Gray Panthers: Earths Revenge
Page 5
Uncharacteristically of him, Diego smiled as he looked down at the cadet, as he began to speak he felt the slam against his legs as he fell and heard himself hollering “Incoming get your asses down” as he only then heard the rip of automatic weapons fire. He looked down at his knees, both of which he could see the red of his blood seeping through the material of his uniform pants in shock as the little cadet grabbed him by his collar trying to drag him into cover under scrub brush. Diego was screaming not to even try as he felt himself suddenly being moved. Suzy then threw herself over Diego as he tried to get up while at the same time she tore at the first aid kit on his web belt. Everything seemed to go in slow motion, the cadet was hollering at him to stop moving around as she tried to tear his pants above the wounds.
“God damn it Diego stop your fucking squirming around and let me get these wounds dressed before you kill yourself!” Suzy felt the adrenalin coursing through her body as she forced the instructor down again. The same time she felt the zing of bullets going through the air where her head had just been as she felt the tug of her uniform pull from the shoulder.
From the top of the hill overlooking the little valley, a half dozen of the drug gang Gray Lobos watched in amusement. The Zapata brothers laughed as they saw that they had taken out the drill instructor, who they could see was the only one armed. The cadets had the beamers but the Gray Lobos knew from past stories that the cadets were not trusted with ammo, it would be like taking candy from a baby, and the women even from the distance looked like the Gray Lobos were going to have fun tonight. The brothers started to charge down the hill towards the cadets, before they could run off, when the two running side by side felt a quick tug at their midsections followed by the smell of burnt meat, they fell dissected from the blast from a beamer set on level two. The rest of the gang had stayed in place to observe.
“Everyone stay down and find an area to cover in case those assholes have any friends, I’m going to check on Instructor Diego and Suzy.” Andrews shouted to the flight, assuming command. When he got to Diego, Suzy was just finishing the last of the bandages.
“Diego took a hit in each knee but there’s not much blood, I’m afraid he’s going into shock,” Suzy reported as she searched his unconscious body. “Here’s his cell, you call the base as I look over my work,” Suzy ordered.
Opening the phone Matt thought for a second then said, “call Instructor Bailey.” Nothing happened then he tried again, “call Ray” the phone soon connected.
Instructor Bailey answered the call he heard, “Instructor Bailey we need help ASAP, Instructor Diego has been shot and is going into shock. I killed two attackers but there maybe more. I don’t know our location but believe we are about twelve miles south east of the academy in a small canyon.”
Disbelief turned to action as he pressed his comm button on his neck and tried to call Diego without any luck. He pressed again, “Comm command post. This is Instructor Bailey; we have an incident. Instructor Diego is down and needs immediate dust off. His flight is under fire from unknown enemy forces.”
The duty officer immediately motioned for the security force officer repeating what he had been told as he coordinated for two armed shuttles that the maintenance operations center said were mission ready as he then contacted operations to scrub the training mission and instead turn it into a rescue mission. The security officer had twenty Gray Panthers headed for the flight line while the pilots raced for their shuttles. A third shuttle was already taking off from the hospital and would join in flight as the artificial intelligence Grub gave them the location of the flight based on the information from the comm implant in Diego.
Ten minutes later the emergency shuttle landed near the group. Running towards the instructor, the first medic took a huge needle and plunged it into Diego's thigh as the second dropped a transportation board down. They quickly rolled him onto the board as the medic grabbed the transportation boards handle and the board lifted itself up to waist height as both medics moved the instructor towards the shuttle.
Matt hollered at Suzy to go with the medics as overhead a pair of shuttles took station over the flight noisily. The emergency shuttle launched on its return trip as one of the shuttles landed. The shuttle door opened for a minute then took back off as a NCO materialized in front of Matt. It took only a minute to realize that an entire team must have disembarked and was wearing their optical deflection combat suits.
“What’s the situation son?” the old looking sergeant asked. Matt described what had happened as the shuttles reported no activity. The NCO had Matt follow him to the enemy bodies. Once they were standing over them the stench from the bodies had Matt bent over puking like never before.
The NCO slapped him on the back. “Just keep hacking until you feel something hairy then be sure to stop, cause that’ll be your asshole son,” the NCO said as he ordered the security to push up to the top of the hill set up a perimeter until an investigation team could come in. Part of the security team seemed to materialize as they turned off their optical deflection combat suits; each one was near a cadet. “Alright all cadets safe and shoulder your beamers, and join me where your instructor was wounded. I want each of you to get out your tablets and write out exactly what happened. No one compares notes with each other.”
The sound of gunfire once again commenced as the security team pushed the cadets back down then disappeared as they activated their optical deflection combat suits. The Gray Lobos had tried to leave their hiding places on the hill and get to their truck when the security detail, already on the hilltop, had spotted them. The gang only got off a few shots as the security team quickly picked them off.
Matt fell on his ass and reached for his water as he began to shake unable to open his water. The NCO just walked up and opened it for him saying nothing. It took another few minutes before he could start to make his verbal report into his tablet.
Instructor Bailey was at the hospital and was able to get close when the crew brought Diego in; close by Cadet Hagen was following carrying his field gear as well as her own. He stopped her and she started to pull away from him until she recognized him and began to come to attention. “At ease Hagen, are you OK?” he asked as he looked over her seeing that she was covered in blood. Reaching for her shoulder she initially flinched as he stuck his fingers through three holes in her uniforms shoulder. “You know how many demerits you have coming for a dirty uniform and unserviceable one at that?" he said with a smile and then made sure she had no holes of her own. “Let’s go in and get you checked out, I’ll take his gear, you report to the emergency room and explain what just happened, stay there until I come for you,” he said.
Bailey saw one of the medics and stopped him to get an initial report. “The nanites had already started clotting, stopping the bleeding. The additional nanites I injected was speeding the recovery. Both bullets had gone through almost clean, there was a chip taken out of the bone in the left leg but the nanites would have that repaired in short order. The muscle damage should be healed by morning also,” The medic reported before moving off.
The flight just sat in the ready room quietly reflecting on what they had just gone through when Instructor Bailey entered with Cadet Hagen. All immediately rose as Matt ordered them to attention.
“At ease, everyone get into the ready room and grab some floor. Instructor Diego should recover without any complications. Cadets’ Hagen and Andrews are the heroes of the day. Cadet Andrews to my knowledge you have the privilege of the first kill using a personal beamer. Any comments, and or thoughts about that?”
“Sir, I left my lunch back in the field when I saw what I did to those two men, I...”
“Stop right there cadet, those were not men. They were the enemy, an enemy that drew first blood in an ambush at that. Regardless of what you think you are in hero status, because of you no one from your flight is going home in a bag. I would recommend everyone just try to relax. I will be spending the night in my office here so anyone that wa
nts to talk, please do not hesitate. Tomorrow will be a regular duty day.”
Arizona Space Ship Bia High Earth Orbit
10 August 2128
“Crew, this is the Captain. We have arranged to test all weapons in conjunction with ground control. Our targets for today will be orbital debris in high orbit. At 0900 hrs live fire testing of all weapons will commence. The effectiveness of port versus starboard shall be tallied through hit and miss ratio as well as time from acquiring target to destruction of target. Targets that break into smaller debris will have points deducted. Captain out.”
Sitting in his cabin, a headache starting because he was sure something very relative and simple was being overlooked, Red admitted to himself he needed help. “Bia, please report to me,” he commed, as the ships AI avatar appeared before him.
“Reporting as ordered Captain,” Bia replied as she stood before the Captain. The six foot tall brunette wore only a toga draped over her shoulder.
“Bia, do you detect any problems if we destroy some of the orbital debris?” Red asked.
“Sir, there is always the potential for weapons failure. The highest and most likely danger is if we shoot ourselves.
“Please elaborate, Bia,” Red replied feeling his headache begin a crescendo.
“Sir, there is a very high probability that any shots missed by the phalanx cannons, would enter orbit and hit the ship upon completing that orbit around the Earth. Request final authorization for every shot fired during the target practice.”
“Permission granted, inform all gunners and Combat Information Center.” His temple continued to throb even more as he fathomed the chances of getting hit by their own ordinance of one hundred phalanx guns along with the forty rail guns left a lot of room for damage. At least the eighty beamers would not be a threat back at them.
Arizona Space Ship in orbit around the moon
10 August 2128
Abdul was walking to the engineering section of the P135 captured from the Libra. The patrol ship never had a name, instead simply the designator P135. It had been damaged when it was tractoring in an Earth shuttle into its cargo bay when the humans detonated a matter anti matter bomb that destroyed a quarter of the patrol vessel. That ship was almost completely repaired and Abdul was surprised to find that even though the P135 was newer than the Grub, it was not nearly as advanced.
The Flem were the galaxy's source when it came to space ship engines and artificial intelligence nodes. They never allowed their most advanced AIs to be sold, instead the very best they allowed to be sold were half the capability of those they kept for themselves. Since their race had disappeared, no one had been able to come close to duplicating their technology. The Flem manufacturing technology disappeared with them also.
“Grub, now that the frame of the ship is repaired will it be totally space worthy?” Abdul asked as he looked into the engineering section seeing the droids busily making changes to the different interfaces.
“Yes Abby, the ship will be space worthy but we need to make modifications to make the ship more compatible for human use. The controls modified for less muscle needed and for only a single set of arms. Damage is still being found in some areas. Estimate repairs will be complete in a month,” Grub replied.
“What about the ships computer system and AI, will we have any trouble with loyalty from the AI?” Abdul asked.
“This simple version of an AI will control the ship and do as it is ordered it really has no higher functions and running of the ship is more labor intensive than the ships being built on Earth. The ship was built by the lowest bid and the reasoning was that the crew can take care of any problems. Since the AI was built by the Flem, I do have the ability to upgrade it if you wish. It will improve interaction with the crew as well as provide an avatar to represent the ship. Raw processing ability will be almost as good as mine. I would like to make a suggestion for the name of the ship.”
“What would you like the ship to be called, Grub?” Abby asked curiously.
“My first thought was, Ares, God of the Spartans, in keeping with the names of all the ships already named, Nike and Bia. But the more appropriate name would be “Phoenix” as it rose from the ashes.”
“I will mention that to Dan. I don’t want to think of what the avatar will look like though. How is the other Libra ship coming along?”
“The Libra Cargo ship received only minimum damage so we have only needed to modify the interfaces for human use the same way we are doing for the P135. Inside its docking bay there is a unique smaller transport. I think you may want to copy. It is a long range raider, it has the capability for long distance missions, and has ten of its own fighters. Those fighters are not as lethal as our shuttles, but we could install the shuttles onboard and use it for reconnaissance or raids.”
“Grub, you have come a long way from when we first met though haven’t you? From wanting nothing to do with weapons to now suggesting tactics and strategy, I’m proud of you and when I tell Dan I’m sure he will be also. You are a valuable member of this team.”
“I only wish to see all of this unpleasantness over so we can see how I can contribute to a peace time world. I look forward to helping improve the productivity of your farmers and helping eradicate hunger. In my hold are seeds for crops that humans can consume that would easily grow in any of Earth's deserts.”
“Grub if we get rid of hunger and famine, make disease merely a memory, and have cheap abundant energy what will happen to our world's population? Wouldn’t we find ourselves looking for planets to expand to, and possible war with neighbors in space?”
“When there is peace I know of at least one planet that is close by and compatible, it was considered for colonization but the Flem did not want to be close to Earth fearing you would eventually be a threat to them. They never told anyone else about the planet either, figuring they could sell the information if needed at a later date.
“Grub, where is the planet located? Is it really habitable for humans?”
“Yes Abdul, the planet is actually a moon slightly smaller than Earth that is in orbit around a gas giant. Its gravity is slightly less than Earth with an atmosphere similar also to Earth. There is abundant plant life with half the planet covered by water. There are also many lower animal life forms but no higher life forms. It is located in a minor solar system oriented around a red dwarf. Approximately Sixty light years away,” Grub replied
“Grub any more information like this we should know about?” Abdul asked.
“Not that I know of, Abdul.”
Gray Panther Space Academy, Arizona
10 August 2128
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen please forgive me, but I decided to sleep in this morning,” Instructor Diego said with an evil smile on his face. “We did not complete our field exercise yesterday so we will be going out there this evening to complete the task. We are also modifying our schedule so you will be able to watch the Arizona Space Ship Bia perform its first weapons demonstration as it cleans up some space junk. The demonstration will start in about an hour. I was thinking that would give us enough time for me to go through the GP manual and see what you have learned, however I have some things I need to get done in my office, so everyone open your GP manuals and be ready at any time for a personal quiz from me.”
The cadets gathered as soon as the office door closed expressing their amazement at the instructor returning to duty so soon and not even having a limp. “Cadet Hagen, in my office now!” Instructor Diego roared from behind the door. All the cadets turned to look at Suzy as she ran to the door and almost opened it when she saw the shocked look on the other cadets faces. Stopping she knocked once on the door. She heard the command to enter the office. Walking up to the instructor's desk, she stopped and assumed the position of attention then holding a salute exclaimed, “Sir, Cadet Hagen reports as ordered.” While looking three inches above the instructors head. Diego continued to shuffle papers on his desk another five minutes, then looked u
p, and returned the salute.
“Cadet Hagen, I gave serious thought to have you removed from this class for failing to obey the orders of your Instructor and for conduct dangerous to your health and safety. I understand your uniform was deemed unserviceable and a new one provided to you. I am told you have potential as a shuttle pilot and we will be desperately needing them soon so I will take no action at this time, but I will be watching you more closely from now on. I do not need a reply from you since the effective range of an excuse is zero. You are dismissed.” Instructor Diego stated in a low voice dripping with venom. In shock Cadet Hagens training kicked in as she saluted, performed her best parade ground about face, and managed to depart the office as Instructor Bailey arrived eyeing her.
Bailey closed the door behind him he looked towards his old friend, “Dago you look like shit, what do you want from me?”
“Thanks. I love you too, asshole. I wanted you to look over and endorse my recommendation for Cadets Hagen and Andrews for the Arizona Medal of Valor. Even though they are cadets, they qualify by the regulations for the awards. Hopefully we can fast track it so they can receive them either on their graduation or when they first get to their new units,” Diego replied back smiling.
“I totally agree with you. I saw that poor girl carrying your web gear covered in your blood as she followed you into the hospital. The medics told me she probably saved your life even with your nanites. She did an outstanding job performing first aid on you, medics said they could not have done it better. So what did you have her in here for?”
“I wanted to stop her from thinking she will get any special treatment that she should just carry on with her training. I did not mention any awards. I don't want her to get a big head or think that I owe her. I was just getting ready to call Andrews in, but now I don’t have time because the flights going to watch the Bia shoot up some space trash. Should be interesting, are you coming too?”