The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

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The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah Page 19

by Samuel David

  “Fine, I will leave. Nevertheless, before this is all over, all of you will crawl back to me for my help and it will be soon. That is if you are still in power.”

  “That is enough, Meyer!” David exclaimed. “We will deal with this later.”

  Meyer stood then turned to Elijah and said, “Once again, Rabbi, if one hair of my son’s head is hurt, I will kill you myself.”

  He turned and stormed out of the room.

  After Meyer had left David looked over towards Elijah and said, “Please forgive him, Elijah. He has only known pain in his life, which makes him good at what he does. Our country is barely surviving daily. It is men like him who keep us safe and allow us to maintain our place here in the Middle East.”

  Elijah, still standing with his palms flat on the table, leaned towards David and said, “Do you think that Israel’s presence today is because of men like him? If so, you are misguided. Israel is here for Adonai said you would be brought back from exile at the appointed time and that time is now. Israel is here because Adonai wishes for it to be so. Just as Adonai took your land away from you and dispersed you into the countries of the world during the time of the last destruction of the last Temple. You must realize David, and all of Israel, that it is Adonai, which protects you against all odds. You have won wars that were seemingly impossible in the past few decades. That, David, was the grace of Adonai, to fulfill His promises; not godless men like Meyer!”

  Elijah then lifted his hands off the table and sat back down. In a much softer voice he said, “Your very existence now is based on a pen stroke by a politician in a faraway land. Who do you think moved that government after the holocaust and World War II that Israel would return to the ‘Promised Land?’ Against all odds, it happened; the return of Israel to the land you are in right now. Yet here we are, and in Jerusalem. Read the scriptures, for Jesus who you do not believe in, said that at the time of the end the Jews would be returned. He also said that generation would not pass. Well, David, that is where we are right now. Adonai has a plan for Israel with or without Meyer or the likes of him. The sooner, David, you and all the rest of Israel understand this, the better off you will be.”

  David’s face contorted as he fought back the anger rising in him. As he composed himself, he let out a sigh. He then looked over at Elijah and said, “Alright Elijah, we understand. Can we put this issue aside and discuss the things you talked about last night which have our enemies at our doorstep ready to attack us?”

  Elijah took his hands from the table, placed his fingers together in a steeple with the tips near to his mouth and said nothing.

  Chapter 36

  6:15 PM Friday Jerusalem, Prime Minister David Ben Bernstein’s office

  Like the others, David sat looking at Elijah. No one else said anything. Elijah seemed to be in his own world and for the past few minutes since the Director left, he had just sat with his hands in the steeple position as if meditating, while he stared at the table. As he looked at Elijah, David’s mind started wandering as he thought about how he had ended up in the position he was in. Since Israel had returned to its homeland after World War II, survival of the country had not changed. The daily decisions that he and the government made on behalf of Israel’s defense had been a matter of survival. Diplomacy was rarely ever used. Their enemies which surrounded them were shown no mercy and were afraid of Israel’s power. This power extended to many parts of the world using their extensive spy system.

  The Mossad was a large part of security for Israel. Enemies were kept at bay by any means available. This could include assassination and torture of dissidents, similar to the attacks on the nuclear scientists in Iran. Now with Elijah here, things may well have changed. It seemed that Meyer and Elijah had different objectives.

  With Enoch attacking the United States, who up until now was Israel’s main protector, aid would probably soon no longer be available to them. Without America, Israel would be like a small island surrounded by a vast sea of enemies.

  It seemed strange that all of this would occur when he was Prime Minister. As unlikely as his election had been, He had become the Israeli leader for his ability to negotiate peace and not antagonize enemies. It was not because of his military prowess, like so many others before him.

  Since David had become Prime Minister, attacks and suicide bombings had dropped off significantly. Except for Iran and their rattling of sabers, peace seemed possible among the neighboring countries. Even Hamas had been more in tune to peace since his election; but then his background was that of a diplomat in the Ministry of Defense.

  Looking again over at Elijah, David wondered if the Prophet knew that he was a devout Jew and adhered as best he could to its laws and customs. His father was a devout Rabbi who daily, like his father before him who had migrated from postwar Germany, could be seen at the Temple Mount preaching to the masses. His father had made sure that, as a young man he understood that Adonai would eventually return and restore Israel to its rightful place in the world.

  Even though his father, and his father before him were Rabbis, he never had a desire to pursue a religious career. Instead, he had chosen to study law and was fortunate enough to have been educated in the United States. After graduating from The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, he attended Harvard law school.

  After returning to Israel, he did his duty in the Army, as was the requirement for every Israeli Citizen. Due to his law degree and command of Hebrew, Farsi, and English, he ended up in the diplomatic corps. In time, he became a commanding presence in representing Israel on the world stage as a diplomat. He was a good diplomat, and had few enemies.

  A few of David’s associates in his party had convinced him to be an alternative candidate for the position of Prime Minister. Due to problems with infighting in the government and mistrust, the popular opinion in the Knesset changed in his favor and they elected him as Prime Minister.

  Now, as the son of Rabbis, he was the one to have to deal with the man from Adonai. For the first time in thousands of years, Israel was probably about to be directed by a prophet again. If that were the case, then would he be able to make his own decisions? The world was so different than it was in King David’s time and there was so much at stake.

  Elijah broke his silence and looked up at the Prime Minister, “David, you are probably thinking of how difficult things are right now. Your thoughts are correct. Israel must deal with a prophet from Adonai again and has not had to do so for so very long. Now you do. As a country have the choice to follow Adonai’s word or suffer His rebuke.”

  “I know Elijah, but you have to understand that as of yesterday, and as a result of your appearance, threats and actions, our position in the world has changed. I am at a loss for words. You saw how Meyer handled this and I am sure many of our leaders will feel the same.”

  Yona, finding an opening for a question burning inside him, blurted out, “Elijah, do we really have to rebuild the Temple right on that spot where the Dome of the Rock is?”

  “Yes, Yona. That is where it belongs and where it will be rebuilt. The first and second times the Temple was constructed, it was built right there. Therefore, this will be the third. Adonai’s command is to remove the foreign occupation from His Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem and to rebuild the Holy Temple. Once again, making Jerusalem as it was in the time of King David, during his and Solomon’s reign; not as that of Herod or the Roman Gentiles, who defiled the temple.”

  Elijah paused. For the first time, he smiled, and then said, “Jerusalem, Yona, is the eternal capital of Adonai and the people of Israel. The Temple as the first and the second Temple was to remind the people of Israel to be a holy nation, a kingdom of priests, and a light to the nations. Adonai chose and ordained Israel to be a biblical nation with a biblical mission, and to make Jerusalem the Godly focus of all the earth. Now, Israel is to prepare for the return of Jesus Christ, who will reign from Jerusalem. His presence will fill the temple as a light to the world. So yes, Yona
, not only must the Dome be removed at all costs, but the Temple must be rebuilt, and immediately.”

  “Elijah,” David said, “You know that Israel is a democracy and that I am not a dictator. Any movement of this type would have to be approved by the Knesset, then by the Judicial Courts, with final approval from the Chief Rabbinates. We all have to agree for this to take place. This is not the time of King David. We govern with laws that include checks and balances.”

  Elijah responded, “Then I will tear it down myself. When I do, you will have no other choice than to rebuild it!” He stood and again with his palms flat on the table, leaned in and said, “It appears we have nothing more to discuss at this time so I am going to leave here and go to the Mount. There, I will tell the people of my plans and your enemies will hear me. They will attack you, but like in times past when Moses stood before the Pharaoh in Egypt, Adonai will protect the Israelites and destroy their enemies.”

  He then looked over at David as he straightened up.

  “David, tell the Knesset and your judges that Adonai is now in charge of Israel and they will obey or I will make them wish they had. The time is close. The rebuilding of the Temple and your acceptance of Adonai’s son, Jesus Christ, needs to be accomplished quickly. Time is of the essence here. Your enemies are the entire world, and soon all of them will be at your doorstep to blame Israel for all its troubles. You will be occupied by many nations for a time once I leave here, like in the days of Herod. However, for now, I have little time to bring all the tribes of the Jews home and rebuild the Temple. I will not fail, for I and the other witness, Enoch, have Adonai’s and Jesus Christ’s power to ensure His desires.”

  “But Elijah, is there no other way than to just start a war with our enemies? The Muslims will riot, and the world will turn against us if we destroy their Dome.”

  “I told you, David. I will destroy it. All you have to do is rebuild the Temple. I know you have the plans, the material, and I know you and the people of Israel will do as Adonai commands. Now I must go to the Temple Mount where I will speak to the people and tell them what must be done.”

  He then turned to the Rabbinates and said, “At this time, Yona and Benjamin Hagen, you must make a choice. You are the elected spiritual leaders of Israel and their religion, so make the choice. Either follow as I have instructed and come with me, or choose instead not to believe I am who I say I am. In addition, you need to resolve the Messiah issue. The only Messiah coming is Jesus Christ himself.”

  “Do we have to make the choice now, Elijah?” Benjamin asked.

  “Yes it is time, for I need your support in front of the people. When I walk to the Mount, the world will see and hear. It needs to see that you are with me. However, as always with Yahweh, you have a choice. So what will it be?”

  Neither Yona nor Benjamin replied.

  Elijah said, “I will be at the Temple Mount; I expect to see you both there soon.”


  Chapter 37

  10:50 AM Friday Bear News Affiliate Studios Kansas City, Missouri

  “John, you need to go on the desk for a special report. Our news affiliate in Israel said that Elijah is entering the Temple Mount and that he is getting ready to address the mob that is in the courtyard. We will have a live feed starting in about five minutes.” Don said.

  “Like I said the other day, Don, it will never end. These two Witnesses will be in the news every day,” John said as he moved to the anchor desk.

  “First off, what time is it in Israel?”

  “Let’s see, add eight hours to our time, so 6:50 PM Israeli Daylight Time or IDT.”

  “Ok, seems Elijah doesn’t let any grass grow under his feet. Do we know if he met with the Israeli Government?”

  “Yes, for about a half-hour or so.”

  “Any comment from any of them?”

  “Not yet, but I am sure very soon there will be!”

  “Ok, Don, we’re ready. Do we want to give some history on the Temple Mount? As far as I can tell from some research I have been doing, the Jews are forbidden to pray there for they do not know where the Holy of Holies was located. In addition, Elijah’s presence may well spark some trouble. Let’s see, its 6:50 PM IST and that means that the Temple has been closed to non-Muslims as of 1:30 Thursday, which was yesterday.”

  “Wing it, John. Do your best. We were not prepared for this. I will get a runner to print up some stuff on the Temple Mount for you. You can refer to it, as you need to. Are you ready to go live?”

  “Yes, as much as I will ever be.”

  John thought that this just would not end. It just kept coming and coming. These two Witnesses had literally turned the world upside down.

  Don snapped his fingers in front of his face and said, “We are going live, John. Let’s get it together!”

  John watched the digital countdown and endured the droning of ‘he never changes his tone,’ announcer as he said, “This is Bear News, broadcasting from Kansas City, Missouri, with breaking news from Israel. We will be going live to our affiliate in Israel for coverage on Elijah entering the Temple area.” The announcer then said, “For now, here is Bear News Anchor, John Roddenburg.”

  “Good day America and the world. We will be going to a live feed from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in just a few minutes. Before we go live, I want to bring our viewers up to date on some details that explain why there are prohibitions of any Jew or Gentile to enter the Temple Mount. Therefore, if Elijah decides to enter the Temple Mount he will be breaking their laws in Israel.

  “Currently, he or any Jew’s entry, goes against the agreements that were put in place by the Israeli government with Jordan and the Ministry of Awqaf, who are the custodians of the Dome of the Rock, a Muslim Shrine.”

  John was handed a paper, which he read, picking out the important parts. Thank goodness for their research people, for he did not know these facts. After about 30 seconds, he started paraphrasing the information as he read certain points from the page.

  “What we are telling you is non-Muslims or Gentiles are not allowed on the Mount after Thursday at 1:30 PM Israeli standard time, or Jews anytime. In addition, no Jews may walk on the Temple Mount area itself other than the ‘Wailing Wall.’ The reason for this is the fear of treading on the spot where the Holy of Holies is located. No one really knows where that was originally located. What all this means is that Elijah may be breaking the laws of Israel by appearing in the Temple Mount. Also, as you will see, his anticipated presence there is drawing thousands of Jews to see and hear what he does or says.”

  “As you can see on the screen behind, which is live from Israel, the checkpoint guards that usually keep the Jews away from the Temple Mount appear to have totally given up and are just standing there doing nothing. The people are surrounding the entrance as far as the eye can see in anticipation of Elijah addressing the people of Israel for the first time.”

  Don then handed John another piece of paper. After reading it, John said, “We are now going to go live to our affiliate in Israel. Please note that they usually broadcast in Hebrew. However, if that is the case, we will use subtitles for our English speaking viewers; and please understand there is always a brief pause as it is interpreted and entered on our screen.”

  The broadcast from Bear then cut to the reporters in Israel live at the Temple. The announcer in Israel was saying, “…Elijah is now walking with a crowd surrounding him down towards the Western Wall entrance to the Dome of the Rock area. It looks like a platform has been set up outside the gate. There is also a sound system that has been set up for him.” The camera focused on the small platform that had a bank of microphones on it.

  The reporter continued, “There seem to be over two to three thousand people here, Rabbis, Jews, and people from all over. The entire city seems to be here.” The announcer then turned to his co-anchor and said, “John, Elijah is coming up to the checkpoint where the guards are and he doesn’t seem concerned that they are t

  “Well, it’s Elijah. He can go where he wants, I suppose, and I doubt if anyone here is planning to stop him. Look, he is going up on the temporary platform that was erected in front of the entrance. No, wait, he is going over to a sign at the entrance. I think it is the one that says ‘Entrance is prohibited to the Temple Mount by Jews,’ which was put there by the Chief Rabbinates.”

  “Yes, he is there at the sign; standing in front of it. He is just standing there staring, not moving, not doing anything. Ok wait; he has said something to a young man near him.”

  “I wonder what he said to him?” Benjamin asked.

  “I don’t know, Benjamin, but as you can see, the young man is speaking to another. Well, now the young man is leaving, running down the street weaving between the crowds towards some parked cars. See if we can zoom in on him.”

  The screen then split between the image of Elijah standing there, and the man running down the street.

  “Yes, we can see him. He is opening the trunk of one of the cars. He appears to be looking for something. He has something in his hands. It looks like…it’s a tool kit of some sort I think.”

  “Do you think Elijah sent him to get it to destroy the sign from the entrance?”

  “It sure looks like it. As you can see, he is running back towards Elijah and the crowd is separating to allow him access.”

  “Well, we may be right, for he is handing the tool kit to Elijah, and Elijah is speaking to him again. The young man is taking out a wrench and working on the back of the sign. I guess you are right; they are taking down the sign from the entrance.”


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