Dancing Dragon

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Dancing Dragon Page 37

by Nicola Claire

  He nodded back, smirked ever so slightly. And then my shields crumbled, all on their own and Avery, the Plucking Pervert, stormed in.

  Chapter 32

  Filling In The Blanks

  When I came to I was still sitting on the couch and Avery was over by the fire. Michel was pacing between us looking more like his inner vampire, than his dragon did and Alain and Daniel had arrived. Both vampires standing still in front of the fireplace watching us. Samson was off to the side trying to hide. I had the feeling from him, down that tenuous connection we shared, that Michel had chewed him out.

  The shutters were up and a dark clear night was obvious through the window.

  “How long have I been out?” I asked in a overly dry voice. I cleared my throat with a cough and glanced across to Avery. He was still out cold.

  Michel sat down next to me and ran his hands over my body. My face, neck, arms, sides. Checking me for injuries? Finally his hands stilled on either side of my cheeks again and he looked me in the eyes.

  “What happened, ma douce?” he asked, his voice a little pained. “Did he harm you at all?” Now his voice was lower, a growl threatening to explode from within.

  “How long have I been out, Samson?” Michel wasn't going to answer me and I needed to know. Michel stiffened, but stayed quiet, his eyes drilling into mine.

  “An hour, mistress,” Samson replied quietly from the corner and then slunk a little further into the shadows.

  “What have you done to my vampire?” I asked Michel, a little concerned at Samson's meek and wounded behaviour.

  Michel sighed, but didn't remove his hold on my face. “What do you think, ma douce? I came down here to find you unconscious, Avery inside your mind. If you remember, ma belle, my vampyre is a little close to the surface right now. He felt it necessary to prove a point.”

  I pushed him away and crossed my arms over my chest. “Don't blame your lack of control on your dragon, Michel,” I said with force.

  His eyebrows raised up quizzically. “My dragon? Is that how my vampyre appears to you?”

  I nodded slowly. “Does he not appear as a dragon to you?” I asked, surprised.

  “I cannot see him. I only feel him. Sometimes we are as one and sometimes he is separate. Right now he is very separate and very protective of you. What have you done to capture him, ma douce?” He didn't seem upset or overly concerned, just interested.

  “Don't you remember what happened?” I flicked a glance at the other vampires in the room, not really relishing talking about such an intimate moment in front of them. Michel heard my thoughts and sent a look at Alain and Daniel, who both flashed from the room. Samson followed, not needing to be told at all.

  “Is there time to tell me or should we be preparing to face Viktor?” he asked, neutrally.

  “Avery has shielded me from him.” Michel tensed, I reached out and stroked his arm, it seemed to be enough to make him breathe again. “First the dragon then the evil Russian and his dastardly plans.”

  I could see Michel wanted to ask, he literally bit his lower lip to stop himself, but just nodded at me to go on instead.

  I swallowed under his gaze. “After you fed from me, your vampire kind of paid me a visit while you were...” I sent him an image and flushed. He smiled widely remembering no doubt the feeling of taking me from behind. He shifted slightly on the seat next to me and I made myself not look down at his groin. I didn't need confirmation and it would only distract from the task at hand. “OK,” I said, steeling myself further. “While you were latched on to my shoulder, he somehow pulled me from the moment... into a beautiful garden and then... took advantage of my neck.”

  Michel did look surprised at that. “Really? A garden?” he asked. I nodded. Then after a brief pause, "Oh."

  “He also showed me his true form. I got the impression it was a special gift, not something he would have shown someone normally. And then, after he fed,” - Michel's hand came up protectively onto my neck, right where his dragon-vampire had bitten. Was he jealous of his own vampire-within? - “he told me that I was both of yours. And then he told me the place we were in was a part of you both. And then..”

  “There's more?” Michel asked with a little amusement.

  “Just one more thing,” I answered and took hold of his hand to quiet him. “When I negotiated with Avery before I let him into my mind to retrieve the conversation, my eyes shone magenta. I think I'm somehow connected to your vampire now. When I threatened Avery that you would stake him if he did anything untoward whilst in my head, your vampire's magenta shone through my eyes.”

  Michel thought about that for a second, then said softly, "Vampire-mate." He didn't elaborate further, instead he asked through gritted teeth, “Did Avery do anything untoward?”

  I shook my head and smiled. I was betting it was the same smile I had worn on my face when I realised how powerful Michel was, to have such a foreboding vampire-within that others, such as Avery Rousseau, paled in fear at the mere mention of him. Michel must have heard my thoughts, his eyes flashed amethyst and violet and his head came down and rested on mine. He inhaled deeply, the motion one of complete contentment.

  When he didn't say anything for a while I drew in a breath and asked, “Have you never had your vampire claim someone before?”

  “I have never claimed another before, ma douce, let alone have my vampyre rear its head so.” I felt a thrill at the fact that Michel had never claimed another before me. I don't know why, but I had always assumed he would have, at some time in his very, very long past. He paused and pulled back to look at me. “A dragon,” he said, slightly mystified. “I guess it makes sense.”

  “How?” I asked, reaching for his hand again. I needed to touch him, I didn't know why, but I saw, magenta this time, flash in his eyes, the one that told me the vampire-within was pleased.

  “I chose the dragon; the dancing dragon, as my shield; my coat of arms, when I first was turned. I have long since believed the characteristics of the dragon worthy of a vampyre. I guess it was only natural that my vampyre would agree.”

  “Dancing dragon,” I said, reaching up to touch his face, he turned his head to kiss my palm and then rested his cheek against my hand. “You're my dancing dragon,” I announced and he growled in appreciation.

  Avery stirred at that point, bringing us back to the present and my current predicament. Namely a Russian vampire called Viktor Davydov.

  Michel stood as soon as he saw Avery stirring and moved back towards the fireplace, turning to face the waking vampire, placing himself between Avery and me.

  Avery's eyes came open and spotted Michel first. His eyes widened slightly and he stilled, then flicked his head towards me.

  “You beat me back, Ms. Monk?” he drawled. “Most intriguing.”

  I just smiled, knowing now how much Avery puts on a front, a show of nonchalance and bravado, which is entirely false.

  He held my gaze for a moment, realised I wasn't buying his act and so turned to Michel. “So, have you chased down Viktor and demanded retribution yet, Michel?” he crossed his legs and attempted a relaxed pose. I don't think Michel was fooled either. A smile taunted the edges of his lips.

  “I've not been awake long,” I offered and got up from the couch and walked to Michel. Michel's lips quirked into a full smile at that and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed me lightly on the forehead once I reached him.

  “Why don't you both tell me what our new enemy desires,” Michel said, casually.

  Avery was the one to give Michel the over-view of my conversation with the Russian. That he would call me to him as soon as night fell so I could lead his two vampires, Nataliya and Sergei, directly to Alastair. And the wording of the alliance I had made with him itself, in particular Avery stressed the words: beyond the observation of others. I groaned silently, knowing before they even extrapolated a meaning from the sentence I had so willingly spoken, that I had made a grave mistake.

  "Lexicant," Michel
said softly.

  "I agree," Avery offered, watching Michel's face. "I have not heard of one being used in a binding since the time of the Tsars. Viktor is clever."

  Michel just nodded and flicked his gaze down to me.

  “You really do make things interesting, do you not, ma douce?” Michel said, kissing me on the forehead again. “An alliance with a vampire you just met, one that prevents you from repeating what was spoken. Have I taught you nothing?”

  I bristled, of course, no one likes to be made to look a fool. I threw a series of images at him of Lutin. Showing him how easily the fairy prince had influenced my body over the past week, how much I felt out of control and manipulated because of that. How close I had come to giving Lutin what he wanted. I hated the imp for that.

  Avery sat very still through the entire episode. I wasn't sure, but I thought he was perhaps still in my head. More so than before. No longer just plucking thoughts at random, but because of how far he had entered my mind, now able to read me like a book. If he could, he didn't show it. I think he was playing it close to his chest.

  Sometimes, the choices I have to make are hard. I never seem to have enough time to figure out the consequences of each one. Knee jerk reactions are run of the mill in my line of work. The best you can do is deal with them as they happen. I've begun to think, it might be better not to be forewarned. I'll bury my head a little longer, as far as Avery is concerned.

  Michel had turned me in his arms to face him, as the images speared his mind and now had both arms around me, his forehead resting on mine. He inhaled deeply and brushed me with his Sanguis Vitam. I don't normally let him have influence over me with his power, but I felt vulnerable thinking of Lutin, so just lowered my shields and let him in. A little of Michel's warmth and love and safety, in the shape of his vampire blood life force, wouldn't go astray. I relaxed as it wrapped around me, making me feel so safe and loved and right. My body moulded into his, his arms closed further around me and for a moment, no one else existed in the world but us.

  By the time I felt strong again and we both turned back towards Avery, he had moved from his armchair by the fire to the drinks cabinet across the room and was pouring himself a Scotch. His back was to us and if I wasn't mistaken, he looked a little tense.

  “So,” I said to break the silence and let Avery know we were no longer having a PDA moment, “what's the plan for tonight?”

  “You take me to Alastair and I will confirm the amulet is fey,” Avery said formally, turning around to pierce me with a hard look.

  So, Avery was sticking to his usual façade of snide comments and outrageous demands. Despite the fact that he knew I was aware it was all an act. At least it was familiar.

  “I will not let four more humans die tonight,” I said and let a little of my Light follow that statement up. I was sick of cowering to the big bad stronger-than-me vampires in my life. I had made my mind up, I would not back down.

  “It is not wise, ma douce,” Michel said quietly, no doubt sensing my strong emotions, or simply reading my mind.

  “It is wise,” I answered, hotly. “Think about it. Lutin is injured, he probably won't even be there tonight to protect Alastair. That stupid accord they have - the Fey make sure Alastair can feed unhindered, so he will help them keep the portals open when he's recovered from wherever he's been hiding – has continually got in our way. But, it is now or never. I don't want to have to find Sergei and Nataliya if I can help it. They would be useful, if Lutin returns, but tonight I don't think he will. Alastair will dine alone. Now is the time to strike.”

  “She has a point, Michel,” Avery said, taking a swallow from his tumbler of Scotch. “Tonight would be the best chance she would have.” Then turning his attention to me. “Are you up to it, Ms. Monk? Or will we see a repeat of last night's efforts?”

  “Don't worry about me, vampire. Just keep up.”

  “Oh, I can keep up,” he said simply, taking another healthy swig of his drink.

  I ignored him and turned back to Michel. “Are we going to have a problem?” I asked, quietly. “Or are you going to let me actually do my job?”

  He stared at me for a moment, that preternatural calm vampires do when they're pissed off. Then slowly nodded his head. “Antonio and Ricardo will accompany you also.” It wasn't a bad suggestion. All the more the merrier.

  I had time to eat something, make a coffee and even catch up with Samson and reassure him that Michel wasn't going to banish him from my side. Then, right on cue, I felt the pull. Alastair was hunting, I just hoped he'd be hunting alone.

  Avery and I headed out, leaving Michel behind with Samson, Alain and Daniel. Michel still believed if he came too close to Alastair, he would feel compelled to finish the job himself and then invoke the Dökkálfa charm. He couldn't risk it, or lose me. Antonio and Ricardo melted into the shadows. It would probably be the last I saw of them until the shit hit the fan. Hopefully, I could disable the fan before it hit high speed.

  Once again, Alastair was in Knightsbridge. I was getting better at reading my Sanguis Vitam Cupitor map. I was becoming familiar with my surroundings at last. Even though my pull led me directly there; the best route possible, I was now able to envisage where that route would be. To prepare myself for possible hazards along the way. I felt more confident in this hunt than I had ever felt hunting Alastair before. Tonight was my night and I knew it.

  “Such confidence, Ms. Monk.” Avery drawled next to me, as we rounded a corner approaching our prey.

  “Just how much of my mind are you reading, Avery?” I asked lightly, attempting a nonchalant reply.

  “Perhaps all of you, Ms. Monk. Every random little thought and exquisite image in your pretty little head.”

  Fuck off!

  He just laughed.

  A few choice words flew through my mind, every possible name I could think of to call him I did. It was entertaining for a while. Every now and then he'd laugh or raise an eyebrow at me. It made the run to Alastair quicker than it would have otherwise have been. And also, distracted us both.

  We rounded a corner, only a short distance away from Alastair and came face to face with two Russian level two Master vampires.

  I should have known Viktor's faithful attack dogs would find me. Just as well I was already holding my stake.

  Chapter 33

  Welcome to the Family

  They looked as Dark as they had done back in the Hummer. Sergei stood with his legs apart, arms crossed over his chest, deep brown eyes showing only distrust and vague interest. Nataliya was leaning casually against a shop front, playing with a short green handled dagger or knife. Flicking it in and out of its hiding slot, like a flick-knife. There was something unusual about the hilt, as though it was more than just a knife. I wondered briefly, if it was a gun too. The blade was dull, so didn't shine in the lights of the street, but it was impressive, despite only having a short blade length. It was thick and sharp and looked brutal. She looked at ease, but was deeply wrapped in Dark.

  These two vampires were some of the Darkest I had yet met. I wondered what had made them this way. If it wasn't their Master, then what? Viktor had definitely had Dark in him, but not to this alarming degree. I took in their positions, some four feet from each other and about six feet in front of Avery and myself. Close enough to pounce, positioned perfectly to flank. But, I wasn't alone. I had Avery. I didn't doubt for a minute that he couldn't hold his own with a swarm of Dark vampires, let alone just two level two masters.

  “Well, this is interesting, Ms. Monk. Your Russian's two Tego Texi Tectum.” He paused, taking the vampires all in. For their part, they didn't squirm under his scrutiny, just kept a watchful eye on him and a fierce one on me. “How much time have we got?” he asked, conversationally.

  I let myself seek out Alastair and tried in vain to suppress a reaction to his first kill. He had already struck once and was onto his second meal of the night. Shit. Why couldn't I just once get to him before he killed an innocent? I kn
ow London is big, but usually my Sanguis Vitam Cupitor powers get me there before they strike. As though it knows what the vampire is about to do, before the vampire even does. But with Alastair, it was different. I always seemed to be too late. The fatality of that thought was appalling.

  “Very well. You deal with this, I'll deal with London's Master.” I didn't even have time to protest and believe me I would have given the chance, before Avery simply flashed into the air and vanished.

  The sonofabitch! Abandoned by my escort. I mean, I understood the desire to take Alastair out, but I was quite sure that was not what motivated Avery. No, Avery was motivated by something altogether different from my vampire hunter desires. Avery wanted that amulet. I didn't exactly know why, but I had seen the look on his face when he spoke of it. And now it blinded him enough to make him leave me to my fate with two extremely Dark vampires out for the kill.

  Who was I kidding? I could take out two Dark vampires in my sleep. I didn't need the protection of Avery, or any other vampire for that fact. That wasn't what had got me so upset though. No, if I was honest with myself, I had thought my welfare may have been more important to Avery than his greed. What a fucking idiot. Just because he had shown deference to Michel's vampire-within recently, didn't mean he would continue to feel obliged to care for my wellbeing. Avery cared about one thing only: Avery.

  I squared my shoulders, considered calling Antonio and Ricardo out of the shadows and then found my pride again. Fingering my stake I cocked my head at the two Dark vampires before me and readied my stance.

  “What's up?” I asked as casually as I could muster.

  Sergei was the one to speak. “The boss wants to know why you ignored his summons.” Sergei's accent was all thick Russian. Almost too difficult to understand. But, I got the gist. Viktor was piqued I'd ignored him.


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