Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1) Page 6

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  "Yes you are," he said, his eyes looking at me dreamily, before he hugged me again.

  I sighed, feeling sympathetic and not understanding why he's being so emotionally weird today. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  Suddenly a shriveling roar ripped through the forest as a big black midnight coloured wolf charged at us from the trees.

  Michael's eyes widened as he gritted his teeth, "Aries," he growled.

  He was about to shift but he didn't get a chance when Aries suddenly leaped on him, knocking him off me, onto the ground.

  I screamed, as Aries clawed Michael's face, letting blood seep through the wounds.

  "Stop!" I shrieked as i tried to haul Aries' wolf off of Michael's human, injured form. He was freaking bloody and too wounded to shift.

  I growled, "Aries! Stop it i said! That's enough, you're going to kill him!"

  I tried to squeeze myself between the two and placed my hand onto Aries' side.

  Suddenly Aries stopped and looked at me with pitch black eyes.

  He growled at me and i showed no emotion towards him, shoving him off of Michael as i mind-linked my dad to send me the pack paramedics to come carry him.

  Michael had fainted of blood loss. His healing was too slow.

  Tears streaked my cheeks as i sobbed hysterically, placing his head on my lap while stroking his hair.

  Aries growled and shoved me lightly with his snout.

  "Don't touch me," i spat.

  Three familiar men in gowns made their way to us, and were about to ask what happened when i just shook my head.

  They carried Michael on the gurney and took him to our medical center.

  My shoulders were slumped and i felt exhausted.

  I got up off the ground groggily and head straight to the house with Aries' wolf hot on my tail.

  When i went up the stairs, i heard Aries' paw thuds turn into light footsteps tapping the ground.

  I ignored the fact that he was practically nude behind me.

  "Ariel," he called out.

  I ignored him.

  "Ariel," he gritted out dangerously.

  I ignored him once more.

  "Answer me! Why are you doing this? Are you rejecting me?" He growled as we got to my bedroom door.

  I felt so frustrated as more tears began to sting my eyes. I turned around and shut my eyes tight then slowly opened them again, and glared at him, forcing myself to focus on his upper body.

  I had to stand my ground though, this bastard had to know his limits with me, he had no right to almost kill Michael.

  I narrowed my eyes at him, crossing my arms against my chest, "I can't reject you, Alpha Aries, because i don't even recognize you as my mate! And if i ever do, i'll do just that!" I spat, before turning on my heel and stepping into my room, then slamming the door on his horrified face, and locking it.

  I slid down to the ground, my back to the door. A little sniffle escaped me, and until then, i hadn't realized the slow tears that started streaming down my cheeks.

  Why was i crying?

  I gave him a piece of my mind. I had finally gotten rid of him.

  Why was i crying?

  Chapter 7 - Bite Me


  The next morning, i woke up on the floor.

  I had fallen asleep.

  Peeling my heavy eyes open, i took in my surrounding, slowly focusing my vision.

  I moved my neck to the opposite side, wincing as it ached, i rubbed it trying to make the pain go away but there was no use.

  I tried to groggily pick myself up, as i stretched my body, making light popping sounds as i undid any knots.

  I stood up properly and walked slowly to the bathroom, yawning in the process.

  Looking myself in the mirror, i cringed at my appearance.

  My eyes were swollen and red from the amount of tears i've shed, my hair was disheveled, and my clothes were tousled. I washed up my face and brushed my teeth, as i tidied up my hair and brushed through it with my comb. By the end of it, i looked a bit more presentable. My eyes were still horrible looking, but this was better than before.

  Walking out of the bathroom and into my walk-in closet, i looked for something to wear.

  After numerously flipping through my outfits, i found myself settling for some light blue-ish grey skinny jeans, and a white U-neck, fluttery, top with thin straps and a lace lower half. I stripped off last night's clothes, throwing them into the dirty pile and changed my undergarments.

  I put on the clothes i picked out and slipped on some beige baby heels so that i'd look a bit more professional.

  Why? Well, because today was supposed to be the Lycanthrope council's meeting. All the Alphas, of every single pack, are meant to show up, where the three strongest leaders, who made up the council itself, start to discuss recent problems with the other Alphas and present their solutions.

  My father, Alpha Aries, and Alpha Blake (Alpha of the Night Crawlers) , were the council members, along with their Betas of course.

  Soon when i'd turn eighteen, and if i still haven't found my mate, i'd be the first Alpha Female to take over. It was an honour, and father wanted me and my future beta, to attend all meetings because we would soon take their places in the council.

  I knew that i felt excited for the meeting, but i couldn't help but feel detached. My wolf was unsettled and whiny, i didn't know what was wrong with me.

  I strode to my dresser and sat myself in front of it as i applied some mascara to my top lashes and eyeliner on my top eyelids so that it could cover up the swollen red skin underneath.

  I put on some nude lipstick, and got out of my dresser's seat. Running my hands through my hair, i gave it more volume as i let it down and stepped out of my room.

  I passed Alpha Aries' room and felt my cheeks heat up when i recalled yesterday's outburst.

  I took slower steps as i passed his room, and i concentrated on him, trying to hear if he was still there or if he had heeded my warning and left.

  I pressed my left ear to his door and listened closely. I heard shuffling and realised that he was still here, then suddenly the shuffling stopped.

  Standing up straight, i huffed and hastily started my way to the stairs, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping.

  I felt movement all over the house. People were coming and going, getting ready to greet the Alphas, making sure everything was in place.

  I spotted Beta Davis, Michael's dad, at the door, giving orders to everyone so that they could increase the patrollers and add onto the protection system.

  I walked over to Beta Davis, to ask him about Michael.

  His eyes were hard and calculating, as he gave everyone orders, but as soon as they spotted me, his eyes softened.

  "Good morning, Ariel," he said, kindly, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

  I gave him a side hug, "Good morning," i greeted him softly, as i got on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  "How are you, sweetheart?" He asked, as his eyes searched me for any abnormalities, worriedly.

  I gave him a small smile, trying to hide the tears that wanted to burst out of me, "I'm alright Mr Davis,"

  He nodded at me, but he seemed unconvinced, and he gave me a look that only Michael would give me, when he wanted to hint that this conversation wasn't over.

  "So, how is Michael? I want to see him," I said with concern.

  Beta Davis smiled at me, "He is fully healed, thankfully."

  "Is he coming to the meeting?" I inquired further.

  "Of course. What kind of a Beta doesn't stand by their Alpha?" He asked, with confusion and disbelief lacing his voice as he furrowed his eyebrows.

  I smiled at him sheepishly, "I just thought that he'd want to rest."

  Mr Davis shook his head, "He doesn't need to and he insisted upon attending the meeting. It was his choice."

  I nodded in understanding, i opened my mouth to ask him about my father's whereabouts, but he began to speak.

  "Your da
d is in his office, if you need him." He stated with a smile.

  I smiled widely at him, because it was like he read my mind.

  He nodded at me as a chuckle left his lips.

  As soon as turned around to leave, i was stopped in place by welcoming arms.

  I stiffened at first, but relaxed when i caught his scent.

  I turned around and was met with the striking blue eyes that i'd grown so accustomed to.

  I gave him a small, relieved smile, as i let out a sigh, "Michael, you're okay.." I whispered, and gave him a tight hug.

  Michael nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck and took in my scent, as usual.

  "I'm okay." He whispered sweetly, with a muffled husky voice.

  He placed a kiss on my shoulder and i giggled as i pushed him away and playfully hit his chest.

  Michael's deep chuckle echoed and everyone in the mansion, looked at us with amused eyes, including Mr Davis.

  Michael wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest, my back to him, as he playfully blew his breath on my neck, making goosebumps appear as a chill rushed down my spine, "Stop," i ordered softly with a giggle.

  He chuckled once more, "You look beautiful, even though this shirt is way too exposing," he said.

  I rolled my eyes at him, not that he could see, "It is not." I defended.

  "Yes it is, but you still look breathtaking," he whispered lowly in my ear.

  I sighed, "So what if it is? Bite me!" I snapped sassily.

  Michael chuckled, "I'd love to, but are you offering?"

  I turned around in his arms to face him, and giggled, but my playful demeanour didn't last. I sighed, and placed a hand on his cheek, caressing it gently, "I'm sorry."

  His eyes turned a lighter shade of blue, "What for?" He asked with confusion lacing his voice.

  "Yesterday. It wasn't right what Alpha Aries did to you. I'm not even sure that i'm his mate," i stated.

  His eyes darkened with the mention of Alpha Aries' name, "Don't talk about him. He's just a nut-job, he wasn't blessed with a mate, we all know that. He's 24 and he still didn't get his mate. I'm betting that he never will," he spat harshly.

  I flinched at his harsh words, and when i did, Michael's eyes softened.

  Some black SUVs started to file into our driveway as it went around the fountain that was in front of the pack's mansion and stopped at the door.

  One by one, Alphas and their Betas started to show up, as my father appeared and stood next to Beta Davis, looking intimidating as ever before.

  "I think we should stand by their side." I said as i untangled myself from Michael's embrace and hurried next to my father.

  My dad's eyes softened as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pressing me to him as he placed a kiss on the side of my face.

  I smiled up at him, and he offered me a small smile, as his features grew serious once more.

  Alpha Blake was the first to show up, he was as handsome as they said, and he didn't look that old as well.

  His dark black hair and shining silver eyes were enchanting. He was beautiful. He had flawless fair skin and a strong jawline. He stood tall with broad shoulders, he was more intimidating than my own father.

  Behind him trailed an, almost, equally intimidating man, with forest green eyes and dirty blonde hair, who i assumed was his Beta.

  They both greeted my father and Beta Davis curtly.

  It was time for them, now, to greet Michael and i.

  Alpha Blake's eyes were hard, but then slightly softened when they met my own identically coloured ones.

  His eyes swiftly and casually raked my body top to bottom, as a small smile played on his light pink lips.

  I smiled back at him, and slightly bowed my head as he approached me.

  He stuck out his hand for me to shake. I placed my hand in his larger one, and he pulled it towards his lips.

  His eyes fluttered shut as he placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

  I felt a blush creep towards my cheeks, as i felt the gaze of everyone's eyes shift on me, due to our exchange.

  I pulled my hand away slowly, as he opened his mouth to speak, "It is nice to finally meet you." He said with a husky deep voice.

  I nodded, "The feeling is mutual Alpha Blake," i said calmly.

  He smiled at me, "Call me Blake."

  I was shocked to hear this, to say the least. I raised an eyebrow at him, "A-Alright..Blake," i said reluctantly.

  Blake moved on to greet Michael, but i could still feel his eyes on me, as i shook his Betas hand, who smirked and sent me a wink, "Beta Eric, nice to meet you." He said.

  I smiled at him, "Ariel, nice to meet you too."

  He nodded at me and walked towards Michael.

  Another Alpha came to view, it was Alpha Samuel and Beta Soren.

  We greeted them all, one by one, and Michael and i had shown most of them to the meeting room.

  After a while, everyone showed up, all except for Alpha Aries and his Beta, Jake.

  Get him. My father mind-linked me.

  I pleaded for him with my eyes not to make me go, but one cold glare, sent me out of the meeting room with my tail between my legs.

  I knew my dad was stressed, so i excused him this time.

  I walked up the stairs slowly, trying to buy myself time so that i could think of a way to face him after our last conversation.

  Hurry up, stop stalling. Urged Michael through mind-link.

  Was i really that predictable? I guess so.

  I hurried up the stairs and walked towards his room.

  I reluctantly knocked and waited for a reply. But there was none.

  I knocked again, but i was, once more, met with nothing.

  I sighed and slowly opened the door.

  I peaked inside and creeped into the room, but i found no one.

  He wasn't there.

  Well shit.


  "Where is Alpha Aries, Ariel?" My father asked, in front of all the Alphas and their Betas, in the large meeting room.

  I cleared my throat and held my head up high, "He isn't in his room, Alpha." I stated with a monotone voice and calm demeanour.

  My father's green eyes widened, "What?"

  I stared right through him, "Alpha Aries, is gone." I repeated, more clearly.

  Dad huffed, agitation clear in his aura, "He can't be gone! He knows quite well th-"

  "If you'd like," I said, cutting him off, which earned me a glare, but i nonetheless continued, "I can seek him out. My future Beta, Michael and I, can go to the Blood Prowlers territory." I suggested.

  My father shook his head, "No, it's too dangerous, i'll send someone else to go to Blood Prowler territory."

  "Alpha Harris," i reasoned with him respectfully, "due all your respect, i think i should be the one allowed to do this job. It is only fair, that a wolf with similar rank would seek Alpha Aries out."

  Dad looked at me and started to think things through.

  "I think Ariel is right." Alpha Blake's deep voice piped out.

  My dad's eyes shifted between us, until he finally sighed, and nodded.

  "Alright, leave, but take Michael with you." He ordered.

  I nodded at him, trying to hide my excitement, as i turned on my heel to leave.

  "Ariel," called my father.

  I turned around, "Yes, Alpha?"

  "Be careful." He said lowly, his eyes were hard and his body stiff.

  I nodded, and gestured for Michael to follow.

  He did so and we were on our way to Blood Prowler territory.


  After an hour and a half, we finally reached the Blood Prowler's border.

  Our car came to a halt as something grey swooshed past us.

  Suddenly an intimidating stark naked man, appeared.

  I quickly looked away once i heard Michael's growl, as his neck snapped towards me.

  "Why are you here?" The man asked harshly, narrowing his brown eyes at us.

  "We are here
to speak with Alpha Aries." Answered Michael. The guy could obviously hear us, even through the windows.

  He laughed humorously as he shook his head, and i started to get agitated. I looked at him as i narrowed my eyes into slits, and concentrated on his face.

  "I suggest you go back to where you came from, or else, i might not be generous enough to let you leave alive," he threatened.

  I knew that at this point there was only one thing that could make him let us through, and i hated it.

  I took off my seat belt, and got out of the car, even with Michael's protests and prying hands, "I don't think he'll appreciate you speaking to me in that way," i spat as i approached the guy.

  He shamelessly eyed me up and down before smirking.

  "I don't think he'll like the way you're looking at me either," i continued.

  The guy's arrogant smile, moulded into a frown as he eyed me suspiciously.

  "Who are you?" He asked.

  "My name is Ariel Harris, i am the future Alpha Female of the Blood Fang pack, and that is my future Beta, Michael Davis." I stated.

  The guy nodded in understanding, before his cocky smirk came back into place, "And why are you of any interest to our Alpha?"

  Michael got out of the car and stood by my side.

  What are you doing? He asked me via mind-link angrily.

  "Oh, I forgot to mention," I said, acting forgetful, "I am also his mate."

  I almost heard Michael growl, but i let it go, as i sent him a glare.

  The patroller's eyes widened as fear and nervousness took over his confident demeanour, but then his eyes glazed over as he mind-linked with someone in his pack.

  "Get in the car," ordered Michael, through gritted teeth.

  I glared at him, "No."

  "What do you mean no?" He spat.

  I narrowed my eyes at him, my Alpha side kicking in, "You heard me. In case you've forgotten, I'm your Alpha, It's not the other way around. Don't order me."

  Michael looked at me, stunned for a second, before bowing his head to me, in submission.

  I looked back to the patrol guard, and he seemed to look ten times more frightened after his eyes returned to normal.


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