Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1) Page 25

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  I smiled, and bowed my head respectfully, "I'm Ariel, nice to meet you, too."

  "And i'm still here." Aries growled, rolling his eyes.

  I pulled my hand away from Hermes, and smiled before i took a seat opposite to him.

  Aries looked at Hermes, who was looking at me, "To what do we owe this pleasure?" He asked, drawing Hermes' attention.

  "I've got a message to deliver."

  Aries raised an eyebrow, gesturing with his hand, "Well, go on, deliver it. Then you'll best be on your way." He said with a yellowish sort of smile.

  "Now, now, no need to be jealous Aries. And please speak properly, as, i am your elder, and i am much more powerful than you."

  Aries smirked, slapping his legs over the table then crossing a leg over the other, "Well, then you can get the gods out of that prison world, all on your own, can't you? Since you're all so powerful. You don't need me."

  Hermes got up abruptly and slammed a hand on the table his eyes turning black, "We are your creators! You will show some respect!"

  I got out of my seat, my heart racing, before i took a step towards Hermes, "Please, no more fighting," i said lowly as i looked at the two.

  Aries growled deep within himself, his chest rumbling with growls, but then the competitive look in his eyes subsided before he put his legs down.

  Hermes looked at me, and sat back down. His black eyes turning back into the warm brown ones that suited him perfectly.

  "I apologise for that," he said clearing his throat & looking at me kindly, "Now, Aries, let us get down to business, shall we?"

  Aries nodded silently, not speaking a word.

  Hermes cleared his throat, "I have been asked to send you a clear, and short message then remain."

  "Remain?" Aries asked confusion taking over his features.

  Hermes nodded, "Yes."

  "How? But won't that attract their attention?"

  "Exactly. If i stay here, then they will definitely notice my absence. And that leads us to the final message that i will be delivering."

  "And what, dare i ask, is the message, exactly?"

  "It has begun."

  Chapter 28- Don't Hate the Messenger Pt.2

  Aries' eyes widened, "Impossible." He breathed.

  Hermes scoffed, "It is very possible." He said, looking at Aries sharply.

  "How dare you decide this on your own! Half of the other packs are still not ready for war! The other half is not even aware of the realness of this, they think it's a myth!" Aries growled, his eyes darkening.

  "No. How dare you! You were made to avenge us!" He yelled, getting out of his seat abruptly, as he slammed a palm down on the desk, before continuing, "How long have we been trapped in that dreaded prison world, waiting for you to declare war on the witches and free us?" He asked, not really waiting for an answer as Aries gritted his teeth, his eyes filling with guilt, "We have waited for too long. You are slacking Aries." He spat, pointing an accusing finger at Aries, before taking in a deep breath and sitting back down.

  They both looked deep in thought, Aries' seemed speechless. Hermes looked at Aries, worry in his eyes, "The witches, they will wait for no one. This war started way before i returned to your land. You are just too late to know." He said with a frown on his face.

  "What do you propose we do?" Aries asked lowly.

  I looked at him, but he seemed to avoid my eyes every time i tried to catch a glance from him.

  Hermes took a brief glance at me before looking back at Aries, "You call a council meeting. We will meet with the head werewolves. Tell them the current situation. And form a plan. I believe you have one in store?"

  Aries reluctantly nodded as he grabbed his phone and dialled some numbers.

  He dialled the council members, and called a meeting at Blood Prowler territories.

  As soon as that was done, Hermes looked at me and smiled, "May you please escort me to the guest room? I would also like a change of clothing, if that's no bother," he requested, chuckling when he looked down at his clothing style, "This clothing style will definitely be inappropriate here."

  I cracked a half smile, before looking at Aries for a kind of permissive sign. I need to know if he's okay with that or not, he didn't seem very fond of Hermes at the moment. Then again, Aries isn't fond of many people, let alone someone else who's calling all the shots.

  Aries gave me a curt nod, before i looked back at Hermes, "Sure. Follow me."

  I walked out of the office, with Hermes on my tail, and called on Helena. Helena was the new house keeper Aries hired to help Rudolpho around.

  "Yes Luna," the old lady said looking down at the floor stopping far away from me.

  I frowned, and approached her putting a finger under her chin, "My eyes are up here," i said softly with a smile, as i lifted her chin up.

  I saw a hint of confusion in her eyes before she cracked a smile back, "The Alpha ordered me to look to the ground and stay 1.5 meters away when you call for me."

  "I don't know about him, but i don't want you to do that," i said before continuing, "Now, would you please be so kind, and escort Sir Hermes to a guest room on the first floor?"

  Helena smiled and nodded, "Yes, Luna."

  Hermes looked at me, with a small unrecognisable smile before he followed Helena up the stairs.

  I headed back to Aries, walking around the desk before i sat on the edge of it, in front of him.

  "Wanna talk about it?" I asked softly as i held his big hands in mine firmly and supportively.

  Aries sighed, and sat straight before coming closer and resting his head on my chest.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, and hugged him closer.

  He closed his eyes as he let out a deep breath, looking to the side, his head nuzzled comfily.

  I stroked his soft dark hair, softly kissing him.

  "Everything is falling apart," he said lowly, desperation seeping through every word, "All my efforts have gone to waste. I am a failure."

  My wolf growled deep within. She felt horrible. She felt everything our mate felt. She felt miserable. She wanted to comfort him, but didn't know where to start.

  I didn't know what to say either. I didn't know how to help. I sighed, and gently pushed Aries off to face me as i placed both hands on the sides of his face.

  "Listen to me Aries, loud and clear. You. Are. Not. A. Failure." I said lowly, with a slight growl, "You are perfect. You're trying. You did what you could. And there is still time to fix this. I will be here, by your side, every step of the way. And i will not, falter. We'll figure this out together. I promise you Aries," i said pecking his lips.

  Aries nodded.

  "You know," i started once more, feeling like i still didn't say enough, "When i was young, my mom, used to tell me bedtime stories, every single night before i went to sleep." I smiled as i recalled the memory, "She used to always tell me stories of fairytales, princesses finding their princes as they saved them from their doom and whisked them off into the sunset. But one time, she told me a different type of story. The story of an Alpha. And what an Alpha he was-

  Third person. *A MEMORY*

  In her arms, the little girl laid, fighting to keep her eyes open, she looked up at her mother, her thumb in her mouth as she twirled some strands of her hair around her other hand's index finger.

  Her mother looked down at her lovingly, and hugged her, holding her close to her heart, "Once upon a time, in a far away land, Greek gods ruled the world. With all their might and righteousness they did right by the people of the land. But one day, evil, malicious witches came, killing the people, destroying everything in their paths, cursing some people, turning them into bloodsucking monsters of the night, testing the greeks. But the greeks did not stand by and watch. They brought down their wrath on everyone that harmed their people. But the witches did not give up. They formed a plan, and began to trap them one by one in a prison world, far away from their land, and further away from mount olympus-

  "Then what mam
a?" The little girl with the wide grey eyes, asked eagerly.

  "Shhhh, sweetheart, i'm getting to the good part. See, the remaining greek gods needed a safe proof plan, they needed to make sure that someday they would return, and be free. So they gave life to a little boy. One that was created by Zeus and Hera. Since Zeus was the king of the gods, god of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, and justice, and Hera was the Queen of the gods, goddess of marriage, women, childbirth, and family, they were able to make Ares, the greek god of war. They made him, placing him in the womb of a greek woman called Theia, leaving him to fend for himself, as a werewolf, before they all got trapped. He, was the first of his kind. He was half werewolf, half god. He was known to be untamed, he was known to be a dangerous force, overwhelming, insatiable in battle, and slightly destructive. He was made to be a killing machine. He had the power to make more werewolves. Because he had one mission and one mission only. To free the Olympians. He turned some humans into werewolves, made them indestructible, strong, with a long lifespan. While he was immortal. He lived amongst his people, made colonies, trained them all, taught them all, and became the king of all werewolves once his father died. He was the original werewolf, he was the Alpha, and he was their only hope. Years passed, and the years turned into decades, and the decades turned into centuries, and Ares grew stronger each and everyday. But of course he did not go by the name Ares. By time, the witches heard of a strong Alpha, and when they met him, they were overwhelmed. They never had seen someone with his strength. Not since the Olympians. They could've sworn that he radiated power of the Gods. After mere days they decided to see a Seer about that man. They found out that there was a prophecy. A prophecy, of their downfall..."


  I looked at Aries, and sighed, "It took me sometime to recall that memory Aries. And it took me a bit more to connect the dots, and realize that you were that Alpha. King Ares.." I concluded with a smile.

  He looked at me speechless, and was about to speak before i heard someone clear their throat, "What a beautiful tale, Ariel. I truly enjoyed it," i looked behind me to find Hermes standing there, dressed in a suit, with a faint smile on his face.

  Aries looked at him coldly, "Please take a seat Hermes, we don't need you hovering around like the messenger you are," Aries tested.

  Hermes, luckily, took it lightly, lifting his hands in fake surrender, "Hey, do not hate the messenger. It is not my fault that you haven't done the one task you were told to do since the first millennium."

  I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion, "First millennium?"

  "Yes. Uh. The Olympians ruled in the late 7th century/early 8th century. But the witches trapped them in the 9th century, so they died off from this world. People forgot all about them. The first millennium ended in the 10th century. The second millennium was up to the 20th century. And the third millennium is the time at which we're at right now, from the 21st century, up till the 30th century."

  Ask. Ask. Ask. My wolf nagged, wanting me to ask the question that has been killing me.

  "So, h-how old are you really?" I reluctantly asked.

  "I stopped at 24, i mean my immortality started at that age. But i am 1,216 years old."


  Third person.

  The sacrifices of the 12 chosen witches was made, and in consequence there they sat. Gathered together. Plotting and planning their refutation. The Furies. The three goddesses of vengeance, Tisiphone, the avenger of murder, Megaera, the jealous one, and Alecto, the one with constant anger.

  They were traitors to the Olympians. By helping the witches, in return, the witches would free them from the prison world.

  The witches preformed a sacrifice, when they decided that they needed the furies by their side to fight Aries and his followers. Little did they know that Aries, was the god of war. He could not be defeated. But the furies had a plan. If Ares could not be defeated, then he could surely be convinced into surrender.

  Tisiphone slit her palm with a curved dagger, dripping blood over a hexagon shaped engravement lined with gold with a star engraved in the middle. Megaera & Alecto were next.

  Each of the three angles filled with their blood flowed into the three empty other angles. They held hands, chanting loudly in Greek.

  The earth rumbled beneath them, and suddenly, there they were. Skin and flesh, smiling, vindictively.

  The Fates.

  Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos.

  Chapter 29- Moonlight Luminence




  Is that even possible?

  Is he for real?

  Oooo, we're with an older maaan. My wolf chimed in squealing with joy.

  I mentally face-palmed as i stared at Aries.

  Play it cool.

  Pretend there's nothing wrong.

  He's still my mate.

  That's not weird at all.

  My grandpa is younger than him!

  It's okay. Really. It's fine.

  I opened my mouth to speak. But no words came out. I closed it again, then tried to think of something else to say, and opened my mouth once more. Again, nothing. I closed it and looked at Hermes then looked back at Aries.

  I realized i looked like a fish.

  Say something! My wolf yelled.

  Like what? I growled.

  Anything! She retorted.

  I plastered an awkward smile on my face, and tried to wiggle my eyebrows at him while making an 'ooooo' sound, "Someonnnnne's old," i said, poking him in the arm.

  Aries stared at me.

  It was awkward.

  Someone's old! Seriously! My wolf scolded in my head.

  I panicked. I defended.

  I could almost hear my wolf face-palm if she had any hands instead of paws.

  I don't even want to imagine what he might think that sentence means! She growled.

  What's that supposed to mean! I snorted.

  It means, that you might as well just tell him that he ain't getting any sugar cause you think he's old enough to be your grandfather! She spat.

  Well that's where you're wrong! He's older! I stated before blocking her out to get the last word.

  "Ariel?" Aries called out.

  "Yeah?" I asked stupidly before thinking. My cheeks turned beet red, before i sheepishly looked to the ground, "Sorry, i-i was having a sliiiight disagreement with my wolf."

  Aries had a pokerface on, he just stared right at me, his features hard, and unreadable.

  He looked away, and grabbed the phone dialling a number, completely disregarding me.

  I bit my lower lip, looking away from him awkwardly and leaving the room without another word.

  I started walking towards the rose garden. I loved it there.

  He's probably hurt. My wolf suggested lowly.

  I didn't answer. Not knowing whether she was right, or why he would be hurt over such a topic.

  He probably assumed you'd love him either ways, like how normal mates are. She added, her tone seeming down.

  I sighed outwardly, looking around the garden before sitting on the bench by the pond.

  But i do love him either ways..


  I stared at her. Hiding my emotions, and dismissively answering the phone ringing loudly in my hands.

  I walked away answering as i headed towards my renovated study.

  After i was done trying to deal with the havoc and panic that ran through the packs, i got lost in my thoughts.

  I am a failure. I couldn't think of a legitiment plan for the war, and on top of all of that my mate hated me!

  Having a "disagreement" with her wolf?? That only meant one thing. One of them was uncomfortable with my age and i don't think it would be her wolf.

  One more thing to add to my many many disappointments is that, we still haven't mated.

  I've been waiting for her for so long. I wonder what i did to deserve such a difficult and distant mate! Why were the gods torturing me?!

  I ne
eded her so badly.

  The way she bites her lower lip when nervous. The way her eyes stare deeply into my soul. The way she sways her hips when she saunters over to me. The way her small fragile figure seems to complement mine in every single way. The way she twirls her beautiful wavy locks around her finger when she's thinking. The way she gets lost into her thoughts. I wondered what ran through her mind. Did she need me as much as i needed her? Does she miss me when i'm gone? Does she wonder how i'm feeling as i do her? Does she feel fire ignite on her skin when we touch as i do? I wanted to know everything. I wanted everything. I want to complete the mating process now, not tomorrow, not after. I want to get inside her head. I want to keep her safe.

  I needed her. Right. Now.

  And i was going to get her. No matter where it would have to be.


  Third person.

  Stalking out of his study room feverishly, Alpha Aries inhaled the air for her scent, to identify Ariel's whereabouts.

  He headed straight where his nose led him. To the rose gardens.

  Trying to compose himself as he swiftly walked, he tried to even his breathing.

  He spotted her sitting on the grass near the pond. Swirling her fingers through the water.

  "Ariel!" His rich deep voice growled, lowly, but urgently.

  Ariel's heart leaped. She got nervous, worrying that he'd be angry with her.

  She quickly gathered herself off the ground and turned to look at him.

  Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Is everything alright?" She asked.

  Aries suddenly stopped one meter away from her.

  His eyes looking tired and aggravated at the same time.

  His eyes scanned her top to bottom, turning darker. His canines elongated as he slowly ran his tongue across his lower lip.

  He shook his head, answering her question.

  Her eyes widened, in confusion and a hint of fear. She opened her mouth about to speak before Aries unexpectedly grabbed her roughly by her forearm pulling, no scratch that, dragging her behind him till they reached their room.


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