Surrender by Moonlight

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Surrender by Moonlight Page 19

by Foxx, Rosalind

  Dimitri swore. ''What in the name of all the Saints is she doing here?"

  Andres, hearing him, glanced back, as he shoved a burly worker aside. "Same thing we are, I think. My lord, can you take her from here? This is no place for her. It is too dangerous a situation. If the soldiers arrive and start shooting—"

  Dimitri changed course and drove Adan through the tightly packed crowd, forcing a path toward Leonor. She had not noticed him. She was busy pleading with the nearest workers to go home, not to try to settle their differences this way.

  "Leonor!" Dimitri shouted.

  His voice was swallowed up in the roar of the crowd as a man, one Dimitri did not recognize, ran forward and flung his torch in the open front door of the house. Another followed him, heaving his flaming torch onto the straw roof. Within minutes, chaos broke out. Flames raced across the roof and sent a pillar of smoke swirling over the crowd. The strong wind fanned the flames and the sight of the house burning fanned the passions of the crowd. His face grim, Dimitri continued his progress toward Leonor, finally breaking into the ring of shouting, gesturing men surrounding her. One leapt forward, bent on seizing her bridle and Dimitri drove Adan between Leonor and the man, forcing the man to fall back, cursing. A brief glimpse of her told him that her face was white and frightened but she stood her ground, her bullwhip in her hand. He ground his teeth in anger and fear. She would have little chance in this mob to use that weapon to defend herself! If they advanced on her, she would be overwhelmed far too quickly. And these men, he realized, studying the faces confronting him, were so caught up in the lust of the mob that they would not remember who she was or what she had tried to do for them. They would see her as a representative of Don Gilberto!

  A ripple went through the crowd. "The soldiers are coming!" Dimitri heard that with increased fear. If shooting began, as it was sure to do, Leonor would be caught in the midst of it. He tried to turn Adan to get to her side but the crowd was so closely packed around him that it was impossible. He thrust his pistol back in his belt and drew his sword. The sight of that gleaming blade, reflecting the warm glow of the fire, made the nearest men fall back and Dimitri turned Adan without further hindrance.

  Leonor, relieved by the sight of Dimitri, saw him bringing Adan through the press of men toward her.

  "What the devil are you doing here?" he demanded as he reached her.

  "Trying to break this up before someone gets hurt," she retorted.

  "The someone who gets hurt is going to be you if you don't get away from here before the soldiers arrive! Andres is here, see, over there! He'll reason with them, try to get them to leave. For God's Sake, Leonor, go home quickly! I can't protect you in this mob!"

  "I can protect myself!" she snapped.

  Half a dozen men surged forward, pressing between the two nervous horses, pushing Dimitri away from her side. Leonor saw Dimitri try to bring Adan back to her and then her eye was caught by a glint of metal. Between them in the surging crowd, a man raised a pistol and pointed it directly at Dimitri. Her cry of warning was lost in the din that swirled around them and, without thought, she raised her whip and lashed out, trying to do what she had been taught. It whistled through the air, reaching for that raised arm, then it struck. The tasseled end whipped around the man's wrist in a hard hold and Leonor jerked back with all of her strength. The pistol went off, the shot sailing harmlessly between Dimitri and the man nearest him. Adan reared and frightened shouts further unsettled the two horses. Leonor freed her whip and thrust it over the saddle horn to use both hands to hold Raya but the chestnut, frightened almost to death, plunged nervously, trying to bolt.

  As Leonor struggled with Raya, two mounted men appeared beside her, one on each side. One leaned down and seized Raya's bridle and forced the terrified mare hard against his own mount. The other man moved in on the other side, hemming her in so tightly she could not free Raya.

  "What are you doing?" she shouted. "Let her go!"

  They ignored that and brandishing rifles, forced a path through the crowd, taking her with them. She had no choice but to go but she thought suddenly that these men must belong to Dimitri. He had ordered them to remove her from the mob. Oh, wouldn't she tell him what she thought of him, treating her in such a high-handed fashion, thinking he knew what was best for her!

  Dimitri, seeing the men take possession of Leonor, swung his sword in a arc around him, forcing the men hemming him in to move back. He saw Sergei moving to intercept him and signalled him to hurry.

  "Two men," panted Sergei, reaching Dimitri's side, "just took Senorita Leonor . . ."

  "I saw them. Did you see which way they went?"

  "Toward the road."

  Dimitri and Sergei fought clear of the fringe of the crowd and were free. Nothing moved in the darkness outside the immediate vicinity of the burning house. Sheathing his sword, Dimitri made for the path that led to the main road, the direction Sergei had seen the men disappear with Leonor.

  "My lord, wait!" Sergei, riding hard, pulled alongside of Dimitri. "Who are those men?"

  "They were sent to take her and, I fear, kill her. I've been afraid of this," he muttered, pressing Adan to a faster pace. "I knew it would come!"

  Sergei, after a startled glimpse of his master's grim face, asked no more questions and concentrated on trying to maintain the pace Dimitri was setting, one of breakneck speed.

  The men raced down the dark road still holding Raya's reins in a tight grip. Leonor clung to the saddle horn and gripped hard with her knees, struggling to stay in the saddle. It was madness to travel on this rough road at such a speed! Gradually, after casting a number of hunted glances behind them, the men slowed their mounts to a walk.

  "We'd better kill her now," the one holding her reins said gruffly. "We may be pursued."

  "We're too close to the house," the other objected. "I noticed a wood up ahead. We'll take her in there, then we won't be seen if anyone is following us."

  Leonor swallowed hard, her throat tight and dry. Kill her?

  "Who sent you?" she demanded.

  They ignored her question and forced Raya into a trot, heading purposely for the woods that she could see as a dark smudge along the road up ahead. Once in the woods. . . . She clenched her teeth to stop their chattering and tried to think. Then her hand touched her whip, still wrapped around the saddle horn. If she could manage to break that man's hold on Raya's reins, she had a chance. If she didn't do something, there would be no second chance at all. her right hand gripped the handle of the whip and she eased it free of the saddle horn. Then, as they neared the woods and slowed down, she made her desperate move!

  She lashed out at the man holding Raya's reins, the whip coiling around his neck in a stranglehold. She pulled, hard, tightening it. His hand slipped from the reins to claw at the tough leather choking him. Leonor didn't hesitate a second. She gave Raya a savage kick and drove the startled horse forward. She could not reach the reins so she lay out on Raya's neck, holding on tightly, trying to guide the bolting horse with her knees. At her urgent command, Raya, frothing with fear, turned and plunged into the dark woods, braking her speed slightly as she zigged and zagged through the dense stand of trees. With every ounce of her strength, Leonor clung to Raya, trying to soothe her with words and reassuring pats on her sweating neck. Confronted with a tall pile of brush that she could not go through, Raya slowed and came to a shuddering halt. Instantly Leonor leaned down and caught the reins, talking to her, bringing the mare under control. Still trembling, Raya stood still, blowing nervously but listening to that calm, soothing voice.

  Leonor considered her position. She didn't dare go back. She would have to go on, keep to the dark woods until she was sure the men were gone. She guided Raya around the pile of brush then heard something that brought her up short. Horses had entered the woods behind her! A shot sang past her head and she sent Raya forward, racing desperately through the trees, trying to stagger her course so that she didn't present an easy target. More shoot
ing came from behind her but no bullets whizzed past. In fact, the sounds were further away now and from the shouts, she decided, more men had reached the woods! She drew Raya up and listened. Surely, that was . . . Yes! That was Dimitri's voice, barking an order in Russian! With a trembling sigh, Leonor turned Raya and paced quietly through the trees toward that deep voice.

  Dimitri and Sergei swerved from the road into the trees, hard on the heels of the men who were pursuing Leonor. They crashed through the tangle of underbrush, keeping the men in sight. Dimitri caught a glimpse of the bolting chestnut, with Leonor twisting and turning the horse through the trees just as the man in the lead raised his pistol and fired. Dimitri steadied Adan and drew aim on the man. The shot resounded through the trees and the man lurched and tumbled from the saddle. The second man ducked low over the horse's neck and swerved, turning aside from the pursuit, intent on escaping the men who were now pursuing him.

  "Take him alive!" Dimitri shouted in Russian at Sergei.

  Sergei angled off on an intercept course as Dimitri raced after the man. Finding his path barred by the stout armed Russian servant, the man pulled up, tried to turn and found Dimitri beside him, a leveled pistol pointed unwaveringly at his chest.

  When Leonor rode up, Sergei was tying the man's hands behind him while Dimitri kept the pistol trained on him.

  "Come, you," Sergei said, hauling the man back to his horse. "Get up there and if you move a single muscle, I'll blow your head off!" he added fiercely. The man, unable to mount with his hands bound, glanced helplessly from the horse to Sergei. With a grunt of exasperation, Sergei heaved the man into the saddle and held the reins in a firm grip.

  Leonor dismounted and joined Dimitri where he knelt by the first man. "Who is he?" she asked, watching Dimitri search the man's pockets.

  Dimitri tossed a heavy leather purse in the palm of his hand and frowned. "A paid assassin, I wager."

  "Paid to kill me," she said. He glanced sharply at her, hearing the tremble in her voice. "They argued whether to kill me on the road or in the trees and decided on the trees, where there would not be a witness."

  "Is that all they said?"

  She nodded.

  Dimitri brushed the dust from his hands and pocketed the purse. "Mount and let's go."

  Leonor discovered that she was trembling so much she could not mount Raya. Dimitri stepped forward and took her in his arms and held her warmly, one hand gently stroking her tumbled hair. After a long moment she reluctantly pulled away and he looked down at her. Then he lifted her and set her in the saddle. She followed him from the trees and Sergei, leading the other assassin's horse, brought up the rear. Dimitri turned right at the road, away from home, and she reined in. "You're going the wrong way."

  "No, I'm not. This way."

  "I'm going home."

  He shook his head. The determination in her voice told him she had recovered enough to argue with him. "You're coming home with me," he stated.

  She set her mouth stubbornly. "You don't need to escort me back, but I'm going home."

  Dimitri paced Adan back until he was beside her. Without another word or any warning, he reached over, scooped her out of the saddle, and put her in front of him. "You're going with me."

  Sergei moved up and caught up Raya's reins, a twinkle in his eye as he surveyed the girl's face.

  "Put me down!"

  Dimitri ignored her protest and kicked Adan into a trot.

  "Why are you doing this?" she demanded. "I have a right to know."

  "We'll talk about it when we get there. Sit still or I'm liable to drop you on the road." The threat in his voice was very clear.

  Leonor, still shaking with fear from the near brush with death, sat still. She wanted nothing more than to go home, have a sympathetic Paquita undress her and put her to bed, and to relieve her pent up feelings by a stormy bout of tears. Why did he insist she go to the Hacienda Azahar? He had some explaining to do when they got there!

  Biting back her tears, Leonor tried to rest against him, letting the steady motion of the horse soothe her as she tried to ignore the emotions his nearness was rousing. He held her firmly against him, his arm snugly around her waist, and she leaned back against that broad chest, overpoweringly conscious of the feel of his hard strength against her.

  His thoroughly arrogant attitude and habit of taking command of her and her life infuriated her, yet she was unreasonably soothed by his presence, by the firmness of his touch. I am being irrational, she thought. Either I like him or I don't. But she couldn't decide which she felt for him. Life, she admitted to herself, was more vivid and interesting when he was there. She felt more zest for life in his presence. Yet, he could make her more angry than anyone she had ever met. And the emotions he evoked by his touch disturbed her more deeply than anything else.

  He reined in by the front steps of the house and smiled at Cesar, who hurried to join them.

  ''Senor!" The curiosity and questions were brimming in his face but Dimitri shook his head.

  "Not now. Take Sergei's horses and his prisoner to the barn. I'll join you in a minute." Sergei dismounted and handed the reins of the three horses to Cesar. "Sergei, take Senorita Leonor. I have some business to attend to in the stable. Settle her in the guest bedchamber."

  "I want to go home," Leonor put in stubbornly.

  Dimitri continued imperturbably. "Lock her in if you have to leave the door, Sergei. I want her there where I come back."


  He flicked a glance at her. "I'm sorry, Leonor, but I can't trust you to stay where Sergei puts you. You'd be out and gone and I have to take care of this business before we talk."

  "I'll wait for you in the sala," she said furiously.

  He shook his head. "The guest chamber, Sergei, and lock her in."

  Sergei looked at her. "This way, senorita."

  After a fulminating glance at Dimitri, Leonor turned on her heel and stormed up the steps. Sergei followed her, shaking his head and muttering under his breath. It was all very well for his master to inform him to lock the girl up but Sergei was not sure just how simple that would be in fact.

  Just inside the door, Leonor turned. "I'll wait in the sala, Sergei."

  He eyed her sternly. "You heard his orders, senorita."

  "And you will carry them out!"

  "I will carry them out, senorita." Sergei hoped rather desperately that he would not have to do more than guide the young lady upstairs and lock the door but, from the stormy look on her face, he grew more and more doubtful that it would be that simple.

  "And if I refuse to go?"

  "Then," he said firmly, hoping she would believe him, "I will simply have to carry you upstairs."

  She thought about that for a minute. "If I gave my word not to try to escape—" she began, dazzling him with her sweetest smile.

  "I would probably not believe it," he admitted softly, returning her smile and with it taking some of the sting out of his words.

  It disconcerted her, as he had meant it to do, and before she realized what he was doing, he had caught her arm in a firm grasp and was urging her toward the stairs.

  "I won't be locked in," she said furiously.

  Sergei prudently ignored that and half pulled her up the stairs. He edged her into a bedroom and quickly slammed the heavy door and turned the key. Something heavy thudded against the door and he winced.

  "Sergei!" Open that door!"

  Moving with surprising lightness for his bulk, Sergei tiptoed away.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A wry smile touched Dimitri's lips as he led Adan to the stable. He was not surprised by Leonor's violent opposition to his hospitality, but she would stay there whether she liked it or not. Cesar awaited him in the stable. "Men are guarding the prisoner in the tack room, senor. May I ask," he ventured cautiously, "who he is?"

  Dimitri handed Adan over to the waiting groom and pushed his hair back from his forehead. He was tired and thirsty and longed to sit down, put his feet
up and drink a tankard of cool ale. He sighed. "There was a riot over there tonight. Two men seized Senorita Leonor in the midst of the riot and forced her away. Their intent was to kill her. No, I'm not guessing. They discussed it in front of her and argued about where to kill her. What, if anything they had to do with the riot, I don't know but their purpose was clear. One was killed and the other we have here. I want him to talk. We must have answers now!"

  Cesar, taken aback by this account, agreed. "We will make him talk. But, senor—"

  Dimitri raised his brows questioningly.

  "Do you have any suspicions of who hired them? What if he doesn't know?"

  "He knows and yes, I do think I know who hired them. Shall we see how eager he is to talk?"

  Dimitri followed Cesar into the tack room and motioned the two men guarding the prisoner to leave. The man was tied to a wooden chair and he watched Dimitri's entrance into the room with growing fear.


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