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Page 8

by Sean Michael

  "Yes, let me see you kiss first. You're so fucking pretty together."

  "Love you, Dare." Dev offered his lips and Dare took them, humming happily.

  Bake groaned, the sound of flesh on flesh sudden in the room. Fuck. The man was beating off while watching them. Dev whimpered, one knee pressing between his thighs, nudging the thick plug. Yes. Fuck, yes. Devvy.

  "Such good instincts, Dev. You know just what your brother needs, even when it scares you, don't you?" Bake's hand pushed between them, jacked his prick a few times. "Come ride him now."

  "Yes. Yes, Sir. Dare. Need you so much."

  Bake got him on his back, knees up, moved Dev into place over him. "Down, sweet boy. Take him in."

  He helped Dev move, fingers sliding over the lean, long body. When Dev slid down on him, Bake pushed until Dev's ass had him in all the way to the ring. Oh, fuck. Why had they never done this before? How had Bake known this would be so good for them?

  "Oh. Oh, fuck. So tight. So tight, Devvy..." He could feel Dev rippling all around him.

  Bake growled, the sound happy, and he reached out, tweaked nipple piercing and then Devvy's. He felt how Dev felt that.

  "Ride him, Dev." Bake spanked Dev's ass, making his twin move, bounce on him.

  "No spanking." Dev's ass was like a fist around him.

  Bake growled at him. "I'll spank who I want."

  Dev shook his head. "Spank Dare."

  A soft chuckle sounded. "His ass is against the mattress, sweet boy. Don't worry, I won't leave you rosy, just a little slap here and there." Bake kissed Dev, gave him another light smack.

  Dev leaned in, tongue lapping at Bake's lips.

  "Mmm... sweet boy. A little faster, up and down now." Bake gave him a wicked grin. "We want to make Dare absolutely crazy."

  "We do?" Dev groaned. "He's gonna sleep really good tonight."

  "Uh-huh. That's the point." Bake helped Dev find a rhythm, up and down, squeeze, up and down, squeeze.

  Dare stopped doing anything but moan, feel, breathe.

  "You want my cock now, Dare?" Bake straddled his shoulders, that thick cock tapping at his lips.

  "Yes." He wanted to be taken. Hard.

  "Good." Bake shifted, pushed forward, and that thick prick spread his lips.

  He swallowed, opening up and taking it in. Bake seemed to know what he wanted, what he needed, and the man pushed the thick prick in deep, letting him have it all. All the while, Devvy bounced on his prick -- up and down and up and down. They took him together, Bake's cock filling his throat over and over as Devvy's ass swallowed him up. He cried out again and again, the sound vibrating in his chest.

  "Oh, fuck. Dare. That's... fucking good." Bake's voice was rough, cock splitting Dare's lips faster and faster.

  Bake tasted like pure sex -- all need and male and salt. And big enough to fucking stretch his lips wide as he pushed in over and over. He tightened at the base on each push in.

  "Fuck. Yes. Good, boy. Fucking good boy."

  That made his toes curl.

  "Gonna make me come, boy."

  Wasn't that the point?

  "You want it in your mouth, Dare? You want me to come down your throat?"

  That was really more Devvy's thing, but he didn't mind swallowing. How could he, with his cock being held in perfect heat?

  "Or you want it on your face? Is that what you like, boy? You want my spunk all over your face?"

  Those thrusts kept coming, even as Bake growled the words out at him. He groaned, pulling harder, demanding Bake's orgasm.

  "Fuck! That's it, boy!" Bake slammed into him, and then spunk was flowing down his throat.

  He swallowed, hips bucking up into Dev.

  "You too, Dev." Bake kept fucking his mouth, the movements gentler now. "Come for your twin."

  He heard Devvy moan, knew Dev was jacking off but good.

  "Give it up, Dev." That commanding voice just growled the words out, sexy as fuck.

  He thought he could smell Dev come, but Dare wasn't one hundred percent sure. Bake surrounded him.

  "Good, boy." Bake's thrusts eased, and he slowly pulled out his cock.

  A solid hand patted his cheek. "Gonna sandwich you between us, boy. Make sure you know we have you, even when we're sleeping."

  Dare sobbed softly, and he leaned into the touch. Bake waved at Devvy, who slowly came off his cock.

  "So pretty," murmured Bake, before sighing and settling down on his right side.

  He was still hard, still plugged, but he was so fucking tired.

  Devvy came and curled up on his other side, and Bake patted his belly. "Don't you worry, Dare. I'll finish you off after you've slept. It's going to be so good."

  "Mmm." He couldn't even answer; he just blinked.

  Bake kissed him, tongue sweeping through his mouth, and then demanded, "Sleep."



  He was gone.

  Chapter Seven

  Bake woke up around five a.m., two beautiful twins in his bed. A pair of subs. He was a fucking lucky man. One soft, one hard; he knew just how to give each one what they wanted. He slid his hand over Dare's chest and tweaked the tempting little unadorned nipple.

  Dare's eyes popped open. "Fuck. Fuck, what time is it? Do I have to go in?"

  "Shh, I've got you, boy. Just gonna make you feel good."

  Poor, overworked man.

  "Yeah? Okay. Okay, fuck. Sorry." Darius blinked at him.

  "Shh." He found Darius' mouth with his own, kissing the words right out of his mouth.

  This man needed three or four days off in a row. He needed to be tied to the bed and made to feel and to hurt and to come and come and come.

  Bake knew he was just the man to do it, too.

  Darius moaned into his kiss, licking his lips. He licked right back, taking control of the kiss and rolling over Darius, pressing him into the mattress. Darius spread and rocked up toward him, sweet, needy man. Bake ran a hand down from shoulder to hip, fingertips sliding on hot, smooth skin. He saw Dare's eyes slide to the clock, check the time.

  "Hey." He growled and grabbed Dare's chin. "Let me worry about what time it is -- I want your focus right here."

  "Sorry. Sorry, it's habit."

  "You're not alone right now, though. I've got your back." Bake didn't let Darius say anything else; he just took the man's mouth.

  Dare opened to him, moaned low. So pretty. The man was so pretty. He found Dare's pierced nipple and teased it for a moment before tweaking. The tiny bit of flesh went hard, and he moaned into Dare's mouth. He pinched it again, then rubbed his thumb over it. Then he repeated the movements. Dare's hands wrapped around his shoulders, tugged him closer. Groaning, he rubbed against Dare's naked body, their cocks bumping.

  Dare was warm and yielding, but nowhere near as passive as Dev. No, Dare begged to be pushed, loved it. Bake liked the challenge, knew he was going to get a challenge -- both physically and mentally -- with Dare.

  He pushed down with his hips and attacked the other nipple. Dare's soft, happy cry made him smile. He fucked Dare's mouth a little harder, his tongue pushing in and out of the hot mouth as his fingers searched out hot spots. Dare let him in and in, sounds filling his lips.

  He found a spot just under the man's rib that made him grunt, and another on the belly that had him moaning. Bake played them both, loving all the noises. Dare started shifting, bucking up underneath him. He licked his way along Dare's jaw, leaving the occasional stinging bite.

  "Sir." The single word burned him a little.

  Growling, he bit at Dare's neck. Dare's chin lifted, hips snapping. "You're a pretty stud, aren't you, Dare?"

  "You're the stud."

  He let the compliment puff him up. "I try, Dare." He winked.

  Dare leaned up, kissed him slowly.

  He tangled his tongue with Dare's, thoroughly enjoying the kisses. Dare moaned and shuddered, wrapping around him and holding on.

  "Beautiful, needy boy." He licke
d Dare's earlobe. "You want a whipping, boy?" He bit at the same earlobe after the words.

  "Oh. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Need."

  "That's what I thought." He licked from Dare's earlobe down to his neck, picking up the salt.

  Dare was desperate for someone to let him be the sub, let him lose control.

  "Not now. Not when you have to go to work in a few hours. But tonight. When you're home. I'm gonna do you so good."

  "I don't even have a few hours. Have to be in soon."

  "Then let me love you and send you on your way, okay? And tonight, your ass is mine." Poor man was hugely overworked and desperately in need.

  "Please." There was a barely-controlled want in that voice.

  "What time do you get off?" He waited a beat. "From work."

  "Six. Twelve-hour shift today."

  "Shit, boy, you work too hard."

  "Tell me about it." Dare sort of smiled. "I get a day off in five more, though. I hope."

  "Five more days before you have a day off?" Bake shook his head and swooped in for another kiss. Dare opened up, kissed him hard, diving into him.

  He reached over to the bedside table as they kissed, finding a condom and the battered tube of lube. He'd pull that plug out, fuck Dare hard, just a taste of what was coming tonight. Sure the supplies were where he needed them, he spread Dare's legs with his knees, pushing them apart and reaching down to that sweet, plugged ass. Dare was working the plug, ass squeezing the rubber.

  "Needy boy." That need called to him, made him want to do exactly what Dare needed him to.

  Dare nodded, and Dev blinked awake, looking still ninety percent asleep. "Dare?"

  "He's fine, Dev. I'm taking care of his pretty little ass." He found the base of the plug and twisted it.

  Dare cried out, bucked, and rode the plug.

  "Gonna be my cock in a minute, Dare."

  "Please. Yes. Please."

  He didn't tease any more, just pulled that plug out as he gloved up his cock. Dare moaned softly as that sweet ass was emptied. The games he could play... The things he could do.

  For now, he simply pushed into that empty hole, feeling Dare's body clutch at him. He'd never met anyone who needed to be fucked so much. He sank all the way in and then began to pound, hard and fast, giving it to Dare as good as he knew how. Dare took him and took him and took him.

  He found the man's cock and released it from its binding, wrapping his hand around it. He tugged just as hard as he thrust into the man.

  "So good. Sir. Please. Please." There were tears on Dare's cheeks.

  "Yeah, got you. Come on. Come on." He pounded into Dare like there was no tomorrow, his grip on the man's cock brutal, his pace fast and hard.

  Dare jerked, clenched around him, and shot, hard, breath sobbing out of him.

  Groaning, Bake came, too, the tight squeezing around his cock more than he could withstand. "Yeah." He rested their foreheads together once he'd stilled, panting.

  "Morning." Dare's lips brushed his.

  He chuckled and nodded. "Morning."

  "I have to get a shower. Thanks for the wake-up call."

  He nodded, slid out and patted Dare's hip, met the man's eyes. "Tonight when you're done, I'll have the time to give you what you really need."

  Dare kissed the corner of his mouth. "Have a good day, huh?"

  He ran his hand through Dare's hair. "I will. You, too."

  "I will." With that, Dare hopped up and headed out; Dev curled in close to his side.

  Bake took a look at the clock and shook his head. The man definitely was burning the candle at both ends and not getting his needs taken care of. Bake could fix that, at least.

  Dev hummed, fingers petting his belly, easing him back into sleep. He distantly heard the beep of a taxi, heard the front door close.

  In twelve hours that ass was his.

  Chapter Eight

  Clay had stopped by Darius' restaurant and dropped off a few boxes of their stuff and a cheap little hatchback so they could get back and forth to work. Darius looked like hammered shit, and God knew what Devin looked like.

  Still, he forced himself not to worry about it too much. And he forced himself not to call Bake, either. The boys would figure it out. And he had dinner plans.

  His phone rang, the number identifying Bean. Speaking of his dinner plans... He flipped the phone open. "'Lo?"

  "Hey, Clay. It's Bean. How's it going?"

  "Hungry. How're you?"

  "I've just finished work. I'm a mess, though, need a shower before I'm fit for dinner."

  "That sounds fun." He grinned. He could handle wet, slick Bean.

  "Is that an invitation to get clean in your bathroom?" Bean's voice had dropped to something a little above a whisper.

  "Hell, yes. Consider it a permanent invite."

  "Be careful, Clay -- I just might take you up on that."

  He chuckled. "How far away from the house are you?"

  "I'm at a place out on Roseview. Bake dropped me off to do the job."

  "You want a lift?"

  "Only if you don't mind. I wasn't hint-- Oh, who am I kidding, I was hinting. If I have to wait for Bake to come get me, I might be another hour, easy. I'd love it if you could come get me."

  He chuckled, nodded. "I can be there in fifteen, maybe ten." He liked a guy who knew his hints.

  "That'd be awesome. Thanks, man." Bean rattled off the address. "I'll be the guy covered in dirt."

  "I'll be the dude in the pickup." He clicked his phone shut and headed off, whistling idly. Maybe instead of going out, they could grill or something.

  Traffic wasn't too bad, heading out. It was going to be a bitch in a half hour, but by then they should be going in the opposite direction.

  Bean was sitting on the grass at the end of the front yard of a beautifully landscaped home, lunch box next to him. He stood when he saw Clay's pick-up, smile just beaming from him.

  Clay waved, pulled over. "Hey, man. I found you."

  "You did." Grinning, Bean slid into the passenger seat, looking for all the world like a man who wanted a kiss.

  He resisted, heading out into traffic again. No sense anyone getting their butts kicked.

  Bean's hand snuck over to rest on his thigh. "This okay?"

  "Mmm. Yeah. Good day?"

  "It was. I like working out in the sunshine." Bean's tanned face was covered in dirt, and he looked tired but happy.

  "I hear you." He loved working with his hands, making things.

  Bean nodded and the hand on his thigh squeezed. "How about you -- how was your day?"

  "Not bad. Got a little car for the twins so they could manage work."

  "Oh, that's sweet of you. So you forgave them, huh?"

  "No, but they need their jobs." He winked.

  "Ah, self-preservation, huh?" Bean laughed. "That's great."

  "They're not evil, just... trouble."

  "Uh-huh. Bake'll take care of 'em for you."

  "I think that is a perfect answer." He let himself look over at Bean. "I have someone to take care of right here."

  "I do like the way you think, Clay."

  "Man, I think we should go fuck like bunnies and then go find a burger joint and have some beer."

  "You say the sweetest things."

  "I'm a charmer, man, swear to God."

  "You are. Maybe not a candlelight and swanky meals kind of charmer, but some of us like the fuck like bunnies and beer guys better than the frou-frou ones."

  "It's a thing, you know?" He reached over, patted Bean's leg, the dust puffing up and making him smile.

  "Yeah. And I have a thing for your thing." Bean gave him a lazy, happy grin.

  "My thing has a thing for your ass, hot stuff."

  Bean whooped and banged his hands on the roof of the cab. "We've got it made, then."

  "Yep. We have a plan. Hot water. Hot ass. Cold beer." He put on his blinker and turned right on Alameda.


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