Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1) Page 39

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  "Have you actually tried using this new gift?" Elizabeth pointed out.

  Ariel shook her head, her cheeks tinting slightly as she gave her a small smile.

  "It's no problem, I can teach you." Hades' voice sounded smoothly.

  "To compel the witch, we need a plan to corner her," Hermes stated out flatly. "Aries and Jake you two corner her, and I will capture and teleport her to another realm where Ariel and Hades will be waiting for us. I will bring her to you, Ariel, and you need to compel her. Then we send her back to them unharmed."

  The group mumbled and murmured to one another, agreeing with the plan.

  Ariel nodded, and watched them silently, feeling a familial bond form between them as a small smile spread across her face, "I have an idea how we could diminish the magic that's spread across the uncharted lands in between." She stated before thinking it fully through.

  Everyone looked at her with anticipation, waiting for her to clarify her plan.

  "We should merge our two packs to make the land in between charted." She said hesitantly, looking between her father and Aries.

  Aries' eyes widened but then grinned at her spontaneously perfect idea.

  That was his mate. He thought, warmth spreading in his chest along with pride.

  "Of course, that is, if you don't mind dad. I know you still haven't disclaimed your rule over the pack, but I thought, maybe if I was going to be Alpha of the Blood Fang pack, I could do it alongside Aries, with his pack. We could be unified as one. A large pack of immortal, especially strong werewolves. Surely, this would be the greatest pack of all."

  Alpha Harris pursed his lips, pinching the bridge of his nose as he thought.

  "I don't want an answer now, I know it's not easy to deci-"


  "What?" she asked, trying to make sure she had heard her father right.

  Alpha Harris stepped towards his daughter, cupping her shoulders like a little trooper, "I said, okay. This is the right decision. It will protect my people, help you rule better, easier, and well, it's time for you to take your rightful place, as the new Blood Fang Alpha." He concluded, before kissing the top of her head kindly, pride glinting in his eyes.

  Ariel's eyes teared up, as she smiled up at him happily.

  "I won't let you down." She said, before engulfing him in a huge bear hug.

  He wrapped his arms tightly around her, feeling like a good father for once. After Adrien got kidnapped, he wasn't sure he was fit for the fatherly role anymore. But seeing his little girl grow up so strong like that, it reassured him, that he at least did something right in his lifetime.

  "Then we need you two to sign a blood contract. An oath that makes us all, one." Said Jake looking from Ariel to her father.

  Her father nodded, as they both followed Beta Jake to the desk so that they can sign the contract that binds the pack together.

  Beta Jake pricked Alpha Harris' thumb, letting some blood seep as he printed it onto the contract where they both signed.

  "We will hold the ceremony tomorrow, on our new co-joined land that was previously deemed uncharted. We now have the north until the south, making it safe for outlanders from the east and west, who want to pass through to the other side, without getting killed by the magic." Ariel's father stated, "I best be on my way to spread the news. The pack will probably be feeling different and confused. I bid you all a short goodbye." He said before leaving the room with a nod.

  Katherine, Ariel's mother who had been watching everything unfold got out of her place and hugged her daughter tightly. "I'm so proud. So so proud of you my sweetheart, I always knew you were destined for bigger things. Grandmama would be so proud." She said softly.

  Ariel gave her mother a thankful kiss on her cheek before hugging her back gently, "Thank you, mama."

  "Now, that I'm no longer Luna, I have to go check on my little pup and make plans for a new house here!" She said excitedly, before grabbing Elizabeth by her arm, "Come with me, do you know an interior designer?" She babbled as they both walked out of the room.

  Ariel giggled once she caught the horror flash across Aries' face.

  She nudged him lightly, and he smiled at her.

  "Let's get to work," He said, clasping his hands together, "Hades help Ariel with the compelling, then Hermes take her to the other realm and wait for Jake, and I to signal you once we've cornered the witch. Come on, quickly before the witches feel the magic start to unveil and flee."

  Aries rushed to Ariel's side, pecking her lips, "Be careful." He said gently, "I love you." He continued before hurrying out with Jake on his tail.

  Of course Jake could not miss the opportunity to wink at her mockingly before running out the door.

  Ariel giggled and looked towards Hades, "So, Where do we start?"

  Chapter 44- Family 4 Lyfe


  "Make me do something." He ordered.

  "Like what?"


  "Just like that?" She asked.

  He huffed, "Ariel just do as I say."

  "Yeesh, why are you so pissy today?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

  "Because the war has started and you're joking around." The dark lord growled.

  "I am not joking around, I just asked a simple question."

  "Just do as I say!" He yelled, the wood in the fireplace catching fire.

  Ariel gasped and took a step back.

  She wrinkled her eyebrows and gritted her teeth. "Smack yourself." She ordered.

  Hades rolled his eyes. "Try again."

  "You think it'll work? You're like one of the two most powerful beings in the world. You really think I can compel you? I don't even think I could compel Adrien!"

  "Ariel just breath and focus, look into my eyes and feel the power surge inside you. You have to want to compel me. Really want it. Believe you can and it'll work."

  Ariel shut her eyes tight, and then grabbed Hades by his face suddenly nearing him to hers, she looked deep into his cold silvery eyes, "Tell me why you're pissed off today. Be honest."

  Hades looked like he was struggling, he didn't want to answer that, he tried to fight her compulsion, but failed, his eyes widening, pupils dilating and constricting as he monotonously spoke, "I'm afraid we're near to freeing the Olympians, and that Selene will not grant me my wish to have a mate like you. I am the god of death, and love will make me unjustly and weak. She will deny me my wish... I-I don't want to be alone for eternity."

  Ariel pulled away, staring at him, unblinking.

  Hades, on the other hand, blinked getting pulled out of his daze, before staring at her his face holding so much hatred and embarrassment, she's never seen him like this.

  His face hardened as he gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw, while Hermes turned to the window probably wishing he was not there.

  In a flash, Hades stormed out of the office not even giving Ariel a chance to explain.

  She turned to run after him but Hermes stopped her, "Let him be. He needs to cool down. Maybe after the night is over you could talk things through."

  Ariel nodded before holding onto Hermes' hand so they could teleport.


  3 more days to battle. That's all Ariel could think about. It's almost over. They just have to be strong for 72 more hours.

  "Hades should be here soon." Hermes' voice sounded.

  Ariel nodded as she swallowed dryly.

  Hermes' had transported them in a woodsy realm.

  "Where are we?" She asked.

  "Not only can I transport us from place to place, I can also create a place with my mind."

  Ariel looked around and took in the atmosphere.

  They stood at the edge surrounded by numerous tall trees. The amount of green that covered the area almost suffocated her. The thickness of the forest was overwhelming.

  In front of them was a clearing which led to a lake.

  A disturbingly perfect glistening clear blue lake.

  The earth suddenly s

  "That'll be Hades, signaling the capture of the witch." Hermes stated before looking at Ariel sharply, "Stay here, be ready."

  Ariel nodded and mimed her compulsive practices.

  Thinking of exactly what she's going to say to the witch. She has to be convincing. Compelling. She had to do it right, or else.

  The earth shook again, and in a flash, Hades was standing in front of her, "Do you know what you're going to say?"

  Ariel nodded. "I'm going to make her our captive, ask her what their plan is, and where Michael is."

  He nodded curtly, a cold glint in his eyes.

  Hermes and a struggling witch followed closely. He popped shackles around her wrists and then he let her go.

  The witch was tanned, she had piercing hazel eyes, and straight black hair.

  "Nunca saldrás con esto." The witch sneered her eyes boring into Ariel's eyes. Though her tone was defying and filled with hatred, Ariel did not miss the strain in her voice nor the glint of fear that passed through her eyes.

  She was the weak link.

  Ariel blinked, ignoring the Spanish insults that spewed from the witch's mouth, then approached her.

  She studied the shackles that circled her wrists. There were eclectic writings all over. The cuffs were spelled. She couldn't perform magic.

  Ariel looked into the witch's eyes, "You will answer all our questions, you will help us fight, and you will tell me where my Beta Michael is." Ariel compelled.

  But the witch's eyes did not change.

  Ariel looked at her in confusion, as the tan woman tipped her head back and laughed.

  "You can not compel me dearest Ari-elle," she said, the strong Spanish accent coating her every word.

  "Vervain." Hades' voice growled. "The witches are ingesting vervain. Which means someone told them about your newly found abilities."

  Hades approached the pair, and the witch visibly shook as she eyed Hades warily.

  He fisted her hair and yanked it back so that she could look up at him as he neared his face to her dangerously close.

  She whimpered, tears starting to gather in her eyes as she tried, but failed, to conceal her fear, "If you're here to fight me, come on, give it your best." She spat, tears of frustration slipping down her cheeks.

  Hades shook his head, "I'm not here to fight you. This is an execution. Now tell me, how exactly would you like to die?"

  Hermes growled, "Stop Hades. We cannot kill her. Then we lose our leverage. Calm down."

  Hades sneered at her, "Fine! Then I will make it my cause to end any shred of happiness you'll ever find in this life, and if you get out of this battle alive, which is unlikely, I will hunt you down, kill you and everyone you've ever met and in the after-life, when you think you've found peace, I will find you and make it my mission to torture you myself. How do you like being eaten by Cerberus over and over again for an eternity?" He growled.

  The witch stuttered and doubled over falling to her knees, "N-No, please. Please."

  Ariel was stunned. Hades was frightening. No wonder why everyone feared him. She didn't understand why everyone gave her strange looks when she talked to him freely. It was because he was scary but he wasn't like that with her. Or with her brother.

  "H-Hades. That's enough," she breathed shakily, placing a hand on his arm.

  He looked down at his arm, at the place where she touched him and took in a deep breath before giving her a small nod. Their exchange was silent, barely noticeable. But he backed away letting go of the grip he had on the witch's hair.

  Ariel thought calculatingly. Compulsion is a gift given to her like vampires, so if she can't compel her because of the vervain, then she can siren her.

  She hummed, to test for the witch's attention.

  As soon as she hummed the witch's eyes dazed looking at her.

  She sang some more, louder, and the witch got up off her knees from the dirt and took a step forward to approach Ariel.

  "You're going to let Hades in your head so that he can know all your plans," Ariel spoke, softly, her voice sweet with a ring.

  The witch nodded, her eyes looking dreamy as they fluttered shut.

  Hades approached her cautiously, placing his hands on both sides of her head as he closed his eyes.

  Ariel kept singing.

  Opening his silvery eyes, he looked at Ariel and gave her a nod.

  "Where's Michael?" She asked softly, trying to keep her voice melodious so that the witch would stay in trance.

  "He has betrayed you. He's working with us, pretending to be kidnapped." The tan woman answered softly in a daze.

  Ariel's heart broke. Shattered into a million pieces. Years of friendship, gone in a blink of an eye.

  Ariel stopped singing and looked at the witch, stunned for a few seconds.

  The witch snapped out of it. And stared right back at Ariel.

  Ariel's hands trembled, her eyes watered.

  She looked at Hades through teary eyes, unspoken words being exchanged.

  In one swift move Hades grabbed the witch, she screamed and struggled to get out of his grip, and he teleported them.

  Hermes approached Ariel, extending his hand.

  She placed her hand in his, and he squeezed it reassuringly, "We'll fix this..." he whispered softly. His brown eyes softening.

  The tears that gathered in her eyes slipped onto her cheeks, as she buried her face in the messenger's chest as she sobbed hysterically.

  "T-Take me h-home to Aries, please. Please..." she cried as she trembled.

  Her best friend betrayed her.

  She could practically feel the knife plunge into her back as it ripped through her heart and stab into her chest.

  Hermes held onto the weeping girl, tightening his grip around her to keep her on her feet, as he teleported them back home.


  Hades had taken the witch to the underworld.

  He couldn't handle seeing Ariel cry.

  They were his newly found family.

  He would do anything for them.

  He never thought he would care again.

  The witch thrashed against the lord's grip but he held her tighter with each struggle.

  As soon as they reached the underworld, she saw where he was taking her, and she screamed and begged for mercy. Her voice fell onto deaf ears as he plunged her deep into the Styx River. Her screams died out as the souls pulled her deeper into a life of eternal misery.

  They had no use for her anymore. He read her mind.


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