Cowboy Temptation (Dalton Boys Book 8)

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Cowboy Temptation (Dalton Boys Book 8) Page 11

by Em Petrova

  Lilah grabbed her friend’s hand. “Of course I would never! I’m so happy for you.” She lunged across the small table and hugged her friend and narrowly missed spilling her coffee.

  Susannah laughed and hugged her back, and several people at nearby tables smiled at them. When Lilah was back in her seat and her coffee safe from catastrophe, she met her friend’s happy gaze. “I have news too.”

  Jaw dropping, Susannah stared at her.

  “It’s about Easton.”

  “When did you hear from Easton?”

  “Just last night. He… came to my house.”

  A sly look came over Susannah’s face. “And?” she asked just like Lilah had.

  “And things happened.”

  “Things,” she echoed.

  A flush crept over Lilah’s face, and she figured she must look just as glowing as her friend. “Yes, we had a night together and things were said.”

  “Promises? L words?”

  “A little of both.” She laughed softly. “I still can’t believe it myself.”

  “No wonder you look so drained if you were up all night with a Dalton man!”

  “Shhh!” Lilah looked around. “I don’t want anybody to know.”

  They both laughed at the dual secrets they held between them.

  “So what happens next?” Susannah asked her.

  Lilah dropped her stare to the creamy contents of her mug. “I’m not sure. He’s still got his work on the rig, and we can’t see each other. All day long I’ve been thinking of how to change that, but I can’t see a way.”

  Hearing the note of despondency in Lilah’s voice, Susannah clutched her hand across the table. “Things have a way of working out.”

  “Now you sound like Easton.”

  “Maybe you should trust him, then.”

  Trust him.

  She sat silent for a long minute, considering how much she hadn’t trusted him this whole time. And all because of something he’d done to her as a kid. She pushed out a sigh and gripped Susannah’s hand. “You’re absolutely right. Thank you for helping me to see it, Suz.”

  “If there’s anything I know, it’s Dalton men, and they can handle themselves and take care of business.”

  “How do you think Ford will handle himself when you tell him he’s a father?”

  Susannah leaned back in her seat and placed her hands over her flat stomach. “I have an idea, but maybe you’ll help me execute it.”

  “Helping with the maze brought Easton into my life, and I could use a distraction right now, so helping you with your plan is just the project I need.” She and Susannah beamed at each other, and it struck Lilah all of a sudden that this woman, her dear friend, could quite possibly become her sister-in-law.

  * * * * *

  “Look at that peckerhead,” one of the guys seated at a table called out as Easton passed. He looked up and wiped the exhaustion off his face long enough to flash a grin.

  He pointed at the group shoveling in their food. “Hey, watch who you’re calling peckerhead. I’m the one who appoints your shifts to you.”

  They chuckled and resumed eating something that appeared to be some sort of hamburger helper with beans added in. Probably a pale spin of a cowboy dinner, but Aunt Maggie’s was the only one Easton could think of being any good. Even his own momma, though he loved her dearly, couldn’t cook like his aunt.

  One time he’d heard his mother talking to her, asking her how she learned to cook so well, and Aunt Maggie had told her it was from having so many men critiquing her food and she had to make it tasty to shut them up.

  He smiled to himself. That was pure Aunt Maggie, right there. He missed her. Missed them all, right down to the littlest Dalton child sitting in a highchair flinging food across the table at him.

  His mind conjured an image of Lilah, only this time she was seated at their own table in their own house, looking a little sweaty after coming in from working all day. And he’d slip his arms around her and kiss her and tell her to go get cleaned up while he cooked the meal tonight.

  Guess he’d better bone up on his skills if that was to happen. All he could manage to do was grill various meats and boil some ramen soup.

  He strode toward his cabin. Someone else called out, “Aren’t ya eatin’ with us, boss?”

  “I’ll grab something later. Gotta get some rest.” Nobody knew he’d gone out last night, that he’d been fighting bleary eyes and a dazed feeling half the day. He walked into his cabin and wrinkled his nose at the smell of dirty laundry and the remnants of last night’s tacos in the trash.

  Uncaring, he walked to his bed and collapsed face down. The last thought in his head was Lilah.

  When he came to, it was black outside but birds were starting to chirp. He groaned and ran his hand over his face. A glance at his phone told him his alarm was about to go off, so he turned it off before it could give that heart-jolting buzz, the only thing that dragged his ass up every day.

  Then he lay there for several minutes, letting his mind work over the dreams he’d had. Normally he didn’t dream, and he owed last night’s to Lilah. They’d been all soft kisses and straining bodies and a wetness between her thighs that had him hard even now.

  Damn, he needed to figure his life out and soon. This relationship was so new, so delicate. One misstep and he could lose her forever, and it certainly didn’t help that he worked far away and long hours that would keep him away from her.

  As he listened to the others in the camp getting up around him, shouting to each other in gruff, sleepy voices, he suddenly wondered if he really did want this anymore. He loved the work, the goals, the men and camaraderie. But he couldn’t have a family, and after spending time in Paradise Valley, he knew without a doubt that he wanted one.

  After he got up and took a freezing two-minute shower to help clear his head, he was dressed and had his heavy boots laced. He looked around for his hard hat, which he’d tossed in a corner before crashing last night.

  God, he could still taste Lilah in that dream, all honey and desire. He wanted to cup her face and look into her eyes as he slid inside her.

  Outside, he found the guys pounding down extra-large cans of energy drinks and sausage sandwiches provided by the cook on site. They were lucky to have one—many outfits didn’t and that left the men eating beef jerky and potato chips.

  “There he is, looking fresh as a rose,” Dane said, looking up. He was one of the few who fueled himself on pure coffee rather than energy drinks. He bit into his sandwich and chewed as he eyed Easton.

  He grabbed a sandwich and a coffee for himself.

  “None of the blue can stuff for you today, my friend?”

  “Had enough of it yesterday to send a horse galloping to the Arctic Circle.”

  Dane laughed and sipped.

  “You feelin’ okay now, man? Had me worried yesterday.” Easton eyed him.

  “Heat exhaustion. Medics cooled me down and I’m good now.”

  “Gotta watch it out here on days like yesterday. Keep water on you and soak your neck every so often.”

  “That’s what they told me to do. Sounds like you have experience.”

  Easton grinned. “Been around the block a coupla times.” He started on his sandwich and found how hungry he was, probably because he’d skipped dinner and gone straight to bed. After the first sandwich, he grabbed another.

  Two other men joined them to scarf down their first meals of the day before the hard physical labor began. Easton listened while they discussed families and plans for next time off. When talk turned to job openings on other rigs throughout the area, he focused.

  “Got something brewing, I hear. A big rancher is finally opening his land to drilling, and there’s plans to put a rig there.”

  “Where’s that?” Easton asked, chewing the rest of his sandwich.

  “Place in the southern parts called Robbstown.”

  He stiffened. “That close?”

  “Close, man, that’s over an hour
from here.”

  He shook his head. It wasn’t far from Paradise Valley.

  “What positions are open?” he asked.

  “All positions from what I hear.”

  Dane eyed him. “I got family down that way. Maybe it’s time for a change of scenery.”

  Easton looked at the man. Did he guess Easton was thinking the same thing? He wondered if his poker face really was as shitty as his brothers said.

  He drank the rest of his coffee and stood. “We done sitting around like a buncha old men? Time for work.”

  Long after they’d all loaded up in the trucks and headed to the work site, he couldn’t stop thinking about that new rig. So close to Paradise Valley, to everything he loved. Was this the answer he’d been looking for? With the new promotion under his belt, it was possible that his seniority would get him first pick of positions.

  It wasn’t the answer to the whole problem of wanting to be with Lilah, yet it was a start. And for now, he had something to hope for.

  Chapter Nine

  With coffee in hand, Lilah drifted out to her front porch and gazed across the land. The grasses shone gold in the sunlight that had dawned on the ninth day since she’d seen Easton. Nine whole days and nights since he’d come to her and rocked her universe.

  She fought against feelings of abandonment and a love unnurtured, though, and the past two days she’d been wondering how things could ever work out between them.

  She didn’t know what kind of woman she was when it came to relationships, but she knew long-distance ones didn’t usually last.

  Her phone pinged with a text message, and stared at it flatly—she’d long since extinguished the leap of hope that it could be Easton texting her.

  She saw Susannah flash up on a banner at the top and opened the message.

  “Ford will be in for first breakfast in half hour. If you can get here before then, I think it’s time.”

  Smiling at her friend’s exciting moment, she turned back into the house and grabbed the camera she often used to record her findings for her job. She also grabbed her purse and headed to her truck.

  The dew had settled overnight and had burned off everywhere but on her driver’s seat from the window being left down. Damn, she had to get this handle fixed and not put it off any longer. She was getting plenty tired of a wet backside.

  She winced as she got behind the wheel and the cool wet seeped into her jeans. But after a few minutes of driving, she forgot about her discomfort because those thoughts were replaced with ones of Easton.

  Did he ever think about her? Was she the first thing to pop into his head when he woke? If she was going this crazy after only nine days, how would she feel after two weeks or more?

  Pushing out a sigh, she glanced at the camera on her seat. This was Susannah’s day, and she’d do well to put Easton from her mind.

  The rest of the miles flew by, and each time Easton popped into her mind, Lilah firmly pushed him away. When she arrived at the Daltons’ ranch, she couldn’t help but smile at seeing the once blackened ground transformed to such a brilliant shade of green that it almost hurt to look at it.

  Now the cattle could return to that patch of land and the newts would thrive.

  She bounced into the driveway and parked her truck. Two dogs circled the vehicle, but they knew her well enough not to bark by now. She rubbed their ears vigorously and one collapsed on the ground for a belly rub like usual. She laughed and trailed her fingers over its warm, furred belly.

  Hearing her truck, Susannah appeared on the porch. Looking as lovely and glowing as usual, her long blonde hair drawn over one shoulder and a wide smile on her face. She waved for Lilah to hurry.

  She grabbed her camera and crossed quickly to the front porch. They embraced, and she saw Susannah had tears in her eyes when she drew back.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, just stupidly emotional. I think it’s the hormones.”

  “Or the jitters that you’re about to change Ford’s life forever. I don’t know how you’ve managed to hold onto the secret this long. Nobody knows?”

  “Just you, and I’ve been bursting. I almost let it slip to little Emma the other day just because I was so desperate to tell someone and she was sitting on the swing with me. Here’s what we’re going to do…”

  The next minute was spent going over the plan, but Lilah knew her role. She was to get Ford to stand in the middle of the yard and close his eyes and then stand back and video the moment.

  They’d discussed whether or not Susannah wanted the Dalton family around to witness this, and she did, so she was supposed to whistle for the ladies to come into the yard when the time was right and hopefully the men would already be there, coming in from chores.

  Lilah had a small case of the jitters too, so she couldn’t imagine what her friend must be feeling. Ford appeared, and she rushed forward to stop him in his tracks.

  “Lilah,” he said with surprise.

  “Hi, Ford. I need you to do something for me. Stand right here.” She grabbed him and dragged him into the middle of the yard.

  He looked at her like she’d lost her mind. “Am I standing on a newt?”

  She laughed. “Trust me. Now close your eyes.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Just do it,” she ordered in a hard tone, bringing a laugh from him.

  “Okay, okay. My brother’s got some things to learn if he’s going to live with you.”

  While her heart gave a hard pulse at the words, she pushed them into the back of her mind to mull over later. This moment wasn’t hers.

  A shrill whistle sounded, Susannah’s call to the women. Ford swung his head toward the sound.

  “Don’t open your eyes!” Lilah commanded.

  “I’m not. What the…?”

  “Just stand still and don’t open them until we tell you.”

  Susannah flashed her a nervous smile as she came down the steps holding a small sign. Lilah had seen it before, the little pink and blue letters spelling out the message.

  She got poised with her camera as Susannah came into the yard and stood with her back to Ford.

  She saw his body language change, a relaxing of his shoulders as he felt his wife behind him. For no reason at all, tears jumped into Lilah’s eyes. Luckily the camera was just point and shoot and she didn’t need clear vision.

  Everyone gathered around, a profound and unusual silence overtaking the yard.

  “Ford, there’s something I need to show you. On the count of three, turn around, okay?” Susannah’s voice wobbled.

  “Okay.” His voice was gruff.

  “One. Two…” Susannah drew it out. “Three!” She whirled at the same time he did, only she held the sign up over her face.

  He stared at it for a long moment and then bowed his head, digging his thumb and forefinger into his eyes as he broke down at the news.

  You’re going to be a daddy, it read.

  Susannah had lowered the sign to watch his reaction and burst into tears. Lilah’s film rolled, capturing the touching moment that didn’t have a dry eye in the yard.

  He grabbed his wife and wrapped his arms around her, bowing his face into her hair. Lilah looked on, stunned at how much he and Easton resembled one another. And wondering if she looked like that in his arms.

  Tears trickled down her cheeks as she watched the happy couple kiss and hug, softly exchanging whispers and loving words.

  At last, Mr. Dalton spoke up, “We’re so happy for you two, but I’m dang hungry.”

  Laughter burst out, and everyone broke up to stomp into the house for breakfast. Susannah and Ford continued to stand in the yard, hugging and swaying in each other’s arms.

  Lilah lowered her camera and got back in her truck. She couldn’t bring herself to go inside and share the meal with the family she felt she almost belonged to… was just on the fringes of. So close and yet a million miles away.

  * * * * *

  “Hey, boss, wait up.
” Dane caught up to Easton.

  “Want a ride?” Easton asked.


  “Get in.” He climbed behind the wheel as his crew member got inside. Starting the engine, he directed the cooler air from the vents at his face. Not even dawn and he was sweating like crazy. That didn’t bode well for the day ahead. But it might have more to do with the dirty dream he’d had about Lilah, rolling her beneath him and gliding inside her with one smooth stroke.

  Hell, now he was getting hard all over again.

  He swung his gaze to Dane. “You feelin’ all right?”

  “Yeah, that was a one-time thing, the heat exhaustion and I hadn’t gotten much sleep the previous night.”

  Something in his voice made Easton look at him more closely. “A woman on the mind?”

  “You could say that.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  “This job has good pay and steady work, but if you want a family, it’s not so easy.”

  Easton chewed his lip. “You thinkin’ of leaving?”

  Dane was quiet for a moment. “Not sure what I’d do if I wasn’t a roughneck. Oil’s all I know.”

  “So what are your thoughts on making it work with your girl and work both?”

  He pinched his nose. “Been thinkin’ hard about that new position coming open in the south. If I could get into that, I’d be closer to her.”

  Easton didn’t say he’d been up half the night thinking the same. He liked Dane and had worked with him for a while now, but he felt it best to keep his intentions to himself. Especially being so new to the crew leader position.

  “Well, if that’s what you want, I’m sure I could put in a good word for you.”

  Dane dropped his hand and looked to him. “Would you?”

  “Yeah. I won’t mind telling them that you’re one of the hardest working guys on this team. I won’t say how bad your cabin smells, though. And good luck to your girl on that.”

  They shared a laugh. After bumping over a few deep ruts in the back road leading to the rig, Dane spoke up.

  “I know you left camp the other night. I hope she was worth it.” He sent him a sidelong look and a grin.

  Easton found himself smiling too, his heart lifting at thoughts of Lilah and finally being able to talk about her to someone, even in this brief way. To acknowledge there was somebody important to him, someone he wanted to be with more than he wanted to draw air.


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