Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1) Page 30

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  Aries nuzzled his face into my neck, as he breathed in my scent, "you found me.."

  Chapter 35- Mate Killer


  I hugged him tightly, before looking at him, "so, I found you, how do we get out?"

  Aries looked confused, he didn't seem to have an answer for me. For the first time ever since I met him, he looked vulnerable, uncertain, and well, he sort of reminded me of Adrien.

  I sighed, "okay, so do you know what got you in this mess in the first place?"

  "I was angry. Jake and I were about to interrogate Alpha Blake. My wolf was infuriated, he felt so much hatred towards Alpha Blake because of what he did to you," he said, looking at me apologetically before continuing, "When I threatened to turn back into human form if he didn't calm himself, he just...took over. And it's not like when you're angry and your wolf is at bay. No. It's not simply losing control. It's feeling as if you weren't there at all anymore. Simply not...existing."

  I was quiet as I contemplated, I didn't know what to make of this situation. I really didn't know how to fix this. I expected that when I found him he'd just wake up. But nothing was happening, we were both in this dark place, and I could barely see him let alone find a way out.

  "Well, think about the good things. May be feeling the opposite of how you were feeling before would bring you back." I suggested.

  Aries nodded, closing his eyes as he tried holding onto my hands as he thought deeply. But nothing happened.

  Out of the blue, we heard a laugh echo in the darkness.

  Aries growled, peeling his eyes open, "Hades."

  I, on the other hand, was relieved, because maybe now he could help us out of this place, wherever we were anyway. Let's just call it Aries' subconscious...

  "Hello again Ariel," he smirked a mischievous glint in his silvery eyes, "you know, I was quite impressed with your secret little powers. But it seems that you've gotten yourself stuck as well, seeing as you've been in here for quite a bit. I'm here to assist you."

  My cheeks tinted feeling embarrassed that I wasn't able to get Aries back completely, "um, thank you." I mumbled.

  "Did you really think that it was that easy getting out?" Hades asked looking towards Aries all seriousness returning to his demeanor.

  "How do we get out then?" I asked curiously.

  "Well, as Aries told me before, his anger and rage were the ones that got him in this mess. And it was all thanks to you...Ariel," he stated with a smug look on his face.

  "It wasn't her fault," defended Aries.

  "Oh, I'm not saying it was." He said feigning innocence, "I'm only pointing out that this is also how you'll be able to get out of here."

  "I'm not following," said Aries with uncertainty in his eyes as he furrowed his eyebrows.

  Hades ignored him, rolling his eyes before he turned his gaze to me, his eyes slightly darkening with a seductive look in them, "Ariel, love, has anyone ever told you that you are truly exquisite?"

  My eyes widened, feeling taken aback with his random compliment and I stuttered, "uh-i-um.."

  "Really, you're absolutely ravishing," he continued stalking towards me, as his eyes raked me top to bottom.

  Something was up...

  Oh god, of course, he's trying to get a rise out of Aries...

  Aries growled shoving Hades before grabbing him by the throat.

  Hades laughed loudly, before his eyes turned black, pushing Aries off, "why are you so angry? Is it because you're the Demi-god of war? Tell me, Aries, isn't it hard trying to control all that anger all the time? Don't you get tired?" He asked, shoving Aries. Aries' face was livid with rage, he was gritting his teeth, and had his jaws clenched.

  But Hades probed further, "Aren't you happy someone's going to take care of her while you're gone?" He continued, shoving him again, "Let's face it, you'll never be able to get back. And since I've been looking for a lover to return with me back to the underworld, and be my queen, well, it seems that fate is finally on my side and Ariel's perfect for that role.."

  Aries growled loudly. His emotions seemed to be all over the place, and the anger he showed had turned into agony, "Enough! Shut up!"

  "Hades you're hurting him that's enough!" I growled.

  Hades ignored me completely.

  "Can't you see? You're a failure. You failed the Olympians, you failed to protect your pack and your people, and most importantly, you failed your mate!" Hades pushed.

  "No! I didn't fail! I'm not a failure! Ariel loves me, she would never betray me! Enough of this!" Aries screamed covering his ears with his hands before falling to, what seemed like, the ground on his knees.

  "Stop Hades this isn't the way!" I interrupted.

  "Yes, you did! Look at you! You're pathetic!" He sneered, ignoring me once more, "And it's too late, you lost everything," he snarled at him, before reaching towards me and grabbing my arm roughly, "I'm taking Ariel to be my queen. And maybe, just maybe, you'll see her on your way to hell.." he spat.

  Aries' eyes widened, frustrated tears gathering before his upper lip curled in distaste as he snarled at Hades, "LET HER GO!"

  Hades looked at him condescendingly, "Make me." He challenged before pulling me towards him.

  "Wait! What are you doing Hades! Stop!" I screamed, trying to get out of his iron tight grip, to no avail.

  All of a sudden i was pulled out of Aries' mind and back into the living room.

  The last thing I saw was Aries rushing angrily towards us but failing to reach in time.

  I inhaled sharply, jolting away from Aries' body, and looking around me before my eyes found his silver eyes. I growled at him before I charged tackling him to the ground.

  "Why! You monster!" I snarled, hitting him over and over again with all my might.

  Hades grabbed both of my hands at once in a tight grip and laughed.

  I looked down at him in confusion, wide and dewy-eyed. He suddenly pulled us up and pinned me against a wall.

  I looked at everyone pleadingly, but Hermes shook his head and prevented anyone from intervening.

  "Calm down wolf. My method will prove its usefulness, just give it a bit of time." He stated, before letting me go, taking a few steps back.

  He turned his back on me, looking at Aries then turned back to me his eyes softening, "He'll make it through.." he said with a nod.

  I looked at him worry evident in my eyes, as I took in deep breaths to calm myself down. My hands were shaking, the adrenaline pumping freshly through my veins. I inhaled sharply and then let it out, before nodding as I decided to put a little faith in the dark lord.


  We waited for an hour or so, all of us gathered around Aries.

  Elizabeth seemed really sleepy so I told her & Eric to get some rest in a guest room of their preference. She argued with me at first, but I knew she was tired and that she appreciated my offer. They both excused us and went upstairs, hand in hand.

  "I'll be in Aries' study room, planning a couple of things, call for me if he wakes up," said Hermes.

  I nodded at him and gave him a weak smile.

  He smiled at me with a warm look in his eyes, "Don't worry Ariel he'll wake up. He's a fighter & he loves you." he said gently taking my hands in his, giving them a reassuring squeeze.

  Michael seemed unhappy. I didn't understand why. I raised an eyebrow at him, and he just shook his head like it was nothing.

  I sighed. Deciding to just concentrate on one thing at a time.


  Jake, Michael, Hades, and I sat in silence.

  I got out of my seat, "Does anyone want anything to drink? I'm making some coffee."

  Hades gave me a small smile before shaking his head.

  Michael got up. "Actually, I think I might head to bed. I'm not feeling so well." He mumbled.

  "Okay, well, pick any room, stay here tonight, everyone is staying over anyway." I offered.

  He gave me a curt nod and left the room.

  Everything was weird between us, an
d it got worse when Elizabeth found her mate.

  I think he felt lonely. I honestly didn't know what was up with him.

  I decided to ask him what was wrong. I mean we were friends after-all

  "Michael wait!" I called out before excusing myself after him.

  He was slumped at the stairs.

  "Hey...what's wrong? You've lately." I asked softly.

  Michael looked at me...tears gathered in his eyes.

  I furrowed my eyebrows stepping closer to him with concern, "What happened Michael? What's wrong?"

  "I'm going to die alone."

  I smiled at him shaking my head, "No, no you won't. You have a mate out there waiting for you!"

  Michael's eyes darkened with anger, "No I don't! You don't get it. I did find her. But she was dead!"

  My eyes widened in alarm, "what are you talking about? When did you find her? Why is she dead!"

  Michael ran a frustrated hand through his hair, "She was part of this pack, she died in the spar today. She lost to another female. All because of your mate's stupid rules! She's dead because of him! I hate him! He took everything from me! My best friend and my mate!" He yelled at me, his tone harsh.

  I flinched stepping back.

  "That's probably why they call him the mate killer! He kills his own pack members! How could you be with a monster like that! Didn't you see what he did in that prison! He ripped everyone to shreds! Every single prisoner. From the low-grade robbers to the rogues and the killers.." he spat as he shook his head in denial, "she's gone, h-he killed her.." he muttered, more to himself...

  He was losing it.

  I didn't know what to say to him.

  I could not defend Aries' actions, but he was my mate, I loved him. He's not a monster. He does what he does for his own reasons.

  Was I just being biased? Was he really considered a mate killer. I couldn't face Michael anymore. Nor could I comfort him. I was one of the reasons for his pain.

  I tried to reach out for him but he backed away snarling.

  I retracted my hand feeling suffocated all of a sudden.

  I stepped back, turning around and walked into the kitchen feeling my anxiety kick in.

  The sound of urged steps and a slam of the mansion's door followed by a heart-wrenching howl was enough for me to know that Michael left the house.

  Sitting down at the kitchen table I took deep breaths and tried to clear my mind. But I couldn't.

  "Are you alright?" A low deep voice sounded from behind me.

  I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

  I pulled out the chair next to me, offering Hades a seat which he took.

  I shook my head in reply to his question before swallowing the lump in my throat.

  "On the bright side, he'll die early and I promise you I'll reunite them in death.." he said all seriousness in his voice.

  I scrunched up my nose, "You're really bad at this."

  Hades looked offended, "On the contrary, this is the nicest thing I've ever said."

  I broke out laughing. I couldn't believe my ears. This was way too funny.

  Hades' lips quirked up trying for a smile, "Stop worrying, your worrying makes me uneasy."

  "Aw, do you care?" I said tauntingly as I pouted.

  "Not at all, but you reek of depression, it's really off-putting."

  I rolled my eyes, "well, sor-ry my depression is inconvenient and off-putting."

  "Apology accepted," He replied with an approving look.

  Seriously he's so weird.

  But good weird.

  He's actually nicer than I thought.

  "Thank you." He said.



  "Did you just read my mind?"


  "You're a bad liar."

  "I can't help it."

  "Yes, you can."

  "Well, yes I can, but it's really fun to get into people's heads. Especially yours."

  "You're not allowed to do that!"

  "Said who? I'm the god of the underworld, you can't order me around."

  "Well, I'm the god of this house and my brain. Don't read my mind!" I growled at him playfully.

  "It's weird being friends with a dog."

  "Oh, so we're friends now?" I smirked at him mischievously, raising an eyebrow.

  "I mean being acquainted."

  " called me a dog again! I'm not a dog, we're wolves, not pets!"

  "Same difference."

  I rolled my eyes at him and got up to make the coffee.

  "Want some?" I asked shaking the coffee jar filled with the little dark grains.

  Hades shrugged, "Sure."

  "Careful, you're turning into one of us now..." I said a smug grin on my face.

  "I'm no mortal." He retorted, trying to mask a smile from making it's way to his face.

  I giggled at his antics as I turned away and grabbed two mugs from the cupboard.

  He was surprisingly growing on me. I thought as I hummed a song while making the coffee.

  We should ask the moon goddess to grant him a mate. He's not that bad. My wolf piped up. he's not.

  Maybe she'll even comply as a thank you for her freedom. She contributed.

  I inwardly nodded.

  I hope this all works out.

  A loud intake of breath cut off my train of thoughts.

  I looked at Hades who had a victorious smirk crawling onto his face.

  Jake slid into the kitchen a startled look in his eyes, "He's awake!"

  I dropped everything as we both hurried to the living room.

  As soon as I got in, my eyes found his panicked ones.

  "Aries.." I breathed.

  Chapter 36- He's Gone

  Tears gathered in my eyes at the sight of him. I couldn't believe I might've lost him. Relief settled within me as a huge smile spread across my face. I was just about to embrace him in a bear hug when his eyes turned black. He didn't even take the chance to recover or concentrate his mind. He pulled himself out of the couch and rushed towards Hades who was close behind us.

  Aries grabbed Hades by the throat and threw him across the opposing couch and into the dining room.

  Hades crashed onto the dining table toppling all the delicate decorative crystals as they fell to the ground, breaking into smithereens.

  "Aries! What are you doing?" Hermes urged angrily trying to hold him off.

  I rushed to Hades to help him up, but he seemed to have everything under control as he coolly got off the ground and dusted himself from any crystal shards.

  Aries pushed Hermes and threw a punch at his face before stalking towards us, his roaring mocking laugh booming over us, "So I'm gone for a day and now you care about Hades! The goddamn god of the underworld, huh? That's what this is about? You're defending him against me!" He growled at me his eyes blazing with anger.

  I gasped, shaking my head as tears gathered in my eyes once again but this time I wasn't relieved, I was shocked, "What! What are you even saying? Aries calm down nothing is happening!"

  Aries ignored me, walking past me and straight to Hades.

  "I don't want to use force on you, because you're still in a fragile state. But if I do, you will not recover Aries. So I suggest you calm down before i make you," warned Hades standing his ground.

  Aries threw a punch and Hades took it willingly, unwavering, as he tightened his jaw.

  Aries' eyebrows furrowed before he gritted his teeth, and pinned Hades to the wall with a hand to his throat. Aries pulled back his fist to throw in another punch. But Hades caught it mid-way twisting it effortlessly, a sickening crack filling our ears.

  "Stop, you're hurting him! Stop this, both of you!" I growled trying to pry them off of each other.

  Aries showed no pain or fear, he just looked angry as hell, and with the adrenaline rushing through his veins he was unwavering.

  Hades' eyes darkened, he looked at me momentarily and pleaded with his eyes
for me to back off.


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