Baku, 220, 365
Balassa, János, murder of, 227, 240–43
Baldwin, Gerald L., 333
ball powder, 293–94, 297, 301, 303–4, 316, 326
Barbarossa, Operation, 156
Barnesboro Star, 323, 442n
Basayev, Shamil, 225
Batista, Fulgencio, 364
battery guns, see Gatling gun
Bear Chain, Operation, 264, 318, 329
Beavers, Jack, 333
BEF (British Expeditionary Force), 118–19, 134
Behrendt, David, 301–2, 331
Beldushkin, Anatoly, 353–54
Belgium, 43, 258n
FAL rifle distribution and, 364n
weapons stockpiling and, 355
in World War I, 118
Belknap, William W., 52
Bell, J. Franklin, 118
Belloc, Hilaire, 103
Benet-Marcie gun, 252
Benke, Paul A., 299, 330–32
Beresford, Lord Charles, 79–81
Bergmann, Theodor, 139
Beria, Lavrenty, 212–13
arrest and execution of, 213, 221, 245
automatic rifle ammunition and, 166
Hungarian policy and, 221
Soviet atomic bomb development and, 1–3, 148
Berlin, 40, 338
and AK-47 production and distribution, 248
arms pilfering in, 367
popular uprisings in, 219–20, 222–23
Berlin Wall, 346–47, 365–66
Beslan, terrorist siege in, 340, 385
bin Laden, Osama, 11, 225, 383, 396
blacks, racism and, 105–6, 425n–27n
Black September, 338–39, 350–52
Blagonravov, Anatoly A., 182–83
Bolotin, D. N., 189
Borey, David C., 314–15
Bosnia, 220
Boutelle, Richard S., 274–75, 306
AR-15 and, 277, 279
Boxer Uprising, 113
Brabeck, Michael, 397
Bray, William G., 326
Brazil, 53
Bren gun, 258
Brezhnev, Leonid I., 18, 344–46
eyebrows of, 353–54
Izhevsk visited by, 344–45
NIPSMVO’s closure and, 345–46
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 397
British Expeditionary Force (BEF), 134
Maxim gun used by, 119
in World War I, 118–19
British South Africa Corporation, 86
Broadwell, L. W., 42, 51
Browning, John Moses, 138, 145
gas-operated automatic of, 108
prototypes of, 108
stockpiling rifles of, 355
Browning Brothers Armory, 108, 293
“Brown Man’s Burden, The” (Labouchère), 104
Broz, Josip (Tito), 9, 157, 250
Bryukhanon, Oleg, 360
popular revolution in, 218–20, 222–27, 237–38, 266, 383
Rákóczi Square murder in, 227, 240–41
Soviet assault in, 238
Bulgaria, 214–15, 348, 365, 399
and AK and AK-type rifle production and distribution, 12–13, 215, 245, 358, 412
Bulkin, Aleksei A., 187–88, 190–92, 431n, 436n
Burkina Faso, 369–70
Bush, George W., 388
Butler, Benjamin F., 30–32, 36–37, 94, 418n–19n
Cachourin, Captain, 49
Cadillac Gage, 292–93
Cambodia, 11, 294
Cambridge, Duke of, 47, 78
Camel gun, 88
Cao Van Vien, 282
Castro, Fidel, 9, 225, 340, 364, 383–84
Ceauşescu, Nicolae, 365
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 237, 361, 383–84
Chancellorsville, Battle of, 34
Chater, Alfred, 118, 122
Chechens, Chechnya, 365
and AK and AK-type rifle production and distribution, 340, 382
in Beslan siege, 340, 385
purchase price of AK rifles in, 382
Chekhov, Anton, 401
Chelmsford, Frederic Thesiger, Lord, 64–66
on tactical use of machine guns, 65–66
in Zulu War, 62, 64–65
Chernobyl, 360
Chervenak, Michael P., 318–19
letter written by, 321–24, 327–28, 443n
Vietnam and, 266, 318, 321–24, 327–28, 442n
Cheyenne, 58–59, 61
Chiang Kai-shek, 216, 355
Chickamauga, Battle of, 34
child soldiers:
AK-47s used by, 7, 9, 14, 340, 377–79, 387
in Uganda, 337, 372–73, 376–79
Chile, 355, 383
China, Nationalist, 216, 355
China, People’s Republic of, 15–17, 174, 399–400, 409–12
and AK and AK-type rifle production and distribution, 12–13, 15–16, 216–17 220, 257, 265, 308–10, 342–43, 361, 381–82, 391, 409, 412, 434n, 435n
Vietnam War and, 308
weapons stockpiling of, 410–11
Chinese Empire, 53, 56
Christians, Christianity, 27, 103–5
Chritton, Charles P., 324–25, 441n, 442n
Chubais, Anatoly B., 406n
Chu Lai, firefight near, 333–34
Churchill, Winston, 97, 99–102
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 237, 361, 383–84
Civil War, 28–40, 64, 137–38, 418n–20n
ammunition in, 33–34
casualties in, 25, 34–35, 418n
end of, 39–40
Gatling gun and, 25–26, 30–33, 35–37, 91, 94, 112
Maxim and, 70–71, 73–74
protests against draft in, 31–32
standardizing weapons in, 32–33, 419n
Union Repeating Guns in, 36, 420n
Cleaveland, Paul S., 274
Cold War, 1–7, 21, 169, 211, 242, 271–73, 341–44, 363, 410
and AK and AK-type rifle design and development, 203, 223
and AK and AK-type rifle production and distribution, 3–5, 13, 203–4, 215, 248, 341–42
illegal-arms transfers and, 369, 371
Soviet atomic bomb and, 1–2, 4–5
Soviet European satellites in, 214
and U.S. search for suitable automatic rifle, 272–73, 285
weapons stockpiling and, 13, 343–44, 354, 356, 387
Colglazier, R. W., Jr., 289
Colombia, 384
Colt firearms company, 19, 138, 291–93, 231n
AR-15 and, 277–80, 283, 291, 296, 441n
Chevernak’s letter and, 323, 327–28
Gatling gun and, 39, 51, 57, 66
M-16 and, 292, 295–97, 299–303, 307, 310, 312, 315, 323–32, 353, 385n, 416, 441n
Model 1895 and, 108, 111, 145
Communist Party, communists, 3–4, 18–19, 185–86, 196, 210–13, 244–46, 307–9
agricultural policies of, 170–72
AK-47 publicity and, 211n
and AK and AK-type rifle design and development, 4, 7, 149, 153, 191
and AK and AK-type rifle production and distribution, 3, 13, 246, 268, 308–9, 340, 363
AK rifle as symbol of, 385
atomic bomb and, 144
collapse of, 152, 356, 365–67, 406
and escaping from East Germany, 347
Hungarian policy and, 220–21
Kalashnikov and, 4, 146–47, 174–76, 181–82, 185, 191, 210–11, 213, 244–45
in Korean War, 264
Prague Spring and, 348
purges in, 156, 210
Russian civil war and, 156, 170, 193
in Vietnam, 264, 294, 332
weapons standardization and, 364–65, 408
weapons stockpiling and, 13, 349
World War II and, 156, 246
Congo, Democratic Republic of, 248, 357, 371, 379–80
Congress, U.S.:
Gatling gun purch
ases and, 52–53
on Indian wars, 61
M-16 and, 296, 304, 310, 314–16, 321, 323, 325–27, 331, 334, 356, 442n
on ownership of automatic rifles, 14, 236
Constitution, U.S., 17–18
Cooper Fire Arms Manufacturing Company, 37
Cooper-MacDonald, Inc., 277–78
Côte d’Ivoire, 370
criminals, criminal gangs, 70
AK and AK-type rifles used by, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13–14, 17, 268, 340, 378n, 387, 408–10, 413
illegal-arms transfers and, 371
and Thompson submachine gun production and distribution, 233–36, 279
Crocker, Ryan, 388
and AK and AK-type rifle production and distribution, 9, 340, 406
FAL rifle distribution and, 364
Gatling guns purchased by, 53
in Spanish-American War, 90, 93–95, 424n
Cuban Missile Crisis, 5
Culver, Richard O., Jr., 266–67, 321, 329
Cummings, Samuel, 354–56, 358, 363, 369
Curran, William J., 297
Custer, George A.:
Gatling guns rejected by, 60–61, 64, 92
in Indian Wars, 58–64
Czechoslovakia, 174, 214, 216, 348–49
AK-type rifle production resisted by, 281n, 434n
Prague Spring in, 348
standard rifle of, 340n, 349
Velvet Revolution of, 365
Daoud, Abu, 443n
De Cristoforis, Tomasso, 82
Defense Department, U.S., 254–59, 268–71, 274–75, 413
and AK-47 design and development, 270, 280
and AK-47 production and distribution, 251, 259, 265, 268
ammunition and, 255–57
AR-15 and, 274, 280, 284, 288–89, 292, 296
on asymmetric war, 14
atomic bomb and, 144
M-16 and, 269–71, 292–93, 295, 303–5, 307, 313, 319, 323, 330–34, 415–16
purchase prices of AK rifles for, 386
systems analysis in, 271
see also War Department, U.S.
Degtyarev, Vasily A., 158, 185, 188, 192–95
and AK-47 design and development, 185, 193–94
Deikin, Vladimir S., 188, 191, 192
Dementyev, Aleksandr A., 187
DeMille, Roy, 312–13
Deutsche Waffen and Munitions Fabrik, 119
Dogali, 81–83
Dominick, Peter H., 315
Dong Van Khuyen, 332
Dragunov, Evgeny Fedorovich, 16, 166n, 244, 364, 433n, 436n
Dubcek, Alexander, 348
Dulles, Allen, 237, 238
Dyer, Alexander B., 38–39, 41
Dziemian, Arthur J., 285–88
East Germany, see German Democratic Republic
East Panlung, Japanese assault on, 115
Edison, Thomas, 68, 71
Edwards, William B., 257–58, 437n
Egypt, 56, 78, 354–55, 357–58
and AK and AK-type rifle production and distribution, 12–13, 16, 250, 341, 349, 357, 387, 390–91
in fighting at Omdurman, 97, 129–30
Gatling guns sold to, 42
Israeli peace treaty with, 358
Israeli wars with, 12, 216, 341, 355, 358
Sadat’s assassination in, 10, 354, 358
Soviet relations with, 216–17
and terrorist attacks on Israel, 349–50, 358
Elizarov, Nikolai, 166
Elrod, Claude E.:
Chervenak’s letter and, 321, 323
Vietnam and, 266–67, 317, 321, 323, 335–36
El Salvador, war in, 363–64
Encyclopedia of Arms (Fedorov), 180
Engels, Friedrich, 201
ERMA, 246
Ethiopia, Italian campaign in, 81–82
Fabrique-Nationale de Herstal (FN), 258, 364, 444n
Fairchild Engine & Airplane Corporation, 274–75, 277, 278n, 296
FAL, 364, 444n
Fallows, James, 326n
Farabundo Martí Liberation Front (FMLN), 363–64
FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), 384
Farouk I, King of Egypt, 349, 358
Fatah, 10, 350
Fechter, Peter, 346–48
fedayeen, 349–50, 358, 384–85
Fedorov, Vladimir Grigorevich, 180, 185
automatic rifle ammunition and, 165–66
automatic rifle of, 138, 165–68, 193
F.E.G., 399
Fejes, József Tibor, 236–42
AK-47 of, 225–27, 237, 239–42, 383
arrest and trial of, 240–41
execution of, 242
and Soviet invasion of Hungary, 238–39
Fieschi, Giuseppe, 27, 390
Finland, 9, 12, 166, 248–51 257FMLN (Farabundo Martí Liberation Front), 363–64
FN (Fabrique-Nationale de Herstal), 258, 364, 444n
Folger, William, 54–55
Fosbery, G. V., 44–45, 55–56
France, 103, 109–10, 252
and AK-47 production and distribution, 338, 340n
in Franco-Prussian War, 44–46, 53–55, 65, 110
and Maxim gun marketing and sales, 83, 421n
Maxim gun production in, 89
mitrailleur of, 43–46, 55, 421n
rifle cartridges of, 161
weapons stockpiling and, 355
in World War I, 118, 122, 124–25, 127, 130–32, 246
in World War II, 161
Franco-Prussian War, 44–46, 53–55, 65
casualties in, 45, 110
Fremont, Robert D., 299, 303, 331
Frink, Otis, 26, 418n
G-3, 384n
Galil, 444n
Galileo, 406
Galili, Yisrael, 12, 444n
Garand, John C., 202
AK-46 design and, 192
M1 of, see M1 Garand
Gardner, William, 64–66, 390
Gardner gun, 51, 91, 109
ammunition of, 68, 81
and battle at Abu Klea, 79–81, 83
casualties inflicted by, 80–81
competition of, 64–66, 83
design of, 75, 81
jamming of, 80–81, 83, 112, 299
marketing and sales of, 83
production of, 66, 299
size and weight of, 83
tests of, 53, 66
Gatling, Richard J., 40–43, 111, 136, 209, 228, 369, 390, 392
alleged Confederate sympathies of, 33, 419n
Ashanti War and, 54
and casualties inflicted by Gatling gun, 63
Civil War and, 35, 418n
death of, 109
finances of, 50–53, 56–57, 109, 149, 160
Gardner’s rivalry with, 66
in Gatling gun design and development, 8, 25–26, 28–29, 31, 33, 42, 52–53, 69, 76, 88, 107, 160, 234, 387, 418n
Gatling gun patent and, 26, 28, 33–34
Gatling gun production and, 30–31, 37
in Gatling gun promotion and sales, 25–27, 31–33, 34–38, 40, 43, 47, 51–54, 56–57, 66–67, 91, 149, 160, 202, 421n–22n
Gatling gun tests and, 41–42, 50, 53
Nobel’s quarrels with, 51–52, 55, 74
Gatling gun, 25–67, 90–97, 111–12, 136
accuracy of, 29–30
ammunition of, 29, 31–32, 36, 38, 40–42, 46, 50, 52, 67, 88, 90, 92–93, 95
Ashanti war and, 47–48, 54, 56, 78
casualties inflicted by, 48, 50, 57–58, 63–64, 95, 111
Civil War and, 25–26, 30–33, 35–37, 91, 94, 112
competition of, 43–46, 51, 53, 55–57, 64–67, 83–84, 87–88
decline of, 87–88, 109
design and development of, 8, 25–26, 28–29, 31, 33, 35, 39, 42–43, 49, 52–53, 69, 75–76, 82, 88, 107, 153–54, 160, 234, 387, 418n, 420n
fectiveness and reliability of, 29, 39–40, 65, 96–97
ferocity and power of, 41–42, 47–48, 92
finances of, 93
Fosbery on, 55–56
in Franco-Prussian War, 44, 53–54
in Indian wars, 60–62, 64, 90, 93, 425n
in Italian campaign in Ethiopia, 81–82
jamming of, 65, 67, 82–83, 94, 112, 299
miniaturization of, 88
patent of, 26, 28, 33–34
physical appearance of, 28–29
precursors of, 26–30
prison breaks prevented by, 91–92
production and distribution of, 25–27, 30–33, 35–43, 46–48, 51–58, 62–67, 78, 81–83, 88, 91–95, 97, 124, 149, 160, 167, 202, 277, 299, 421n–22n
prototypes of, 26, 30, 37
Roosevelt on, 96–97
size and weight of, 8, 30, 36, 56, 83, 88, 234
in Spanish-American War, 90, 92–93, 95–97, 229, 252
tactical uses of, 37, 41–42, 46, 52, 56, 61, 90, 93–94
tests and demonstrations of, 29–32, 37–44, 46–48, 50, 53, 66, 84, 425n
training on, 90–91, 93–94
Yomuds repulsed by, 49, 57–58, 61
in Zulu War, 62–65, 83, 124
Gatling Gun Company, 39, 51–57
finances of, 51–53, 56–57, 87, 149
promotion and sales of, 41, 81–82, 88
Geary, John W., 36
GECO, 162, 166
Geddes, Sir Eric, 130
George I, King of Great Britain, 27
and collapse of Soviet Union, 365–66
M-4s used by, 385–86
purchase price of AK rifles in, 386
German Democratic Republic (East Germany), 214–15, 276
AK and AK-type rifles produced and distributed by, 12–13, 16, 215, 219–20, 245–48, 338, 346, 364
attempted escape from, 346–48
early use of AK-47s in, 219
popular uprising in, 9, 219–20, 222–23
weapons pilfering in, 366–67
weapons stockpiling and, 356, 366–67
German Empire:
automatic rifles used by, 138–40
and Maxim gun and Maxim gun knock-off production, 89–90, 102, 109, 117, 119
Maxim gun demonstration in, 84
Maxim guns used by, 119–21, 127–28, 130–31, 133–34, 426n
special machine-gun units of, 112–13, 117, 134
submachine guns used by, 228
in World War I, 118–20, 123, 127–36, 138–40, 233, 246, 426n
Germany, Federal Republic of (West Germany), 384n
and AK-47 production and distribution, 346
attempted escape to, 346–48
reunification of, 366
terrorism in, 338–40, 350–52, 443n
weapons stockpiling and, 355
Germany, Nazi, 253–55
and AK-47 design and development, 152, 159, 192, 433n
automatic rifles used by, 162–65, 187, 199, 207–8, 253–54, 257
rifle cartridges of, 161–63, 165–67
The Gun Page 60