The Sarran Plague (The Sarrans Book 1)

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The Sarran Plague (The Sarrans Book 1) Page 14

by A. C. Katt

  “I have business elsewhere. I assume you will go to Saxon and Lunas. Three to four tines should see me on the Bridge.”

  * * * *

  Flagen sat in silence, stock-still. He closed his eyes. Ther came, as always, visions of scenes, images that both fascinated and repelled. It was ten short cycles ago, the first rising of Planting, sacred to Zanita, Goddess of Light. He was floating and in love. He had waited until this rising to pursue the Warrior he viewed as his BondMate. Though separated by their Triad for years, he and his twin managed to communicate. Bane claimed he hadn’t Stirred, because Bane would have felt it as his twin. It never occurred to Flagen to doubt his own conclusion. His cock, dead and silent for phases, perked at the first sight of Tonas. This was love, what else could it be? They spent time together. They shared a class at the academy. Flagen helped him study. His beloved was golden with a strong face and eyes of dark jade. His brow furrowed when solving a problem. They were both compulsively neat, even of disposition. Aside from the fact that every time his beloved appeared his cock jumped almost out of his trews, their relationship was that of best friends. It was as he had always imagined love to be, solid, passionate, but quietly so. He had waited all through Barren to speak. He strolled along the wooded paths to their usual study area in the temperate phases. The Tierest tree was in the middle of the Academy campus. The Elders claimed that Tierest trees were the oldest living things on the planet. The grove on campus held dozens, their sweet fruit comprising a meal for untold generations of young Warriors skipping mess to study or play. He had play in mind that day.

  Tierest leaves were shaped like teardrops, their color the green of gurgling water over mossy stones at forest center. Tierest trees had only three branches, and from the branches stretched the vines. The tendrils sent tiny shards out to the sun. The shard grew thick but never branched. Singly, they left the tree, wrapping and draping the branches, creating a woven canvas of living awning. Sarran was the Tierest tree. The branches were akin to the Triad, in which only the combination of all three could produce fruit. Tierest flowers opened in early Planting. The slight candy blush was visible at the base of the buds. The flowers were white with a deep pink center said to resemble the passages forbidden to all but Triads.

  Flagen’s shank leaked a bit at the direction of his thoughts. His golden Warrior and he would be beneath the Tierest tree. He would greet his beloved and pull him to his chest. Their kiss would rival lightning strikes. Flagen’s cock filled. He became so hard his trews were tight and his balls began to ache. He fell to his knees, to the rear of an evergreen brumby bush.

  He waited, the bush giving him cover to stroke his shank through his trews, preparing and building his heat. He spotted Tonas in the distance and was just about to call out when a second Warrior appeared. The other Warrior grabbed Tonas and drew him close. Flagen waited for his golden man to protest. He was ready to run to the rescue, if necessary. The stranger kissed Flagen’s would-be lover and Tonas…kissed the stranger back. Flagen drew closer, still under the cover of the branches. He couldn’t believe what he saw. The dark one held Tonas in his grip, his mouth open and moving over Flagen’s beloved. His hands caressed what only Flagen should touch. Flagen’s brumby bush provided adequate cover and a line of sight between the floral spikes. The Warriors were insane for each other. They clawed at each other’s trews, tore at their vests. The dark one dared to place bite marks on Tonas golden skin.

  “Jonal, I need…I want, you.” In that moment, Tonas condemned Flagen to the flames of everlasting torment. But Flagen was mesmerized, and couldn’t look away. Tonas tongued the other’s lobe, kissed, and bit down his neck. Flagen watched Tonas become bewitched by the dark one. Bane had bewitched Flagen by telling him there was no bond between him and his Warrior, but he would rescue Tonas before it was too late.

  It is sex, mere animal magnetism, Flagen rationalized even as his hand went and cupped his balls through the trews. The dark one was whispering now. Although he was no more than fifteen tet away, he couldn’t hear, but he could imagine the dark, dangerous promises, of despicable, dirty things. The idea of his golden Tonas rubbing and mouthing this dark stranger made him nauseous. Flagen came in his trews.

  * * * *

  Now, he looked around, white harsh light, sterile and clean. He had come in his trews, again, as he had then and so many times since.

  He hadn’t rescued Tonas. Flagen was no fool. Tonas was content with Jonal, but Flagen knew it was only because Tonas had never experienced what could have been between them. He would show him. Flagen wanted Tonas, and planned to get him, in a just challenge. Bane had made him doubtful all those cycles ago. But Bane’s schemes and machinations would no longer hinder Flagen. He would get Tonas and Anya, not because of Bane and his traitorous ties, but because Tonas and Anya belonged to him.

  Bane and his perversions had taken away Flagen’s noble birthright. His assertions of knowledge beyond his ken had cost Flagen his Tonas. But he had one chance, and one chance only, to regain all he had lost, and Bane was not going to interfere this time. Flagen would help Bane, but on his terms. No one had ever rescued him from Bane. It was time he rescued himself.

  A rustling noise, followed by a series of sneezes came from underneath the gurney. He grabbed a battle dressing and stuffed it down his trews, cleaning most of the mess. “Enough…you sick slug,” Flagen gave himself a mental kick.

  “Choolowlysit, choosit.”

  That was another sneeze. Snark dung, who is here? Banging sewer scum, he bent down, with his knees on the floor, and looked beneath the gurney. Four feline eyes, two grey blue and two copper, glared back. “You banging Beasts,” Flagen felt around the floor for something, anything he could use to shoo the damned Beasts away.

  “Hiss, grrrrl.” One of them gouged his arm while the other streaked across the room. The other stood his ground, daring Flagen to hurt him.

  “Squat there now, Beast. You’ll be mine soon enough and then we’ll see who out ranks who.” Curling his upper lip, Flagen clenched his teeth, pushing out air. “SSSS.” Satisfied, he stalked out of the room, leaving the Beast to his own devices.

  * * * *

  Mark Stern sat before the viewer scanning security images. He was particularly interested in viewing access to the Admirals’ Quarters. Since the Beast’s discovery of the bug, a few risings ago, he spent most of his time trying to pin down suspects. The list was short. Other than the Admirals and the Beast, only Saxon, Lunas, Bane, and he, himself, had entered the StarRoom since their departure from Earth. He had no access to alien tech. That left three suspects, one of which was his lover, Bane. It didn’t look good. He had set the computer to silent to facilitate concentration. He became aware of the message light on the console at the same moment he heard the frantic knock.

  “Stern, Mark, Medical Officer, Chief of Security. Open.”

  Both Lunas and Saxon stood on the other side and entered his office immediately.

  “Saxon, Commander, engage silence protocol, security office. Override Code 1258.”

  “What the fuck is happening, Saxon?” Mark growled.

  “We have a Security Protocol from the Admiral’s Quarters,” Lunas answered. “Lunas, Commander, Second Key, Security Protocol 1258.”

  The baritone voice of the isolated security system spoke: “Pulling up Protocol 1258. Date: 9435.B115; Location, Command Corridor. 11:35 tines.”

  A holo image of the empty corridor outside the Admirals’ Quarters appeared. He heard the whoosh of the transport unit doors, followed by footsteps in the background. Halfway down the corridor Bane and Anya emerged from the lift. It appeared as if Bane was attempting to pull Anya away from Quarters, rather than toward them. Jonal opened the quarter’s door and after thanking Bane, took Anya inside. Bane turned away, hurrying down the corridor. The aspect changed and the next image showed Anya speaking to Jonal and Tonas. Mark spoke in a flat, almost lifeless tone. “Override privacy screen for audio, use Security Protocol 1258.”

  Mark turned to Saxon and spoke, “Will that give me the audio?”

  “Yes, Doctor,” Saxon replied.

  Mark knew what Anya was saying to Jonal and Tonas, but he had to hear it. “Raise the volume of the audio, now.”

  “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, why are you thanking that chowder head? He bruised my arm trying to get me away from here.” Mark heard a loud the words that christened him ten times a fool. And he had asked the traitor to take a message. He had given his friend who counted on his protection, to an enemy that would have kidnapped her or worse, given the opportunity. Mark slammed his fist on the console. He couldn’t torture himself with his failings now; he had a serious security breach.

  “Goddamn son of a bitch,” Mark cursed aloud. Bless the foresight of the partial mind block. Bane was their traitor.

  Mark turned and addressed the waiting commanders. “Do you have any suggestions on how to play this one?”

  “Override Code 1258 gives access to the entire ship’s log, including any security entries made by the Admirals. You now have sole access. I believe anything after the time mentioned might be personal,” Lunas answered.

  “I believe that Lunas and I should be seen minding the store, Stern. It’s better they don’t know what information we have.”

  “You are, of course, correct, Commander. Dismissed, gentlemen,” Mark replied, his voice grim.

  “Computer, Medical Lab monitor, Override Code 1258, follow that with any communications from Admirals’ Quarters to Crew Quarters from 9435.B115, 11:15 tines forward to present.”

  Mark knew he was playing for time. He had to give Jonal and Tonas time to complete the ritual. “Security to Bridge. Override 1258: Access to Bridge is forbidden until further notice. All entrances to and from the Bridge are to be monitored. Notice to this console upon approach.”

  Sometimes, he thought, life was pretty shitty. He had to keep his false lover in a standoff, while his three best friends screwed their brains out. Mark Stern was not generally an introspective man. He took life as it came and wrestled it down to his liking. This time, however, his ego had finally outrun his common sense. He didn’t have to Bond to Bane to take this journey. Morgan offered him the ride, an offer seconded by the Admirals, no strings. However, Mark’s ego had needed stroking and with Bane literally falling at his feet, he hadn’t looked beyond the obvious. He had told Jonal that he couldn’t, in good conscience, clear Bane of suspicion. Yet he hadn’t followed his own advice. There was no going back. He was now, physically, a Sarran male, who, as a former Earthen, might never have a BondMate. Mark had thrown the dice and crapped out. He had done right by his country and the Sarrans, but failed himself and almost failed his friends.

  Fifteen mots later, he sensed three Sarran approaching the Bridge. Bane and Flagen approached on screen from the main corridor. The third was Juraens, just as he had expected. The Admirals had notified the Sarran. Juraens stood outside the separate, seldom-used commander’s entry, but did not move to enter. Mark couldn’t wait for the Sarran equivalent of Homeland Security. He had to act.

  He spoke to Saxon and Lunas using 1258, the isolated security channel now fully operative, “Gentlemen, we’re on.”

  Chapter 11

  “Men are not prisoners of fate,

  but only prisoners of their own minds.”

  —Franklin D. Roosevelt

  Sarran Calendar: Cycle 9435.B115

  Earth Calendar: July 25th, mid-afternoon

  The panels of the door to the small security office opened and Stern stepped onto the Bridge. Bane and Flagen had staked positions outside the door and demanded immediate access. Stern nodded to Lunas.

  “1258 Protocol override, Bridge Access only.” In tune to the staccato rhythm of his leashed anger, the locking mechanisms that sealed the access panels clicked closed and the passageway from commons corridor to the Bridge resumed function.

  “Why is the Bridge sealed from access by authorized medical personnel?” demanded Bane.

  “Security authorized closure, Dr. Bane,” Lunas shot back. “As security is in command, I followed orders.”

  “Mark, I’m so sorry,” Bane soothed. “Commanders, I apologize for my undue haste. You can understand my concern as our Bond is recent. When the Bridge went silent…”

  “Quiet, Bane.” Mark gripped the edge of the communications console. Lt. Septis edged away. “Septis,” Mark snapped, “resume station. Does no one follow orders on this sardine can?” Mark muttered and began to rub his head. He moved away from the console and leaned against the commander’s chair, gripping the back and steadying himself. Waves of continuous heat rippled around his body. It was almost more than he could stand. This sensation was what Jonal and Tonas had described. This was a BondStir, a pale imitation of what he felt before with Bane. Who here is causing this in me? He refused to be this helpless or open to anyone, ever again. It’s is not Bane. I saw the holo myself, Bane said it wasn’t real.

  He attempted to steady his voice. “Saxon, please, some water. Lunas, find out what Medical is after.”

  “Mark, you can…” Bane stuttered.

  “I said to shut up Bane, talk to Lunas.”

  “I don’t believe Bane has anything to say, Dr. Stern, Commanders Lunas and Saxon.” Flagen stepped out from behind his brother and addressed the others.” His back was straight and his face set. ”My brother accompanied me for a small show of familial support. Commanders, I must beg for your indulgence. Under normal circumstances, I would bring this matter before an Elder Tribunal, but as there is no tribunal aboard and the matter is urgent…”

  “Dr. Flagen, if this matter is of such import as to warrant a tribunal, I must alert Admirals Jonal and Tonas,” Lunas tried to deflect him.

  “Let me get to the point, Commander,” Flagen insisted. “I invoke my right under Sarran Codex to challenge Admiral Jonal for my BondMate, Admiral Tonas, and the Fem Anya of EarthClan.”

  “Aren’t you about ten cycles too late for that laptard to hunt, Dr. Flagen?” Commander Saxon sniggered.

  “Commander Saxon,” Mark roared, “On my Bridge you will show respect for your fellow officers. Continue, Flagen.”

  Flagen’s voice dripped ice. “In my reading of the Codex, there was no article that limited a challenge to a particular timeframe unless there were offspring. As I have information from Princess Anya that the Rite of Penetration is not complete, it is my duty as a Sarran Warrior to issue a challenge to a weaker, thus fraudulent, Bond. Warriors, the Codex demands my challenge be answered and the parties involved separated until a tribunal can convene. As there are two medical officers other than myself on board, I assume that my brother would recuse himself, but Dr. Stern should be up to administering the drug. Since Admirals Jonal and Tonas are subjects in the filing, according to regulations, Commanders, you both have seats on the Tribunal and the third choice is mine. I would like to request that be Communications Officer Septis.”

  Mark thought, And we now open door number three. Yet Septis had the all-important access to Communication. Shit. It had become difficult to stand erect. The sexual pull was making Mark’s knees weak. His determined resistance produced nausea. He took deep, cleansing breaths.

  “I have brought the Challenge kit with me,” Bane inserted smoothly. “We can take care of this awful business now and be done with it, if Lt. Septis is willing. We need Security to fetch the Admirals and Doctor Forrest.”

  “Dr. Flagen,” Saxon turned, deliberately showing his back to Bane, “Dr. Stern has been appointed Chief of Security by the Admirals and his appointment verified by Alliance Representative.”

  “You will have to present your case to him,” Lunas finished.

  “Dr. Stern is my brother-in-Bond. I do not feel it would be an honorable act to ask him to make such a decision,” Flagen answered.

  Mark noticed that Bane turned to Flagen with a look of total stupefaction on his face. “But that would leave no medical officer to oversee the challenge. If you put off the challen
ge, brother, the fem might gestate and you would forfeit,” stuttered an obviously stunned and out-maneuvered Bane.

  The sight of Bane so outdone by the brother he held in such derision was the only event in Caesar’s circus that gave Mark hope that there was a way out of this potential explosion.

  The secondary doors to the Bridge area opened without fanfare. Mark watched as the two bodies entered what he now thought of as the arena. Caesar, those of us about to die, salute you. Christ, it’s becoming difficult to keep standing. He felt another hit to his gut. His shaft was on fire and now his testicles burned. Mark sank into one of the command chairs.

  “Identify yourselves, Warriors, Security Protocol 1258, Computer complete ID scan to verify.” He barely managed to give the command loud enough for the Bridge to record and repeat.

  ::All will be well soonest, love. Just trust a while longer.::

  Mark roared back with all the mental push he could muster, ::Bane, get out of my head, and my body, you sick fuck.::

  Mark turned his head toward the door. Juraens he was expecting, but who stood in the shadow?

  ::Bane is not in your head, Mark. Bane is nothing. Never was.::

  Mark looked around, attempting to locate the source of the new mind voice. His face remained impassive but he felt sweat collecting, plastering his hair to his scalp and trickling down his back, settling in the crease of his ass. He felt heat in his armpits and moisture collected in the hair surrounding his cock and sac. Mark knew he had psychic talent. He also knew it wasn’t as latent as advertised to those on board Brightstar, save Jonal and Tonas. . He had looked forward to life, Mates, offspring. Fuck Bane.

  ::There are only two beings who will ever fuck you again, love— me and our fem when we find her.::

  “Juraens, Elder Council, Psi Security, Identity Scan under Protocol 1258.”


  “There,” said Bane with a hint of smug satisfaction, “Juraens’s presence solves our dilemma. As Psi Security, he is qualified to administer the challenge and oversee the proceedings. I have a kit already prepared, so matters can proceed, if the Commanders and Lt. Septis are willing.”


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