Taming Kat

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Taming Kat Page 7

by Aubrey Cara

  “Tell me you're on the pill,” he panted, between hungry kisses. He was trying to keep her hips from riding him, managing to grind her clit against his pelvis. He fisted his hand in her hair making her whimper as he brought his mouth to hers in a ravishing kiss. “I want to fill you with my come. Tell me you're on the pill.”

  “I'm on the pill.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Fuck. Yes. I'm sure,” she'd been on the pill since a teen to help control her cycle. Something she was super thankful for in that moment. “Come inside me. Please, I want to feel you come so deep inside me.”

  He growled low in his throat and started slamming her down on his cock. His length hitting all the right places, she keened at every stroke. She rode his cock. Meeting him stroke for stroke. The coupling was hard and intense. He bit and sucked at her neck, and she did the same to him. Clawing at his shoulders through his shirt when she wasn't gripping his hair.

  Her climax shot through her like lightning. She shouted to the ceiling as her core spasmed as he held her tight flush against him as he came. She could feel every beat and pulse of his cock as he filled her with his warm seed and she marveled at the feeling. They came down slowly, still moving against each other for a time before they just sat there. Intertwined. Gently stroking their hands over each other between sweet kisses, their foreheads resting against each other.

  “I can't seem to control myself when I'm around you,” he said in a hoarse voice, like he had been the one crying out when she knew it had been her. He ran the rough pad of his finger down the side of her face, making her want to rub against his hand like the kitten he named her for.

  “Funny, I've been thinking the same thing about you.” Just then there was a knock at the window startling them both.

  “Oh shit,” he said, and she seconded that thought. A police officer stood at the back seat driver's side window. She dove for her pants and she was sure if the officer could see in the window, he was getting an eyeful. She threw them on in record time as Caleb did up his pants and powered down the window. They were both still in the backseat, but now sitting side by side.

  “Officer,” Caleb casually said, by way of greeting, like they hadn't just gotten caught having truck-shaking sex.

  “You weren't doing what I think you were doing, were you son?” asked the officer. A tall, burly, older fellow with a thick gray mustache, the kind traditional to cops.

  “No sir,” Caleb said, lying through his teeth.

  “Mmmhm, sure,” the officer said, clearly, justly skeptically. “Can I see some ID for this young lady that you weren't doing what I think you were doing with?”

  Kat pulled out her ID and showed it to the officer. He looked it over, presumably checking her age, which was understandable. She often got mistaken for younger than her age, especially when she wasn't wearing makeup. He handed it back and asked, “Where are you two headed?”

  Caleb answered, looking a little chagrined, “Just up a ways... to visit my mother.”

  “Who might your mama be?”

  Now Caleb groaned, “Mary McCrae.”

  “Gigi?” asked the officer. “Well that explains a few things.” He chuckled and Kat could swear she saw Caleb wince. “Y’all mosey on now. Let's not make this a habit. And make sure to tell your mama that Butch will be by this week for some of her honey. My wife swears it's the only thing that helps with her allergies.”

  Caleb gave him a little salute, and a “Will do sir.” And Officer Butch strolled away.

  Caleb powered the window back up and laid his head against the back of the seat, blowing out a breath. He looked over at her and started chuckling. She started giggling. Before they knew it they were laughing so hard they had tears in their eyes. That had been the single most mortifying thing that had ever happened to her, and she couldn't stop laughing.

  They finally collected themselves enough to climb in the front seat, buckle in and continue on down the road. Caleb's mother's place was literally around the bend from where they were. He pulled into a gravel driveway and powered off the truck. For a second Kat sat in awe.

  Caleb's mom lived in a fancy Airstream that sat back a ways. The big front lawn had every kind of lawn ornament known to man, including some amazing welded creations she wondered if his mother did herself. A gravel path went up the center to the steps to the front door. The front of the Airstream had a multicolored umbrella awning.

  Out about fifty feet to the far left side of the Airstream was a woman tending bee boxes. She wore cheetah print leggings, a red three-quarter length sleeve sweater that dipped off a shoulder, and the kind of stilettos that had a platform in front in black. She topped off this fantastic ensemble with a beekeepers hat and net that came down over her shoulder. She wore black rubber gloves. She turned when she heard them drive in and waved. That's when Kat realized Caleb's mom was wearing a patent leather black apron with ruffles. The whole ensemble seemed outlandish and better fit for a mafia wife living in New Jersey, or an extra on Edward Scissor Hands.

  “She's glorious,” Kat said, referring to Caleb's mother.

  “She's something all right.”

  Kat turned at his tone and took in his appearance with a grimace. His hair was standing on end from her hands tearing at it, he had bite marks and hickeys on his neck, and they reeked of sex. A quick look in the visor mirror let her know she was in a similar state, the only difference being she could now feel a hot slide of his release running out of her. She squeezed her thighs together hoping against hope it wasn't making a wet spot that would be able to be seen on the outside of her jeans.

  “Caleb,” she hissed. “We're a hot mess. And your hot mess is threatening to exit the leprechaun, as we speak.” She had been wrong. This was about to be the single most humiliating moment of her life. And there wasn't anything humorous about it. She wasn't used to these types of situations. How did people have casual daytime sex when out and about and then go about their business?

  He laughed, and she punched him in the arm. “It'll be fine, kitten. You can run straight to the bathroom and clean up. After I make introductions.”

  With that he hopped out of the truck. She opened her door and slid out a lot more slowly. She carefully closed the door, not as much out of consideration, as needing to move slowly. Caleb wasn't having it. He came around the truck and tugged her along by her hand.

  His mom had lost the bee bonnet and Kat got her first good look at her. She was in her sixties but could pass for much younger. She still had a nice figure. She was on the taller side, but maybe that was just her shoes. She had fluffy, dark brown hair with burgundy highlights that fell in waves around her shoulders. Her clear green eyes lit up as she drew closer. A smile stretched across her face, showing her genuine delight in seeing Caleb. Kat suddenly felt mad at Caleb for waiting three months to visit this woman and then showing up with her as a buffer.

  If Kat thought for one minute his mother would reprimand Caleb or give disapproving looks their way for their sex rumpled state, she had another think coming. Mary McCrae—'GiGi'—strode up the walkway, arms outstretched, electronic cigarette dangling between two fingers and said, “Well, look what the cat dragged in,” in a chipper voice. She threw her arms around Caleb, giving him a big squeeze.

  “Hello Mama,” Caleb said, hugging her back.

  Looking over his shoulder at Kat his mom asked, “And who do we have here?”

  Pulling back Caleb said, “This is my friend Kat Martin. Kat this is my mama, Mary McCrae, or as she likes to be called, Gigi.”

  “Friend, huh?” To Kat's embarrassment Gigi threw her arms around her in as big of a hug as she gave Caleb. Gigi surprisingly smelled of Coco Chanel, with only a hint of chemicals from her e-cigarette. Gigi pulled back a little only to lean in and stage whispered, “His daddy couldn't keep his hands off me neither.” Then she slapped Kat's ass before strutting back up the walkway saying, “Let me tell you how I met Caleb's daddy Mick. It was at a Rolling Stones concert. We made Caleb
's sister Missy that night. Thank the Lord I gave that man my real name and phone number.”

  Gigi continued with her story, Kat stood there momentarily stunned. It was then she noticed the giant cat eyes, one on either side of Gigi's buttocks, giving her ass the effect that it was looking straight at whoever stood behind her. Kat had almost missed them amongst the cheetah print of her leggings.

  Caleb came up beside her, shoulder bumping her with a grin. “Come on kitten. Time to visit with my mama. And stop staring at her ass.”

  Kat flushed. She was indeed staring at his mother’s ass. She couldn't help it. Watching the cat eyes bounce back and forth with Gigi's ass as she walked was almost hypnotic.


  The visit with his mother went surprisingly well. There was something about having Kat with him that put Caleb at ease. Things that often drove him crazy about his mother rolled right off him. Maybe he'd just needed to stop and have sex with Kat before he visited his mama. It definitely put him in a laid back state of mind. Kat had been a lot less jumpy after she had gone and cleaned up.

  He'd learned all kinds of things about her during their visit. His mom had a way about her that caused people to open up. Like his sister, Kat had been the product of a one night stand, but her parents hadn't fallen in love. Kat's very, independent investment banker, mother had felt it her feminist right to give Kat her last name. She chose to raise Kat mostly on her own, Kat's father Bob taking the back seat. He paid child support, and to Kat's childhood disgruntlement had kept her every other weekend from the time she was four to fourteen at which point Bob had married and had two other kids. Kat noted they all had his last name.

  Caleb thought Bob was a weenie, but Kat seemed impervious to the fact that she was set aside for her father's' wife and other kids. Fact remained she hadn't talked to her dad since she was twenty and got irritated just mentioning her mother.

  Kat and his mom had hit it off so well he'd be frightened if he weren't so pleased. Once he'd told his mom about Kat's artistic hobbies, the two women had sat with their heads together, looking over his mom's web page. He hadn't even known she had a website. It made him feel guilty he had gotten so far removed from his mom's life. Kat helped his mama get set up to sell some of her handmade lawn ornaments on an online site called Etsy. The same one Kat sold her stuff on.

  He discovered Kat didn't do more of her art because the fumes got to be too much in her apartment. She needed a second space. His head automatically went to making her a studio out behind his house. Something with a flower garden in front of it, so he could come home and see her working there, smelling like sweet peaches and paint instead of sweat and manure. Not that he begrudged her working at the ranch. She just didn't talk about the ranch with the same light in her eyes as she did her art projects. He wanted to see her happy all the time, and know that he helped make her that way.

  Then he kicked himself for getting so far ahead of where he and Kat were at. They were still testing the waters of whatever this was between them and he was already mentally moving her in. Kat was so damn obstinate that it had taken him three months just to get her to acknowledge him. And that was under duress. He wondered what the hell he'd have to do to get his wild cat to admit she wanted to be with him.

  They ate dinner with his mom, who was happy to show off her new International Signature Airstream. He didn't even want to know how she got the money for it. Or the big new shed she had behind it. He had a feeling the answer would also be the explanation as to why his dad was back in prison. By the time the visit had came to a close, Kat had a date with his mother to learn welding, and he felt like a third wheel.

  It got dark early this time of year and the sky looked split wide open with stars. On autopilot he found himself driving to his new house.

  When he pulled onto the long gravel driveway Kat asked, “Where are we?”

  “Afraid I'm going to murder you and throw your body in a field?”

  “You do give off that crazy stalker vibe,” she said deadpan.

  He snorted. “This is my house. You won't be able to see much, but I thought it would be a good spot to stargaze.” He hadn't been to his house at night yet and reminded himself he'd need to get light-bulbs and floodlights installed asap.

  “Stargaze? That's pretty romantic of you, Caleb.”

  “What can I say? Just call me Don Juan.” He waggled his brows at her and was rewarded by her throaty giggle. The sound rolled through him, warming the vicinity of his chest. He could get used to the sound and the feeling.

  *** ***

  Caleb pulled in front of what seemed to be a good size, ranch-style home. From the truck's headlights Kat could see a wide wraparound porch. Everything else was barely visible. She wished it was daytime, or that he had lights to turn on so she could see his new home. The yard was still dirt but there was a sprawling field out behind the house. She bet the view was beautiful. She hoped she would get the chance to come back during the day.

  “This is it,” Caleb said. He had pride in his voice, and if she didn't know better a hint of nervousness.

  “It looks beautiful. Is that a wraparound porch I see?” She adored wraparound porches and country vistas. They made her want to bake and make big glass jugs of sun-tea.

  He smiled. “Indeed it is. It's got four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and what I think are pretty views from every window. Not much of a yard yet, but I'm thinking about putting in a flower garden out back.” He said it almost reluctantly, like he didn't want to reveal too much of himself.

  Kat could feel her eyebrows raise. She wouldn't have pegged Caleb for the gardening type. Today she was learning all kinds of things about the enigmatic man.

  “Can you hand me the flashlight out of the glove compartment?” Caleb asked.

  Kat flipped open the glove box and stopped dead. “That's a gun, not a flashlight.”

  Caleb smiled at her. “This is Texas, kitten. There are sweet old ladies at the grocery store packing heat.” Caleb reached into the glove box, past the gun, and pulled out a flashlight.

  Kat shook her head. “Not really? I thought that was just one of those stereotypes. Like women from Texas having big hair.”

  Caleb held back a grin. “It's one of those true stereotypes. I also have a rifle in the storage compartment under the back seat.”

  “What, do you just keep an arsenal in your truck? We had sex on a gun! Is it loaded?” Kat grew up in a city where carrying around a gun in your car, let alone handbag, just wasn't done. This time Caleb outright chuckled and she felt stupid. “I'm sorry,” she snarked. “My liberal, feminist mother who raised me didn't really feel the need to exercise our second amendment.”

  “Oh kitten, I wish you could see your face,” he said, his deep rumble of laughter dying down. “No, it's not loaded. And we had sex over the general area of the gun. There was no chance of it going off.” He gave her a quick kiss before opening his door. “I'm going to go get a blanket for stargazing. Luckily I had the forethought to move some stuff in last week.”

  Kat stewed in her thoughts. She wasn't going to be able to look at anyone the same way again. She was going to be wondering what was in everyone's purses and glove boxes. Pulling herself from her thoughts she hopped out of the truck as Caleb was setting up a fluffy comforter and pillows in the back. She too was glad he had already had things like blankets at his new house. Lying in a truck bed without any padding would not have been comfortable.

  The crisp, clean air tickled her airways. She loved it out here. She'd always been drawn to wide open spaces with fresh air. She hoped one day she could buy a place in the country like this. The distinct scent of earth and grass mixed with wood and metal scents of a new construction. She knew her cheeks were probably turning pink from the nip in the air. Although it was probably around fifty degrees, it still felt ten times warmer than winter back home in Massachusetts.

  She was about to climb onto the tailgate when Caleb stopped her in her tracks with a searing kiss. Her thoug
hts scrambled as he pulled her up against his hard body. Her toes nearly came off the ground. That kiss was all it took for her to not care how cold it was outside. She would happily strip out of her clothes and let him warm her up.

  Before Kat was done enjoying the kiss he pulled back. She squealed as he plucked her off the ground and sat her on the truck bed, like she didn't weigh anything.

  “Show off,” she said, teasingly smacking his chest. She secretly loved his manhandling her.

  His grin was unrepentant. “I like the way you squeal when I toss you around.”

  Settling back against the pillows and blankets he'd laid out, they took in the glory of a winter night's sky. The sight was truly amazing. “I've never seen so many stars as when I moved out here,” she said with a bit of awe.

  Caleb enfolded her hand in his, kissing the back of it before settling their joined hands between them. It made her want to curl up to his body and purr like the kitten he was always calling her. They lay there in silence for a while before her thoughts started getting restless.

  “Hey Caleb?”


  “Since I'm living in gun country, do you think you could teach me how to shoot one?”

  Caleb hesitated so long she wasn't sure if he was going to answer. “Sure. I could do that for you.”

  No 'kitten,' no playfulness in his tone. Suddenly uncomfortable Kat said, “Hey, it's no big deal if you don't want to. I mean...I'm not sure if I'll even like it. I just thought since I'm in Texas, and everyone, as you put it, is packing heat—”

  “Kat, it's not that I don't want to,” he said, discomfited. He ran a hand over his face and sighed. “It's been over a year since I shot a gun. In all honesty I put my Sig Sauer in the glove box and shotgun in the back out of habit. I figured if loud noises bothered me...this is kind of embarrassing.”

  She'd done it again. She'd hit a nerve. “I'm sorry, Caleb. I'm a jackass.” She hated that she yet again put him in the awkward position of talking about things he obviously wasn't ready to.


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