Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1) Page 12

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  "I know," i mumbled, as i continued walking, looking at the ground as i kicked some pebbles.

  "What's wrong?" He asked.

  I sent him a glare, "You have to ask?"

  Michael sighed, "I said i was sorry, alright!"

  I shook my head, "No Michael, sorry doesn't cut it this time. What you did to Liz, that was a dick move! I hadn't thought that you were that type of guy. The guy that leads a girl on."

  Michael huffed in agitation, "I know, what i did was wrong, but after the way you treated me yesterday, i needed a distraction. That's all she is. A distraction." I shook my head at him, as i gave him a pointed look, before he began to speak again, "It's not like she didn't enjoy it. It's not like i took her innocence or anything. I was nothing special!" He defended.

  But that second part, was new to me.

  I gave him a confused look, "Uh, what do you mean?"

  "What? She didn't tell you? She already lost her innocence on the first week of summer, with this college guy, in a frat party she sneaked into." He stated, looking bored.

  My mouth hung open, as i clamped it in shock, "She never told me!" I yelled, angrily.

  He shrugged, "It's nothing to be proud of, she probably didn't want you judging her."

  "Me? Judge her? She's like, the judgiest person i know!" I growled, when my eyes widened with hurt, "Wait, did she tell you that?" I asked.

  Michael looked at me sadly, and i took that as a yes.

  I huffed and just shook my head with disbelief.

  Michael tried to wrap his arms around me when a growl came from behind us.

  We both turned around to find Aries looking at us, with pitch black eyes, "Aries.." i whispered.

  He didn't spare me a glance, cause his eyes were dead set on Michael, "It seems to me that you have a death wish, pup." He growled.

  Michael glared at him with equally dark eyes, but Aries was officially, scarier, "And why is that?" He spat.

  Aries' eyes snapped to me, beckoning me to come closer, "Come," he ordered, reaching out his arm for me to take.

  Under different circumstances i wouldn't comply, but he looked very upset and angry, so i went to him, with my tail between my legs.

  Michael grabbed onto my arm, his claws digging into my skin, making a whimper escape my lips.

  That was enough to trigger Aries' bat shit crazy mode.

  Aries grabbed me and pushed me behind him roughly, out of harms way, "You really shouldn't have done that," he boomed darkly threatening Michael, before shifting into his wolf, as he attacked my childhood best friend and Beta.


  Chapter 12 - Theoús & Thi̱río


  I screamed in horror as i watched the scene unfold, Aries had already shifted into his dark black wolf, attacking and ripping at Michael's human form.

  Michael didn't even get the chance to shift, before Aries had him pinned to the ground as he snapped his jaws at him.

  Everything in my body wanted to step in and help, but i couldn't shift!

  Michael's pained voice broke my heart.

  I tried to get closer, but Aries' loud growl, stopped me.

  I panicked, not believing this was happening, again, technically at the same spot as last time.

  My wolf grew angry and for the first time, in what felt like ages, i felt her slowly take control.

  Gradually, my grey eyes turned black as my heart pounded at the thought of me regaining my wolf, i finally started feeling complete again.

  My bones cracked and took in a different formation, popping in all the right places as my senses suddenly sharpened and my white and gold-streaked paws replaced my hands.

  As soon as i cleared my orientation, I didn't hesitate to involve myself in the fight.

  Aries' claws were right about to slash Michael's face when i rammed into his side, pushing off of Michael.

  He stumbled a few, getting caught off guard, and once he realised it was me, confusion set across his features as his wolf's ears went down. I didn't know if he was happy or angry, so i stared at him and growled, urging him to shift back.

  Aries growled back but it didn't faze me, making me snarl at him defiantly.

  His eyes started roaming all over my wolf's body, widening as he took closer notice of the gold streaks that ran through my white fur.

  Michael took this chance to shift into his big brown wolf, ripping through his clothes.

  I growled at Michael, daring him to try and strike at Aries.

  He took a defiant step towards Aries, making him retaliate in mimicking steps.

  I snarled at the two, stepping in between, urging them both to shift back.

  Michael submissively bowed his head in respect as he started shifting back to normal.

  I looked at Aries who nudged me forward by his snout so that i could leave the scene, seeing as both of them would be naked.

  I mentally rolled my eyes as i trotted my way to our primary pack house.

  I felt Aries following me, trudging through the street in wolf form.

  Speeding up, i hurried as i saw the primary pack house come into view.


  As soon as i got into my room, i shifted back into human form and locked it, fearing that Aries would barge in and see my bare body.

  I walked into my closet and put on some undergarments. I, then, threw on a black shirt with white flowers printed in a circle. I added on some beige,, high-waisted, jean shorts and a plain beige cardigan on top. Slipping on my off-white converse, i unlocked the door and sped out.

  On my way, speeding down the hall, i bumped into a wall.

  I fell back onto my bum, and based on the tingling sensation that overwhelmed me, i knew that i bumped into no wall.

  "Are you alright?" His deep voice rumbled, helping me up from the floor.

  I nodded as i straightened up, and quietly continued my journey down the stairs.

  "A little too early in our relationship for the silent treatment," he stated with an amused tone.

  I turned around as he stalked behind me, and glared at him then, again, continued my way to the bottom of the stairs.

  "You have yet to inform me on your decision," he said, making me stop in my tracks.

  I shut my eyes tight and cursed under my breath, thinking that he would've forgotten by now.

  Accept! Whined my wolf.

  No! I growled back.

  Why not? She retorted.

  Because he's not our mate! I spat.

  Well, what if he is? She answered back.

  He's not. I reassured her.

  So, what? Nothing will happen if we go with him. May be our mate is in his pack! She insisted.

  I groaned, finding my wolf very irritating at the moment.

  Please. She persisted.

  Fine. I submitted.

  What? She asked.

  I said fine! I growled.

  Really? Wohoo! Ariel 0, inner wolf 1. She boasted.

  "Ariel?" His deep voice pulled me put of my thoughts.


  "I asked if you were okay. You seemed to have zoned out." He said.

  "Sorry," I blushed, as i headed for the kitchen finding no one there.

  "What will your decision be? Will we stay here or at my house?" He asked.

  My eyes widened, "Y-you were going to stay here?"


  I gulped, "Oh, well, in that case...Your house it is."

  His face looked relieved, to say the least, "I'll inform your father." He said, before stalking out of the kitchen.

  I frowned at him, does he ever smile? Or wait no, scratch that. Does he ever act um-i dunno, normal?

  I rummaged through the cupboards for some pop tarts and almost jumped in glee as i found them.

  Popping two into the microwave, i waited eagerly for the seconds to pass before i was reunited with the beautiful creation, that is, a pop tart.


  I was sitting on the kitchen counter, eating at my chocolate pop tarts, before my fat
her barged into the kitchen, "You're leaving with him?" He asked, his voice laced with disbelief and outrage.

  I nodded my head shamefully, feeling regretful for ever listening to my wolf in the first place.

  Hurt and confusion set in my father's green eyes, "B-but, why?" He asked, with his eyebrows furrowed.

  I approached him slowly and placed a hand on his cheek as i caressed his cheekbone gently, "It'll only be for a while, i'll come back, as soon as i'm sure, that Aries is not my mate," i promised.

  I risked a glimpse at Aries' face, who stood at the frame of the kitchen door, and i wished i hadn't.

  Dad sighed loudly, and rubbed his temples. He slowly nodded as he began to speak, "I will let you go, only if Michael leaves along with you. He's your Beta, and i will be able to sleep better, knowing that he's there to protect you." He stated strictly.

  I mentally groaned, knowing fully well, that this wasn't a good idea, but looking into my father's determined eyes, assured me that he'll have it no other way.

  I nodded, agreeing to his only condition.

  "Very well, then," he said clamping his two hands together, "Pack your necessities, i'll inform Michael and have the cars and guards ready to take you there." He continued, before taking off out of the kitchen.

  I nodded, as Aries approached me, his eyes full of suspicion and a little bit of curiosity, "We could have ran our way back to our territory. It's faster & today's a full moon," he hinted.

  I knew that.

  It was the last day of the month, there were 24 more days till my birthday.

  The reason why he stated that today was the full moon, was because every werewolf knew that it did something to us. The moon, i mean. It made our senses more heightened, made us stronger, faster, wilder as the blood spurred through our veins.

  Aries knew that if we ran our way to Blood Prowler territories tonight, he'd be able to see exactly what kind of wolf i am, and we'd be able to cover more ground in a shorter amount of time, compared to the cars.

  "I'll inform your father, that we'll be running instead." He decided, before leaving me to my thoughts.


  After Aries convinced my father, to let us run, he helped me pack up my necessities, while reminding me every ten seconds that i already had enough clothes at his mansion.

  That was true.

  But i still wanted to carry a part of my pack life with me, even if it was just a few products and undergarments. I still wanted to own something familiar.

  As soon as we went back downstairs, i said my goodbyes.

  Adrien was the hardest to leave behind, because the little guy kept crying so hard. It was like he was getting the life sucked right out of him.

  He even blamed Aries and accused him of stealing his 'cherry-boo'- as he put it -from him.

  My heart broke to see him so frustrated and angry.

  He was throwing a tantrum and kept crying to me, saying that i was abandoning him.

  My eyes watered, but i still kept it together, promising him that on my birthday, i'd return, and never ever leave again.

  Michael packed up some of his clothes, and loaded it into Aries' car- the one i stole- so he could drive it back to the mansion, while Aries & i ran.

  Elizabeth walked up to Michael and i, and engulfed us in a bear hug, "Why can't i come with you guys?" She whined.

  "Because your dad won't let you come." Michael stated flatly, hugging her back lightly, as he untangled himself from our embrace, and sped to the car.

  Liz only sighed and shook her head, before looking at me sadly as tears started to brim her eyes, "I'm going to miss you!" She said as she threw herself into my arms, helplessly holding onto me like dear life.

  "I'm going to miss you so much more," i whispered, as i hugged her tightly, "May be if i can convince Aries and your dad, you can come for visits." I said.

  Lizzy looked back at me, hopefully as she sniffled lightly, "Really?"

  "Yeah, really." I reassured her with a smile.

  We broke the sad farewell, and Aries and i were set to go.


  My paws thudded against the ground as we ran down the forest path, sounding in sync with the beating of my heart. The path was perfectly drawn for us by all the previous paws that were deeply engraved in the dirt as they treaded this way, long ago.

  My wolf didn't sense any other crawlers. The forest seemed void of any creature on this night. It was as if they knew we were coming. They hid in their tiny holes and small shelters as the beasts of the night came out to play. My wolf took pleasure in that empowering thought, letting a wolfish grin spread across my face.

  The animals of the forest knew that if they were caught, once we set foot on this fine night, there would be no escape from our grasp. For who wouldn't be afraid of a wolf the size of a lion? If only the humans were as smart as them, there wouldn't be so many 'animal attacks' on every end of the month. Some wolves have very little self control and lash out as they sense the intrusion of a human on werewolf lands. But humans have recently proved their wit as they formed new legends to keep their younger generations out of trouble and away from these specific nights.

  The human legends say that on a full moon, men turned into beasts, but that is where they were wrong.

  On a full moon, beasts turned into monsters.

  It's only the strongest of the pack that are able to control the savage within, and thankfully, my beast is tamed, to a point.

  My father said it would be easier for me to control my wolf, compared to others.

  He said that it came from my mother's side of the family.

  My mom was a plain white wolf, nothing special. But every couple of generations in her family, a white wolf would appear, with golden streaks running through their fur.

  They would be the MoonGoddess' gift to the family.

  The specific golden streaked wolf would possess more powers and strength than an average wolf, not that i had found my 'true power' as my mom would call it.

  My mom, apart from me, is the last of her bloodline, and she heavily depends on me to continue it.

  My grandpapa was horribly slaughtered during a war between the packs and the hunters, in the past. Although, it was known that the Shadow Lord pack used to be one of the strongest packs back then, that was up until they were destroyed and completely wiped out of existence. Every last one of them, drained of their blood and stolen from the land of the living.

  The hunters wanted a golden streaked wolf's head as a prized possession to prove their might. Since that particular trait was found, only, in the Alphas bloodline of the Shadow Lord Pack, they went for my grandpapa. After his death, grandmama escaped and hid my mother, as a baby, in Blood Fang territories, where my mom was readily accepted by the Alpha, of that time, my dad's father.

  After she made sure my mother was safe, she went crazy without her mate. She tried to get over him, tried to get revenge, and lastly, she tried to end her misery and succeeded by taking her own life away.

  My wolf involuntarily whimpered at the thought of the merciless hunters. And they call us the monsters.

  Pathetic humans.

  They call whoever they find different and superior to them monsters, beasts, savages, while they go around killing our people, and hunting us down, trying to end our species.

  Aries' wolf stopped in his tracks, looking at me questioningly, but i shook my wolf's head and hastily made my way bypassing him.


  We got to their territory in less than forty-five minutes.

  As soon as we crossed the border, we were greeted by the same patrollers that i met when i first came here.

  Aries and i, each hid behind a tree, as we both changed into the clothes that we were previously wearing, except with new undergarments.

  I walked back towards the three men, as i stretched slightly.

  "Come on," said Aries as he gestured for me to take his hand, i politely declined, as i walked quietly in front of him.

  Aries' agitated
huff could be heard from behind me as i walked ahead.

  "Leave us," he said to the patrollers, as i rolled my eyes at his so very famous & favourite line.

  "Ariel's Beta, Michael will be coming in, roughly, fifteen more minutes, show him to one of the the pack houses." He ordered, them.

  I turned to look at him, "So you're letting Michael stay with us?" I asked him, a bit more cheerfully.

  His strict and hard features molded into one of confusion, "No, he will be staying at one of the pack houses." He said.

  "Aren't we staying at the pack house?" I inquired further.

  "No, Ariel, that is my own private mansion," he clarified.

  To say i was surprised, was the understatement of the year.

  I mean, what did he plan to do with all that space?

  "Our house, is the Alpha family's house. It will be for us, and our children, and our children's children, and you know, the rest to come," he stated, as if reading my mind.

  My lips tugged slightly at the sides, forming some sort of smile, as i thought about how domestic he seems to be.

  I couldn't imagine Aries running around and playing some baseball with 'our' son or teaching him how to ride a bike. I really couldn't.

  We kept walking a long distance in silence until he broke the quiet, "Do you read?" He asked.

  I was all astonishment, i mean, out of all the questions, he could have asked, he asked this. I laughed silently at his choice of a conversation starter, "Yes, i do."

  He hummed in understanding, "Do you like to read any mythologies?"

  "I guess, i would like to, but i have never," i answered as i pondered the thought.

  "Do you know anything about them?" He inquired further.

  "You mean Greek mythology?" I asked, taking him aback, for some reason.

  "I suppose," he answered curtly, seeming deep in thought.

  "Why do you ask?" I questioned, as i eyed him suspiciously.

  "No reason," he said quietly, before looking at the ground as he walked.

  "It's just, my interests in Mount Olympus are hardly ostensible." He continued, suddenly.

  I nodded at his choice of words.

  Hardly ostensible? Seriously? Could he be more vague and obscure?

  I let the conversation be, because i was in no mood and way too tiresome to talk about something that probably involved way more than what met the eye.


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