Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1) Page 14

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  I walked behind him like a lost pup, tempted to go hold his hand for comfort.

  But i couldn't do that. Because i didn't want to get attached to a horrible person that, may not be so horrible after all, and then find out that he wasn't my mate to start with.

  Now that, would be horrible.

  Aries strode up to a large, almost, rectangular shaped boulder, and stood on top, gaining full view of all the warriors.

  There were so many people, it was hard to imagine how large his pack really was.

  "I know you have been practicing for long and many hours for the past couple of months." He started, grasping the attention of all the members, including the children who had the attention spam of Dori the fish.

  I stood right behind him, following him up on the edge of the boulder as i looked at the members' faces.

  "This will help you a lot, when we begin our final Fight Nights. For those of you who still don't know, the Fight Nights will be the literal sparring tests to see each individual's strengths and weaknesses." He continued, before turning to face me.

  Everyone's gaze shifted to me, and i began to bite my lower lip nervously, as i kept my eyes fixed on Aries.

  He gestured for me to approach him, but i began to step back.

  With one strict glare from him, i pushed myself to go to him.

  As i stepped by his side, he looked back at his pack members who sniffed the air before identifying me as a wolf from a rival pack, or so they think.

  Some wolves snarled at me and others scowled disapprovingly, while most just hardened their eyes, taking a defensive stance.

  My wolf whimpered, which made Aries' head snap to me.

  I looked up at him, feeling out of place and unwelcome, as i began to take a couple of steps back.

  Aries growled loudly, grabbing onto my hand as he pulled me to his side forcefully, "Enough!" He commanded, making the growls, murmurs, and harsh glares halt at once, "Ariel here, is the daughter of an Alpha from an ally pack. She is a guest here, for the time being. But soon enough, on her eighteenth birthday, i will claim her as fully mine, and she will rule by my side, as Luna." He said with a pause, as gasps filled the air, and murmurs began to rise once again, but this time, most of them began looking at me with less hostility.

  Aries tightened his hold on my hand, and cleared his throat to make everyone be quiet, "I still have not officially introduced her to the pack, and will not, until she accepts me as her mate. But since she will be sparring with you, i want you all to know her position and rank, assuming that you will treat her with the uttermost respect and kindness as you would treat your future Luna." He continued, "Am i making myself clear?" He asked them all.

  Most people answered by bobbing their heads in a yes, but some literally yelled out a, "Sir, yes sir."

  I pulled my hand out of Aries' hand, and began retreating from the boulder assuming that we were done here.

  But as louder gasps made their way to my ear, i realized what a big mistake i made.

  I was already standing on the ground, when Aries growled lowly, making me turn back to look at him.

  His eyes were pitch black and his anger was directed at me.

  I raised a perfect brow at him, questioningly.

  "Don't walk away from me, before i give you permission!" He repeated, like earlier.

  Play it smooth. Reminded my wolf.

  And i decided to see if, in a way, i could control him, even in front of his pack members.

  I smirked at him, which made his eyes look confused and angry. So far, i wasn't doing it well.

  I stepped back up the boulder and walked to his side, placing a hand on his forearm and another on his cheek, as i leaned in, brushing my lips against his ear.

  I felt his muscles relax under my touch, as light tingles shot through my body with the simple contact.

  "Don't over dramatize this, Aries, please.." i whispered softly, into his ear, with a sweet voice, and a smile playing on my lips.

  When i looked back at him, his eyes were still coal black, but this time filled with lust.

  Aries swallowed hard, and didn't speak, his lips parting slightly, as he looked down at me.

  He wrapped an arm around my waist and pressed me to his body, as his eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips.

  I decided to push some more of his buttons.

  May be he won't make us spar! Yelped my wolf excitedly.

  With another sweet smile, i stepped up on my tip toes, and placed a kiss on the side of his lips, careful just to graze his full lips lightly while pulling away. With that, i stepped back, untangling myself from his grasping arms, as i backed away, stepping off of the boulder and walking away from him victoriously.

  Jake, Aries' beta was standing near the boulder with a smirk on his face, as he approached me.

  "Good to see you're doing well, Luna," he said, suggestively as he sent me a wink.

  I grinned at him widely, "Call me Ariel, i don't know if i'm your Luna yet." I said.

  Beta Jake seemed confused for a moment, so i decided to clear it up, "It's just i'm not even sure yet, that Aries' my mate," i continued, nervously looking at the ground.

  "Do you like him?" He asked, out of the blue, making me choke on my own spit.

  I coughed twice to clear my throat, before i made sure i heard him right, "What?"

  Jake chuckled as he shook his head, his deep voice sending me shivers, "I said, do you like him?"

  "I-uh-I.." i stuttered, not really saying anything useful.

  Come to think of it.

  Did i like Aries?

  I mean could i like him?

  Apart from the whole mate thing, cause we may not even be mates, do i actually like him?

  Let's see, he's mysterious, quiet, most of the time, sometimes playful, mostly serious, and well, always pissed off and angry.

  But with all that, how much do i even know about the guy? Just that he's definitely the sexiest man i have ever seen walk this planet, that his eyes seem like a vast blue night of clarity and sparkly stars that make me want to drown in them, that i just want to weave my fingers through his beautiful luscious soft hair, and that i want to rip off his shirt every time i lay eyes on him, hoping that he'll let me run my hands all over his stomach and prominent muscles.

  That mounds up to...almost nothing.

  Lie. snapped my wolf.

  "Come on, be honest now. There's no shame here. Plus, just between us girls," he said, looking around and getting closer to me, "I kinda like someone, too." He added, playfully, with a chuckle.

  I giggled, at his jesting nature. He was so much more uptight around Aries. Now, with Aries still talking to a couple of concerned pack members, he seemed really carefree. It was nice.

  He reminded me of Michael.

  May be he was nice? May be i could trust him...just a bit.

  I mean it would really be nice to let it out to just one, none judgmental, person.

  "Well, if you really want to know..." i said with a pause, "I t-think i might," i whispered, in his ear, hoping that nobody was eavesdropping.

  His eyes widened as he looked at me with his olive green-hazelish eyes, "Really?" He asked me curiously.

  I placed my pointer finger against my lips in a shushing gesture.

  He 'ohh'ed loudly, and nodded, keeping it to himself, as he sent me a wide grin.

  I smiled back at him, but suddenly, i found him stiffening as he straightened up, and his emotionless face was back in place.

  I heard someone clear his throat behind me, and turned around, to be met with Aries' blue eyes and his raised eyebrow.

  I smiled at him, taking him aback, "So, could we take a walk and talk?" I asked, my mind slowly drifting to the letters i found last night, and trying to escape from doing any sparring.

  Aries' eyebrows knitted, "Is there something wrong?"

  "I just thought we could spend some time getting to know each other, while we take a walk in a park or something?" I said, questioningly.
br />   Aries eyed me suspiciously, before nodding, "Alright."

  I grinned at him widely, and he seemed even more surprised than ever.

  I grabbed his hand and dragged him through the pack members eagerly, excited to ask him about the letters.

  My curiosity was gnawing at me inside out, and i couldn't handle it.

  Either i was getting answers from him, or i was gonna go back into the room of secrets.


  We walked down the main street, and passed a couple of pack houses on the way.

  That reminded me.

  Where was Michael?

  "Where's Michael?" I found myself blurting out.

  Aries' growl rumbled in his chest, "You brought me here to talk to me about that pup?" He spat.

  I shook my head, nervously, "No, no, you know what? Never mind Michael. Um, want to walk through your garden?"

  He visibly relaxed and nodded, "Our garden." He insisted.

  I sent him a small smile, as we headed towards his house.

  "So..." i started.

  "So..." he drawled out.

  "What was that room i walked into last night?" I asked, directly cutting to the chase.

  As i mentioned before, i didn't appreciate any bullshit.

  Aries huffed, "Can we talk about this later?" He asked.

  I nodded, "Okay, fine." I said, as we passed the mansion stairs, and continued our way to the garden.

  After some silence, Aries' voice sounded, "What's your favourite colour?" He asked.

  "I have many, all the dark shades of red and violet. But if i would have to choose one, I love yellow."

  He made a 'hmmm' sound and pursed his lips.

  "My turn," i sung regarding our game of twenty questions, "I want you to know that, i obviously get points for originality, so...what's your favourite colour?" I asked, with a smirk.

  Aries' smirk made its way on his face, "Yeah, real original."

  "Told ya," i mumbled, sarcastically with a light chuckle.

  "Grey," he said.


  "Grey, is my favourite colour."

  "How come?" I asked, "Plus, i don't think that it's an actual colour." I taunted.

  Aries smiled, like, literally. He smiled. It must be Satan's birthday!

  "I never had a favourite colour, until i met you." He said with a pause, confusing me, "The colour of your eyes...they're just so captivating. I've never seen anything quite like them," he whispered.

  I almost gasped when i heard him utter those words. Hearing him made my heart flutter.

  I gulped, feeling butterflies fly around in my stomach excitedly.

  I bit my lower lip, as i felt my cheeks warm up.

  I looked down at the grass as we treaded our way to the rose area, once again.

  This was becoming my favourite place, at the moment.

  Which was ironic, considering that this was the place i was running from.

  Thinking about how i woke up earlier. Waking up to see Aries. It was kind of something i was starting to look forward to. Even though, i saw him as a blob. But he was my blob. Big black blob.

  "Do you like it here?" He asked, cutting off my embarrassing thoughts.

  "It's growing on me." I answered with a smile.

  He nodded, "I'm glad," he said, his eyes seeming to brighten lightly.

  I smiled at him, then decided to put a question that's been on my mind out there and get it over with.

  I took a deep breath, and held his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers together, may be this way he wouldn't murder me, "Who were those letters for?" I asked.

  "Does it matter?" He snapped, pulling his hand out of mine, making my wolf unexpectedly whimper.

  His eyes softened as he sighed, taking my hand once again, "They aren't mine, but they were written for me to find." He answered.

  "By who?" I asked, but before he could answer, i asked another question, "And how did he write these letters for you to find? I mean how'd he know you were going to exist before you were born?"

  "Not he, they."

  Chapter 14 - Dark Eyes



  Who's they?

  I furrowed my eyebrows, and waited for him to elaborate, but he just shook his head.

  "What do you mean? You're not going to tell me the rest?" I asked, with a voice filled with disbelief.

  "The details are all concerning me and my past," he stated.


  "Well, i don't think i'll be revealing myself to you just yet. I mean, you did say, that you're not sure if i'm your mate, after all. I think i'm entitled to a little bit of secrecy, am i not?" He asked.

  So what? Now he's just going to use my words against me?

  If he's going to play this way, then so am i.

  I gave him a sickly sweet smile, and nodded, "Of course," i said.

  I heard a couple of footsteps approach us, and turned around.

  "Michael," i acknowledged, as i moved towards him while he greeted me with a hug.

  "Hey, Ari," he said, with a muffled voice as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

  His breath tickled, and i let out an involuntary squeak with a small giggle.

  "Why are you here, pup?" Aries' growled from right behind me.

  I felt Michael tense, as his back muscles contracted and flexed underneath my arms.

  He pulled away from the hug, wrapping an arm securely around my waist, as he bound me to his hip, "I'm here to spend time with Ariel."

  Aries eyed our contact, and moved towards me, holding my hand in his large one, as he tugged me out of Michael's grip, "You don't have to. I'm keeping her company." He snapped.

  "I don't have to, but i want to. We both have a lot to discuss, and i'm sure she'd appreciate the company of her childhood best friend over some possessive dick of an Alpha that she just met," Michael snarled, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me to his side.

  Aries' eyes turned pitch black, as he began to shake with fury. He fisted his hands into two balls and curled the side of his lip to reveal his elongating threatening canines. His chest was rumbling with low growls as his eyes turned murderous. His face was hard as stone, and all i wanted to do was run my hand on the side of his face, and watch it transform under my touch. But i knew i couldn't do that. Not with Michael around.

  Michael took an attack stance, as his eyes began to darken, as well. He clenched his jaw, and pursed his lips, his grip tightening on my wrist.

  My wolf whimpered, feeling torn between the two.

  Michael was my best friend, he has been with me through thick and thin, he was my pack member and Beta, my wolf truly loved him as her brother. But Aries, he had this thing about him that made my wolf want to be in his presence at all times, although she didn't feel that strongly about him. He was attractive as hell, but my wolf was loyal to Michael. Michael was right, of course i'd prefer the comfortable company of my best friend rather than some intimidating, mysterious, eerie, and alluring beast man that i just met.

  I ripped my wrist from Michael's death grip and faced Aries with a hard scowl, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

  Aries ripped his eyes from Michael momentarily, and looked at me.

  His eyebrows knitted in confusion as hurt flashed across his eyes that slowly returned to their electric dark blue colour, "He's not welcome here, and he's not allowed anywhere near you!" He spat.

  I heard Michael growl and begin to approach Aries, but i gave him a look that said 'if you dare take one more step, you're dead'.

  I huffed and jabbed a finger onto Aries' chest, "Listen, Aries. My father sent me here under one condition, Michael would be with me at all times. He's my Beta, my best friend, and almost my entire life, right after Elizabeth. If he's not welcome here, then neither am i. Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean that i will let you trample and treat him like one of your servant mutts. Do i make myself clear?"

  Aries' eyes narrowed at me,
"He's got himself all over what's mine! You're mine. He's stealing from me!" He growled, through gritted teeth.

  Michael growled audibly.

  Play it smooth. Reminded my wolf, once again.

  I took in a deep breath and let it out, placing a hand on Aries' chest, "Please calm down," i cooed.

  Aries' tense muscles didn't budge, but his eyes and his facial features softened lightly.

  "Please, understand." I sighed, with a pause, deciding to be completely honest and open with him, "My wolf, feels no connection to you whatsoever. I need time, i need space. My wolf is loyal to Michael, and if you decided to ask me to choose between you or Michael, i will choose him," i said.

  Aries began shaking with anger again, he clenched his jaw and shut his eyes for a while, before taking in a breath and letting it out. When he opened his eyes, the blue eyes i liked so much were gone. All i could see was a black storm, getting darker by the minute.

  Michael grabbed my arm from behind and pulled me away from Aries.

  Aries let out a loud snarl as he took an attack stance.

  Great! I said play it smooth, not make him completely go bonkers! My wolf growled.

  Well, sor-ry Mrs Know-it-all, i didn't get expert lessons on how to tame the Alpha beast! I spat back.

  Suddenly, ripping noises pulled me out of my pool of thoughts.

  I looked at Aries, and saw that his clothes were getting ripped to shreds.

  He was shifting.

  He lost control of his wolf.

  I stood in front of Michael defensively, trying to hide him from Aries' big black wolf's sight.

  "What are you doing! Run!" Yelled Michael trying to push me away from him.

  I growled at him, "He won't hurt me, but he sure as hell will hurt you! Now, shut up!"

  "I'm the one who's supposed to protect you!"

  "Well, i'm not the one who needs protecting!" I spat back.

  Aries' black wolf was almost taller than me, on all fours.

  His growls grew louder as he took menacing steps towards us.

  Michael and i backed up a bit.

  I heard footsteps in the distance, and found Jake charging towards us.

  "Alpha!" He called, as he approached me, protectively, while looking at Aries.

  Aries snarled at him, as Jake pushed me behind him.


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