Dancing Dragon

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Dancing Dragon Page 27

by Nicola Claire

  I turned to find my shadows, they bled out from the dark edges of the street to meet my gaze. Antonio saluted, Ricardo nodded, and then they disappeared. It was a little freaky, but I knew they hadn't truly gone, just hidden; watching, protecting. I'd come a long way from when I first entered this night time scene, having to rely on vampires as guards was not something I would have condoned. But now? Yeah, life has changed all right.

  The door was unlocked, so I let myself in, the sound of deep, masculine voices greeted me as I closed the door at my back. They were coming from Samson's front room. I recognised Samson's, but the other male with him was not familiar. I walked in, pasting a smile on my face to hide my disappointment that Samson was not alone. I had really hoped for a cuddle and compassion. Having a vampire in my line had its benefits, but tonight luck, clearly, wasn't on my side.

  "Hey, Luce!" Samson greeted me with a wide smile. His cheeks were rosy, his brown eyes glistened in the low lights of the room, he had a tumbler of clear liquid in his hands. "Come meet a friend of mine," he said, waving a hand at the other vampire in the room.

  He was well dressed in a finely tailored grey pinstripe suit, maroon silk tie and silver coloured shirt. A long, black woollen trench coat lay draped over the arm of the sofa he sat at, it would have been floor length when worn. His matching Italian-made shoes shined as though they were polished within an inch of their life. Gold rings adorned his fingers and I was guessing, matched a chain at his neck - he just had that kind of look. He had slightly darker skin, which was obvious, even in the dim parlour room lights and his dark hair came to his chin, loose and straight, parted in the middle of his forehead, curved slightly outwards at the tips of the strands.

  His eyes when he looked up at me were black. No colour I could ascertain, but that may have been the lack of light in the room, I couldn't be sure, but when I glanced at his face, determined not to look directly in those perturbing colourless eyes, his smile was welcome and friendly. His stance indicating the same level of ease and relaxation his facial expression displayed. I turned my attention back to Samson, but smiled politely in reply to the vampire's silent greeting.

  "This is Viktor Davydov," Samson said. "Boris, the former Master of London City's brother."

  I had never met Boris, so couldn't tell if this vampire resembled his sibling in any way. But Samson had said he had worked for the former Master of the City, so it fitted that he would know this stranger, even though he had never mentioned him before.

  Viktor Davydov smiled again, looked at me for a suspended moment, then spoke in a slightly accented - Russian I'd guess - and deeply smooth voice.

  “Lucinda Monk, I presume.”

  It wasn't a question, so I didn't answer, but just took the offered chair Samson indicated off to the side of the room. I noticed Viktor was also drinking a clear liquid and as Samson stood to go to the drinks cabinet, it became obvious what that was. Vodka. I was guessing Russian and a gift from this new vampire.

  "Care for a drink, mistress?" Samson asked, already pouring a generous amount into a fresh glass.

  I'd had a shit of night, I had hoped when I arrived here, that Samson could offer some support. Viktor being present hadn't counted in my plans, but as he was and there was nothing I could do about it - and I certainly couldn't talk to Samson about what had happened tonight now - the vodka sounded like a good idea. I nodded and accepted the drink Samson had just poured. He returned to the cabinet and topped up both his and Viktor's drinks. The bottle was half empty. Viktor had been here for a while.

  "We were just catching up on old times," Viktor offered casually, taking a sip of his newly filled glass. "It has been a while since I returned to London, I had not realised Samson had moved home."

  Not only moved home, but become Lighter, lost his blood bond to his Master and now came under the Lux Lucis Tribuo's line. I didn't think for a minute that Viktor wasn't aware of all of this. I wondered what he thought of that and if he had been friendly with Samson's former Master. I took a sip of my drink in preparation for the imagined onslaught ahead. The vodka went down smoothly and I immediately followed the first sip with another. I could get used to top shelf Russian liquor.

  "It is a relief to see he is out from under Rosemonde's control," Viktor said in that smooth Russian accent, almost a lullaby in and of itself.

  "Anyone would be pleased to be out from under her," Samson added. Samson never mentioned his former Master. In fact, this was the first time I realised he was a she. I noticed how relaxed he was around Viktor, the fact that he had replied to Viktor's statement about Rosemonde was proof enough of that. If he had trouble mentioning his former life in front of me, he must indeed be comfortable with this vampire to entertain the direction of the conversation now. I relaxed into my seat and took another sip of my drink.

  "I hear she has gone to Asia," Viktor was saying. "Decided to try her hand at controlling a city there."

  "I wasn't aware," Samson replied, sipping his drink between words. "She could fall off the face of the Earth, for all I care." His words were a little bitter, but Viktor only laughed in response to his tone. It was a deep, but charming laugh, I couldn't help smiling at the way it made his whole body shake. This was a man who found delight in many things and didn't mind showing it.

  "I think half the Nosferatu would agree with you there, Samson. She always did have too high an opinion of herself. I do hope she meets a worthy Nosferatin in Singapore, to bring her down a peg or two."

  I perked up at the name of the city she had chosen to inhabit. I had spoken to the Nosferatin in Singapore on Nero's website. Islander was quite capable from all accounts. I took another sip of my drink, enjoying the story unfolding, fascinated in learning something more of the vampire who came under my line.

  "Do you fear she will seek retribution?" Viktor asked, turning his glass in hand as it rested on his crossed knee. He was nervous asking the question, unsure how Samson would reply. I wondered if he was in fact, nervous for Samson should this Rosemonde seek revenge for the break in blood bond between them. Viktor rose in my estimation of him, just then.

  Samson took a large gulp of his drink before answering. "To be honest, Rosemonde and I never truly got along. I think she found my resistance to her plans frustrating. She had more sycophants surrounding her than a fourteenth century King. My loss would not have been felt keenly. In fact, I am sure she was relieved."

  Viktor relaxed at his words, confirming he had been concerned for Samson's safety. "That is good," he said quietly, studying the reflection of the lights in his drink. "I, however, would not be as forgiving, should one of mine be taken without consent."

  I shivered at his words, although spoken softly and directed at his glass and not at me, I knew those words were indeed for my ears. It had been me, after all, who had stolen Samson from Rosemonde. But this vampire had nothing to fear. I thought I'd join the conversation and prove that to him now.

  "Viktor," his head shot up to mine, I focused on the dimple in his chin. I was fairly sure he wouldn't glaze me, but old habits die hard. "This vodka is from your home? It's exceptionally pleasant." I took another drink and he smiled, a warm smile that lit up his face and finally allowed a colour to seep into his eyes. A liquid charcoal with speckles of slate grey, washed over the black, but soon disappeared. I felt momentarily relieved that he had a colour in there at all, straight black is unnerving, I don't know why, but it just is.

  "I shall be sure to have more delivered, Lucinda, it would be my pleasure to know you are enjoying one of my brews."

  "You made this?" I asked, genuinely impressed. It hadn't been a label I recognised, but it was a very fine drop. I'm a Bacardi girl, but I was thinking I might have just found my new drink of choice.

  "Yes, it is from one of several distilleries I own, but by far and away my favourite."

  "I think it shall be mine also," I declared and received a blinding smile in return.

  The conversation turned to more pleasant things, Viktor's
home in St. Petersburg. The beauty of the city and architecture. The Neva River which ran through the city's borders, the Gulf of Finland, of which it is at the head and the Baltic Sea. He talked of the buildings and parks, the Hermitage and history. He insisted we should visit, that our welcome would be assured. He made the city sound alluring, magical in its appearance and intriguing in its past. I was sure he'd had a hand in much of St. Petersburg's bygone times. I thought perhaps, he had enjoyed the battles fought on its soil in particular.

  Samson had refilled my glass once already and when I came to the end of the second, I was tempted to have another. My limit had always been two, but the company was charming, interesting and intelligent. I enjoyed Viktor's stories and Samson seemed relaxed and at ease with the vampire's presence in his home. I decided a third drink would be acceptable in present company. Besides, Alastair had fed already tonight, and if the past few nights were any indication, he would be the only one to cause the pull. I don't know why, but other than Alastair, all the rogue vampires in London were behaving themselves right now - thankfully. The rest of my evening could be enjoyed, I didn't need to fear combating a vampire again tonight.

  That next drink was followed by another, conversation flowed as easily as the vodka. By the time the bottle was empty, I was pleasantly happy - if not a little tipsy. And all thoughts of guilt at the four lost humans tonight, or displeasure at having to face the same scenario all over again tomorrow, were washed from my mind. Replaced with a warmth from the liquor and an equal warmth from the company of the two male vampires in the room.

  "Well, I see I will have to call for more водка," Viktor announced. I was sure he had used the Russian word for the drink, although similar to our pronunciation, it just rolled off his tongue in syllables that did not exist in English.

  "I think I've had enough for one night, thanks," I answered, stifling a yawn.

  "Will you sleep here, Luce?" Samson asked, taking my empty glass and placing it on the cabinet top.

  I considered the offer, but I really wanted to be back in Michel's arms. I shook my head and stood, a little shakily, to my feet. Both vampires glided to theirs, not showing an ounce of effect from the booze. I cursed my half-human make-up, but internally shrugged. It was my own fault, I should have just stuck to two.

  "Can I offer you a lift somewhere, Lucinda?" Viktor asked, reaching for his coat. "I have a car outside, it would be no inconvenience at all."

  I glanced at Samson. He didn't own a car and I would either have to walk, a daunting prospect in my current state, or call a cab. Samson shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'd go with Viktor, Luce. It can be hard to get a cab at this time of night."

  He'd picked up on my inebriated state, but if he felt it was safe for me to go with a vampire I had only just met, then I wasn't going to argue. Besides, I was hoping Viktor would tell me a few more Russian jokes. They'd been hilarious.

  "OK," I said in reply and smiled at Viktor. "If you don't mind, of course?"

  "Not at all, it would be my pleasure to see you safely home."

  Samson waved us off at the door after shaking Viktor's hand and I turned to see the most ostentatious looking stretched limo in my life. I think it was Hummer, but I couldn't be sure. I hadn't seen one before, Hummer’s are not that popular in Auckland, let alone one as long as this. It was a sleek black, with silver trim, and I was picking, over three times the length of a normal Hummer, with seven windows along the length of its body. I couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to navigate London’s traffic with this sort of beast. I was surprisingly keen to look inside.

  I looked at Viktor - standing, he towered over me, maybe 6'4” or so, he was tall and big. Broad chested, wide shoulders and neck - and he must have seen the incredulity on my face; that anyone, especially a vampire wishing to remain out of the eyes of the Norms, could traipse about in a such a thing.

  "It goes with my culture, my dear," he said simply and offered his arm for me to lean on as we walked towards the behemoth. "Allow me to introduce my security, Lucinda," Viktor added, indicating the two vampires standing either side of an open rear door.

  I quickly sent my senses out and determined the level of Dark in the two guards. It took only a moment to assess the new duo of Dark that faced me. And they were Dark.

  One male and one female vampire, but if I had to guess, I'd say they were siblings. Their similarities were simply too close. Both had the same darkish skin, a medium brown with a slight swarthy-ness to it, thick black hair, both tied back behind their necks with a simple leather cord. Prominent angles to their faces with strong square jaws and high chiselled cheeks. Even though their features were sharp, ruggedly handsome, not finely so, they still carried themselves in such a way, that they held a beauty of sorts. Not what I would call a regular beauty, but a compelling one. You couldn't help noticing them, they drew the eye and although your mind told you they were heavy set in their characteristics, something else made you think they were divine.

  Two sets of dark brown eyes stared straight ahead, making no eye contact with me, just blankly adopting that vampire stillness pose. There was a flash of colour in the depths of those eyes though, a chestnut and a maroon. The reddish tinge would normally have looked bad, but on them it seemed perfect. They were both about 6 feet tall, well dressed in long black cashmere coats, dress trousers and shirts. The only reason I knew that one of them was a female, was because she had longer eyelashes, softening her facial features slightly and was well endowed. You couldn't help but notice her ample breasts.

  This assessment had taken a mere couple of seconds, not long enough time for any of those vampires on the sidewalk to even know I had taken the duo all in. Taken a look at their physiques: powerful and muscular, their style: casual and smart, their attitudes: fierce and dedicated and their Sanguis Vitam: Dark and level two.

  I compared their Darkness to that of their master's. I was momentarily surprised to note that Viktor's appeared far less Dark. Could he be hiding it? I didn't think so, my Sanguis Vitam Cupitor powers couldn't be fooled. He had Dark within him for sure, but it was controlled and balanced by a good smattering of Light. Not as Light as Michel, but also not as Dark as Avery. But the duo in front of us were almost all entirely Dark. I hadn't expected that, I had assumed the master would account for the level of Dark in members of their line. Obviously not.

  I hesitated before all that Dark, my hand itching to seek solace and guidance from the silver inside my jacket, but Viktor's warm voice brought me back from that moment of fear, allowing me to pull on my Nosferatin mask.

  "Sergei and Natalyia. Their strengths allow me a certain amount of freedom, if you will. Please do not be alarmed, they are well trained."

  He knew I had seen their Dark. I took a deep breath in and allowed Viktor to guide me into the vehicle. His reasons for having two such Dark vampires as his guard were his own, as long as they behaved themselves, it was none of my business. And if they didn't behave themselves? I could always stake them.

  All thoughts of the Dark Duo were momentarily lost when I took in the inside of the car. If you could call it a car. It was more like a luxury brothel, a plush invitation-only club, on wheels. Curved white padded leather couches adorned each side of the long open spaced interior. A two seater sofa down one end, backing on to the driver's compartment, and two more four seaters, one on each side of the car, spaced unevenly so stretched legs would not get entangled when reclining on either side. In between the sofas were mahogany trimmed cabinets, full of crystal decanters and row upon row of bottled drinks. A plasma TV screen graced the far end of the room, a stereo, DVD player and what looked like a games console were embedded in one part of the mahogany wall units.

  The Dark vampires sat themselves down by the driver and the TV, allowing Viktor and I to take a seat each on either side of the car. The movement of the vehicle reminding me this wasn't a room in an overly ornate house, but in fact a car. It was smooth, but motion could not be denied.

iktor crossed his legs, his long coat having been removed and draping over the edge of his seat. He placed one hand along the back of his sofa and took me all in.

  "Would you care for a drink?" He asked, his voice lower than it had been at Samson's house.

  I shook my head and continued to take the interior of the vehicle in. When would I ever get a chance to ride in a celebrity style vehicle like this again?

  Viktor didn't say anything for a while, just let me scan the space. My eyes were no doubt bigger than usual, it was just amazing what they could fit inside something on wheels. The mind boggled. Finally he broke the silence.

  “I have been watching you for a while, my dear.” The atmosphere shifted, the Nosferatin immediately awake - despite the level of alcohol recently consumed. Viktor went on, my attention now split between him and the Dark Duo, both of which were on either side of me in the car. “You did not attempt to stake the Master of the City tonight when he drained four humans dry.” He watched me closely for a reaction, I used all of my Nosferatin know-how not to give him one. Blank face, blank thoughts, blank everything. I was beginning to wonder if Samson knew this guy at all. “However, you were most upset about it.” Great, who else had heard my scream of frustration and anguish on that roof?

  “So?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and cocking my head slightly. I was going for defiant, I'm not sure I made it.

  His lips quirked slightly as though I had amused him, but also as though he was not accustomed to being amused.

  “Do you realise you are the only Nosferatin in this city tonight?”

  That got my attention. I knew Citysider had been missing and I knew no other Nosferatins had turned up when Alastair fed, but I hadn't really come to the conclusion that no Nosferatins at all were left in London. London's big. I guess I'd been avoiding that possibility, even if logic would have already led me there.

  “You are a valuable asset in the war. I will not be the only one to approach you, I am hoping I am the first though.”


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