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Mission Page 18

by Amy Andrews

  Tundol! I’ve been asking for you!’ she exclaimed, and opened her arms. The little boy threw himself into them and Richard felt more than a little emotional himself as he watched a tear track down her face.

  Holly had been so happy when Richard had told her the orphanage had located Tundol’s mother, who had been searching for him for three months. They sat and chatted for a while with Tundol, his hair cut short like Richard’s, content to sit in Holly’s arms and listen to them.

  Holly watched Richard walk away with Tundol as he led the boy outside to his waiting mother. She looked at their joined hands and felt her heart contract. He was going to make such a fabulous father.

  She smiled at him when he returned.

  ‘You know, Kia told me we were going to have three children,’ she said softly.

  He looked at her dubiously. Children? What sort of father would he make?

  ‘Three?’ He swallowed hard.

  Holly saw the doubt and panic in his eyes. She understood that with his background he’d be worried. But she wasn’t. She’d seen him with Tundol. She’d seen him with Tuti and with Mila’s baby. And the five kiddies form the orphanage who he had made glove balloons for. He was going to be great.

  ‘Three little boys, all like their father,’ she confirmed.

  ‘I hadn’t thought about kids,’ he said.

  ‘Richard, I’m going to treat you so good,’ she whispered, ‘that making babies with me will be all you can think of.’

  He looked into her eyes and the promise that they held gave him an insight into a life he’d never had or even imagined he could have. A life he hadn’t even known he wanted. Until now.

  She gave him a long, deep, intimate kiss on the mouth to convince him that everything would be OK. The hospital staff and patients whistled and cheered.

  ‘Get a room,’ somebody called.

  And Richard was just too happy to care that his reputation as a hard-ass soldier was totally shot.

  My thanks to Warrant Officer Class 2 Derek Davis, Army Malarial Institute, Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera, for his time and expertise.

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-5865-8


  First North American Publication 2006

  Copyright © 2006 by Amy Andrews

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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