Ghostly Issues (A Harper Harlow Mystery Book 2)

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Ghostly Issues (A Harper Harlow Mystery Book 2) Page 9

by Hart, Lily Harper

  “I’ll make your dinner another night,” Jared said. “Tonight I want it to be just her and me.”

  “I don’t care about that,” Zander said, pushing Jared out onto the porch and silently shutting the door. “She’s still getting ready. It’s been … freaking drama.”

  “What’s wrong?” Jared’s stomach twisted with worry. Was Harper going to cancel the date? “If she’s trying to back out … let me talk to her.”

  “She’s not going to back out,” Zander said, keeping his voice low. “She’s so excited she can barely contain herself.”

  “So what’s wrong?”

  “She’s going to be nervous for the first half hour,” Zander cautioned. “Talk to her like you normally would and try to pretend you don’t notice her acting odd.”

  The realization that Harper was more worked up than he was relieved some of the tension building in Jared’s heart. “How does she look?”

  “I have to take her shopping.”

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  “She looks beautiful,” Zander said. “She always does. She doesn’t see that about herself sometimes. You’d better tell her.”

  Jared scowled. “Thank you for the dating tips.”

  “Make sure she eats something,” Zander instructed. “She’s going to do that girl thing and order something cheap … or a salad … but she needs fuel so make sure she eats something hearty.”

  Jared nodded. “Anything else, Dad?”

  “Yes,” Zander replied, not missing a beat. “I’m going out on my own date. If something goes wrong, she’s going to balk at calling me. Make sure she calls me if she starts panicking.”

  “Why would she panic?” Jared asked. “It’s a date. I’m not going to pressure her into doing something she doesn’t want to do.”

  “That’s very nice,” Zander deadpanned. “She shaved her legs and she’s good to go on that front. You bring her back here to do that because she’ll be more comfortable in her own home. I probably won’t be back until tomorrow morning if she doesn’t call, so you’ll have the house to yourself.”

  Jared was dumbfounded. Was Zander really telling him to make a move on the first date? “Don’t you think it’s a little soon for that?”


  “Okay, I’ll bite,” Jared said. “Why would I push her to do that tonight?”

  “Because it’s the one thing that’s going to relax her,” Zander answered. “We’re going to go through this ten more times if you don’t wow her now. So … get her naked and do your thing.” Zander patted Jared’s back. “You’d better be good in bed, too. If you’re bad after all this build up I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  “Well, that’s not putting too much pressure on me or anything,” Jared grumbled.

  “She looks like a dream and you clean up well, too,” Zander said. “She’s the love of my life and I will beat the crap out of you if you hurt her.”

  “Duly noted.”

  “You still owe me a home-cooked dinner, too,” Zander added. “Now … go and make my girl happy. I’m counting on you.”

  Jared’s heart rolled at the emotion flitting through Zander’s eyes. The love reflected there was nothing short of amazing. “That’s all I want.”

  “I know. That’s why I like you.”

  “THIS is a nice restaurant,” Jared said, pulling Harper’s chair out and making sure she was settled before sitting across from her. “Have you eaten here before?”

  Despite her earlier nerves, once she was in Jared’s truck Harper managed to relax. Jared matched her nervous glance for nervous glance during the drive, and she couldn’t help but be relieved. “Zander and I ate here once a few years ago,” she said. “He declared the steak ‘to die for.’”

  “That sounds good,” Jared said. “You can’t come to a steakhouse and not have steak.”

  Harper was conflicted. “I was thinking of maybe getting a salad,” she said, flipping open the menu.

  “No, you weren’t,” Jared shot back. “You’re having a big dinner and I don’t want to hear one argument about it.”

  Harper pursed her lips. “What did you and Zander talk about on the front porch tonight?”

  Jared feigned ignorance. “What do you mean?”

  “You were out there for five minutes before you came inside,” Harper said. “Don’t bother lying. I saw Zander sneak out and head you off before you could knock. What did he say to you?”

  “He said if I hurt you he was going to kill me.”

  “That’s it?” Harper was surprised. “He didn’t say anything about me?”

  “He said that he wished he’d taken you shopping – although I think you look beautiful and he’s being dramatic – and that I still owed him dinner,” Jared replied. None of those things were lies. If she pressed him on the rest of his conversation with Zander things would be uncomfortable.

  “You look handsome,” Harper said, looking him up and down appreciatively. “I’ve never seen you out of your jeans and button-down shirts.”

  “I don’t dress up a lot,” Jared said. “I like to be comfortable. This is a special occasion, though.”

  “I’m surprised you still wanted to go out with me after I was mean to you.”

  “I’m surprised you said yes after I was such an idiot.”

  Harper bit her lip to keep from laughing, and then gave in. “I was nervous earlier. You have a way of putting me at ease, though. I can’t explain it.”

  “I was nervous, too,” Jared admitted. “I’m still a little nervous, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but here with you.”

  The waitress picked that moment to arrive, and after placing their orders Jared turned to the next order of business. “I want to know everything about you.”

  Harper snorted. “That’s … not going to take up very much of the night.”

  “Well, I’ll direct you where I want to start then,” Jared said. “Tell me what the deal is with Eric.”

  Harper balked. “What do you mean? He’s my employee. He’s a good guy.”

  “I’m not saying he’s not a good guy,” Jared said. “It’s obvious he has a crush on you, though. It’s not the first time I’ve noticed it. He almost had a meltdown when we talked about going on a date earlier.”

  “He’s just … trying to find himself,” Harper explained. “He looks at me and thinks I’m exotic because of the ghost thing. He’s a few years younger than me and ignores clues … like the fact that I’m not sexually attracted to him. If he would turn around for five seconds he would see that Molly is attracted to him and she adores everything he does.”

  “How is Molly?”

  “I think I’ve been too overprotective,” Harper replied. “Eric and I had to go out and survey a house that’s up for sale because the real estate agent is convinced it’s haunted and we talked about Molly today. He says I’ve been coddling her when she really just wants to be part of the group. I think he’s right.”

  “Was the house haunted?” Jared was intrigued by Harper’s ghost vision. He couldn’t deny it.

  “Not that I saw,” Harper answered. “I think the real estate agent – her name is Jenny Porter, we went to high school together – is looking for an excuse why she hasn’t sold the cottage yet. She claims things keep moving around, but I didn’t see anything.”

  “What keeps moving around?”

  “Mostly dishes. I think she’s just looking for an excuse.”

  “Well, I like how honest you are,” Jared said. “Someone else in your position might claim a ghost is there and take money to do nothing. I’d like to go with you on a job one day … if you’re okay with that.”

  Harper was surprised. “You would? Really?”

  “I want to see all of it, Harper. I want to … do … all of it with you.”

  Harper’s cheeks colored. “Sometimes I think you’re too good to be true.”

  “Even though I was a moron and didn’t call you?”

  “Even though,” Harpe
r said.

  The duo eyed each other for a moment, something sweet passing between them before the heat ratcheted up a notch. Suddenly Jared wasn’t so sure Zander’s suggestion about taking things to the next level that night was such a bad idea.

  “I … .” Jared didn’t get a chance to finish because a blond ball of energy hurried up to the side of the table and cut him off.

  “Well, isn’t this cute.”

  Harper pressed her lips together and internally chastised herself for picking a restaurant her mother regularly frequented. “Mom … I … what are you doing here?”

  Gloria Harlow smoothed her black miniskirt down and graced her daughter with a long-suffering look. “I’m on a date. What are you doing here?”

  Harper swallowed hard. “I’m … on a date, too.”

  “So I noticed,” Gloria said, swiveling and fixing a bright smile on her face as she looked Jared up and down. “I’m Gloria Harlow. I’m so pleased to meet you.” She extended her hand.

  Jared stood and shook her hand, fighting the mad urge to laugh as he stood toe-to-toe with Harper’s mother. She obviously didn’t remember him. “We’ve actually met before.”

  Harper mimed zipping her lips, but it was too late.

  Gloria knit her eyebrows together. “I don’t think that’s possible,” she said. “I would remember meeting you.”

  Jared sat back down and leaned back in his chair, stretching his long legs out in front of him as he decided how to answer. “It was a few weeks ago at the police station,” he said. “You came in screaming for me to release Harper because you were under the impression that I arrested her.”

  Gloria faltered. “Oh.”

  “Mom … .” Harper was desperate to keep her mother from causing a scene.

  Gloria glanced down at Harper. “You’re dating the man who arrested you?”

  “He didn’t arrest me.”

  “I didn’t arrest her,” Jared agreed.

  “It would be hotter if you had,” Gloria shot back, nonplussed. “Well, you’re very attractive and I approve. As long as you don’t arrest my daughter again, I think we’ll get along just fine.”

  “Mother, you’re embarrassing me,” Harper gritted out, causing Jared to smirk. He found both of Harper’s parents entertaining. Harper was another story. Since her parents were mired in the world’s longest divorce – recent arguments turning to who would get the color printer and toner cartridges – she was hoping her mother’s current dating trend would keep her out of her hair. Apparently she wasn’t that lucky.

  “You’ll live,” Gloria said. “We need to set up a time for brunch so you can catch me up on your life. Apparently I’ve been missing quite a few things I should know about.”

  “Who are you out with, Mom?” Harper asked, turning the conversation around. “Have I met this one?”

  “I’m dating Ted Gardner.”

  Harper made a face. “That old guy who has a gray ponytail and rides around on a Harley? You’re dating him?”

  Jared’s shoulders shook with silent laughter as he tried to cover his mouth.

  “I’ll have you know he’s a very generous lover,” Gloria replied, causing Harper to make a disgusted sound in the back of her throat. “Jared, it’s been a pleasure meeting you. We’ll have to set up a brunch so we can get to know one another.”

  “I would enjoy that,” Jared said, and he actually meant it.

  “Harper, I’ll give you a call this weekend,” Gloria said. “We have a few things to discuss.”

  “I can’t wait.”


  Other than the front porch light, Harper’s house was dark when Jared pulled to a stop in front of it several hours later.

  All of the nerves the duo put aside during their date came roaring back as a new problem arose.

  “Well … thank you for a wonderful time,” Harper said, turning in the passenger seat and fixing Jared with a small smile. “Other than my mother showing up, it was perfect.”

  “It was perfect even with your mother showing up. She’s kind of funny.”

  “You should try living with her for eighteen years,” Harper countered. “It’s not so funny then.”

  “She’s good for you. She keeps you on your toes.”

  “That’s one way of looking at it.” Harper bit her lip. She was at a loss for what else to talk about. She desperately wanted Jared to kiss her again, but there was no way she was going to make the first move … or ask him to do it for her. “Well, I guess I should get inside.”

  “I’ll walk you,” Jared said, pocketing the keys and hopping out of his truck. He hurried to Harper’s side of the vehicle, but she was already halfway out when he arrived. “You’re supposed to wait for me to open the door,” Jared said, sucking in a steadying breath when Harper’s face moved to within inches of his. Their mouths were so close all one of them would have to do is shift two inches and then … . “I’m supposed to be a gentleman and do that for you.”

  “I … .” Harper lost her train of thought.

  Jared held out his hand. “I’ll walk you to your door.”

  Harper slipped her hand in his, something sparking between them as they walked up the steps and stopped in front of the door. “I really did have a good time tonight.”

  Jared turned to her, his handsome face practically glowing under the muted light. “I did, too.”

  Jared was conflicted. He knew what he wanted to do – Zander’s words burrowing into his head the entire night – and yet he didn’t want to move so fast Harper would flee in the other direction. He was at a crossroad, and he had no idea what to do.

  “I … .” Harper had no clue what to say. “I guess I’ll see you around.” She moved her key toward the door, but Jared stilled her with a hand on her forearm. This time when she turned to him she was surprised because he cupped the back of her head with both of his hands. “Are you finally going to make your move?”

  The question surprised Jared, causing him to bark out a coarse laugh. “Do you want me to make a move?”

  “I have no idea,” Harper replied honestly. “My heart is pounding so hard I can’t even think straight. I can hear the blood rushing past my ears. I think I might pass out.”

  “Me, too,” Jared whispered, lowering his mouth to Harper’s and pressing a soft kiss to her lips. She sank into it, cuddling closer as he held her steady. The kiss went on for what seemed like an eternity, neither one of them wanting to be the first to break it. Finally, Jared moved his head back slightly and met her clear blue eyes with a smoldering look. “You’re amazing.”

  Harper made up her mind on the spot. “Do you want to come inside?”

  Jared smiled. “I don’t think I could force myself to leave even if I tried.”

  HARPER woke to an unfamiliar feeling: warmth. She shifted her head, pushing her flaxen hair out of her face and met a wall of muscle as she opened her eyes. Jared slumbered beside her, his face placid in sleep. His morning stubble and tousled hair made him look even more appealing … if that was even possible … than he had the last time she saw him.

  Harper took the opportunity to look him over in the bright light of day. She knew his body would be amazing thanks to the few touches she’d managed through clothing when they were close. Even she wasn’t prepared for the chiseled ridges of his chest and arms, though. And his stomach? It looked as if his abs had been drawn on with a marker.

  The previous night was a blur, mutual need and instinctive desire taking over both of their bodies as they made their way to Harper’s bedroom. Their clothes hit the floor within seconds, and they moved together as if they’d been making love for years instead of it being their first time together. Harper was pretty sure it couldn’t possibly get better than it already was … although she was up to the task of finding out if she got the opportunity.

  As if sensing she was awake, Jared shifted and opened his eyes, immediately smiling when he caught sight of her. “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” Harpe
r murmured, embarrassed to be caught looking at him. “Did you sleep okay?”

  “I haven’t slept that well in … I can’t remember ever sleeping that well,” Jared replied, tugging her closer and wrapping his arms around her slender back. “How did you sleep?”

  “Like a rock,” Harper admitted, chuckling. “I usually wake up a few times every night because … well, it started after my grandfather came to visit me when I was a kid after he died. I honestly don’t think I’ve slept through a full night since … until now.”

  “I guess I tired you out,” Jared teased, brushing his lips against Harper’s forehead and pressing her head to his chest. “You’re so soft and warm. I could get used to this.”

  Harper stilled, morning jitters overtaking her. “Do you want to get used to this?”

  “That’s a funny question to ask when we’re both naked and snuggled up in your bed,” Jared replied. “Since you appear to need an answer, though, then you’re going to get one. I definitely want to get used to this.”

  Harper exhaled heavily, relieved. “Thank you.”

  Jared laughed. He couldn’t help himself. “Are you thanking me for wanting to get used to this, or what we did last night? Before you answer, both of them would be acceptable things to thank me for because one of them makes my ego swell.”

  That wasn’t the only thing swelling. Despite herself, Harper lifted the covers and glanced down to find that Jared appeared to be ready for another round. Jared followed her gaze. “Do you want to thank me again?”

  Harper laughed, throwing all of her nerves out the window as she rolled on top of him and slammed her mouth into his. Jared tangled his hands in her hair, marveling at the way her body seemed to meld perfectly against his.

  “Can I take that as a yes?” Jared gasped, breaking contact for a moment.


  “Good answer.”

  “WELL, well, well,” Zander said, looking up from his mug of coffee when Harper and Jared finally shuffled out of her bedroom and into the kitchen an hour later. “How are my happy … campers?”


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