The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah

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The Gentile Witness Book II Elijah Page 35

by Samuel David

  They all rose and followed Elijah and Gabriel out the door.

  Chapter 78

  12:30 PM Saturday David Matthews’ Suite, Center City, Kansas City, Missouri

  David had just finished packing, except for his laptop, which was connected to their facilities in Belgium. In the meantime, he had helped some of the attendees to make travel arrangements back to their respective countries. Due to the change in plans, the plane they had arrived in was still in Rome, and Aafre was in a hurry to return. Through Cain and the military staff, they were able to obtain Air Force II, the companion to Air Force I, to get them back to Belgium.

  About that time, there was a beep on his laptop, which was coded for emergency. He rushed over to it and hit the return button. He entered his password and read the text. David clicked on the link and his counterpart Paul Kwan came on the screen. They exchanged greetings then he sat down and listened to what Paul had to say.

  “David, we just intercepted a phone call that originated somewhere in the world using a satellite owned by the Waldger Group. As a precaution, we monitored the conversation. It was spoken in an unknown language, and we could not trace the origin or the recipient of the call. It lasted about twelve minutes and David, when the call was completed; the data was erased from the host, on the satellite. That is well…impossible. I know I am not losing my mind.”

  “Did you capture any of the data?” David asked.

  “Yes, we saved the stream as well as the conversation; but no one has ever heard this language before. Also even though it was not authorized, the link-up overrode not only the satellite but also our ground systems.”

  That is not possible David thought, at least with the technology, as far as I know it.

  He told Paul, “Keep working on it. Get the computers to tear it apart phrase by phrase. I am on my way back and will be there as soon as I can.”

  “Okay David, we will see you then.”

  He signed off. David smiled as he thought that this had to be Enoch and Elijah’s doing. They have help that is out of this world. With that thought, he powered down the laptop, closed the lid, and put it in the case. Then, he picked up the telephone and requested a porter for his things.

  He was excited for now he knew they had better technology than Waldger did, and he wanted to know what it was!




  Chapter 79

  9:15 PM Saturday Eden II, Northern Israel

  They returned to the big room they were in earlier and the table had been set for them. They sat down. Then a woman dressed in clothing that looked to be from the old biblical days came in carrying a stone pitcher and started filling the glasses with what appeared to be wine. Also on the table were olives of various forms, breads, fresh butter, and other dishes of food.

  Elijah picked up his glass, took a sip, and said, “The nectar of the gods.” He smiled as he placed his glass back on the table. “They make their own wine here and have been doing so for three thousand years. It is not commercially available. I am sure you will like it.”

  They all then took that as their clue to take a drink.

  When he was through Stevenson said, “This wine is incredible; and I have tasted my share of fine wine. I agree, nectar from the gods!”

  “I am happy you like it,” Gabriel replied.

  Elijah then said to everyone, “I am not sure if you know it or not; but the Israelis have decided to build the third Temple. I will be leaving here sometime tomorrow to supervise the cleanup and open the vault of Solomon, which is hidden under the old Temple. For the first time in thousands of years, the world will know the Ark has been…found along with various utensils needed for the Temple.” He raised his glass then, “Here is a toast to the God Almighty and his son Jesus Christ. His plan is in place and soon the world will know His grace.”

  They all raised their glasses in a toast then started on the food.

  Soon after they were through eating, Stevenson said that he and his family were tired and would like to retire for the day. He also asked where the aide who had accompanied them was. Elijah told him that he was being cared for and Stevenson would see him tomorrow.

  At that point, Gabriel, Ariel, Elijah, and Enoch left the room. “Follow us, Enoch, I need to show you your quarters and then we all need to talk,” Elijah said.

  The men went deeper into the tunnels until they finally came to a room. They went inside. There were pillows on the floor and a fire burning in the middle of the room. The smoke went up a shaft in the ceiling.

  When they were all sitting on the pillows surrounding the fire, Elijah said, “Enoch, you must now take your place among us as you were intended to. We are going to help you obtain this.”

  Enoch said nothing but instead, waited for him to continue.

  He said, “I want you to sit cross-legged with your hands clasped, head bowed, and eyes closed. What I am going to do is start speaking to you in a language you will not understand but soon will. As I speak, try to clear your mind of everything. Gabriel and Ariel will both have a hand on each of your shoulders. When you start responding to me keep your eyes closed until I ask you to open them.”

  Enoch did as he said and Gabriel, then Ariel on the other side, placed their hands on his shoulders with Elijah facing him. He closed his eyes and bowed his head as the other prophet started speaking in a language that Enoch had never heard before.

  As he spoke, Enoch’s mind started having visions of things past. Like his dreams, he was again in the place where the air was fresh and the ground was so green, but somewhat unstable. Those around him were dressed in robes of various colors such as he used to see in the pictures in the illustrated Bible his parents had when he was a child.

  Everyone was darker skinned, including himself, for he could see his hands. He was wearing a ring, which was gold with a ruby inset. The people around him seemed to be waiting for him to say something but he could not understand what they were asking.

  He then saw a man whom he recognized. He shouted out, “Methuselah, my son!” Behind him, he saw his father, Jared. They looked so young. “Welcome back from your journey, Enoch,” his father said.

  At that, his son came forward, reaching out to him as he asked, “Are you alright, father?” Enoch then looked into his eyes and could hear the others around him and his son talking and showing concern that he may not be all there.

  “Yes, I am now fine. The Lord has opened my eyes, and now I understand,” he finally said.

  Jared then asked, “Do you know now who you are, son?”

  “Yes father, I do.”

  At that moment, he was in a different place where everything seemed to be made of light. He was in a field somewhere and there was a man walking towards him. He was not dark-skinned, but of a light olive in complexion with light brownish blonde hair. He had piercing blue eyes and stood about 5 foot 11 inches tall. As he drew closer, Enoch recognized him, and as soon as he did, dropped to his knees and bowed his head.

  The other man walked up to Enoch and placed his hand on his head, “Enoch,” he said. Enoch lifted his eyes to Jesus. “It is time for you to go; the time of man soon will end.”

  Enoch then felt a hand touching him. It belonged to his earthly mother. He was maybe eleven or twelve and she was telling him that he had to get up to go to Sunday School, and to quit acting like a child. Then he fast-forwarded to his first meeting with Gabriel and Ariel and the conversation they had had.

  Then Enoch felt his body shudder. There was a burning sensation behind his eyes as if everything about him was filling his thoughts at an incredible speed as if fast-forwarding a video tape. He felt his skin tingling as if his body was changing. Then he heard Elijah voice, “Open your eyes, Enoch.” He did as he was commanded.

  Elijah continued to speak and Enoch continued to respond.

  “Do you know who you are?” Elijah asked.

  Responding in the language in which the question was pose
d, Enoch said that he knew exactly who he was.

  “I am Enoch, son of Jared, father of Methuselah, grandfather of Lamech, and great grandfather of Noah. The reason for being here is to pave the way for the Lord God almighty his son Jesus and fight for the souls of man against the Anti-Christ, the offspring of Lucifer himself. I have been charged by the Lord God and His son, Jesus the Christ to do all I can in tandem with you, Elijah, to convince man to turn to God and Jesus, till our time has ended.”

  Enoch was then silent.

  Elijah smiled as he said, “Now, that’s the Enoch I know.”

  “We no longer need to be here,” Ariel said. “We need to prepare with Jesus for the return.”

  He turned to Enoch, “Enoch, unlike the last time, show the fallen angels no mercy. Destroy as much of their infrastructure as you can. Instill the fear of God in humanity. Let them know the way to salvation. Spare the evil ones no quarter. You have little time. I will see you soon, back in heaven.”

  Gabriel placed his hand upon Enoch’s head and looking upward said, “He is ready God. His power has returned. He will not fail you or ask for mercy for the fallen ones as he had done before. In the name of the Father, the Holy Ghost, and Jesus, I transfer the power of the entire universe to your Witness, your prophet, your servant, Enoch. What he says from this point forward shall be bound in heaven. Those he curses will be sent to the fires of hell. Those he blesses will sit at your table. He is your emissary and Enoch is now blessed among men.”

  Enoch shuddered as he felt the heat of the blood rushing through his veins. He saw the world as it was and the way it would be, before his eyes, as in a dream. “I am your servant Oh Lord, God almighty,” he said. “I will do as I have been charged. I ask that you empower me with your universal power to accomplish with Elijah your final plan for humanity.”

  He bowed his head and was silent.

  After a moment, as a plan took form in his head, he looked up at Elijah and asked, “Are the craft here?”

  “Yes, they are.”

  “Gabriel!” Enoch shouted.

  Gabriel reappeared. “I need to go to my hotel. I need to appear on Bear news tonight. Also, do you have my personal things with you? The items I put aside before I returned to earth.”

  “Yes, we do.”

  “Get them for me please, for we need to go, immediately.”

  Forty-five minutes later, Enoch was in his hotel room in Kansas City with Veronica.


  Chapter 80

  2:45 PM Saturday, Enoch’s suite, Center City Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri.

  “This is what you asked for, Enoch,” Elijah had said as he handed him a cloth bag before he left the refuge. Enoch now took the bag with him into the bathroom and turned on the light. He wanted a shower. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled as he thought that God really had a sense of humor.

  As he looked at his reflection, he saw that he now looked like he used to look. The features were the same but his complexion was darker, much darker, but still recognizable. His hair was longer and although his beard was still not full, he knew who he was and what he needed to do.

  He turned the water on and stepped into the shower. When he was finished, he stepped out and dried off. He then turned his attention to the bag he had been given which held his personal clothing and other items. He started with the ḥagor, which replaced modern underwear. It was made of the smooth skin of an antelope and cut to fit perfectly. Next, he put on the kethōneth, which was an outer garment similar to a modern shirt, but which went to his ankles. It was bleached pure white and made of lamb’s wool.

  He stood back and looked in the mirror. Satisfied that it still fit, he put on the simlāhthen, which many would recognize as a robe. He then tied on the tsee-TSEETH or tassels, which were tied to all the corners of his clothing with a blue cord. He then grabbed the sandals. They were made of wood, scraped to fit his feet perfectly. Enoch then tied the leather straps, automatically wrapping them so as not to chaff his legs and made the knot from the back.

  The final piece was a headband. It was embroidered with his family information, the words of God and some history. He also had a keffiyeh, which he wore only sometimes, not every day. He noticed that he had both of his robes; one blue and the other dyed crimson red.

  He then pulled from the bag the handmade necklace, which had been made by Eve for Seth, his ancestor. I could see that it had been oiled since he had been gone and well cared for. It was unique, for it was handmade leather, woven in a diamond pattern. The legend states that the necklace was made from the original skins God had given to Adam and Eve when they were expelled from the garden. At the end of the necklace was a medallion, carved from ivory, depicting the Garden of Eden.

  Next, he added the modern necessities: deodorant, aftershave, and brushed his teeth.

  Enoch stood back, as he thought, I hope they recognize me.

  He stepped out from the bathroom. Veronica was sitting on the couch. She looked at him, squinted, then looked again. “Are those your clothes?” she asked.

  “Yes, the very same ones I wore the day I was taken to heaven.”

  “They look like you, Enoch; very much so. Uh…I guess God gave you back your color and your personality too?” She asked.

  “Yes, I am back to me. I now understand the dreams I have been having. Did you like the ride today; a twelve hour trip in less than ten minutes?”

  “I have been on the craft before, Enoch. There are four on earth; two in Eden II and it appears that Lucifer has the others.”

  “Did you call John?”

  “Yes I did. He was a bit perplexed how you happened to be here but he let it go. So, what are you going to do?”

  “Look out the window here. See the people still there even though most of the Waldger group has left. Well Aafre, Cain, and Jordan are still here. I have something to say to Cain while they are all here.”


  “Just call his name. It will strike fear in him as only I or the Lord can. He will remember, he will look, and he will see that I am back. He will remember our last meeting thousands of years ago in the desert. Yes, they will all remember. All of them, Lucifer, Azazel, and Cain.”

  “Who is Azazel, Enoch?”


  “I thought so.”

  Enoch looked out the window and could see that the Bear News camera crew had arrived in front of Center City. John had paid attention to Veronica’s call.


  Chapter 81

  3:30 PM Saturday, outside Center City Hotel, Memorial Park, Kansas City, Missouri.

  The barrier was still up from Center City to Memorial Park but was no longer guarded. Enoch took the route to the Memorial where a few people were still gathered by the tower. He moved to the side facing the hotel at Center City and stood looking down at the crowds still demonstrating.

  Then very softly, he said, “Cain,” then louder, and louder until he was shouting.


  Chapter 82

  3:35 PM Saturday Aafre Waldger’s Suites, Center City Hotel

  David had gone to Aafre’s suite after the porter picked up his luggage for transport to the airport and subsequently, onto Air Force II. Aafre, Jordan, Cain, some from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and David were together in the room.

  They were in deep conversation as David sat across the room. For whatever reason, he happened to look over to where Cain stood. He was trembling. He asked Jordan, “Did you hear that?”

  “Jordan looked at Cain as he asked, “Hear what?”

  “There it is again,” Cain said. His hands continued to shake and David could see beads of sweat on his forehead.

  All of a sudden, Jordan stood very erect and said, “I heard it also. This is impossible.”

  Jordan, though not shaking, was visibly upset.

  He went to the window and opened the drapes, looking out. He soon saw him. At that moment, he shouted, “E

  Then David heard it. It was loud. It was only the one word, “Cain.”

  It was so loud, it shook the windows, and the one nearest Jordan cracked.

  David looked out another window and saw a man dressed in robes similar to biblical days, walking in thin air not twenty feet from the windows, which were on the 20th floor.

  He stood there with his staff and shouted, “Cain!”

  The he shouted, “Satan!”

  Then, “Azazel!”

  The windows shook. David could also see the crowd below pointing while the Bear News crews filmed the entire scene.

  Cain still shaking as sweat poured from his brow, stood by Jordan at the window as Enoch shouted.

  “Cain…Remember the rocks in the desert? Remember what I have done to all of you before…Cain?”

  Enoch shouted “Cain” again and the windows reverberated from the sound.

  “It is not your time yet. You leave what is God’s and mine alone until it is your time. Or I will tear down everything you and this serpent have ever built!”


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