
Home > Horror > Sapience > Page 12
Sapience Page 12

by bret Wellman

  “All the money we had went into bills, groceries and clothes.” She explained as she set the garbage bag into my trunk. We were about to pull away from the curb when her eyes got really big and she jumped out of the car. “I almost forgot.” She yelled as she ran into the trailer. When she returned she was cradling a brown teddy bear in her arms.

  I watched as she unzipped the back of the bear and pulled out a pistol. She checked the clip and then put it back, setting the teddy bear at her side, buckled in. It was an odd place to hide a gun, I thought as I started the car.

  “What about you?” I asked when we were pulling out of the small trailer park.

  “What do you mean?” She asked.

  “What’s it like to be able to create and manipulate ice?”

  She bit the tip of her finger as she thought. “It’s like the ice is already part of me, like I’m just flexing a muscle. Technically I am slowing down the water molecules in the air, though it doesn’t feel to me like I am doing anything that complicated. What I want to happen just kind of happens.”

  As she spoke she held the palm of her hand up in the air. At first I wondered what she was doing but it was soon apparent as a light mist started to materialize in the air all around it. I watched closely, I had never seen a physical user create ice so slow before. You could see every detail.

  “It’s an extension of my hand, like opening and closing my fingers”

  The mist grew thicker and thicker in the air. A small pebble of ice started to form in the palm of her hand. The mist fed into the pebble making it grow bigger until it was the size of a baseball.

  “Is it cold?” I asked, totally intrigued.

  “It tingles but it’s not cold.” She said, looking down at her hand. “I can’t feel the sting of ice like most people, nor can fire users be burnt.”

  Brianna held the glass, smooth, crystal clear, baseball sized chunk of ice in her palm. I watched as a rainbow of light shot through it in a mirage of color.

  Her smile vanished as she glanced out the front windshield of the car. “William!”

  When I looked up all I saw was a red light. I slammed the brake. A white minivan swerved clipping my bumper and spinning us sideways. The ball of ice flew from Brianna’s hand and bounced off the dashboard. When my car finally skidded to a stop I was in the middle of the intersection.

  How could I be so stupid, I thought as I glanced around. Other than a dent on the van's front bumper I couldn’t see any other damage. The driver, a middle aged, gray haired woman, got out waving her fist. I was about to get out to go meet her when she brought a cell phone up to her ear. I stopped with my hand on the door, she was most likely calling nine, one, one, and that meant government involvement. I put the car into first gear and took off down the road, there was no way I was going to let any government agents anywhere near me.

  “That lady hit us.” I said to try and break the silence that had suddenly filled my car.

  “Yea, how dare she try to go through that green light” Brianna said.

  “Some people.”

  She looked over at me nervously. “So why are we fleeing the scene again?”

  “We can’t exactly get away with being on the record books.” I said, not taking my eyes off the road anymore than I had to.

  She looked skeptical. “This could cause more trouble if they are looking for this car.”

  “I’m hoping the lady didn’t get a very good description. We weren’t stopped for very long and she was probably overwhelmed with just being in an accident.” It was true, though how true only time would tell.

  “If you say so.” She said.

  I turned down the first road we came to and started to take the back roads to avoid any run-ins with government soldiers or worse, agents.

  “So, what can the others do?” I asked to try and further forget what just happened.

  I watched her tuck a strand of hair behind her ear then check to make sure her seatbelt was securely fastened.

  “Rachel controls ice like me, the rest are fire.” She paused. “You didn’t know?”

  I shrugged. “I would have known before but now it seems like so much to take in. There were so many of us. What were you thinking in the park today? You didn’t look mad.” I hated bringing it up but I was genuinely curious.

  “I have been trained to survive, Adrian and Lillie can increase my chances significantly, making them the obvious choice.” She said as if it was obvious all along.

  “You didn’t even think about running away or something?” I asked.

  “You of all people should know that we would never be able to escape, look how far you came to find us hiding in this small little town in the middle of nowhere. If we ran, where could we have gone?” She asked.

  “I didn’t really think about it.” I admitted.

  “What do you think Adrian would do if we ran?”

  “I figured he wouldn’t bother and just let you go.”

  She shrugged. “I guess I just know Adrian’s type better than you.”

  I thought about it for a while. Ever since we had escaped it felt like I didn’t know Adrian at all. He used to kind of look up to me sometimes, now he made sure he was always looking down. The old Adrian would have let them go, this new one would probably hunt them down and say he was tying up loose ends. Was the stress of filling my spot causing him to snap? Impossible, he was far too smart to ever go crazy. He was just watching our backs, he knew the cost if we ever failed. It was the same reason why I was speeding down these back roads, getting caught was not an option.

  “Are you mad you’re being forced to live with us?” I asked.

  “Not really.” She smiled. “Like I said, it’s the smartest option for self preservation.”

  It felt good to know she wasn’t dreading moving in with us. I wondered if the others felt the same.

  We were getting closer to home and I had to cut through town to get to the road that led to the mansion. I could feel my heart beginning to pick up tempo. If the government was ever going to stop me for that hit and run, this would be the spot where it happened. I was constantly checking my mirrors for the infamous SUV with its flashing lights and hulking soldiers, all pointing their weapons, even if it were just a simple traffic stop.

  “I wonder if Lillie bought you a car yet?”

  “Gees, I hope not. I think I would rather save up somehow and buy one for myself.”

  I thought about it for a moment, and then decided I didn’t mind her riding with me all that much. Go figure.

  “Lillie is going to be disappointed. She loves buying cars.” I said.

  She sighed. “I guess having a new car like yours couldn’t hurt.”

  “I don’t think Lillie is going to settle for anything less.”

  I went slowly when we reached the driveway. No need to get back to the others faster than we already had to.

  “I wonder what it’s going to be like.” She said half to herself.

  “What’s what going to be like?” I put the car in park behind the black suburban.

  “All of us living in this big house.”

  “It might be fun.” I said, and instantly pictured the game room in the basement. It would be nice to have other people to go down there with… people who didn’t cream you every time you did anything.

  “You’re probably right.”

  I opened the door and started to get out. “What could go wrong?” I said if not a little sarcastic.

  “Oh, I don’t know, maybe Adrian.” I heard her say as she turned to get out her door.

  I winced when I saw the huge dent on the rear diver side fender. It wasn’t as bad as I thought, though it was still pretty bad.

  When we reached the front porch Adrian was leaning against the door with a victorious grin. There was an extra car in the drive way and I could see shadows walking by softly swept white curtains hung over the upstairs windows, It made the mansion seem more full. The porch, running the entire length of the house had been
just recently stained. I swear, every time I looked at the place it grew newer and newer.

  “The others are just starting to pick their rooms.” He said casually. I could see Brianna nod out of the corner of my eye. “I made sure there was a room in the basement that would suit your over all sense of conference.”

  “Thank you.” She said as she walked inside.

  “This is working out proficiently.” Adrian whispered as I walked past.

  Inside Spencer was lounging on the couch, face glued to the huge TV. I could hear Jack and Rachel arguing upstairs, they were practically screaming at each other. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but it probably had something to do with being forced to move. Lillie immediately jumped up and came to our side.

  “Let me show you to your room.” She said, leading Brianna off down the hall. I watched them walk away until they turned, Brianna looking back at the last moment, out of sight. Part of me wanted to go with them but I decided to stay. She was probably getting sick of me by now.

  Josh and Rachel did not come down the stairs for the rest of the night. Spencer ignored anyone who tried to talk to him and didn’t turn his head away from the TV at all. Adrian and Lillie cooked a big dinner and then went down into the basement leaving the food spread across the table for the rest of the night. I figured they left it out because they wanted to feed everybody but didn’t want to force them. Brianna and I picked at the food and watched movies until it was time for bed. Spencer got up and followed us.

  “Are we all riding together in the morning?” He asked as he started up the stairs to his new room.

  “I can’t see why not.” Brianna said just before he turned the corner.

  It was strangely nerve wracking, standing alone with her in the dark hall just outside of my room. The introduction of the next movie was rumbling from around the corner.

  Brianna stood in front of my door watching me and absently playing with her pony tail.

  “See you in the morning.” She said in a shy voice that matched my own feelings.

  We went to step around each other but both turned in the same direction and bumped into one another.

  “I ah.” I started to say but stopped.

  She started to walk away. I waited until she reached the basement door.

  “Brianna.” I called.



  She smiled and disappeared down the stairs. I was alone, in the shadow of the hall, it had become warmer than it was yesterday I thought as I turned and went into my room.

  Once I had stripped down to my boxers and was under my warm covers I finally took a deep breath and allowed my nerves to settle.

  The dark room was calming. The quiet hum of the movie was the only noise allowing my mind to be clear. It was strange how every time my mind was clear it always raced to one thought, Brianna. And now wasn’t any different. I thought about how it made me feel seeing her in the park this morning, the way she smiled, the things she said. I could open up to her and not feel like a child like I did with Adrian and Lillie. I didn’t have to keep secrets from her like I did the kids at school. She was the only person I could talk to and not hold anything back.

  Chapter 11

  The morning came later than I had hoped, staring restlessly up at the ceiling contemplating whether or not yesterday had really happened.

  It looked like a cold morning, frost had collected over the grass and a heavy fog was wafting through the woods. I turned away from the window and went to the dresser where I decided to pull out some warmer clothes.

  When I left my room the TV was still on from the night before and Rachel was sleeping on the couch, her spiky blond hair was puffy from the night’s rest. She was sound asleep at first but her eyes snapped open as I walked passed, it was something we all did, a reaction to our training. When she saw it was me she turned away and drew the covers over her head.

  Spencer came from the kitchen and tossed me a breakfast bar as he past. “We’re late, let’s go.” He made it seem as if he weren’t doing me a favor, more trying to speed me up so he could get to school.

  I scarfed the bar in a rush as I threw on my coat and tried to catch up with him. Hopefully he would wait for me to unlock the door of my car before he decided to start walking. I knew I had woken up late, but now I saw that it was a lot later than I had originally thought.

  The sun was already starting to beat back the frost and the fog was retreating farther into the woods. It was still a chilly morning though, I could see my breath.

  “Good morning.” Brianna said, leaning against the hood of my car. She too was doing what she could to hide from the chill.

  “Hey” I said, as I opened the passenger door to let her in, her hair brushed against my cheek as she passed. My skin tingled with heat where she had touched. It wasn’t until I started the car that I realized Spencer was still standing outside in the cold. I had to get back out so he could climb behind my seat.

  “So glad you could let me in…” He said as he buckled his seatbelt.

  “I love my new room, it’s amazing.” Brianna said with her stunning smile.

  She wore a light white skirt and a blue t-shirt. There was only one small pocket on the skirt and I thought I could make out the outline of a small knife.

  “I’m glad you like it.” I said as I started driving.

  “Every room is huge, I don’t get it. How can you afford all of that?” Spencer said.

  I glanced at him in the mirror “Lillie stole it all from the government. A little bit here, a little bit there, that’s where a lot of it came from.”

  I drove faster than normal trying to make up for lost time. It felt weird leaving the house next to Brianna and Spencer. It was the first day of school where I wouldn’t have to face the world alone.

  I had overheard Adrian and Lillie talking the night before when making dinner, about pulling us out of school now that everyone was together. In the end they agreed that we would never stand for that and three kids dropping out might bring some unwanted attention.

  No one spoke again until we were almost to the school. It was really early in the morning, we embraced the silence.

  Brianna let out a sigh when I turned down the same road as the school. “Lillie made me pick out the car I wanted, last night.”

  “Really? She usually takes it upon herself to decide.” I said, wondering what Lillie was up to.

  “She said she felt bad for forcing us to move.” She shrugged.

  “So what did you pick?”

  “I told her a Lamborghini as a joke, but when I tried to switch to something more practical she just told me the choice had been made.”

  “That sounds like Lillie.”

  “What am I going to do with a Lamborghini?” She asked.

  “Personally, I would drive it.”

  “I can’t take it to school. People could scratch the sides up”

  “I guess that means you’re stuck riding with me.” I said.

  “I would take it to school.” Spencer said as we drove into the parking lot.

  “I don’t think anyone would touch it.” I drove around the lot until I found an open spot close to the school. Even though we were late, the lot was meant to hold a much larger student body, leaving plenty of open spaces near the front.

  “People would notice.” Brianna added. “Maybe even the Kingdom’s agents.”

  “Whatever.” Spencer said. “You two just don’t know how to have fun.”

  “No, you’re just reckless.” Brianna said.

  I eased my car into the spot and cut the engine.

  “You’re just lame.” He said as we all climbed out. Spencer immediately left us to go meet up with one of his friends on the other side of the parking lot.

  “What’s the deal with you two?” I asked when he was out of ear shot.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well why do you two bicker so much?”

  “Oh, I guess he’s kinda like m
y little brother and he tends to get on my nerves.”

  I could feel her at my side as we walked up to the school. It was almost as if she was radiating warmth, or maybe it was electricity.

  “I think he watches out for you more than you think.” I said. “When it comes down to it.”

  “We’re family.” She shrugged. “That’s what families do.”

  I nodded “True.”

  Standing outside of the schools front doors was Neal watching us with his mouth hanging open.

  “What’s up?” I asked as we approached. He just stood there, his eyes shifting back and forth between Brianna and I.

  “Are you ok?” It kind of looked like he was having a stroke.

  “I ah, yea.” He finally said in a shy huff. He stood silently and fidgeted with his zipper. “I have to go to class.” He said, turned and walked into the school as fast as he could.

  “Catch you later…” I called as he disappeared. That kid… It was like he had a mental breakdown every time he came near a girl.

  “Is there something wrong with him?” Brianna asked.

  “Yes, yes there is.” I said staring in the direction he had just left. “I guess he is just shy.”

  Brianna cupped her hands over her mouth to suppress laughter. “Awe, poor Neal.”

  “Maybe you can help him.” I said. “Hook him up with one of your friends?”

  She frowned and shook her head. “Doesn’t he have a girlfriend already?”

  He had been dating his “ten” but I hadn’t seen them together in a while. “I will ask, if he doesn’t will you help me set him up?”

  She pondered for a while as we walked. I decided it best to let her think without interruption.

  “If he’s single we will try to find a way to get him in with one of my friends.” She finally said. “Though I can’t see this working if he is going to run away every time I bring a girl near him.”

  “I won’t let him. I’ll give him a pep talk or something.” That idea actually sounded harder than I thought after hearing it out loud.


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