Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1) Page 17

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  He growled back and Aries snarled.

  I glared at both of them, "If you two are done measuring dicks, i'd like to get this over with," i spat before walking past the two.

  I heard two growls from behind me, but i ignored them as i walked to the archery arena and picked up a bow & arrow.

  I placed the arrow in place, and turned around, looking for a place to aim, Jake came into view, startling me. I was about to accidentally shoot him, but he grabbed my wrists before the arrow could get launched.

  "Woah there, take it easy," he joked, as he put down the weapons.

  I rolled my eyes at him as i smiled.

  "You're one ambitious little wolf," he teased.

  "I am not little!" I growled, staring up at him, with my nose scrunched up in denial.

  "Okay," he said, holding his hands up in surrender, "Now you look like a little bunny." He joked, barking out a laugh.

  I narrowed my eyes at him playfully, "I'll show you a little bunny!" I threatened playfully, as i smirked to myself and attacked him.

  I took Jake by surprise, my body clashing into his as i sort of straddled him and knocked him back on the ground.

  He landed with a loud, 'Ouf'.

  I looked down at him victoriously with a smirk on my face that didn't last so long.

  Jake smirked at me, and i tilted my head, looking at him in confusion as my eyebrows knitted.

  His eyes shot to my thighs, and then back up to me.

  My eyes widened as i took in the position we were sprawled in.

  " I rather like this position," he joked huskily, as he tightened his grip on my thighs.

  I squeaked when i was suddenly yanked up off of him, by an angry Aries.

  "Jake!" He snarled at him.

  Jake's eyes widened as he pushed himself off the floor, "It was totally platonic!" Jake defended.

  I rolled my eyes at him.

  What a liar...

  Aries growled, glowering at Jake, his body shaking with fury as his eyes darkened.

  I turned to look up at Aries, as i touched his stone hard face, "It's my fault." I whispered.

  "Yeah! Like she said," added Jake before retreating.

  Coward, i thought, inwardly rolling my eyes.

  Aries looked down at me, his eyes returning to a light blue colour, "Why were you on top of him?" He gritted out, difficultly.

  "He teased me, saying i was a bunny and i wanted to prove that i wasn't. I'm a wolf for crying out loud, and an Alpha at that! So i attacked him and he fell over..." i drawled out, explaining to him what happened.

  "You want to prove yourself?" He asked, sighing and visibly calming down.

  I nodded, eagerly.

  "Fine, then you'll fight Genevieve. She's one of my best female warriors," he said.

  My wolf stirred within me, at the sound of her name.

  My eyes began to darken with rage and delirium.

  "I take it you accept the challenge?" He asked.

  I nodded stiffly, as Genevieve approached us.

  "Are you sure about this Aries? I don't want to break your new toy." She smirked.

  That's it, I have had enough.

  I let out a ferocious growl before connecting my fist to her face, making a sickening cracking sound fill our ears, "One more word outta you and you'll be a dead girl walking, bitch." I snarled, as i watched her form fall backwards, while she splattered out blood onto the dirt floor.

  Chapter 16 - Who are you?


  Genevieve stared up at me wide eyed, as she pulled herself up. She wiped her bloody mouth and nose on her arm, leaving a trail of blood behind.

  She growled at me angrily, and i snarled in response.

  My wolf was angry, and she didn't simply want to beat the daylights out of the she-wolf, she wanted to shed her blood.

  I watched her intently as we both circled each other, growling, snarling, and sneering.

  I couldn't stand the sight of her. She angered every cell of my being.

  I looked at her harshly, taking in her every detail.

  Her bouncy blonde curls and cold green eyes. Her high cheekbones and light pink thin lips that slowly morphed into a smirk.

  She lunged towards me, but it was so obvious that she was going to do that. She had one leg set up backwards and the other in front and her back was hunched down. That was the typical attack stance. So i wasn't fazed by her, instantly i side stepped her and turned around to face her as she dragged in the dirt.

  I crossed my arms over my chest as i tapped my foot waiting for her to regain composure. She needed to know that she was child's play in my eyes. I had Alpha blood, and if we were in wolf form, she'd be dead by now, because my wolf never shows mercy. She was trained by dad to be an Alpha, to never show weakness, and go straight for the kill. It was either the enemy or me. And that's why i don't like to shift in a fight with pack members.

  Genevieve looked at me, anger flaring through her eyes as a vein on her forehead stuck out.

  I smirked, as she snarled.

  "I'm going to make you wish you never came here," she spat, before rushing towards me with all her force as she landed a punch on my face.

  I grabbed both of her arms, before she could hit me again, and collided my head and her nose together, once after the other, until she fell back.

  Her nose was bloody and i'm sure it broke, because i heard a sickening crack, but i could still see fire in her eyes as she looked up at me.

  She sneered at me, getting up and lunging towards me once more.

  I saw it coming so i decided to use one of my father's Techniques.

  I let her have the upper hand, something I hated doing.

  I fell to the ground on my back as she toppled on top.

  She smirked down at me.

  One thing I've learned, that in a fight, no one plays fair. It's a life or death situation. Either i die or she dies, but i knew that Aries would stop us from killing each other. If he wasn't there though, neither of us would hesitate to kill the other.

  As Genevieve began to reach out for my throat, i punched her side, making her whimper with the harsh impact, as she lost focus. And that's when my canines protruded as i bit into her thigh.

  She wailed loudly, as i pushed her to the side and got the upper hand, pinning both her wrists together at her stomach with one hand, as i pushed her face to the side with the other, to get a clear view of her carotid artery.

  I lowered my face to her artery and my canines elongated once more, as i looked to Aries, showing him that i won.

  He nodded, at me and gestured for me to continue.

  My eyes widened, and i looked at Genevieve's face for a mere second, she looked back at me with knowing, cold green eyes. She looked away, and i felt her body shiver as she sniffled. She was crying. She knew that this fight was fought to the death.

  This was cruel, we were supposed to be just practicing.

  I shook my head at Aries, and he snarled at me, "Either you kill her or she'll kill you!" He growled.

  I looked back at her, and realized that she had closed her eyes, submitting, waiting for me to rip out her carotid artery , waiting for death.

  "No," i whispered, "If i am to be Luna, you need to understand that i do not kill my people," i growled back at him, loudly. This was the only card i could pull on him, and even that didn't seem strong enough in my situation.

  I heard gasps all around, one of them being Genevieve's.

  Aries walked over to us, gracefully, "Kill her or i will." He said, menacingly.

  I looked back down at Genevieve, and tears were strolling down her cheeks, "It's o-okay," she croaked, "Y-you do it, it w-will be less painful," she admitted, closing her eyes.

  Seeing her like this, even after everything, broke my heart.

  I nodded, not that she could see.

  All the pack members began to cheer, and chant "Kill her, kill her," and i stared at them, bewilderment evident in my eyes. Was no one going to stand up for her? How could
they be so barbaric and horrible to their own pack member? And if she was the best warrior, did it mean that she has killed other pack members to earn that title? Another haunting question was, Would Aries have let her kill me if the roles were reversed?

  I brought my face closer to her artery, before my canines came out, and i heard her wolf whimper one last time, "I'm sorry," i whispered before i bit around the carotid artery and pulled it out swiftly, so that she felt less pain.

  Her blood shot out in high pressure then sunk into the dirt. Her body convulsed and then directly went limp underneath me. I was covered in her blood and i felt dirty.

  I got off of her, my hands slightly shivering, as guilt swamped over me. My lower lip quivered, and i could hear my heartbeat like a hummingbird's.

  I heard the pack members cheer, and clap, but i tuned them out.

  Aries approached me, and i didn't even spare him a glance, my gaze was locked with Michael's, who was giving me a sympathetic look.

  I knew that if Genevieve killed me, she would have been proud, and would have celebrated her victory with her pack.

  But why didn't i feel victorious? All i felt was haunted.

  Don't get me wrong, I've killed before. But never anyone that was practicing in our pack. When we killed, we killed in wars or when another pack or some rogues attacked our land. And that is when we had the right to kill. But this? This was cruelty.

  "Look at me," Aries ordered roughly.

  I didn't comply and walked straight into Michael's arms. I heard Aries growl but i didn't care. He hugged me tightly and i sobbed, hearing her whimper play over and over in my head. Michael wiped her blood off of my chin, and rubbed my back comfortably, cooing that it'll be alright.

  "Take me home," i whispered between sniffles as guilt tears streaked onto my cheeks.

  I felt Michael's grip around me tighten, as he nodded.

  He suddenly carried me bridal style, "Where are you going?" Aries' voice boomed.

  "I'm taking her home, she's hysterical, and she needs rest," Michael replied calmly.

  "She still has to practice," Aries stated.

  Michael growled, "Can't you see she's hurt? Some mate you are," Michael spat, before heading out of the clearing, with me in his arms.


  "Thank you," i whispered softly as Michael put me down gently on Aries & i's bed.

  "Taking care of you, is my job, Alpha," he said, softly, knowing that i liked to be called Alpha.

  I gave him a small smile, as i rested my head on his shoulder.

  His arms wrapped around me and he hugged me tightly, "It's okay, you did what you had to do, it was either her or you," he cooed.

  I felt tears prickle at my eyes and for once i let them flow.

  Michael's grip around me tightened, and it felt good to be in familiar arms.

  I missed my dad. I wished he were here to comfort me.

  "Can't we go back home?" I asked.

  "We can, but Aries wouldn't make it easy for us. Plus, you made a deal with him, it's only right to see it through. Your birthday is in a week and two days. Do you really want to give up now?" He asked, as he pulled away to look in my eyes.

  I shook my head, and wiped my tears.

  "Good, because the Ariel i know, doesn't just give up," he said with a smile.

  I smiled back at him, i was about to speak, but a knock on the door cut me off.

  "Come in," Michael said.

  The door slowly opened, to reveal Jake.

  "Hey," he greeted me, "How are you feeling?" He asked, standing over me, as Michael sat.

  "I didn't know he could be so cruel," i said, my voice barely above a whisper.

  "Can i talk to her, privately?" He asked, looking at Michael.

  Michael looked at me, reluctantly.

  I nodded at him, and he placed a kiss on my cheek before walking out the door.

  Jake sat on the edge of the bed, taking my hands in his much larger ones. He smiled at me, and it was hard not to smile back with that boyish look on his face.

  "I know Aries seems cruel & insensitive, but things are never what they seem," he spoke, clearing his throat at the end, "You may not understand his actions and the reason why our pack follows him blindly, but once you're sure that you're his mate, you'll see things our way, instead of peeking in like an outsider." He stated.

  In a way, the words he said made sense, but i didn't want to wait for nine more days to understand, i wanted that right now.

  "Did Aries send you here?" I asked, curiously.

  Jake pulled his hands away and headed for the door, giving me one last lingering glance, "He'll be here in half an hour," he said, before walking out the door, with his shoulders filling the whole door frame.

  I sighed, and pulled myself out of the bed, deciding to explore the house some more, after i freshened up.

  I went into the bathroom and took my sweaty, smelly, blood stained, clothes off. I threw them into the laundry bin, and turned on the Jacuzzi faucet, letting the water fill the circular large tub.

  I dipped my feet in the warm water and submerged in slowly. I reached out for a fizzy bubble bath bomb and tossed it in. I liked bubble bathing in the Jacuzzi because, it had more space. I didn't turn on the jets though.

  Was i really overreacting?

  A girl just died...

  A girl from his pack.

  A girl i hated, but now seemed to have forgotten my hostility.

  I thought i'd enjoy getting rid of her. I thought i wanted to beat the crap outta her, but no. I felt pain when she whimpered last, submitting under me for mercy from Aries. She knew that if i didn't kill her, he would. And in the worst ways possible. After all the hate i conjured towards her, she thought that i'd be gentler on her. How sad was that?

  The bubbles fizzed in the water, bubbling all over. I sighed as my body relaxed. I shut my eyes and laid my head back on the leather head cushion.

  A knock on the bathroom door caught my attention, as Aries came barging in.

  I would have shrieked, if it weren't for the bubbles that covered my body.

  Aries looked surprised, as if he didn't know what he was doing here, "I-uh-" was all he uttered as he stared at me, his blue eyes wide.

  I raised an eyebrow at him, as i tried not to laugh. I was still mad at him remember? But he looked so cute right now...Grrr. No! He's not mine, i can't think like that.

  I placed a scowl on my face because of what he was making me think.

  He rubbed the back of his neck, "I came to make sure you were okay," he said.


  Look who's got the upper hand now, my wolf purred.

  Why are you purring? I thought you disliked him...

  I do dislike him, but he's sexy, she defended.

  I mentally rolled my eyes at my hormonal teenage wolf.

  "Is that all?" I asked.

  Aries nodded stiffly, his intense eyes watching me.

  I felt awkward with me naked, and him just watching me like that. I knew my body wasn't on display, but the feeling itself was weird and foreign to me.

  "You did well today," he said.

  I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, shut my eyes and rested my head back, trying to forget Genevieve's face as she cried.

  "I wouldn't say that," i said bitterly, without opening my eyes.

  I heard shuffling and things being thrown, so i dared not to open my eyes. It was then quiet for a while, before i heard footsteps and suddenly the water level around me swirled and heightened before settling. I opened my eyes and literally gasped, when i saw that Aries had stripped and got into the jacuzzi with me.

  My heart pounded against my chest at the thought of us both being in the same bath, utterly nude.

  My breath hitched, at the slight sight of his prominent chest. I wanted to run my hands all over him, not like he'd let me.

  I was staring at Aries, alarmed. He stared back intensely, as his eyes darkened more and more by the second. I pulled my legs up so my knees
were at my chest.

  My heart felt like it could stop any minute. Aries slowly stalked towards me making a path through the water, as my heart pounded harshly.

  Oh my god! I was going to die from a heart attack because of looking at a gorgeously erotic greek god of a man! How loser-ish of me! I never thought that this would be my end, i don't wanna die a virgin! I thought i'd at least have found my mate!

  Aries stopped at the edge of my feet.

  I could feel his knees graze my toes.

  I felt his gentle fingers graze the side of my knees, and my breath hitched, as he slowly started trailing downwards to my thighs. My breathing got heavy as his own while light tingles shot through my body.

  In one swift move Aries parted my legs and moved in between. I gasped in response, my hands clutching onto his shoulders in panic.

  Aries walked closer in between my legs, making my core ache in anticipation. A feeling that was still foreign to me.

  My core throbbed as Aries wrapped his thick strong muscly arms around my waist. He brought me closer to him, and i gasped, my face turning red.

  A moan built up in the back of my throat in response and that earned me a growl from deep within Aries' chest.

  My face and his face were so close, that our nose's grazed against each other. I could feel his breath fanning my lips, as his heavy breathing went on.

  His lips were slightly parted.

  He looked beautiful.

  This felt so right, but my wolf kept growling at me to get out before i did something i'd regret.

  I once promised that i would give myself to my mate, and only my mate.

  I wanted to keep that promise.

  Aries began to lean in towards me.

  After i pulled up enough self restrain, i placed a hand on his chest, pushing him away slightly.

  A growl left his lips, as his eyes hardened.

  Suddenly, he stood up, showing off all his stark glory as he stepped out of the bathroom, and into the room, slamming the door behind him, making me flinch as my eyes widened in shock and realization of the recent events.

  What just happened? Was the only question roaming my mind.

  I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding as my rigid body began to relax once more.

  I scrubbed up and finished my bath, wrapping a towel around my body and heading out of the bathroom and straight towards the wardrobe, ignoring Aries who was laid back on the couch.


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