  Opdyke, George, 263, 525

  Ord, Edward O. C., 572, 573

  Ord, Mary, 572–73

  Order of the Star-Spangled Banner, 170

  Oregon Territory, 122, 140–41

  Our American Cousin (play), 593, 597, 598

  “Our Domestic Relations” (Sumner), 470

  Owen, Robert Dale, 419

  Owens, Mary, 67–69, 87

  Pacific Appeal, 367–68

  Paine, Lewis, 587, 588, 596, 597, 599

  Paine, Thomas, 49

  Palfrey, John Gorham, 135

  Palmer, John M., 172, 183, 185, 246

  Palmerston, Lord, 322, 414

  Palo Alto, battle of, 123

  panic of 1837, 61, 75

  panic of 1857, 197

  Paris (Ill.) Prairie Beacon, 211

  Parker, Joel, 383

  Parker, John, 597

  Parker, Theodore, 168, 461, 631n

  Parks, S. C., 248, 638n

  Peace Conference, 268, 279

  peace negotiations:

  Blair mission and, 556–57, 573–74, 67Sn

  Davis and, 555–57, 559, 560

  Emancipation Proclamation and, 558, 559

  Greeley and, 521–22, 547

  Hampton Roads Conference and, 557–561, 573, 577

  Jaquess-Gilmore mission and, 523, 555

  Lincoln’s terms and, 555–56

  Niagara talks and, 521–23, 547

  slavery issue and, 523, 526–27, 532, 556, 558, 560

  “Peace Party Plot,” 537

  Pea Ridge, battle of, 338, 451

  Peck, John Mason, 125

  Pemberton, John C., 445–46

  Peninsula campaign, 341–42, 349–52, 358–62, 364, 369, 399, 411

  Fair Oaks battle in, 356

  Lincoln’s Norfolk visit and, 351

  Lincoln’s visit to, 359–60

  McClellan’s Harrison’s Landing letter and, 359–60

  Seven Days’ battles in, 357, 361

  Shenandoah campaign and, 355–56

  Pennsylvania, 61, 178, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 253, 254–55, 262, 265, 266, 267, 292, 382, 388, 395, 441, 445, 454, 455, 458, 480, 484, 502, 529, 538, 543

  Penrose, Charles, 571

  People of Illinois v. Peachy Quinn Harrison, 621n

  Peoria bridge case, 156–57

  Peoria Press, 125

  “Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions” speech, 80–82

  Perryville, battle of, 385, 388

  Peterhoff, 413

  Petersburg, siege of, 512–13, 517, 518, 520, 528, 572, 573

  Petersen, William, 598

  Philadelphia Union League, 481

  Phillips, Wendell, 137, 168, 426, 502–3, 535, 541, 564

  Piatt, Donn, 260

  “Picayune Butler” (song), 387

  Pickens, Francis, 292, 645n

  Pierce, Franklin, 207, 208, 236, 331

  Pierce administration, 168

  Pierpont, Francis H., 300–301, 579, 581, 590, 591

  Pilgrim’s Progress, The (Bunyan), 30

  Pinkerton, Allan, 277–78, 357, 358

  Lincoln’s interview of, 385–86

  Pleadings (Chitty), 55, 102

  Political Debates Between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, in the Celebrated Campaign of 1858, in Illinois, 237

  Polk, James K., 115, 119, 120, 122, 123–26, 128, 133, 139, 420

  Pomeroy, Marcus M., 549

  Pomeroy, Samuel C., 481, 482, 524

  Pomeroy Circular, 482–83, 488, 495, 496

  Pope, John, 273, 278, 358, 361–62, 365, 370–71, 373, 385, 388, 392–93, 394

  popular sovereignty doctrine, 168, 170–171, 173, 182, 201–4, 210, 232–33, 238, 270

  Porter, David Dixon, 446, 574, 576

  Porter, Fitz-John, 357, 371, 385, 387

  Porter, Horace, 515

  Port Hudson, La., 435, 445, 446, 455, 486

  Post Office Department, U.S., 51, 395–96

  Potter, John F., 324

  Powhatan, USS, 291–92

  “Prayer of Twenty Millions, The,” (Greeley), 368

  President’s General War Order No. 1, 334–35, 338–39

  Price, Sterling, 300

  Progressive Friends, 354

  prohibition movement, 82

  Providence Daily Post, 284

  Providence Journal, 465

  Prussia, 321

  Putnam, George Haven, 238

  Quantrill, William C., 451

  Quincy, Edmund, 206–7

  Quincy Whig, 118, 125


  colonization and, 166, 343–44, 367–68, 417–18

  Lincoln’s views on, 202, 210, 221, 222, 633n–34n, 683n

  Radical Democracy, 503

  Radical Republicans:

  anti-Lincoln criticism by, 331–33, 342, 424–25

  1864 Republican Convention and, 502–503, 504

  cabinet crisis and, 399–406

  emancipation and, 398, 473

  “Jacobins” of, 318, 332–33, 352, 390

  of Missouri, 437, 452–54

  plot to replace Lincoln and, 525, 531–32

  Reconstruction and, 473, 502–3

  Rafael (inventor), 432

  Ramsey, Alexander, 394–95

  Randall, Alexander, 526–27

  Randall, J. G., 14

  Rathbone, Henry R., 594, 597

  Ray, Charles H., 180, 181, 203, 217, 218, 248

  Raymond, Henry J., 347, 414, 505, 529, 532

  Read, John M., 252

  Reading (Pa.) Journal, 235

  reason, emotion vs., 66, 82–83, 118, 269

  recession of 1854–1855, 169–70

  Reconstruction, 15

  amnesty and, 471–72, 484

  Ashley bill and, 561–63, 564

  black suffrage and, 487, 562, 563, 585

  cabinet and, 590–92

  Congress and, 488, 561, 563–64, 591–92

  Constitution and, 472

  debate on terms of, 469–71, 558

  1863 State of the Union message and, 472–74

  1864 election and, 474–75, 483–87, 505, 509, 562

  Emancipation Proclamation and, 469–470, 472, 473

  Hampton Roads Conference and, 557–559

  Lincoln’s victory speech and, 582–83

  of Louisiana, see Louisiana

  loyalty oath and, 471–72, 484

  Pomeroy Circular and, 488

  role of freedmen and, 583

  Virginia and, see Virginia

  Wade-Davis bill and, 510–12

  Red River campaign, 499, 512

  Reid, Whitelaw, 481, 505

  Republican National Convention (1856), 192–93

  Republican National Convention (18
60), 243–50

  balloting in, 250–51

  bargains struck in, 248–50

  Decatur convention and, 244–46

  Lincoln as candidate and, 247–48

  Republican National Convention (1864), 478, 488, 493–94, 507, 508, 542, 553

  platform of, 505

  state conventions and, 502

  vice-presidential nomination and, 503–506

  Republican party, U.S., 181, 183, 195, 196, 209, 216, 220, 257, 296, 313, 314, 374, 418, 419, 483, 491, 517, 527, 562

  Bloomington convention of, 190–91

  Conservative, 452–54, 472–73, 527

  Decatur convention of, 190

  Dred Scott decision and, 200–202

  factions in, 230–32, 262, 331–33, 381, 408, 477, 495–97, 509, 532

  1854 election and, 180

  1856 election and, 192–94

  1858 election and, 204–6, 209–14, 227, 228

  1860 election and, 255

  in 1861 Congress, 304–5

  1862 election and, 380–83, 395, 468

  1863 election and, 458

  1864 election and, 477, 487–88, 495–97, 502–3, 504, 538, 544

  Herndon, and, 190, 191–92

  in Illinois, 177, 189–90

  “Jacobins” of, 318, 332–33, 352, 390

  launching of, 169, 189–90

  Louisiana regime and, 564–65

  McClellan’s nomination and, 531

  motto of, 192

  peace efforts and, 523–24

  Radical, see Radical Republicans

  realignment idea and, 421–23

  reconstruction debate and, 469–70

  slavery and platform of, 189–90, 192

  Resaca de la Palma, battle of, 123

  Revised Laws of Indiana, 47

  Reynolds, John, 44

  Reynolds, John F., 440

  Rhode Island, 241

  Rice, E. Y., 150

  Richardson, William A., 455

  Richard III (Shakespeare), 569

  Richmond Dispatch, 284

  Richmond Enquirer, 187, 284

  Riddle, Albert G., 496–97

  Riney, Zachariah, 23

  Ripley, Edward H., 577

  Ripley, James W., 431

  River and Harbor Convention, 115

  River Queen, USS, 557, 559, 571–74, 580

  Roanoke Island, N.C., 338, 390

  Robinson, Charles D., 526

  Rock, John S., 541

  Rockford (Ill.) Register, 228

  Rockford (Ill.) Republican, 235

  Rock Island Register, 235–36

  Rollins, James S., 554

  Rosecrans, W. S., 313–14, 384, 389, 390, 392, 397, 408, 411, 433, 435, 445, 446, 456, 457, 458, 479, 480

  Ross, John, 393

  Roxbury Gazette, 131

  Ruins of Civilizations (de Volney), 49

  Russell, John, 379, 414

  Russell, William Howard, 311–12

  Russia, Imperial, 189, 289, 321, 326, 335, 412–13, 468

  Rutledge, Ann, 55–58, 67, 68, 608n–9n

  Rutledge, James, 38, 39, 41

  Rutledge, James McCrady, 57

  Rutledge, R. B., 54–55

  Sacramento Union, 433, 550

  St. Louis Democrat, 214

  “Sampson’s Ghost” correspondence, 93

  Sandburg, Carl, 14

  Sandusky (Ohio) Commercial Register, 235

  Sangamo Journal, 42, 63, 67, 70, 74, 79, 90, 91, 100, 113

  Sanitary Commission, 358, 538

  San Jacinto, USS, 320

  Saulsbury, Willard, 416

  Saunders, William, 460

  Saxton, Rufus, 356, 430

  Schenck, Robert C., 122

  Schleiden, Rudolph, 280

  Schofield, John M., 451–54

  Schoolmaster’s Assistant (Dilworth), 31

  Schouler, William, 130

  Schurz, Carl, 215, 254, 262, 264, 290, 321, 381, 383, 476

  Scott, Charles M., 593

  Scott, Dred, 199, 200

  Scott, Walter, 48

  Scott, William, 31, 569

  Scott, Winfield, 123, 189, 277, 279, 280, 282–83, 286, 288, 289, 296, 299, 307, 308

  Anaconda Plan of, 305–6

  Lincoln’s visit to, 357–58, 361

  McClellan’s replacement of, 319

  Scripps, John Locke, 19, 209, 253

  Scully, William, 234

  Seaman, Benjamin, 148

  Seaton, William W., 136, 137

  secession crisis, 259, 281, 283, 452, 472, 645n

  Buchanan and, 257, 267

  Congress and, 257, 267, 269

  Constitution and, 268, 269, 276

  Crittenden Compromise and, 268

  and Lincoln as president-elect, 260–61

  Lincoln’s view of, 268–69

  Peace Conference and, 268–69

  South Carolina and, 257, 267

  Virginia and, 290, 297, 306, 644n

  Second Confiscation Act (1862), 364–65, 368, 374, 375, 379, 430, 560, 578

  second inaugural address, 565–68

  Seddon, James A., 549

  Sedgwick, John, 435

  Selby, Paul, 189

  Senate, U.S., 44, 121, 128, 204, 205, 212, 221, 268, 285, 287, 288, 331, 426, 538, 562

  Commerce Committee of, 477

  District of Columbia Committee of, 477

  1861 Republican majority in, 305

  Finance Committee of, 508

  Foreign Relations Committee of, 321, 413, 414, 477

  Judiciary Committee of, 564

  Lincoln’s 1855 campaign for, 179–85, 193, 194, 203, 220, 226, 231, 236, 242

  Military Affairs Committee of, 477

  Territories Committee of, 167, 173, 232, 477, 633n

  Separate Baptist Church, 24

  Seven Days’ battles, 357, 361

  Seven Pines (Fair Oaks), battle of, 356

  Seventh New York Regiment, U.S., 298–99

  Seward, Fanny, 407

  Seward, Frederick W., 277, 278, 401, 407, 591

  Seward, William H., 168, 192–93, 235, 236, 260, 269, 277, 279, 295, 301, 303, 307, 319, 330, 333, 359, 362, 372, 381, 412, 421, 428, 432, 463, 468, 469, 474, 477, 505, 528, 532, 533, 534, 551, 556, 590

  cabinet post of, 261–62, 263, 264–65, 266, 280

  in carriage accident, 579, 580–81

  Chase’s conflict with, 281–82

  1860 campaign and, 240, 241, 242, 243–244, 246–47, 248, 249, 250, 253, 254, 255

  1862 State of the Union message and, 395


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