
Home > Contemporary > Baked > Page 17
Baked Page 17

by Sean Michael

  "You look better already."

  "I feel better. Tired, but better."

  Dare brought in Bake's soup, some toast. "Here you go. I'll be back."

  "Thank you, Dare. Enjoy your shower." Bake waved his spoon at Dare's retreating back and then dug in. The man made a little moany sound around his first mouthful.

  "See? Magic." He heard the water start, heard Dare's distant groan a few minutes later. He'd bet that Dare was jacking off.

  "It is magic. Sounds like my shower is magic, too."

  Dev grinned, blushed, but didn't give Dare away. "He likes being clean."

  Bake tilted his head and stroked Dev's cheek. "What aren't you telling me, sweet boy?"

  "Hmm?" He couldn't help cuddling into the touch. It was so good.

  "What's the blush about?" Bake asked.

  "I just. Dare really likes the water. He's in there, touching. I know he is. He even..." His voice lowered to a whisper. "He even had a nozzle once, like a dildo, that hooked up to the shower."

  "Oh, I have to find one of those. I'll also have to make a rule or two about the shower and what can be done in there."

  Another soft moan sounded, and Dev giggled, head ducking. "Must have been a long day at work, huh?"

  "I think they all are for Dare. For you, too, if you feel like this at the end of it."

  "Well, Dare works long, long days." Dare was the hardest-working person he knew.

  "He's a bit of a workaholic." Bake gave him a wink.

  "Darius? No way."

  A long, low cry sounded, and they both chuckled.

  "Finish up your soup," Bake ordered, dipping his spoon back into his bowl.

  "Uh-huh. You gonna make Dare eat, too?"

  "Does he need encouraging?"

  "Sometimes. He's around food all the time."

  "Just like you don't like getting flowers so much, I bet."

  "I love flowers, but... yeah. Yeah, you're right."

  "Chocolates it is." Bake winked at him.

  Dare came in, bouncing and bebopping away.

  "Mmm, you look delicious, too." Bake held a hand out to Dare. "Have you eaten any of this wonderful soup?"

  Dare came closer, humming happily. "I'm good."

  Bake slid his hand down Dare's arm, clasped his hand. "Will you eat apple crisp with us, at least?"

  "Mmmhmm." Dare smiled, leaned down for a kiss, then kissed Dev, lips soft and warm. "Feeling better, Devvy?"

  "He just needed to be home with his lovers." Bake grinned easily at him.

  "Home is good." Dare licked his bottom lip.

  Dev chuckled. "Ass."

  "My spicy and sweet boys. Home is home now that you're both here, yeah?"

  They both smiled, nodded.

  "Should we save apple crisp for after, or as a sweet entree to making love?"

  "I need to go check it." Dare hurried off, just like that.

  Bake frowned. "What was that?"

  "The apple crisp. Dare doesn't want it to burn."

  "And that's it?"

  "Uh-huh. You mentioned the..."

  Dare came in, a steaming dessert in oven-mitted hands, ice cream under one arm. "Ta da!"

  Bake chuckled. "Smell that cinnamon."

  "You two want it in here or..."

  "Bed." Bake grabbed the pillows and settled them against the headboard before shifting to sit. "The sheets need to be changed anyway."

  "It's hot. Be careful."

  Hot and cinnamon-y and just luscious. His Dare was so damned talented.

  Bake grunted and nodded. "Fuck. This is amazing."

  Dare beamed and blushed.

  "You are very talented. You shouldn't have to work like a dog for someone else." Bake dished himself up a healthy second serving.

  Dare nibbled and he nibbled, the apples wet and hot and the crispy part sweet and buttery and rich.

  "You know, watching the two of you eat is almost as good as this." Bake leaned in and licked a bit of sugar from the corner of Dare's mouth. "So what else do you make that's this awesome?"

  Dev chuckled. "His cinnamon bread. Or no, the strawberry cake. Or the cream cakes. Oh, wait. Cheesecake."

  Dare started laughing.

  "A wide variety of desserts, then, eh?" Bake's eyebrows drew together. "Do you do bread? Other soups?"

  "I'm a pastry chef, Bake. I make every kind of bread. And you tell me what soup you like."

  "Any kind of soup? Cream of leek?"

  "Sure. Tomato, celery, tortilla, gazpacho. Whatever."

  "You should open a little breakfast and lunch place, then. Soon as word of mouth got out, you'd do a great deal of business, I'm sure."

  "I can't do that. I'm not smart enough."

  Bake snorted. "Bullshit. Besides, it's not like you'd have to do it alone. Just think -- Dev could run the front of the house, he'd be away from the florist's shop and creepy Mike."

  "Maybe one day, huh? Wouldn't that be fun?"

  Dev chuckled at Dare, nodded.

  "We'll get Bean to run numbers, if we can tear him away from your brother long enough."

  Dare looked a little misty, honestly. "It's just cool that you like my stuff that much."

  "I do. It's awesome." Bake rubbed Dare's arm.

  Devin chuckled, nodded. "It is. So awesome."

  "I'll definitely talk to Bean; he'll get some numbers together for us."

  "You don't have to hurry or anything. I can't afford anything like that yet. One day."

  Dev nodded. In that, Dare was right. They were still working out living arrangements, right?

  "We'll see." Bake put the plates on the floor next to the bed and tugged Dare down, so the three of them were curled up together.

  Dare kissed his neck, then kissed Bake. "Hey."

  "Mmm. Hey. Now that we're all together and fed, I think we should say hello properly."

  "We didn't say hello?" Dev was fairly sure there'd been a hello.

  "Not properly." Bake winked and leaned in to kiss him.

  He cuddled in, kissing Bake back with a happy little moan. The kiss ended softly, and Bake drew Dare down into a kiss of his own. Dare smiled, wiggling against Bake, happy, playful. Laughing, Bake deepened the kiss, hands landing on Dare's ass, squeezing.

  Dev leaned on the mattress, watching lazily, one hand stroking his own belly. He could hear Bake beginning to growl, fingers digging into Dare's flesh.

  He shook his head. "So mean to him."

  Bake broke off the kiss to laugh and wink at him. "Dev, sweet boy, he loves it."

  "It just... I don't get it."

  Dare groaned.

  "You don't have to, boy. Dare gets it. Dare wants it -- Dare needs it."

  He shook his head but refused to get all tense about it. "Good thing we have you, then, huh?"

  "It is. I know what you both need, what you both want." Bake looked smug. "I can tell you apart."

  "We haven't tried to fool you yet." They were exceptional at it.

  "You'll never need the things that Dare wants, though. And he'll never want the same things you do."

  He met Bake's eyes, moved closer, a little fascinated. "What do I want?"

  Bake's fingers slid along his hairline and down his cheek, gentle, almost not there. "Holding, binding, sweet and quiet. You want to be loved deep, but easy. You want to be touched in every part of you."

  Dev nodded, fascinated. "And Dare?"

  "Hmm... Dare likes a firm hand. Spanking and hard fucking, kisses that steal his breath. He needs to know that he's seen and he needs to be taken out of himself." Bake gave him a stern look. "He needs to be able to let go."

  He looked at Dare, winked, grinned. "Weirdo."

  Dare looked at him, then started laughing.

  Bake chuckled and tweaked his nose. "It's all well and good to tease, sweet boy, but every now and then Dare needs to know that you support him. No matter what."

  "I love him. He knows."

  "He needs to know he can let go, Devin. He needs to know you're strong
enough to let him."

  "I..." He sighed. "I worry. It's a little scary, but he doesn't look upset when you do it."

  "He loves it, Dev. And he's perfectly capable of safewording. You have to trust me, and most importantly, you have to trust him."

  "He is pretty when he needs."

  "Mmm... he so very much is."

  Dare snorted. "He is right here."

  Dev flipped Dare off. "He already got to come."

  Bake threw his head back and laughed. God, Bake was hot. Really hot. Like whoa hot.

  He looked at Dare, who nodded once, and together they pounced on their lover, pushing Bake into the mattress.


  Bake's arms came around them, holding on as they kissed.

  This was what the deal was, and Dev thought they were going to have to hold on with all four hands.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Bean had meant to be great company on the drive from Clay's to the place they were staying at on the beach, he really had. But the sun was shining into the cab, making him sleepy, and it had been a long, hard couple of days putting in new landscaping at the old Wilkerson Estate, and he'd simply passed out, head on the back of the seat. He'd probably even been snoring up a storm.

  He woke up as Clay pulled in front of the place, a sweet-looking cottage a couple hundred yards from the beach.

  Stretching, his eyes went automatically to the water. "Oh, look at the waves. I checked with the weather thingie -- should be great for surfing in the morning." If you liked five a.m. -- maybe it was a good thing he'd napped.

  "Good deal." Clay grinned at him. "Good nap?"

  "Yeah, sorry, man. I didn't mean to flake out on you." He dropped his hand to Clay's shoulder and squeezed. "Thanks for the invite."

  Clay leaned in, kissed him long and slow, tongue fucking his lips like the man had no other plans for, oh, eternity. Bean could so handle that. Who needed the cottage? They'd just stay right here and make out until they were dried-out husks. Worked for him.

  He wrapped his arms around Clay's neck. Clay licked his lips, then, just as he thought the kiss would ease back, it deepened again. Whimpering, Bean tried to press up against Clay, the position awkward, but still sexy as fuck.

  Finally, Clay leaned back, their lips separating with an audible pop. "Inside."

  "Yes, boss." He gave Clay a wink and then hurried out of the truck, slamming the door behind him as he made for the cottage.

  Clay grabbed the cooler and two bags of food, then locked the truck.

  "Oh, I suppose I should bring in our bags, huh?" Clay had him all a–fucking-flutter.

  "We'll get them later. Key's under the plant there."

  "Cool." He bent and felt around for the key.

  He felt Clay's knee, nudging his ass. He glanced back and wriggled for the man. Fuck, but Clay just made him happy and horny and good right down to his toes.

  "Want to fuck you. Been thinking about it. Hurry up."

  "Gah. You say stuff like that and then expect me to be able to do anything but spread my legs and beg for it?" He did manage to find the fucking key, though, his fingers wrapping around it.

  "I want you to ride me. I want to watch your sweet hole take my prick down to the root."

  "Fuck. Fuck." He jerked and stood, shifting back to grind his ass against Clay's cock.

  "Open the door, babe. I want you." That muscled body vibrated against him.

  It took three tries, but he finally managed to get the fucking door open. He nearly let out a whoop when he got it.

  Clay muscled him in and he got the chance to look at the little place -- nothing fancy: couch, TV, table, kitchenette -- while the food got dropped off on the counter. "Nice, man." More than good enough for them.

  Clay grunted, then started moving him into the tiny bedroom. He knew how Clay felt, his whole body eager and hyperaware of Clay.

  "Bathroom. Cottage. Now, bed." Ah, his caveman.

  He was laughing as their lips met, but it cut off into a groan as the heat of Clay's body pressed close. Clay was hard as a rock, prick fat, pressing against his thigh. He rubbed against his lover, groaning. Clay dug in one pocket, coming up with a tube of tube. Whimpering, Bean backed off enough to start pulling his clothes off.

  "Hot, babe." Clay's voice was rough, raw.

  "For you!" No one had ever done it for him like Clay did. Naked, he turned to climb on the bed, hands and knees, legs slightly spread.

  "Gonna get you ready, then you'll ride." Clay's hand landed on his ass, slapping once, sharply.

  He jerked and then pushed back, looking for more. "Whatever you want, Clay." Anything. Anything at all.

  "You. I want you."

  Oh, God. Look at those eyes. He held that gaze as he looked over his shoulder; he wanted Clay so fucking badly. It was an ache in the pit of his stomach, in his balls, a need he couldn't control.

  "I want you today." Two fingers pushed in, deep. "Tomorrow." They started fucking him. "And the next day, the day after."

  "Fuck, yes!" He dropped his head between his shoulders and began rocking back, riding those fingers.

  "Good." Clay sounded satisfied as fuck, pushing into his ass, fucking him.

  "Gonna make me come," he warned. Not that he couldn't still ride if he did, but he felt like he should tell Clay.

  "Wait for me. Want to feel it around my cock when you do."

  "Better let me ride now, then." He knew he wasn't going to be able to hold back with Clay's fingers pegging his gland like that.

  "Mmmhmm." Still, his gland was pegged twice more, good and hard, before the fingers slipped away.

  He threw himself on the bed, one hand going to his cock, the other pinching a nipple. "How do you want me?"

  Clay stripped down, then dragged a rubber over the fat, pretty cock before spreading out on the mattress. "C'mere and ride."

  "Yes, Sir!" He straddled Clay's body and reached back to grab that amazing cock. Clay's eyes rolled when he grabbed the man's shaft, rubbed the head over his hole. "Gonna ride you all night long." He lowered enough that just the head spread him wide.

  "What if that's not long enough?"

  "Then you're going to need more lube." He sank down, taking Clay all the way in.

  Clay's laugh was a little husky, a little wild, but Bean didn't care. All he focused on was the burn, the stretch all around him. "Full." It was damn good.

  "Mmm." Clay watched him, eyes heavy-lidded, dragging on him. Like a fucking touch.

  He set his hands on Clay's chest, wriggling a little.

  "Gonna keep you." Clay's hands landed on his hips.

  "Gonna let you." He started to ride, moving up and down in long, slow motions.

  "Yeah?" Clay didn't look like he was teasing at all.

  "Uh-huh." He wasn't joking himself. If Clay never let go, it'd be too soon.

  "Okay. It's a deal." Those strong arms started moving him, dragging him down onto that fat, fine prick, harder and harder.

  "Oh, fuck, yes." He arched, moaning every time he came down.

  Clay grunted, those hips beginning to slam up into him over and over. He tried to say something, tried to be coherent, but he was beyond that now.

  "Fuck. Fuck, babe." Clay grabbed him and suddenly he was spinning, pushed onto his back while Clay pounded into him. They slapped together, the sound wild, sharp.

  He got one leg up and around Clay's waist, pushed up into each thrust as best he could. It was so fucking good.


  Shit, he wasn't sure how they hadn't already. "Yes! Now! Now!" He fucking needed to come. Now.

  Clay crashed into him, cock buried to the root as a low roar filled the cabin. His own come flew out of his cock, shooting up his chest as the pleasure ran up and down his spine.

  Clay landed on him with a thud, pressing him down into the mattress. Heavy. Damn. He'd take it, though, at least for a little while. Panting, he slid his arms around Clay's body.

  "Happy vacation, babe."

  "I lo
ve how it's starting out."


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