Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1) Page 23

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  "No you're not," i growled.

  "If Alpha Blake took her. I want to be there to rip his insides to shreds."

  I quirked an eyebrow up at him, "Why would you assume that he took her? What would he want with her?" I asked curiously.

  "It's nothing." He said, hesitation lingering in his voice, "I mean, I don't know if it's important."

  "Spit it out," i growled, my patience wearing off.

  He pinched the bridge of his nose before speaking hesitantly, "Ten years ago, when i was eight, Blake was 18, he had found his mate, and his late father Alpha Drako, hosted a party to celebrate her. He invited our pack leaders, us included. And as pups, we were only happy to be involved in such a celebration." He said, before swallowing nervously, "Ariel, Liz, and i, we were kids back then and when we went, we snooped around the mansion. We were looking around and came across a room. We heard weeping and decided to check it out. Inside of the room, sat the most beautiful, enchanting girl. She really was gorgeous, but there was something sad about her. She was crying, and she was miserable. She was Blake's mate, and she hated him. Liz was interested to find out more but i discouraged her to do so, so she decided otherwise, but Ariel, she wouldn't leave the girl. She went to her, comforted her, the best an eight year old could do, and told her she'd help her escape if that's what she wanted. The girl told Ariel that she reminded her of herself and that she looked just like her when she was a child. Ariel was elated and flattered to have gotten such a compliment. The girl's name was Melody, and she was ready to reject Blake. She said he was a twisted monster and a manipulator. That he was sick, and not mentally stable. Ariel couldn't believe that the beautiful man she saw standing outside could be so twisted on the inside. She gave Melody the best smile she could muster, and encouraged her to do what she thought was right. We ran off out of the room and quickly snuck back out between our parents and the guests. Everything was OK, until, Blake excused himself to fetch his mate. We followed him, curious of what was going to happen. Little did we know that nothing good could come out of our snooping. Blake and Melody fought in the room, she spat the words any werewolf would dread to hear from his mate. 'I reject you'. Then came his voice, laughing hysterically. We got so scared and we ran back out. When we got to the backyard where everyone was laughing and mingling. There she was, Melody, standing on the rooftop of the three story mansion, her white dress flowing as the air danced around her. Ariel screamed in horror, as we all stood and stared in panic. And right After Ariel's screeching scream, came Melody's as she took her own life, and leaped off the roof, landing on the ground in an odd angle, with her white bloody dress. After that day, we never saw Blake again. Not until the last Lycanthrope meeting. The one you ditched. Blake looked at Ariel in a hungry way, a way I've never seen before. Ariel didn't recognize him. After Melody's accident, it was like that night never happened. Ariel either forgot it or she chose to forget. In the beginning she stayed for weeks in her room, all she could remember was Melody's tragic death. I guess she felt guilty for encouraging the girl to do what she wanted. She never knew that what Melody wanted was to end her life. But then after it, Ariel was cold, she acted as if nothing ever happened. And i suppose with time, her subconscious concealed that night from her mind completely. From that point on, Ariel's been afraid of ending up like Melody, all because of the uncanny resemblance between them. Now that i think of it, the only difference was Melody's fiery red hair. Other than that, they looked exactly alike. Now if Blake has been dodging your calls for the past 6 days, then he probably, took her, because he probably thinks she's his mate," Michael concluded.

  I was about to answer and claw his eyes out for just deciding to tell me this now, but the office phone rang, cutting me off. I answered, and the person i expected least spoke, "Come and get her as fast as you can, who knows what he'll do to her next." The voice on the other line said, with panic. I hung up as soon as possible. And that was all it took for me to shift and dart out of the mansion.

  I mind-linked Jake to follow me with our men, immediately, leaving Landon this time with the pack.

  We began the path towards Night Crawler territories, and i couldn't help but feel nervous as the blood pumped through my veins. I could hear our paws thudding against the muddy path. I knew Michael was behind me. That pup was relentless, and i was beginning to appreciate that about him, sadly.

  I sped, dodging the trees, leaping over the fallen logs, ready to go get my mate. I was ready to bring her home. We've lost so much time already, i wasn't about to lose more.


  I felt my body slowly shut down. I haven't eaten or tasted the beauty that is, water, in god knows how long.

  My wolf was in agony, whimpering, and howling on the inside. I felt like i was going crazy. It was like my mind was getting pricked at as i began to lose all sense and understanding.

  My wolf's pained voice downed after a while. She became a mere thought i had, and she ceased to exist to me.

  My body felt cold, brittle, and tired. Every five hours, a man would come in and beat me, inject me with some liquid, then leave. My body stopped feeling pain but my soul was getting eaten alive by the flames of hell.

  I could hear my skin get scraped off due to the cuffs, as the blood trailed down a dark path. The path of despair and pain. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours, and my sense of time had dispersed. I only knew one type of time, the time of beating, every time the man came in, i'd know that five hours had passed, and for that i was grateful. I was slowly dying and there was no one here to help. My eyes began to get heavy, but i tried to keep them open. My throat was too dry for me to speak and every time i'd try to swallow, it was like scratching sandpaper.

  The first days that i've spent trapped here, all i did was scream and yell for someone to help. I kept at that until my voice was no more. I couldn't speak if i wanted to. I couldn't even hold my head up anymore.

  My head dangled and my neck ached. The cold floor seemed welcoming now.

  My companions were the mice and rats that roamed the cell. But i no longer felt bothered by them. Lately i've grown amused by them, they're my only escape from this world. They never hurt me, but their squeaks in the silence was deafening.

  My skin began to pale, and the healthy glow my skin used to possess was now gone. I probably looked like a corpse or a mummy. At least the Egyptians had the decency to cover their corpses so that no one had to see them rot.

  Death seemed closer, and for some reason i began to welcome it. For the first time in my life, when death smiled upon me, i smiled back.


  It was only a matter of time.

  I could feel my wolf begin to get worked up as we neared their territory. Their territory was 4 hours away from mine, when we traveled in wolf form. Their territory was now only minutes away, and i was ready to kill everyone that stood on it.

  I could feel my connection to Ariel strengthen as i got closer.

  I was going to get her, no matter what it took. She was mine.

  I could see patrollers in wolf form guarding the territory. One of them spotted us and came to ask the reason of our intrusion. I wasn't about to negotiate. So i went straight for the kill.

  I leaped on him and latched my jaw on his neck, then sunk my canines into his flesh. I felt the warm blood drip into my mouth as he struggled to get me off. My larger body weight pushed him down to the ground as i ripped off his Carotid artery. His body went limp and i licked my lips, feeling victory on its way before i made my way to my next victim.


  Ice cold water spilled on my body, awakening me from the nearest feeling of rest.

  "Wake up Melody," a voice sang.

  I peeled my eyes open, and it burned as the light from the outside flashed on my eyes.

  I shielded my eyes with my hand and looked up at my intruder.

  Alpha Blake.

  His silver eyes scanned me disapprovingly, as he ran his hand through his beautiful silky black hair

  He looked at his guards, "How dare you leave her become this unhealthy!"

  A guard sucked in a breath and began, "You ordered us t-"

  "Enough! Bring me the keys to these chains and fix up our room. We need rest. My darling is ill and i need to take care of her." He ordered.

  I was too tired to comprehend his words. It was like i heard it, but i didn't understand.

  The guard turned away and left, before a man, i recognized as Beta Eric came into the cell, looking pitiful.

  He took a glance at me and frowned, as his eyes scanned my scars and bruises.

  Eric took a sharp glance at Blake and growled, "You took this too far Blake, look at what you've done to her!"

  "You dare defy your Alpha?" He growled back.

  Eric looked away from Blake, and back at me, his green eyes looked at me with guilt, and pain, "What do you want me to do?" He asked Alpha Blake.

  "Strip her of her clothes, they reek, then bring her to my room. I'll make sure she has a good time to make up for the pain she's been through," Blake said, as he flashed me a mischievous grin and left the cell.

  I looked at Eric in alarm as he neared me.

  I tried to get up, i tried to back away, but my body wouldn't function. Tears ran down my cheeks, and my body shivered aggressively. My lower lip trembled as he came closer to me, looking as if i were a broken toy.

  He shook his head at me, and said the least expected words, "Don't be scared, i won't hurt you. I'm going to get you out," he whispered, putting a finger to his lips to make me shush.

  I let out a whimper when he touched my bruised, bloody, and battered body. Everything hurt.

  "I called him, he's on his way, don't be afraid, i'm going to get you home, i promise," Eric whispered.

  I looked at him with wide teary eyes, as i thought of what he said.

  He's on his way.

  I tried to ask him who, but i couldn't find my voice.

  "Alpha Aries," he stated, as he placed a hand on my hair, and stroked it gently, "Shh there, come." He said, before unlocking my chains, and slipping his arm under my knees, and another arm under my arms.

  Tears of hope, and joy, began to fall as Eric carried me off of the cold ground, and into his warm arms.

  "You're so cold," he stated looking at me with worried green eyes that resembled my father's.

  I whimpered some more before hiding my ugly face in the crook of his neck.

  I just wanted to get out of here.

  Eric sighed before walking out of the cell.

  I hid my face away from the burning light of the rooms.

  Eric hurried his pace as we began getting past the guards.

  "Where are you taking her Beta?" A voice asked from behind.

  "That is none of your concern, i'm following the Alpha's orders." Eric bit back without sparing him a glance.

  Eric's grip on me tightened, and i gripped onto him like dear life as i sobbed.

  "Shhh, it's okay Ariel. They should be near, don't worry." He cooed in a hushed and comforting tone.

  Eric rushed us out of this cursed mansion, and we were out in the backyard. I understood why no one dared to question him. He was the Beta, and the Alpha's trusted friend. No one could utter a word.

  Suddenly i heard a screeching scream followed by another.

  I looked from behind Eric's shoulder, and saw a little girl with flowing brown hair looking up at the rooftop.

  I looked to where she was looking and saw a young lady, perhaps my age, with fiery red hair, screaming as she jumped off of the roof and landed on the ground. A sickening crack filled the air with her fall, and the little girl screamed once more before falling to the ground herself.

  I watched with wide eyes and cried even more, feeling as if hands gripped my neck in a suffocating squeeze.

  "Ariel, i'm here, breath!" Eric shouted.

  I kept taking short shallow breaths that didn't even help.

  Eric took us into the forest and laid me down on the woodsy ground.

  He ripped my shirt off and urged me to breath, but i couldn't. I felt my eyes begin to droop and i lost control. Eric growled frustratedly, "Goddamn it Ariel! Fucking breath!" He yelled at me, before gripping my chin then tipping my head back, and taking in a deep breath. Suddenly i felt his lips mold with mine before he puffed in the breath he took. Nonetheless, I still couldn't help but surrender to the darkness.


  I ripped through the last one of the guards and headed to the mansion leaving a trail of dead bodies behind.

  On my way there i heard someone yell, "Goddamn it Ariel! Fucking breath!"

  That voice was Beta Eric's, and he was with Ariel.

  Alpha Harris' wolf passed me and hurried towards the mansion, and Michael followed.

  My mind said to finish off Blake myself, but my heart said to head to where Ariel was.

  Alpha Harris and Michael will handle Blake, we need to find our mate! My wolf growled, before urging us to head towards the backyard that stretched to the woods.

  I pumped my hinds harder and faster, as i reached Eric and saw him with his lips on Ariel's. I scanned her body and her shirt was ripped open.

  I let out a vicious roar before tackling him off of her.

  He looked up at me with wide eyes as i bared my fangs at him, "It's not what it looks like! She's having a panic attack! Shift back and help me!" He growled, pushing me off him and throwing me off guard.

  I did as he said and shifted back while i cradled her fatigue and brittle pale body to my own.

  Sparks went through my body as our skins touched and i couldn't help but stroke her legs and pull her closer as i took in her intoxicating scent.

  "There's no time for this we're losing her!" Eric growled as he slapped my head.

  I growled at his blunt actions, and glared at him. He growled back and i realized he had a point.

  I bent down and placed my ear against her beating heart, as i heard it slow down.

  I panicked and slammed my lips onto hers, kissing her because i couldn't help it, before i blew into her a couple of gulps of air. I tired this over and over again.



  And one last time, before she suddenly, gripped onto my shoulder and kissed me back.

  I smiled into the kiss, as i felt electric shocks, flourish through my body in a way I've never felt before.

  I pulled away to let her breath and her droopy eyes slowly fluttered open.

  She looked up at me with those silvery enchanting eyes, and they widened with astonishment.

  My wolf howled within me, Mate! He yipped over and over again.

  Her lips forcefully morphed into a smile before she let herself slip into a deep and, probably, much needed sleep.

  Eric placed a hand on my shoulder, "Take her home, we'll handle Blake." He said, giving me a weak smile, before he got up off the floor, he turned around to walk but hesitated before looking my way once more, "Take care, the witches won't give up Alpha Aries, don't let Ariel out of your sight."

  I gave him a look of confusion before hesitantly nodding at him, "Thank you, Eric." I said.

  The witches?

  Eric nodded and gave me a smile before walking back into the chaos.

  I carried Ariel, and mind-linked Jake that i found her and will be heading back home. I told him i needed Alpha Blake alive because i was going to show him the true meaning of torture.

  I looked down at my angel and sighed.

  Finally, we were going back home.

  Chapter 25- Mate


  For the first time in so long, i felt relaxed and calm.

  I felt small circles being drawn upon my skin and it felt so soothing. Sparks jolted up my spine and made my body shiver with satisfaction.

  I hummed in glee as i yearned for more of that electrifying touch.

  I turned around in my sleep, to my right, so that i could get more access of that soothing feeling.

  My wolf purred in
delight as the person continued to trail his fingers over my body.

  Fire danced upon my skin, and i felt my body heat up in need.

  I peeled my eyes open then rubbed them to clear my vision.

  I stretched my aching body and unknotted all the clumps i felt through. A yawn was ripped from my lips and i stretched one last time.

  A deep chuckle sent shivers through my body and ceased my waking actions immediately.

  I looked back to my right and spotted Aries. Watching me bemusedly with a sweet smile.

  Realization dawned upon me at once like a freight train.

  My eyes widened, as i took in my surroundings.

  I was home.

  On Bloodprowler territories.

  With my...

  Mate! Mate! He's ours! My wolf yipped.

  "A-ries," i croaked, my voice sounding hoarse.

  Aries' eyes became concerned, and he came closer on instinct.

  "I'm here, you're safe, no one will ever take you away again," he cooed comfortably, as he took me in in a warm embrace.

  He rested his chin on top of my head and placed a kiss on my forehead.

  Automatically my body reacted to our proximity and i molded into him, searching for warmth.

  Aries looked down at me, our noses brushing.

  "Mine," he growled huskily.

  Involuntarily, i smiled up at him, "Yours." I placed my hand on his rough stubble and caressed his cheekbone with my thumb, my wolf going crazy with our proximity.

  Aries' eyes lit up, and he leaned in closer.

  I felt his breath tickle my lips and i had to stifle the moan that wanted to escape me.

  Aries came closer and closer, before i heard giggling erupt around us.

  Giggling? We don't have pups?

  We both pulled away, and looked around the room.

  Only to find Adrien hiding on the couch.

  "Adrien?" I asked, with confusion.

  "Your family's here." Aries stated with an annoyed tone as he rolled his eyes, before getting out of bed.

  My eyes widened, before my lips morphed into a wide grin.


  Adrien sprung up out of the couch and hurried over to our bed, "Ariiiii!" He squeaked.


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