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Page 23

by Sean Michael

  "Please." Dare reached for Dev and Devin went to him, holding on tight.

  Bake kept spanking, kept pushing.

  Dare's safeword sounded, soft and hurt and broken.

  He stopped, panting, his hand aching, and he dragged both boys into his arms, rocking with them. "I have you. I have you, Dare, and you, Dev, and I have you."

  "I hate him. He hurt me so bad."

  "I know. I wish it hadn't happened."

  "Me, too." That was Devin. "I didn't know."

  "None of us did. I would take your place, Dare. I would. In a second."

  "But we don't have to, right? It's over?" Devin stared at him.

  "Of course it's over. That monster is in jail, and he's never going to hurt either of you again."

  Dare wrapped around him, held him tight. He patted Dare's back, gently stroked the abused ass. Dare didn't move, rested hard against him, heartbeat slowing. Bean kept touching, kept murmuring softly, letting Dare know that he was okay, it was safe, and he was home.

  Soft snores sounded soon, and Dev looked at him, eyebrow arching. "He still didn't eat."

  Bake grunted, nodded. "We'll let him have a couple more hours and then he eats."

  "Okay." Dev grabbed the bacon and toast, made a quick sandwich out of it, and handed it to him.

  "Thanks." He took a bite and spoke around the mouthful. "So what're his favorites? What can we tempt him with?" Or force feed, as the case might be.

  "Dare? Dare loves greasy pepperoni pizza best."

  "Then in a couple of hours, we'll order pepperoni pizza from his favorite place and we'll wake him up and we'll make him eat." He smiled at Dev. "We're not going to let him hide away anymore."

  Dev leaned in, kissed his nose. "I hope you're more stubborn than he is."

  "I can be pretty damn stubborn, boy." Even if Dev had the ability to melt him.

  "Good." Dev stretched. "I need a shower, Bake. I stink."

  "You want some company, or you want me to stay with sleeping beauty, here?"

  Devin gave him a soft, lovely smile. "I think that he was alone for a long time, Bake. I think, for a few days, he needs to have people right there."

  He cupped Dev's cheek and then leaned in and kissed that pretty smile. "Then I'll stay with him."

  "I'll be right back."

  "Take your time. Enjoy the water." He gave Dev another kiss before settling down, Dare in his arms.

  Dare sighed, shivered. "Watch for the monsters."

  "There are no more monsters, boy. We scared them all away."

  His boy cuddled closer but nodded, still asleep.

  Bake chuckled softly. "You see? He'll be all right. We all will be. Go get clean."

  "Okay, love." Devin chuckled, pretty little butt bouncing on the way out the door.

  Mmm. That was a fine ass there. A part of him really wished he was following it and taking a 'shower' with Dev. There wouldn't be much cleaning going on if he did, that was for sure. Dare needed him, though, far more than he or Dev needed to get off.

  He kissed the top of his spicy boy's head. "You need to come back to us, boy. Show me again how you're the strong one."

  Dare's hand stroked over his belly. "I was so scared, Bake. I thought he was going to kill me."

  He almost froze, surprised that Dare was awake, but he managed not to. "I was scared that was going to happen, too."

  "He touched me. He bit me. He was awful."

  "I wanted to rip him to pieces." Bake growled. "They didn't let me."

  "I couldn't. I was too lost. Stupid, I know."

  "Not stupid. Dare, he'd drugged you -- you nearly died, he'd drugged you so badly."

  "I... I told him." Dare looked so ashamed.

  "Told him what?" He couldn't imagine what Dare could have said to look like that about.

  "That I wasn't Devin."

  He squeezed Dare tight. "Too bad he didn't believe you -- maybe he would have let you go."

  "Don't you understand? I betrayed him. I told that asshole I wasn't Dev."

  "He was going to kill you!"

  "I know." Dare looked devastated. "And I wouldn't want to let him hurt Dev. I promise."

  "I know that, boy. And so does Dev. The two of you need to stop blaming yourselves here and start living again, putting it behind you."

  "But I told him. I gave Dev up."

  "No, you told him you weren't Dev. Dev was safely here with me, not on his own with an animal like you were. Dev was safe, no matter who that asshole thought you were."

  "I was scared."

  "I don't blame you. He was a terrifying man." And Dare'd called it from the start, calling the man creepy. His smart, strong boy.

  Dare settled back in, eyes closing again.

  "You have to eat soon. We're cheating and getting your favorite."

  "Pizza?" He heard Dare's stomach rumble again.

  "Yeah, nice and greasy. Pepperoni."

  "That's cheating."

  "Yep, told you. You don't eat, I'll cheat even more to get you to change your mind."

  "I'm not hungry, though."

  Bake snorted. "Tell that to your stomach."

  Dare smiled, sighed. "Just hold me a little more."

  "I'm never letting go."

  "You promise? For real?"

  "For real, Dare. I love you."

  Dare's eyes searched his, slowly filling up with tears, and his boy nodded. "Love, huh? Me, too."

  He smiled down at Dare. "You and Dev, you fill my heart."

  "Good, because we're not going anywhere." Dev scooted onto the bed, snuggling close, still damp and shivering. "We're home, now, Bake. Right here."

  Putting an arm around Dev, he nodded. "We are. All of us."

  His boys leaned into him, and Dare drew the blankets up around them. "All of us."

  "Yes. All of us."

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  "Dare, there's pizza."

  He groaned, stretched in the water. "I'm taking a shower, Devvy. We can't afford to keep ordering pizza."

  They had medical bills now. Neither one of them had a job.

  "We should make our own." Bake walked into the bathroom and poked his head around the curtain. "You're going to turn into a prune."

  "I'm dirty." He needed to scrub off.

  Bake shook his head and started to strip. "Come on, Dev. We're going to clean Dare once and for all."

  "He can't get any cleaner, Bake."

  "Maybe, with our help, he'll feel cleaner."

  "I'm right here!" Assholes. He needed to shower.

  Chuckling, Bake climbed into the shower with him and grabbed the soap. "So you are."

  "No one needs to talk about me like I'm not here."

  "No, I'm sorry." Bake gave him a kiss and then started soaping him up. "I'm going to wash you and Dev's going to help and that's going to make you clean. Scrubbing your skin off is not necessary."

  He leaned close, lips near Bake's ear. "I do have to. I'm dirty." He couldn't shake it.

  "No, you're not. And scrubbing until you're raw isn't going to help." Bake touched his head. "Because it's all up here."

  "I'm not crazy." He stepped closer. "I'm not."

  "I didn't say that, spicy boy." Bake kept washing him, very thoroughly, soapy fingers working their way into every nook and cranny.

  His skin started to ache, to tingle. To burn.

  "My touch is the only one you need to feel, the only one you need to remember." Bake looked him in the eye. "The only one that matters. Mine and Dev's. He's going to rinse you."

  He opened his mouth to argue, then Bake's finger slid down his crease toward his hole. "He touched me."

  "I'm gonna erase that touch." Soapy, slick, Bake's finger slid up and down, rubbing past his hole over and over.

  "What if you can't? What if he's always there?"

  "You're not going to let him be. Dev and I are going to help with that, but you could banish him all on your own. I know you're not going to let him win."

  He shivered, hid
his face in Bake's throat.

  "I'm going inside you now, Dare. This is me. Bake. Your lover. My fingers."

  "Your boy." He was going to cry again. He was so fucking tired of crying.

  "That's right. You're my spicy boy. My Dare." One of Bake's fingers slipped right into him, pushing deep.

  One of his legs slid up along Bake's thigh, Dev's hand right there, helping him spread.

  "That's right, spicy boy. Let me in." Bake kissed across his face.

  He chased the kisses, tears spilling. "I don't want to cry anymore."

  "Then don't." Bake's lips finally settled on his as another finger joined the first inside him.

  Bake's kiss heated him, core deep, and Dev's fingers kept sliding on his skin, distracting him. Fingers spreading, Bake stretched him before pushing in hard and pegging that spot inside him. He jerked, hips rolling, the pleasure, the shock surprising him.

  Bake's eyes were on him, warm and full of love, heat. His cock started to fill, and his breath came faster, a little edge of panic hitting him.

  "I have you," Bake murmured, teeth sharp on his lips.

  "I'm scared. I'm scared, Sir."

  "I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you."

  He decided to trust in that, in Bake's strength. "Me or Devvy."

  "That's right. You or Devvy. You're my boys. Mine." Bake growled as he said the last word.

  "Swear it. Forever."

  "For fucking ever, Dare. You're mine. Both of you. No one gets to touch you, ever. Just me." The fingers inside him hit his gland again.

  He cried out; this time it was pure need. "More, Sir, please."

  Another finger spread him, Bake pushing three in now and stretching him wide.

  "Yes..." He whimpered, arched into the touch, and he heard Dev moan.

  "Bed. It's slick here, Bake. Love."

  "Bed works. Dev. Turn off the water."

  As soon as Dev had obeyed, Bake dragged them both out, not even bothering with toweling off.

  Dev pulled the comforters off, dragged the sheets back. Bake pushed him down onto the bed and climbed between his legs. Dev handed over the lube and Bake slicked his fingers up, pushed them back in. Bake's eyes never left his.

  "Yours..." His knees drew up, his belly went tight.

  "You are. Every inch." Bake stretched and played, the three fingers spreading him open and nudging his gland.

  Dev added more lube, humming as he did.

  "Another finger." Bake's words were followed up by a fourth finger pushing into him, stretching him so wide.

  "I... Sir?" So full.

  "It's okay, Dare. You have to let him in." Dev didn't sound scared.

  "I have you, my spicy boy. Can you feel me?" The fingers inside him wiggled, stretched, pushed and pulled and opened him up.

  "I haven't... I..." He could feel Dev's lips on his belly, on his chest, his throat.

  "Haven't what?" Bake's fingers didn't stop moving inside him.

  "Had so much. Inside me."

  "No? Only me, then. Good." In and out, Bake worked those fingers.

  "On...only. Only you." His eyes closed, his lips parted.

  "Yes. Mine. This is mine." Bake's fingers disappeared. "More lube, Dev."

  "Yes, Bake. He looks like he's almost... somewhere else."

  "He's here with us. We're making him ours again." Bake's fingers pressed against his hole again.

  His body shuddered, his hole beginning to stretch, ache.

  "You can feel me, can't you, spicy boy? Feel my hand slowly moving into you, taking you."

  "Y...yes. Yes. Fuck. I... I don't know..."

  "It'll fit, Dare, because I fit. I'm a part of you." Bake kept pushing, hand stretching him so wide.

  "Of us." Dev was right there, petting him, hand helping his thighs spread.

  "That's right, of both of you." Wider and wider, Bake's hand spread his hole, pushed its way in.

  "Please..." He moaned, twisting on the bed.

  "So pretty. Dare. Dare, I want to see you like this, over and over." Devvy sounded so hungry.

  "Mmm. He does look amazing with my hand in him, doesn't he?" With those words, Bake's hand got past the widest part and was suddenly right in him.

  His body squeezed and he arched, flying, deep sounds pouring out of him. Devvy moaned and heat wrapped around his cock, the pressure insane.

  "That's it, sweet boy, suck him." Bake's fingers closed slowly into a fist inside him and then moved.

  His eyes flew open, his world spinning. Please. Please. Love.

  Bake leaned over him, eyes staring down into his own. "Let us bring you pleasure, Dare. Come for us. Fill Dev's mouth.'

  "Love." So much. Both of them. The tip of his cock slipped into Dev's throat and he shot.

  "Oh, fuck, yes." Bake's growl covered him, held him as the pleasure rushed through him.

  His cock never flagged, it just throbbed, swelled, ached. Bake's hand stayed inside him, knuckles sliding over his gland.

  "Sir. Sir. Sir." He sang the word, so fucking happy, so full.

  "Mmm. yes, my boy. My spicy boy."

  "Yes." Dare reached down, touched Devin's soft hair. "Love."

  Bake watched Dev nuzzle into the touch. "I love you, Dare. I love you both."

  He gasped, nodded. "Love. Love. Home. I'm home with you."

  "Yes!" The word was fierce and glad, the way Bake said it. "Home with us and you are ours. Mine." That hand was impossible to refute or ignore.

  "Your own. Me and Devvy. Fuck, I need. I need, Sir."

  "I know you do, Dare. And I've got what you need. I can give it to you, I can give you both what you need." Bake's hand moved, fist pushing deeper, pulling back, deep, back.

  "Yes. Yes. Oh, fuck. So full. Love you so much. Please." He was losing it, so caught in the pleasure that he couldn't do anything else.

  "Spicy boy. Mine. All of you." His gland was nudged, played, worked by Bake's fist. Bake's fucking fist.

  He heard Devvy moan, then the pressure around his cock got better, harder, perfect.

  "I can feel that," murmured Bake. "I can feel every single move you make, every breath."

  A deep cry pushed out of him, ripped out of him.

  "Yes!" The speed of Bake's movements inside him increased, sending him ever higher.

  The world shattered and Dare stopped thinking. All he knew was his cock, his ass, pleasure, pressure. Bake kept pushing him, demanding everything from him.

  He may have come, he wasn't sure. He didn't care. He just was.

  Bake and Dev were making the best noises, the sounds filling his ears.

  For the first time in days, Dare could breathe.


  Dev watched Dare sleep; this time the sleep was deep, hard, restful, he hoped. Dare wasn't dreaming, wasn't moving, was just sleeping, curled into Bake's arms. Dev thought he'd just do this until the end of time -- watch them sleep.

  One of Bake's eyes opened, then the other, their lover smiling at him. "You okay?"

  "Uh-huh. Shh. Sleep."

  Bake chuckled. "What about you?"

  "I'm just..." Standing guard. "...watching."

  "You know it's safe here, right? No one's going to hurt you or Dare."

  He shrugged. "I know." Still, he worried. He'd let Dare get hurt.

  "You want to talk about it, sweet boy?" Bake's fingers slid along his cheek, warm and gentle.

  "I..." He looked at Bake, suddenly shaken. "I'm so sorry, Bake. I'm so sorry."

  "What?" Bake frowned and gently extricated himself from around Dare, moving to wrap him in those strong arms. "Shh. Shh. What's the matter?"

  "I'm so sorry he got taken. I didn't want him to be hurt. That's not why I asked him to go."

  "Of course it isn't, Dev. And he knows that."

  "I just... I was lazy." He was an asshole. He'd let his brother -- his twin -- go in his place.


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