The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

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by Samuel David

  Carla stuck her head in and said, “Prime Minister, Michael is on the phone.”

  “Great,” he replied, “transfer it in please.” Finally, at last an answer he thought.

  She closed the door. He turned on the conference unit and then they heard Michael say, “David?”

  “Yes, we are here, Michael.”

  “Well, I have good news for you. After Cain’s speech, the additional votes we needed were given in favor of building the Temple. The good news is it is not even sundown,” Michael then laughed.

  David realized the laugh was probably about Elijah’s ultimatum. From Michael’s tone, he thought his sundown statement funny or David’s concerns, ridiculous. He put that thought aside and asked, “So does this mean we can issue a press release immediately saying we are going to rebuild the Temple with Elijah’s help?”

  “Yes, I suppose you can do that. However, I would prefer that you just tell Elijah for now. We still need to work out the details such as money appropriations, style, bids, as any project we do. Once we have this completed, we can then announce it to the world.”

  “Well Michael, I agree with you. However, I have no way to contact Elijah and it seems he has sort of disappeared.”

  “I suggest you wait till he contacts you, David. I am sure he will do so before sundown.”

  “I don’t know, Michael. I would really prefer not to take that chance. Can’t we just do a press release? This way, Elijah will, I am sure, see that we came through?”

  “Are you afraid of him, David?”

  That was direct shot, he supposed from Michael. He read him easily on that one. He decided to take a side door.

  “No, cautious Michael, just cautious.”

  “You always are David, you always are. Hold on for a second, please.”

  David sat back in the chair fidgeting, while they waited on hold for a few minutes. Michael finally came back on the line and said, “Here is what we can do. Issue a statement that the Israeli government will be making plans to rebuild the Temple. Then quantify in the release that more information will be released as details emerge. Will that work for you?”

  “Sounds like a plan, Michael. So in the meantime, when can you get the appropriations done?”

  “Well we do have plans that were drawn up before, but the costs estimates are over forty years old. Plans will need to be updated so we know what we are spending and where the money will come from. It may be two or three weeks, if we are lucky.”

  “That makes sense, Michael. Let me ask another question. Can we at least start evacuations and use slush funds for now? Enoch says he knows where the Ark of the Covenant is, among other things.”

  “How much are we talking, David?”

  “Somewhere around five to six million shekels for evacuations but then, we need to clear the top. So to be safe, let’s say maybe ten to twelve million. That’s about two to four million American dollars.”

  “Well, let me put it this way, David…if you authorize this we won’t raise a ruckus about it. Do as you feel is necessary. I will cover it here, for now anyway.”

  “Thanks, Michael.”

  “Don’t thank me, David; thank the Knesset.

  “I will, but again, thanks.”

  The phone went dead then David turned to Yona and said, “I think that this news needs to be announced by our Chief Rabbinates. So set up a press conference. Yona, you are elected to tell the world!”

  Yona, beaming, stood up as he replied, “Yes sir!”


  Chapter 75

  11:30 AM Saturday Bear News, Temporary Offices of John Roddenburg, Kansas City, Missouri

  Well it appeared that they had finally caught up with the news. The only new item was a press conference in Israel hosted by one of the Chief Rabbinates. Yona Salant stated that the Israeli government had approved funds to clear the Temple Mount. He stated that a study was in process to update plans for the Temple, which had been drawn up some time ago. They needed to get new cost estimates.

  There was no news from Enoch or the former president, Stevenson, since they left in the helicopter. But then, it had not even been 24 hours since they had been gone.

  John was sitting in the conference area having some coffee when Don came over and said, “Your assistant, Sherry Marks called you from New York. She said that there was something in your email and that it was urgent.”

  “Did she say or hint at what it is?”

  “No, but she said it was urgent, so you need to call her immediately. You are not on again until the evening news, that is unless some other breaking news occurs.

  John picked up the phone on the conference table, dialed their New York office and asked to be transferred to his office.

  Sherry answered on the first ring. She must have been sitting there waiting. “Hello? John?” she asked.

  “Yes, it’s me Sherry. What do you have that is so urgent?”

  “Well, as you know, I scan your email for you and only forward what may be important to you. Well I did not forward this one because you have a habit of letting them accumulate in your inbox.

  “And?” John asked.

  “There was this email that appeared to be from the White House Press Secretary. However, when I opened it I found that it was not from him. The email address had an additional character inserted into it. It was made to look like their email address but it was not. So I virus-checked the content then opened it. Once I read it, I called the studios in Kansas City to reach you.

  Well, she was efficient; but always had to tell you a story before you got out of her what the result was.

  “What does it say, Sherry?”

  “Here, I will read it to you. ‘ Mr. Roddenburg you do not know me but I need to pass some information on to you and Enoch. The first item is that the new President, Cain has signed an executive order, EO 15133, allowing for the declaration of martial law this morning, after his speech.’ Paragraph,” Sherry said.

  “Just read it please, skip the color.”

  “Ok John, just trying to be efficient.” She continued reading, “‘As you know, in his speech this morning, he was limiting martial law only to affected areas. His statement on the media was that it needed to be available to broadcast emergency information as needed. During this period, the government can limit what the press reports and the FCC can suspend the licenses of communications companies that do not comply one hundred percent. After the speech, I overheard Cain talking to other people saying that he could use this to shut down Bear News. Therefore, I want to warn you, the way it sits right now, only The Network will be allowed to broadcast in the United States after Tuesday morning. Please do not try to find me or track the origin of this email. I have taken a great risk sending this to you. I would also appreciate it if you would clean the email once you have read it and do a military level two wipe on the content’.”

  “It is then signed ‘Yours in Christ Jesus’.”

  “That’s it, John. I looked up the executive order and he is correct. Once martial law is declared, they can suspend our license or the license of anyone to broadcast in the United States. Of course, they would have to say we are interfering in the country’s security.”

  “Any idea or lead on the individual who may have sent this, Sherry?”

  “No, but it appears it is someone who is an insider who does not like what is taking place.”

  John paused thoughtfully, and then asked, “Where is Chris, Sherry?”

  “In his office, I think.”

  “Ok, get a copy of this to him, immediately. Delete the email and scrub the computer. This person is probably right and I do not want anyone to be able to track him. He may know more.”

  “Will do, John. Should I have Chris call you immediately?”

  “Definitely, I will stay here by the phone till he does.”

  After he placed the receiver back in the cradle John went over to the coffee pot and poured himself another cup of
coffee. His mind was reeling.

  He had just about gulped down half the cup when the phone rang. He picked it up, assuming it was Chris Morgan, Bear News’ principal stockholder and chairman.

  “Hello,” John said


  “Yes, it’s me Chris, I have been waiting for you to return my call.”

  “I have a copy here from your assistant. What is your take on this?”

  “I got an email in my inbox. We thought it was from the White House, but it was not. So Sherry, my assistant, called me here in Kansas City and read it to me. I immediately called your office, and that’s all we know.”

  “Any idea who may have sent it?”

  “No, not a clue. It appears to be someone in Waldger’s Group who has inside information and wants us to have it.”

  “So do you believe that is what they may try to do, shut us down?”

  “I don’t know, Chris. I do know that shutting us down would not surprise me. We all know that our constitutional rights allow us to do many things that other countries do not allow on the air, and our government cannot stop us. However, since 911, new powers were given to the Executive Branch of the government. They could control the airwaves if the event of martial law were implemented.”

  “Yes, you are right, John. If you remember, there was a big issue about this loss of rights in Congress. However, the nation was in a moment of crisis during this period so a lot of power was given to them.”

  “So what do you suggest we do in anticipation of this, Chris?”

  “We have other alternatives, John, as you know. The first is that we could fight them in court but that will take time; and by the time we obtained a hearing all these disasters would be over. The second alternative is that we just move our facilities from the United States to Canada, Mexico, or any of the other countries in which we have a license.”

  “But our main broadcasting facilities are here in the US.”

  “Yes, you are right. We do have sufficient bandwidth in other countries. The only issue is that here in the US you will not see our broadcast unless you have a satellite system. Not Direct TV style satellite but the older systems from the 80’s and early 90’s. However, we could always broadcast through the internet. Viewers could use these new products from Google, Apple, and Microsoft, among others, to obtain the broadcasts.”

  “So what do you think we should do then?”

  “The best defense is a good offense. I suggest we go public today and tell them what Cain and Waldger may be intent on doing. Your evening broadcast is several hours away. During that time, we can get some legal experts and government people on our side before we break this story. Maybe that will stall them for a while. In addition, I will have our lawyers look into the actual law itself in the event they move forward. They can see what we can possibly do to delay their actions before Washington completely shuts down next week.”

  “And if this scenario does not work, Chris, what then?”

  “Worst case, John, we will broadcast from our affiliates worldwide. We will then keep broadcasting until they come and shut us down. That will take some time. At last count we are licensed in over one-hundred countries and we own many of the satellites orbiting earth.”

  “Thanks, Chris, I know you will do your best. I think that now, more than ever, the world needs us to report the news truthfully, not the lies like The Network.”

  “Yes, all that is happening is serious, John. I can tell you that even though we do not yet know the content of their meetings here in Kansas City, I am beginning to think they are really planning to take over the world. If that does occur, John, then no matter where we go, they will be in control. Also John, we have stockholders. We do not really know whose side they are on. I own the bulk of the stock but not all of it. I have only about forty-eight-percent. If we are outnumbered and not able to broadcast they may well think it is because they feel we are on the wrong side. Then even I could not help you or us.”

  “I understand, unfortunately, but I do understand.”

  “Keep doing what you are doing, John. I will start things on my side and you can start putting fear into our viewers that the only network that tells the truth may be taken off the air.”

  “Will do, Chris. I will start this on the evening edition tonight. Talk with you soon.”

  “Thanks, John.”

  John hung up the phone then stared at the monitor showing the current broadcast as he thought to himself, can they or will they really take us off the air? As he mulled it over, he realized that no matter what…he would fight to make sure that all would hear the truth, not the lies of The Network. He knew that Brad Williams was gloating. He was sure he knew what was about to happen.

  As he leaned back in his chair, he had an idea, but then he would need Enoch’s help. He wondered if it was even ethical to ask Enoch to help with this. He really needed to ask him what he thought.

  John picked up the phone and had Don paged. “Do you think that we can send a message to Enoch to contact me on the air, using a subliminal suggestion?” he asked.

  Don did not respond for a moment then he asked why. John gave him a run down on the email and his conversation with Chris. After hearing the situation, Don replied, “Yes, I think we can get one of the afternoon anchors to say something that he may hear, hopefully.”

  Chapter 76

  11:00 AM Saturday Waldger meeting at Center City Convention Center, Kansas City, Missouri

  Aafre had told David to contact all the delegates there and have them assemble at 11:00 that day. They were way off schedule for they should have finished the open meeting yesterday with their guests. Today they were to have the closed meeting with the core members of the group.

  For the first time since David knew him, Aafre seemed stressed. He had even said to him earlier, “David, this is moving way too fast… way to fast.”

  He then told him that in anticipation of the airlines shutting down as per President Cain’s instructions, the meeting this morning would be very short. He wanted to make sure the delegates could return to their countries immediately.

  At precisely 11:00 AM, Aafre ascended to the podium, and after his customary greetings, he began speaking.

  “As you all well know, the United States is under siege by the Witnesses, Enoch and Elijah. You have heard about their power from the experts. I have heard many of you speaking among yourselves that you find all of this difficult to believe. I assure you that we share your concerns; however, the reality is they are here and the other reality is that we need to prepare for the final solution. We do not have a lot of time to do so.”

  “Seven years is not a long time, especially when you need to unite the entire world as one. Too many people, just like those of you assembled here today and their cultures find it difficult to bind together. Nevertheless, it must be done. In our group here, we have several countries that are the major powers in the world today. The one thing we must not allow at this time is to let any one country or any one group not be a part of what needs to be done. Our entire infrastructure of commerce, productivity, politics, as well as our lives are at stake here. Now is not the time for dissent among us. If you look around you at the individuals assembled here, you will see the people who not only rule but the ones, who shape policy, provide the funds, and also provide the stability we now need.”

  “It is still raining in Africa. Many of these nations are being, destroyed. What will be left in parts of the Middle East is chaos. We need to stabilize each area as these two Witnesses continue to battle earth, its people, and cause destruction. We need everyone’s help to keep the world stable.”

  “In their prophecies they are very clear that they will wipe out approximately one third or more of mankind. These Witnesses will do as they did in Egypt so many years ago by attacking the earth and its people to create fear. What we have seen so far is only the beginning.”

  “Now with that said, we have been working on a plan
for many years. This plan will divide the Earth into three or four spheres of power in order to control the damage being done. This will ensure that we are ready when the Terror of the Skies return or as Doctor Ottenberg calls them, the Watchers. I had put up a map of the world earlier which shows this plan, and we are now going to put it up again.”

  The world map was back up on the screen. David could see from the table where he was sitting that many in the audience were not dealing well with Aafre’s plan for the world. Each one was probably wondering what power they themselves would lose and have to give over to Aafre. He continued speaking.

  “You will see the shaded areas of the world in four different colors. Each one represents the four spheres of influence. You will notice that geographically, there are areas spilling into one another. However, to make this simple we have created a chart for you.

  The slide then changed to show a list of four spheres of power with almost every country in the world listed on it.

  “Now, in order to consolidate the powers of the world into three or four spheres, we suggest the following. All the countries under the original Roman Empire will be consolidated under Sphere 1 and under the direction of the common market. The Shanghai Cooperative is Sphere 2, to which several other Asian countries will be attached. In Sphere 3 is be the Americas, except the United States. Then Sphere 4 encompasses all the countries in Africa and the Middle East or south East Asia, which are not included in any other spheres.”

  “The way we are doing this will consolidate countries by cultures and resources. Eventually, by the time of the Watchers’ return, we will have consolidated all these into one single governing force. Each sphere will elect a leader. These leaders will then elect their leaders. All commerce will then center between these spheres. All the world’s military will be under one rule.”


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