Sorceress (Book 2)

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Sorceress (Book 2) Page 34

by Jim Bernheimer

  “Fireshade!” Majherri bellowed and somehow knew it was Kayleigh Reese. The energy spiked and erupted, sending Yar warriors spinning away from her and turning the fallen pieces of wall into deadly missiles.

  “Impressive,” Danella conceded as more unicorns and riders broke through the cloud of dust left in his former rider’s wake. “But stupid. She used up her energy right at the beginning. This will be easier than I thought.”

  Danella kicked him into motion and began calling on her own fire magic, sending waves of flame at the nearest opponents. A swirl of air magic dispersed the dust cloud and Majherri caught his first glimpse of Kayleigh. The first thing he noticed was her hair was…green? The second thing he noticed was the extra rider on the unicorn, a tiny woman also sporting the same shade of hair, in red robes with white makeup covering her face. When one of the half-burnt savages rose to his feet next to them, it was the white-faced girl who sent him flying with a wave of her hand.

  Suddenly, Kayleigh’s gambit made more sense. While she and the female unicorn recovered, the sorceress protected all of them.

  Is that the female, Iarisha, from the village?

  Further speculation became impossible. A light lance coming at them forced Majherri to look away from Kayleigh and use his horn to parry it as he entered a deadly dance with a Battle Maiden and her unicorn. Danella threw flames that were blocked away by an air shield from the rider who dropped her weapon and drew a sword. Before steel could meet steel, the ground trembled and Majherri struggled to keep his footing. At first, he thought it was a group of earth maidens using thunderhooves, but the massive bulk of the hydra passed by and scattered riders and warriors alike. The two outer heads snapped down. One missed, but the air maiden mere feet away was snatched bodily from her saddle and flung into her element, leaving her stunned unicorn suddenly riderless.

  Danella spared it needless grief by unleashing a torrent of flame into the male’s unprotected face. He staggered away, burning, dying, and probably blinded. Majherri fought back the revulsion and pushed it aside.

  The giant owl chieftain circling above screeched, “Secondary breakthrough at the main gate! Most of their forces are coming through there! They have a second sorcerer!”

  Orgo’s injured serpent form reappeared and shouted, “Go, my brother! I’ll deal with these wretched pests!”

  “Then do so, Orgo!” Slorn roared. The hydra’s gigantic form stopped and began to turn. The move forced Majherri to pivot and dodge the creature as Slorn turned away from the smaller group to reinforce the main gate. He ended up ducking behind a building and waited for the hydra to pass before reemerging. Quickly surveying the battlefield, Kayleigh and the sorceress riding with her were nowhere to be seen.

  Orgo’s tail knocked a unicorn and rider against the city wall and pinned them. His gaping maw opened, but a series of arrows hit his exposed throat area and around his mouth.

  Majherri followed the trajectory back to the source. Immediately, he recognized the woman behind the bow as Meghan. She continued sending a steady stream of arrows at Orgo, who spun away to protect his few vulnerable areas, hissing in rage. She sat high in the saddle of T’rsa, who moved as one with her rider, instinctively pausing for the split second Meghan needed to aim her next arrow.

  “There!” Danella cried and used her fire magic to make a path to her sister, burning friend and foe alike. Majherri charged, closing the distance at speeds that would make any unicorn, even one ridden by an air maiden envious.

  Meghan must have been alerted to their approach and turned her bow on them. Danella used her shield to deflect them. Her sister’s attempt to make the arrows unblockable failed miserably until Meghan jammed the bow into the leather holder strapped to T’rsa’s side and drew both a sword and dirk.

  Water maiden and fire maiden lashed out at each other with blades.

  “End this, Danella! Come back to the light!”

  “You’re slower than I remembered, sister. All that time on the island has made you soft. Don’t worry, I can fix you.”

  “Majherri! How can you serve such evil?”

  He did not waste time answering T’rsa’s question. His focus was on subduing his sister without seriously injuring her. The Lynch sisters might be on roughly equal footing, but this contest wasn’t nearly as close. Quick moves and head thrusts. For most unicorns, it remained a way to practice against lances – a game. For Majherri, it could never be that again. He’d already killed two unicorns in this manner, felt his horn strike home and true. In a twisted sort of way, his sister correctly said that his magic was wrong. Angry sparks of magic came into being every time their horns contacted one another.

  She’d angered him greatly. T’rsa had betrayed him, however justified it might have been and now she was yielding ground to him as he bullied her backwards with greater speed, strength, and skill. A glint of metal and he used his horn to block the slash from Meghan’s dirk. T’rsa used the opening to stab at him, opening a painful wound on his neck.

  The blood sizzled as he called on his magic to seal the wound, sending that bit he could manipulate up to the injured area. Snorting against the pain as he burned his own wound shut, he backed away momentarily to gain his bearings.

  T’rsa paused. “Brother I …”

  He didn’t give her a chance to complete her sentence. Rearing, Majherri pushed forward with his powerful back legs. His left front hoof slammed into her horn, pushing her head away and disorienting his sister. The right hoof extended and struck through Meghan’s guard and sent her tumbling from the saddle.

  Danella’s weight disappeared from his back. He caught a glimpse of her shifting into her hawk form for a second, before returning once more to human and tackling Meghan.

  T’rsa tried to get around Majherri to her rider, but he blocked her attempts.

  “She’s going to kill her! Let me by!”

  “I cannot,” Majherri stated. “I’m doing all I can right now not to kill you, Sister.”

  From behind, he heard Danella shout, “And now, look how easily I will change your mind!”

  “It won’t work, Danella! Our magic never does!” Meghan answered.

  “Here’s a secret, sister dear,” Danella said as Majherri strained to listen to the words and keep T’rsa back. “It’s not my magic.”

  “No, Majherri! You can’t let her enslave Meghan. Stop her! Let me stop her!”

  She possessed a strength born out of terror and fear for her rider. Even so, he turned her aside again and again while hearing the gagging coughs of the water maiden pinned down by her sister.

  It went on for another thirty seconds until T’rsa went suddenly rigid and stopped her desperate attempts to get by him. She no longer said anything. Turning, he saw a tired Danella standing above her sister and offering her hand down to Meghan. As much as he hated the other Lynch sister, never did he wish to see her looking around with eyes darkened with blackness.

  “That’s better, Sister. We don’t have to fight anymore.”

  “Yes it is, Danella.”

  “You finally see, don’t you?”

  “I do!”

  “Good,” Danella said. “Then we shall fight together, my sister. I see you’re a major now. Congratulations are in order! How about we go find that little wretch, Kayleigh? I’m supposed to capture her, but battles are chaotic and confusing. It would be a shame if she died, wouldn’t it?”

  “Yes,” the woman wearing a major’s crest replied. “Yes it would. She’s protected by the duke’s daughter, a capable sorceress.”

  “Well, that sounds like a challenge. I think we can take them and since you think what I want you to, I guess we’re in agreement.”

  A cruel and uncaring smile spread across Meghan’s face that chilled Majherri’s heart. T’rsa moved, compelled to obey, and went to her rider.

  The fight had passed them by. Only a few from each side remained amongst the bodies of the dead and dying. Orgo left a path of devastation going deeper into the city. F
our Yar worked as a team to try and down a riderless unicorn. Three of them perished before the last was able to bring the unfortunate female down. Meghan yanked a quiver of arrows from the back of a dead Battle Maiden and slung it over her shoulder before climbing into T’rsa’s saddle.

  “We are ready, Mistress.”

  “Good, my dutiful sister. Let’s go hunting for little sorceresses. I hear they’re in season.”

  Chapter 26- Freedom’s Champion

  Looking at her tresses, Kayleigh said, “Dare I ask? Why green hair?”

  Ashlynn laughed at Kayleigh’s dilemma. “I just want to be able to find you during the battle. Honestly, I still haven’t figured out how all you girls can tell which unicorn is which. I can do your unicorn’s too if you want? Besides, I’ll have green hair as well in a sign of solidarity, sister sorceress. Want a roll?”

  Having already eaten a light breakfast with Laurel, Tamera, and a few others, Kayleigh shook her colorful head and watched as Ashlynn’s hair took on the same emerald hue as her own.

  Munching on one of the rolls, the smaller woman used her other hand and lifted a garment out of a trunk as she continued, “Besides, it goes great with these.”

  “And what are those?” Kayleigh asked, looking at the robes her new friend held. They were red, but had a shiny almost metallic quality to them.

  “Proper mage attire, novice. You’ll eventually want a set. Father made these for me. It allows for freedom of movement, but is as hard to cut as your chainmail. The spells on them only last for two weeks outside of the box, so you have to use them sparingly.”

  A set of green gloves, the same color as their hair, completed the ensemble. “These hold three triggers each for shields.”

  “Your father’s work again?”

  “Yes, but I do the rest.”

  “Why, if he’s better?”

  “Would you really want your father enchanting your undergarments?”

  “I see your point,” Kayleigh conceded. Doubly so considering who my father is!

  “Are you almost ready, Ashe?” Brian asked from outside the tent. “Too much longer and I fear the battle will be over.”

  The sorceress in question rolled her eyes and said, “I want to look my best for the heathens, brother dear. Just give us a few more minutes.”

  “We should hurry,” Kayleigh said.

  The young woman shrugged and dug out a small jar of what appeared to be white salve and began applying the ivory paste to her cheeks. Kayleigh felt a shiver travel up her spine.

  “What in the Goddess’s golden hair is that?”

  “Mom’s great with creams. She calls this stuff her death mask. It makes anyone looking at me and wishing to do me harm feel afraid.”

  “Why’s it bugging me then?”

  “Well, I could say that you’re mad about the hair, but it has a side effect of making your allies nervous. I don’t wear it all that often and I’ll be paying for it all week trying not to break out. Still, a minor case of acne is better than being dead. If I had more, I’d do your face too. Can you bring me my wand box?”

  Kayleigh grabbed the small wooden case holding roughly a dozen foot-long sticks. Stripped of bark, they were covered in three bands of runes. Each band was a trigger for a spell. As soon as Ashlynn finished with her facial makeup, she selected six and placed three each in the two pouches dangling from her belt.

  More time passed before Ashlynn declared herself ready. Outside the tent, Brian waited for them.

  He opened his mouth to speak, but his sister cut him off. “I tried to hurry Kayleigh along, but the girl is a hopeless sloth.”

  “What?” Kayleigh said, feeling indignant.

  “Oh never mind,” the sorceress said. “Are we going to stand here all morning and point fingers, or shouldn’t we be getting to the battle?”

  Ashlynn rushed off, leaving the two together looking at each other more than a little confused.

  “In fairness, I did try to warn you,” he offered.

  Kayleigh smiled and said, “She’s not so bad.”

  “You’re still dealing with a first impression, Kayleigh. Give the irritation and annoyance time to fester a little and get back to me.”

  Quietly, they walked to the staging area and he broke the silence and said, “I’m with the main group, so I guess this is where we part ways. Fight well, milady. You still owe me a chat.”

  “Fight well and stay safe, Brian,” she replied with a twinge of awkwardness in the moment.

  I suppose the imaginary version of me is caught up in his fierce embrace this very second!

  Even the thought was enough to give her a bit of heat in her cheeks as she walked toward the smaller group of thirty riders.

  “Aw,” Ashlynn said, standing next to several Battle Maidens. “No kiss? First you keep me waiting for all that time in the tent, and then I run ahead to give you two some privacy.”

  Fuming, Kayleigh walked toward her tormentor while the others enjoyed a laugh at her expense.

  “You know something, Ashlynn? Your face paint is starting to bother me more. I think I might be getting closer to wishing you bodily injury.”

  The young woman opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by her father. “You’ve had your fun, daughter. It’s time to get serious.”

  He opened a long, thin wooden box and the makeup cracked from Ashlynn’s wide grin.

  “A siege staff. For me?”

  “Yes, daughter. Your group will appear to be attacking as a normal formation of Battle Maidens. However, you won’t have many earth maidens with you. The staff should have enough energy to breach the wall in their stead.”

  General Jyslin took over the briefing. “Major Lynch will evaluate the situation and make the decision to penetrate the city. Remember, you are a feint. Withdraw when you’ve lured their warriors to the area.”

  The major spoke up. “If you become separated and find yourself in the city, move inward and either seek out our forces near the main gate or find a defensible area with your unicorn and hold it. Do not overlook possible aid from the citizens of Pinella. They have suffered under the yoke of the Yar for more than two weeks. I expect they will rise against their oppressors, if given the opportunity.”

  “Trust your training and trust your unicorns,” General Jyslin said as her eyes moved slowly across the collected warriors and their mounts. “Look at the riders next to you, they are your sisters. Fight for them as they would in turn for you. I task each of you with the responsibility to bring yourself, your unicorn, and as many of your sisters through this day as possible. Know that I am proud to have served with each and every one of you. Often, I refer to you as my daughters, but not after today. Today as I look around, I see only my equals - sisters one and all!”

  The noise from the cheering was remarkable for the size of the group. Unicorns neighed loudly and beat their hooves on the ground.

  The general held her sword high in the air as the noise dropped down. “Safe journey to each of you. Remember all the reasons you go to battle and fight with honor, duty, and determination. Show all the kingdoms of this land that freedom is always worth fighting for!”

  Jyslin’s gaze settled on Kayleigh with that last sentence and the young sorceress understood the deeper meaning behind her words. She nodded to the woman riding Rheysurrah. The group cheered once more as General Jyslin turned to join the main force.

  “Ladies, unicorns,” Major Lynch ordered. “Mount up.”

  Iarisha gave Kayleigh a friendly nudge. The female unicorn didn’t possess Majherri’s arrogance or Rheysurrah’s haughtiness. She was pleasant and rather unassuming, which Kayleigh found to be a nice change. There was no bias, no blame, and no comparisons between her and Iarisha’s previous rider. Even with Majherri, Danella had always been lurking in the background. That turned out to be more true than Kayleigh had thought.

  “Thank you for being a friend to me,” she said while placing her hand on the side of the unicorn’s head.

p; “I’m touched Kayleigh,” a voice from behind said. “I know we’ve just barely met and all, but I like you too.”

  “I was talking to my unicorn, Ashlynn. Still, I guess it goes for you as well.”

  The younger Lady Tomas chuckled and climbed into the saddle of a white horse. Leaning forward, she mumbled a spell and the horse sprouted an impressive illusionary horn. “Look, I’m a Battle Maiden now too!”

  Kayleigh wanted to groan as Brian’s sister lined up next to her. Instead, her reply was, “Stick close to me and I’ll do my best to protect you.”

  “Funny,” the young woman said. “I was about to say the same thing.”

  Bows weren’t really the weapon of choice for the Yar, who favored javelins and spears, but there were still plenty of arrows to shield against as they drew closer to the city walls.

  “What in blazes is that?” one of the riders near her shouted.

  Kayleigh’s eyes were drawn toward a shimmering column on the wall. It hurt to look at with the sun’s rays reflecting off of it. For a second, she couldn’t be certain what it was until she realized that the column was a living thing and it was moving. It was some kind of giant snake.

  “That thing needs to die!” Ashlynn shouted.

  “I thought you liked shiny things,” Kayleigh retorted while an arrow or crossbow bolt bounced off the magical shield she had conjured around her and Iarisha. Not holding an actual shield made her an inviting target and, for a change, she didn’t mind the attention because it meant someone else wasn’t being fired on.

  “I hate snakes more! Let me take care of the wall and then I’ve got something special in mind for it!”

  With a trilling war cry that sounded terribly out of place, Ashlynn hurled the staff at the walls of Pinella from an impossibly long distance. The weapon sprouted wings and glided like a bird into the side of the stone wall. When it struck, Kayleigh felt a shockwave pass through the ground beneath them. Cupping her hand, she lobbed a fireball in the direction of the giant snake. It snapped to the side and avoided her attack, baring fangs at the riders below and promising certain death.


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