Hunter's Bounty (Veller)

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Hunter's Bounty (Veller) Page 11

by Spoor, Garry

“No, nothing.”

  -I see being taken by the uhyre hasn’t diminished your nobility.-

  That was either an insult or a compliment, she would have to sort that out later.

  “So, what are you going to do?” She asked Steele who was still watching the exchange between her and her horse.

  He removed his hand from his sword and held them apart.

  “Although I should arrest you, and collected the sizable bounty on your script, it is clear that you overpower me and got away.”

  “Is that what you’re going to tell them?” She asked him as she lowered the sword.

  “Does it really matter, unless of course you do plan on turning yourself in, then I would escort you to Littenbeck.”

  “I don’t think that would be very healthy, for me or for you.”

  “No, you’re probably right. Things have changed in the council, and not all for the good.”

  “What about Guild Master Latherby, can’t he do something to stop this?”

  “I’m afraid the Guild Master has lost influence within the council.”

  “What do you mean? He’s still the Guild Master… isn’t he?”

  “Oh yes, he’s still the Guild Master, but at the moment Master Andrew Drain pulls all the strings.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “I hate to say it Kile, but one reason is… you.”


  “Maybe not intentionally, but your presence in the Guild as well as the events that have transpired the last few weeks have all led up to the shift in power. Because Guild Master Lathery supported you through the Academy, members of the council feel he is to blame for your, shall we say, misdeeds.”

  “But I haven’t done anything.”

  “According to the council, you’re wanted for the murders of David Draw, Brain Tally, and Arthur Linny as well as the abduction of Emara Lon, not to mention your possible involvement in the disappearance and death of over twenty eight Hunters.”

  “But I haven’t done any of that… I don’t even know who those people are… and… and as for Emara, she’s fine. I parted ways with her… two days ago. She should be back at the Tower by now. She should be able to clear all this up.”

  “I hope you're right.” Steele replied. “But for now, you should probably keep a low profile.”

  “She’ll stay here.”

  Kile had forgotten that Alisa was still there, standing off to one side, watching the events unfold and listening to the long list of charges that had been placed upon her head.

  “I can’t.” She told her. “Don’t you see? They already know I was here, they’ll keep coming back. As long as I’m here you’re in danger, and I won’t put anyone else in danger.”

  -Then we’re leaving?-

  Grim asked, as he stepped up behind her.

  “Yes, I’m afraid so.”

  -It’s about time.-

  She ignored his remark. She knew he was as reluctant to leave the Apple Blossom livery as she was. The fact that he came back here when she was captured was proof of that. She grabbed hold of his mane and pulled herself up onto his back.

  “You’re going to need this.” Steele said as he handed Kile back her Lann. “It was found at one of the… sites.”

  “You better give Kevin back his sword when he wakes up.” Kile replied as she handed the Hunter’s blade to Steele. “And tell him I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt him.”

  “I’ll tell him, but he won’t believe me.” Steele said with a hint of a smile.

  “Wait right here.” Alisa told her and she quickly ran back into the house leaving Kile alone with Steele.

  “She’ll be alright, won’t she?” She asked as she watched the farmhouse door close. The last thing she wanted was to bring this onto Alisa.

  “I’ll keep an eye on her.” Steele said with that familiar grin, the same grin he tried to use to pick her up at the Guild house. “I think you're right, once you’re gone, the Hunters will have no reason to make trouble for her.”

  “I hope so. She’s kind of the only friend I have in this town.”

  “Hey, what about me?” Steele said, tapping his chest.

  “Please, I know you too well.”

  “So, where will you go?”

  “The less you know the better.” She replied. She had often wondered if there were any Hunters with the edge to read minds.

  Alisa came charging out of the door with a large sack that looked as if it had been her table cloth. “Wait.” She called out as she came down the steps.

  “What’s that?”

  “Just a few things you might need for the road. Some food, a change of clothing, just a few odds and ends I pulled together.” Alisa said as she handed the sack to Steele who proceeded to tie it on Grim’s back.

  There was a worried look on Alisa’s face, and Kile really couldn’t blame her. She was now being tracked by Hunters, and her chance of clearing this mess up just got a whole lot worse.

  “Don’t worry.” She told her. “I’ll be okay. I have Vesper to watch over me.”

  Vesper added his squeak of assurance as he took his place between Grim’s ears.

  “You better come back. You still owe me two months of back pay on your stable fees.” Alisa added.

  Whenever it came to business or money, Kile was never sure if Alisa was joking.

  “Just promise me one thing. If anyone comes looking for me…”

  “I won’t tell them anything.”

  “No, I want you to tell them. Tell them everything you know. Don’t lie to them, not for me. I don’t want you dragged into this any further than you already have been. There’s really nothing you could tell them that would help them anyway.”

  -I don’t think I can take any more of these sappy goodbyes-

  Grim added as he headed toward the road.

  She let the Mountain pony go where he wanted. It wasn’t as if she knew where to go at the moment. As they hit the road Kile looked back to see Alisa still standing in the yard watching her. Steele was walking over to the bowman who, only now, was getting to his feet, clutching his hand. She had a feeling she wasn’t going to see Coopervill again, at least not for a very long time.



  “Coopervill.” Folkstaff called out as he passed the sign that was leaning slightly to one side “Ever been here?”

  “Can’t say that I have.” Erin replied. “We should probably visit the Guild House first.”

  “Go through the proper channels you mean.”

  “Something like that. They may even be able to give us some more information on Kile’s…”



  “If they knew, I would assume they would have already checked them out.”

  “Not necessarily.” Erin replied. “Where were you first assigned when you left the Academy?”

  Folkstaff laughed. “It was a small town on the edge of nowhere; I believe it was called Petemore. I don’t even think it exist anymore.”

  “And how many Hunters were assigned to the Guild House there?”

  “Including me? Two.”

  “Exactly. Most of these places don’t have more than two or three Hunters total, and those Hunters would be preoccupied with other activities. They may not have had time to search the surrounding areas.”

  “But I’m sure the number of investigators the Council has sent out would have.” Folkstaff remarked. “It would appear that Master Drain has been very thorough in that area.”

  “A little too thorough if you ask me.”

  They reached the raised stone dais in the center of town, just outside the Bird and Bay Inn. The sight of two more Hunters didn’t appear to raise any curiosity as the people went about their business.

  Erin fell into her edge as she scanned the horizon. It didn’t take her long to find the green banner that hung outside the Guild House, even it if was still half a mile away. She steered her horse toward the bridge and the river r
oad while Folkstaff fell in behind her.

  “Quiet place.” He said as he watched the people go about their business.

  The children on the bridge were really the only ones to acknowledge the Hunters passing as they stopped their games and watched the strangers on horseback, but even that was short lived as the floating leaves in the river’s water seemed to be more interesting.

  Erin dismounted outside the Guild House and grabbed the files from her saddlebag before heading up to the door.

  The old Guild House looked just like the one she had been assigned to, back when she was first certified, right down to the Hunter’s symbol on the left hand side, and the obsolete chapter number over the entrance. She pushed open the door and stepped into the dark gloom of the House. There was a damp, musty smell to the place and it appeared to have been abandoned years ago. That is if it hadn’t been for the old man standing behind the reception window filling out forms. Folkstaff came in behind her and made his way to the bulletin board that had been papered with requests as Erin approached the old man. She pulled open her file and briefly read the first few pages.

  “You would be Samuel Kane?” She asked.

  The old man looked up from his paperwork, pushed his glasses up his nose with on thin finger and looked her over.

  “Yes.” He said and then went back to his paper work.

  When the old man didn’t look as if he was going to add anything more to that, Erin glanced over at Folkstaff who could only shrug his shoulders.

  “Is certified level five Hunter Kile Veller assigned to this Guild House?” She asked.

  The old man looked up again and again adjusted his glasses.

  “No.” He said after a brief pause and then grabbed another form from the stack of papers beside him and started to fill it out.

  Erin looked over to Folkstaff again, this time the Hunter turned his attention back to the bulletin board. She could tell that her companion was enjoying this far too much. She took a deep breath then opened her files again, reading the report a little further.

  “I don’t understand. I have it written here that Kile Veller was assigned to this Guild House on the fourth day of the sixth month in the year twelve eighty two.”

  “She was.” Kane replied this time he didn’t bother to look up.

  “Then why did you just lie to me sir?”

  “Lie to you? I did not lie to you. You asked if she was assigned to this Guild House, the answer is no. According to the last report I received from the Hunter’s Guild, Kile Veller’s status as a Hunter has been revoked. Therefor she is no longer a Certified Hunter, therefor she is no longer assigned to this Guild House.”

  “Then she has been in the past.”

  “If you already know the answers, then why are you asking me the questions?” Kane replied as he picked up his papers and headed into the back room.

  Erin waited a few minutes before looking over to where Folkstaff was now viewing the open bounties board.

  “I don’t think he’s coming back.” He remarked with a grin.

  “You’d have more luck getting straight answers from Farmer Witt’s pigs than you will from Old Kane.”

  The Hunters turned to see a young dark haired man descend the stairs.

  “And you would be?”

  “Allow me to introduce myself. The name is James Ril’em Steele.” Steele said as he extended his hand to Erin, who was reluctant to accept it. Instead she opened the files once again and flipped through a few of the pages before coming to the section that she needed.

  “Steele. That would be Certified Level three Hunter Steele.”

  “I see my reputation has exceeded me.” He grinned.

  “Not quite. I am Certified Level one Hunter Erin Silvia and this is Certified Level one Hunter Robert Folkstaff. We are currently searching for the fugitive known as Kile Veller.”

  “I should have figured.” Steele replied dropping his hand to his side as the smile faded from his face. “Sorry, can’t help you there.” He added and turned for the door.

  “Can’t… or won’t?” Folkstaff asked him.

  “Does it make a difference?”

  “It makes a great deal of difference. One indicates that you are ignorant, the other, that you are foolish.”

  “Or loyal.”

  “Loyal to whom?”

  “Has the council outlawed loyalty as well?”

  “We’re not questioning your loyalties Steele.” Erin interrupted. “We just want to find Kile before anything happens to her.”

  Steele held Erin’s gaze for a while, and then slowly shook his head.

  “She was here, but she left.”

  “Left… When?”

  “About two days ago, she headed south, that's all I know.”

  “I’m sure there’s more to it than that. What can you tell us of the past couple of days?” Erin asked.

  “Truth be told, not much.” Steele replied. “I wasn’t here when she got her assignment, I only learned about it when I came back from an escort mission. The Apple Blossom Livery sent word to the Guild House that Kile’s Horse came back without her. I went to investigate, spoke with the owner of the livery, and then retraced her path to a Mr. David Draw. When I got there he was already dead. I searched the surrounding area but was unable to find any sign of her, so I came back to the Guild House to report what happen.”

  “How long did that take you?” Folkstaff asked.

  “There and back… about a day.”

  He tilted back his hat and looked over to Erin, then back to Steele. “It took us two days to get from Draw’s house to here.” He said.

  “Let’s just say my edge is a little faster than yours, and leave it at that.” Steele replied.

  “That doesn’t matter.” Erin interrupted again. “What happened after you sent word to the Council.”

  “We had a few Hunters up here asking questions and searching the area. One Hunter… a Kevin Crobb tried to harass the proprietor of the Apple Blossom, he felt that Kile was holding up there. I didn’t think so myself but… the second time we went out there… there she was.”

  “How did you find her?”

  “Didn’t have to find her. She just walked out, as bold as brass. Then her horse goes crazy, takes out a barn door, incapacitates another Hunter, she disarms Kevin, mounts her horse and was out of there.”

  “Did you try to apprehend her?” Folkstaff asked.

  Steele just shrugged. “It happened so fast. I was protecting Alisa Reaba, the owner of the stables.”

  Erin scribbled down a few things on the back of one of the sheets of paper before continuing. “Where are these two other hunters now?” She asked Steele.

  “Don’t know really. They spent a few days with the healer, and then they were off. I told them that she headed south but they took the eastern road out of town. That’s really all I can tell you. Now, if you don’t mind, I have my own assignment to handle.” Steele said as he waved his script in the air. “If you want any more information, you should really talk to Alisa at the Apple Blossom.”

  “Where can we find this place?”

  “You had to have passed it on the way in if you came in by the main road. Just go back the way you came, you’ll find it on your right hand side, you really can’t miss it. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  “Thank you, we won’t keep you any longer.” Erin said as she guided Folkstaff to the door. She waited until they were outside before speaking to him.

  “So, what do you think?”

  “It’s clear that they both believe she’s innocent and that she’s being used as some kind of scapegoat by the council but are reluctant to actually come out and say so without knowing whose side we’re on. Although Steele was rather forthcoming with the information, he did leave a few things out.”

  “Such as?”

  “If he didn’t help her escape, he surely didn’t try to stop her, and who was he trying to protect this Alisa Reaba from. It wasn’t Veller, otherwise why would she
seek out this Alisa after arriving back into town, which means it would have been either the Hunter Kevin or just an excuse for letting Veller get away. I also don’t believe she was in town for very long, so where was she all this time?”

  “And Samuel Kane, you think he believes she’s innocent as well.”

  “You saw the open bounty board; Kile’s picture wasn’t up there, which means he never posted it. That would be in direct violation of the Council’s rules. Kane appears to be the type of man that does everything by the book.”

  “So we should probably talk to this Alisa Reaba and find out what she knows.”

  It didn’t’ take them long to reach the Apple Blossom Livery which was where Steele had told them it would be. A rather large, slightly balding man approached them wiping his hands on his pants as he took the reins of Erin’s horse.

  “Stable your horse ma’am?” He asked.

  “No, we won’t be here for long.” Erin replied as she dismounted. “We need to speak with an Alisa Reaba.”

  “What would that be about ma’am?” The man asked with a note of suspicion in his voice. “Mistress Reaba is quite busy.”

  Folkstaff stepped forward, pulling his riding gloves off slowly. “And your name would be?” He asked the balding man.

  The man looked the larger hunter over before answering.

  “Carl, sir.”

  “Well Carl, tell your mistress that we have a business proposition for her.”

  “Business? What type of businesses sir?”

  “Does you mistress often discuss her business dealing with you?”

  Carl hesitated, it was clear that he didn’t believe the larger hunter, nor did he wish to be proven wrong if in fact Folkstaff was telling the truth. He motioned for them to wait and headed toward the farmhouse.

  “A business deal?” Erin asked when Carl disappeared into the house.

  “Call it a hunch.” Folkstaff replied as he crouched down and ran his hand over the ground. “I’m sure he would have tried to give us the runaround had we told him we were Hunters.”

  He fell into his edge and listened to the ground, reading the signs that no other hunter could read. When the land told him all that it knew, he slowly got to his feet. Erin waited for him to put his gloves back on.


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