Cabin Bear Heat Box Set: A Paranormal Fantasy Bear Shifter Romance (A Bear Shifter Romance Retelling of the Billionaire Redemption Series Book 2)

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Cabin Bear Heat Box Set: A Paranormal Fantasy Bear Shifter Romance (A Bear Shifter Romance Retelling of the Billionaire Redemption Series Book 2) Page 20

by Love-Wins, Bella

  “I’m in the same boat, guys,” Ruth agreed. “We both have that professor. I mean, the roads aren’t plowed yet, so we realistically can’t be thinking of leaving. But as soon as they do clear them, we should go to Carson City and pick up the rental, and head out right away.”

  “How about you, Rob?”

  “Me? I’m good. I’ll miss a few assignment deadlines, but this is my final two semesters. I’ll live. I’m more interested in finding a job out in San Fran when it’s all over. A few B grades won’t kill me. I can stay and wait for the car to be delivered here. That’s if you’re up for having us, Andrew. I didn’t even think to ask.”

  “Yes of course. You all can stay as long as you need.”

  “Thanks Andrew.” Abby needed to let them all know where she stood. Everyone including Andrew. “I’m kind of in the same boat as Rob. I’m missing some seminars, but it won’t affect me very much for a few more days. A week may be a problem for me, though. I have a hospital placement that starts next week, and I can’t miss it.”

  “We’re also forgetting, some of John and Trina’s things are here, and some are in the SUV,” Rob reminded them. “Who’s going to get those things to them?”

  Abby hadn’t thought about that yet. “I’m not sure. Trina may need some of her things there, but if John’s released and can complete his physical therapy close to college, his things may be better off in San Francisco.”

  Andrew spoke up. “I can get their belongings delivered to the hospital or John’s parents. Don’t worry about that part. Can I make a couple of suggestions to add to the options?”

  They all nodded.

  He took a deep breath. “Okay. To me it sounds like the priorities in order, are first, get all your belongings from the SUV, right?”

  They agreed.

  “Next is to get Barb and Ruth to San Francisco by tomorrow night, so you’ll be ready for your exams. Am I still on track here?”

  More nods.

  “The towing will take care of itself. John and Trina’s things are easy for me to take care of. All that’s left is getting the rental in either Reno or Carson City, for Rob and Abby to get back by the weekend. Yes?”

  They all gestured in agreement.

  “So how about this? It’s not quite noon yet. There’s lots of daytime left. Rob, you and I can go to the SUV on the ski-doos. I’ve got the firewood trailer. It’ll fit everything that’s inside the vehicle right?”

  “Yes it will, but with what happened to John, is it safe out there?”

  “Come on, man. Of course it’s safe. None of the predators in this area make moves during the day. You know this, right?”

  “Yeah, man. I was just making sure. Sure. I’ll go. Good plan.”

  “So all of your things will be here and out of the SUV today. You can leave Trina and John’s stuff here. I can easily get those delivered wherever they want it. Next are Barb and Ruth. If the plows don’t come by tonight, I’ll get the two of you back to Reno by chopper, and you can get a flight from there.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” Ruth said. “Really, I think we can just study harder for finals.”

  “I insist. It’s not a big deal.”

  “No really, I can’t. Look guys, I have a fear of flying okay? I just can’t do it, Andrew. I’m sorry.”

  Andrew looked toward Abby, and ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

  “Well how about this? If the plows come by early tomorrow afternoon, you and Barb can take my Jeep and drive to San Francisco.”

  “That could work,” Barb said. “Right Ruth?”

  The two of them seemed to be getting along much better since John’s accident.

  “Sure. Yes, I can help drive.”

  “Well if that’s the case,” Rob added, “I’ll go with Ruth and Barb. How will we get the car back to you?”

  “I’m sure I’ll fly out there sometime soon, and can drive it back. If I need to, I’ll get a service to bring it home, but I won’t need it right away. I’ve got enough cars out there.”

  “Hold on. That would leave Abby to drive out alone,” Rob added.

  He looked over at Abby again. So far, the plan sounded good to her. It also gave them more time together before she had to leave. She liked the sound of that. She nodded so he would go on.

  “I’ll drive with her,” Andrew suggested. “She has to pick up her rental, and it’s in the opposite direction from where Barb and Ruth have to be in two days.”

  Everyone seemed to mull it over, but looked agreeable overall. Rob stood up and answered first. “Sounds like a smart plan to me.”

  “I’m game,” Barb agreed.

  “Me too,” said Ruth.

  “Then I’m in too,” Abby answered.

  “Okay great.” Andrew seemed satisfied when he got up and started walking to the hallway. “Rob, let’s suit up now. We can get the things from the SUV and be back in less than two hours. That’s long before it starts to get dark. When we unload, we can restock the firewood.”


  Abby followed him. “I’ll get my car keys.”

  “We’ll finish up in the kitchen,” Barb said, nodding at Ruth. They got up and proceeded to the kitchen.

  The doorbell rang before Andrew and Rob were ready. Abby was the first to get back with her car keys. She looked out the window from the living room. A smaller snowplow—the ones that private service providers attach to their tow trucks—was clearing snow in the front driveway. That probably meant the roads had reopened.

  Andrew returned from the back and answered the door. Abby saw his reaction to the plow working out front.

  “Good morning, Mr. Carrington.” It was one of the men who had given Andrew a ride into town a few days before.

  “Good morning. I see you’re already at it out there.”

  “Yes sir. I knocked to check in, sir. We wanted to make sure you’re doing all right.”

  “I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Well sir,” the man cleared his throat, “while we were on our way to clear one of the city roads, we saw a blood trail leading here. I know you live out here alone, so I just wanted to make sure.”

  “Thanks for checking. I’m fine. One of my guests was attacked by a mountain lion at night. He’s been airlifted to Norton Memorial. There’s no need to worry.”

  “That’s a relief.”

  “Yes it is. So how are the roads out there?”

  “Pretty good now. All the highways have reopened now, and the main roads are mostly finished. A few of these back roads are still snowed in. You’re fine though, sir. It’s clear to Reno or Truckee from here, if you need to head out.”

  “Thanks. How about over to Broad Oaks?”

  “It’s been cleared. Oh, would you by chance know the people who left their disabled vehicle over there?”

  “Yes. They’re my guests.”

  “Very good, sir. The Lake Tahoe Sheriff’s department asked us to keep an eye out. There were a lot of stranded vehicles that night of the blizzard. They’ve been doing a headcount, to make sure no one got stuck out in the elements.”

  “Let them know it’s all clear. There were six passengers. Two are at Norton Memorial. The other four are here. The owner’s insurance company should be moving it in the next couple of days.”

  “All right Mr. Carrington. Well, I’ll get out of your hair now. We’ll be finished clearing out front in a jiffy. Have a good afternoon.”

  “Actually, can you hold on a second? I’ll be right back.”

  Andrew left the door ajar and came to Abby. “You heard all of it, right?”

  “Yes. So I guess it means…”

  “Yes. I can’t say I’m happy about it, but I understand you all have to leave. Listen, as the guys are here, how about I get them to tow your car here? It’ll save us the trek to unload it, and it’s not much of a difference for the insurance company’s towing service to come get it here.”

  “Sure. I guess that could work. I’ll call my
dad and let him know.”

  “Before you do, let me say this before my selfishness get the better of me.”

  “What is it?”

  “I won’t deny I want you to stay as long as I can have you, Abby. I do. I think you know how much I do. The thing is, you all got here together, and you should leave together. It’s the right thing to do. If they’ll tow your car here—and they will if I ask—I think it’s best if I drive you all back to Reno. You can pick up your rental and get Ruth and Barb back. Leave John and Trina’s things here if you want, or drop them off at one of their parents’ place. There’s still more than enough time to make it to San Francisco before dark. How does that sound?”

  It was happening so fast, Abby wanted to resist at first. His earlier suggestion gave her a few extra days with him. This plan gave her no time at all. This plan sucked, but Andrew was right. It was the smart thing to do.

  “Sure. We’ll do it. I’d like to stay, but you’re right.”

  “It’s settled then. Let me tell the guys outside.”

  He started for the door but walked back to her and held her in his arms. “I want to see you again. Soon. I can come to you. Is that all right?”

  “Yes. Me too.” She wished it could be different. Time was not theirs anymore. She leaned into his chest, taking an extra few moments to soak in his embrace, breath in his musky smell, and then let him go. “Okay you go tell the men outside. I’ll let the rest of them know.”

  They left the living room. Andrew stepped through the front door again, and Abby headed for the kitchen. She updated Ruth and Barb, who were ecstatic, and went to look for Rob. He was fine with the plan too. The three of them went upstairs to tidy up their rooms, and get their belongings packed. Abby headed to her room to do the same. She was the only one feeling glum about leaving—well, she and Andrew.

  Chapter Ten

  ABBY looked back at the room after she got dressed and packed up. She was going to miss her time with Andrew. The experience was a whirlwind. A random turn of events led him to her. In three days, she could barely remember what her life was like before she met him.

  She had never felt anything like this ever before. What they shared was so unfamiliar, so foreign to her body, mind, and heart. She had barely dated before Andrew, let alone experience anything so—so fiery, fierce and intense. She had not felt such passion with anyone she dated before, and there were no serious relationships before him.

  Is this even a relationship?

  She couldn’t answer the question. She felt an irresistible attraction to him, beyond anything she knew was possible. She sensed he felt the same, but had no idea what it all meant, or how to define it. There were moments when he touched her, she could put the brakes on everything else going on in her life—her studies included—and just be with him. It wasn’t sensible, or logical.

  Is there anything about love that’s even remotely logical?

  She didn’t have an answer to that question either. She experienced love in those three days, without a doubt.

  Letting out a sigh, she picked up her purse and backpack, and headed for the living room. Her car would be towed there soon. Rob, Ruth and Barb were already waiting, their gear neatly organized near the front door. Rob was prepared, as he always was. He took Andrew’s advice, and stocked up on water and snacks for the four of them. They wouldn’t need to make any unnecessary stops during the drive.

  “Is everyone all set?” she asked, trying to stay positive.

  “Yep,” Rob answered, and both Ruth and Barb nodded. “We’re all packed. I cleared up Trina and John’s things as well. It’s at the door. And I put all the linen in the laundry room. Upstairs is just like we found it, so Andrew won’t have to do much cleaning up after us.”

  “That’s great, Rob. Thanks for taking care of that. Actually, I’d better get my linen too. I’ll be right back.”


  ANDREW was in the kitchen when he saw Abby carrying an armful of towels and linen to the attached laundry room.

  “Do you need some help with that?”

  “Um, no thanks,” she answered, placing the items on top of the pile from upstairs. “I’m sorry we couldn’t get these washed and folded before we left. I hate the idea of leaving work for you to do.”

  He came up behind her, running his hands up and down her arms, and letting them come to rest across her stomach. “Don’t worry about it. The housekeeper will be here in a day or two, and it’ll give me something to do so I don’t start brooding too much.”

  She turned toward him and held him around his waist. Looking up at him, she slipped her fingers through his hair. “Don’t fret too much, okay? I thought about it. Maybe I can come see you for a few days over Spring Break? My dad’s been begging me to come home for a visit then. I can see him for a couple of days, and then come down here.”

  “When is that? Mid-February?”

  “Something like that.”

  “I was thinking I could see you sooner. Like next weekend?”

  “Oh. Really? I’d love that.”

  “Good. I’ll set it up.”

  “So how much time before they bring my car back?”

  “I don’t know. Ten, maybe twenty minutes.”

  “So…” She raised her eyebrows as she looked up at him.


  “That’s enough time.”

  Andrew was confused. “For what?”

  She pulled from the embrace and gave him a wink.

  “Ohhhh! Let’s hurry.”

  She took his hand and led him quickly out the back hallway to his room. He smiled and followed her. Safely back in his room, she pushed the door closed and turned to him. They had to move quickly. They laughed when he grabbed her into his arms. She kissed him furiously as they undid each other’s shirt buttons, ripped them off, and threw them aside.

  “Oh God, I want you so bad, Andrew.”

  She undid the button and zipper of his jeans. Without waiting to pull his pants off, she reached her hand down into them and pushed back his boxers to free his manhood.

  Andrew groaned. He had to tell her how he felt. “I don’t just want you, Abby.” He pulled from the kiss at the same time that she wrapped her fingers around his shaft. He whispered in her ears, “I want you.”

  Her hands stopped moving along his cock and she looked up at him. “Sorry, what?”

  He pulled her hand from his member, and kissed it tenderly, and then took both her hands in his.

  “I want you.”

  He stepped back with her and they sat on the bed together. As he gathered his thoughts, he shifted to turn toward her. He needed to look her in the eye to find the words.

  “I feel like a fool, Abby, saying something like this after only knowing you for three days. I’m not even sure what I mean, what it means. And we know so little about each other. Almost nothing actually. But Abby—”


  “From the time I laid eyes on you during the blizzard, there was already something between us. It’s more that I can put into words right now. All I know is, when you touch me, I come alive. It feels right. Your voice is soothing music to my ears. When you look into my eyes, the way you’re doing right now, you know me—I don’t have to worry about my past anymore.

  “I have a past, just like everyone does, I guess, although there are things from before I would want you to know. About me, and my family, and in time, of some darker times that’s a lot harder to talk about than anything else. I want to know about you too. Your past, and everything. For the first time in a really long time, none of it matters. I want to be with you. We can figure it out, somehow, and I’m a fool for saying this, but Abby, I want you to be mine.”


  “Well not mine, mine,” he continued, rambling nervously, unable to stop himself. “Not mine like a possession or some inanimate object. Not like that at all. More of a pairing, more than just sleeping together, which is amazing, you know, but not just that. Mine like someone I don’
t have to share—wait, what did you say?”

  “I said yes, Andrew.”

  “Yes as in what?” He was in disbelief.

  “I want the same thing. I want you to be mine as well.”

  “So you’re saying…”

  “I’m saying I feel the same way, Andrew.” She stood up from the bed and sat in his lap, pressing both her hands on his shoulder. She looked at him, and a teasing smile curled up her lips. “Now kiss me and take me right here before I have to go.”

  He took a deep breath and kissed her. His chest could burst from elation. He watched with darkened eyes as she pushed him back on the bed, and stood up to pull his pants off. She slipped them off and climbed up on top of him, straddling him with her legs. Without waiting, palmed his stiff cock to position it before sinking down onto it. Hard. She was so wet, so ready.

  “Oh God,” he said in a gravelly rumble that came from deep in his chest.

  She took his hands and placed them on her hips, rocking back and forth. Her soft hands pressed on his chest for extra leverage. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she indulged in the moment. He wanted to make this special, but there was no time. He laced his fingers between hers and pulled her down to rest on his chest.

  “You feel so good, Andrew.”

  He let go of her hands and reached around to her ass cheeks, spreading them and squeezing to intensify her sensations. It gave him more control to lift her up and pull her hot pussy down around his throbbing hardness. He drove into her and claimed her, matching her pace as her hips swayed with wild, hungry jolts. He felt so good being inside her. He could come if he let himself go, but this ride was for her.

  He pulled her down to kiss her neck. His mouth found her ear as she continued searching for her sensual release. Her untamed hair fell over his face in beautiful cascades. He wanted to remember how fantastic she smelled. He hoped remembering would be enough until he saw her again. She moaned when his tongue flocked against her ear lobes.


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