A Little More Touch Me (The Fallout Series Book 2)

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A Little More Touch Me (The Fallout Series Book 2) Page 20

by Heather Young-Nichols

  His grinned. “I was an active kid.”

  “I’m glad I didn’t see that.”

  He used his good arm to reach out and cup my face while at the same time pulling me closer to him. This was what I’d been afraid of. He leaned down to kiss me and I couldn’t deny him that. At least not at first, but then I thought better of it. We were kissing in a shower. The tub was slippery. We were literally asking for trouble.

  Instead, I pulled away and smiled. Then I grabbed a washcloth, squirted some body wash in it, and lathered him up.

  “Don’t forget the important areas,” he told me. I rolled my eyes but still ran the cloth over his groin. He groaned and let his head fall back.

  “No, you don’t,” I said. “You keep your eyes open.”

  “Even better.” He smirked.

  “So you don’t fall.”

  We finished up. I wrapped a towel around myself then helped him dry off and put some clean clothes on him. Sweatpants and a T-shirt because he wasn’t leaving this house unless it was over my dead body. Plus, I thought he’d sleep a lot and this would’ve been most comfortable.

  Which was exactly what he did the rest of the day. He slept. Then woke up and ate. We talked for a while and then he slept again. Laney came home in the afternoon and hung out with us in the living room. Then Zac arrived after work with Maddie coming in behind them. We had dinner around the coffee table. All finger food. Sandwiches. Chips for those that wanted them and a spread of fresh veggies.

  On day two of his recovery, he became a whiny bitch. He complained about things that didn’t need to be complained about. He whined when he couldn’t do something that required two hands.

  On day three, frustration set in. Porter wasn’t used to not being independent and I think it killed him a little to rely on me. I understood, but it was getting on my nerves. The complaining was not the helping.

  Finally, he nodded off. He’d been relying on the pain meds less and less, which meant less napping.

  “How’s he doing?” Laney asked on day three. She’d been spending all her nights at Zac’s to not disturb Porter when he was sleeping and because I was sleeping in her bed.

  “He’s frustrated,” I told her.

  She nodded. “I can see that. These guys aren’t used to not being able to physically do what needs to be done.”

  “Yeah.” I glanced at him on the couch. We were in the dining room, so it didn’t take much to watch him. “Hey, Laney. I’m sorry about before.”

  “I know. I am too.”

  “I wasn’t trying to leave you out. That’s not how I meant it anyway. I just wanted to be sure I knew what it was before bringing you into it. He’s your friend and I didn’t want you to have to take sides in the divorce. You and Zac shouldn’t have to decide whose best friend gets to come to something if things had gotten awkward.”

  She giggled quietly. “I get it. Zac said I need to get past all of that and stop thinking that everyone’s leaving me out.”

  “Even though he’s the one who made you paranoid?”

  “I think especially because he’s the one who made me paranoid.” She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, then opened them again. “He’s right, though. He still holds so much guilt over all that and every time it bubbles up again for me, it’s like twisting the knife in his gut for him.”

  “Yeah. Probably better to try to get past it.”

  “Exactly.” She scratched behind her right ear, a nervous habit of hers. “Are you staying here like for good then?” she asked. “Even if you don’t get the job at the school?”


  “Because Zac and Porter are buying the store and their lives are here. Nobody’s going to leave their job here; it’s not what people from East Branch do. Mom moved back to be near her parents after the divorce.”

  “Laney.” I set my hand on her arm. “I’m staying here. I told you I was moving with you before we left school.”

  Relief flashed over her face. “Oh. Good. But you need a job. Have you thought about what you’re going to do?” She held her hands up in front of her. “Not that I’m pressuring you.”

  “I have some leads. We’ll see how the interview goes.”

  “I can help with that,” she said immediately. “I have some tricks up my sleeve that maybe we can get you in earlier. Then if they want a second interview, it could be after the principal gets back from his vacation. What else?”

  My stomach did this nervous flop at the idea that I was going to tell her what I was about to tell her. “I told him I love him.”

  Her eyes widened. “Seriously? What’d he say?”

  “He said he loves me.”

  “Holy fucking shit.” She slapped a hand over her mouth as if the outburst had been unintentional. I couldn’t help the smile on my face at her reaction. “Sorry. I didn’t think I’d ever see the day that Porter told someone he loved them. I mean other than in a family way. I wonder what made him admit it.”

  “Because he fucking loves her.” Porter’s deep, though still tired, voice cut through the air, making both of us fall into a fit of giggles.

  “How long have you been listening?” she asked.

  “A while. You two think you’re being quiet, but the house isn’t that big.”

  “OK, well, I’ll go pay some bills.” Laney pushed up from the table. “We can all have dinner here tonight. I’ll get something.”

  She left as I cuddled in next to Porter on the couch.

  “You have an interview?” he asked quietly.

  I nodded. “At the school. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want anyone to get overly excited. Me especially.”

  “That’s fine. But I’m not worried.”

  Porter sunk back into the couch and brought me with him. This time, when he nodded off, I went with him.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  By day four, Porter was feeling marginally better. At least he wasn’t whiny anymore and had started to deal with the frustration of his limitations. Which was a relief since he still had over three weeks before the thing could potentially come off. He’d be going back to work sooner than that though and I thought working would make him feel more like himself.

  We spent those few days on the couch watching TV and talking. We did go for a few walks, as he was feeling better and in another couple of days he was going to attempt to head back to work, do what he could with one arm, and Zac was there to help with the rest. He and Zac were also going to start looking for another car for him, but I said there was no rush. My car was at his disposal as long as he needed it. I’d drive him wherever he needed to go.

  It was Sunday night and we’d just had dinner when I found Porter’s heated gaze on me. Zac and Laney were over at his house for the night as I still wasn’t sleeping in bed with Porter.

  “What?” I asked.

  He didn’t answer. He just kept his eyes on me while running his good finger over his top lip. The intensity of it all had me squirming in my seat. He’d been turned slightly sideways as I sat with my legs across the couch, my feet almost touching him.

  “Do you need something?” I asked.

  “Come here,” he said and every part of my body wanted to obey his command. But he still had a broken collarbone.

  “Uh, no way, dude. You’re still injured.”

  “Come here,” he said again as he laid his right arm over the back of the couch. “I just want to kiss you.”

  I contemplated that for only about half a second. Kissing we’d done already, so kissing we could still do. I hopped up onto my knees and shimmied over to him, leaning in and pushing my lips to his, but he didn’t respond.

  “No,” he said quietly. “Come here.” Then he tapped his lap.

  “Porter,” I said with a sigh.

  “I want to feel you,” he said, and the words felt like a warm blanket over me. “And I want to kiss you.”

  I sighed then did what he wanted, being ever so careful of his injured shoulder. I set my hand on hi
s right one to brace myself then sunk down onto him.

  He brushed my hair back behind my shoulder. “See? This is exactly what I wanted.” Then he dove in, moving his hand to the back of my head to keep me from moving.

  I wouldn’t pull away over the fear of hurting him. Hell, I wouldn’t pull away because I didn’t want to. When I made any movement, I was consciously aware of staying away from his left side.

  His hand slid down my neck and back then up under my shirt. The feel of his skin against mine made me squirm, which made him groan.

  “Did I hurt you?” I asked.

  “You couldn’t possibly.”

  My chest rose and fell rapidly from our kissing. Kissing that would’ve normally led somewhere else completely. “I better get back on my own side of the couch.”

  “You better not,” he countered then cocked his head to the side. “Actually, I think we should both move to your bed.”

  “Uh, no way. You’re injured.”

  “Do you honestly think we’re not having sex for a month because of my collarbone?”

  I nodded. That was exactly what I’d thought.

  “No fucking way. Let’s go.” He stood up, which forced me to put my feet out and stand too. “You need to sleep in bed with me now too. I can almost lie down flat.”

  “I’ll roll over on you.”

  “No. You’ll sleep on my right side and I’ll be fine,” he said. I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off before I got a word out. “Or I’ll go home and sleep in my own fucking bed.”

  Well, I really didn’t want that. Hell, it was going to be hard not staying with him every night once he did go home.

  “Fine,” I said, giving in. “I’ll sleep in my bed with you tonight.”

  He took my hand in his and began pulling me toward the bedroom. “We should practice now.”

  I giggled. As if I didn’t know what he was going to try in there. I’d just have to be the stronger of the two of us.

  Once settled in bed, Porter tucked me into his good side and brought my mouth back to his. This… I could get used to. His one good hand slid up the back of my shirt again and just that small movement had me writhing beside him.

  “We have to stop,” I said when I couldn’t take anymore.

  “Or you could take your shirt off,” he countered.

  “Porter, we can’t do this. You’re injured. That would make me selfish.”

  “Please be fucking selfish,” he begged. “Listen, I want you. I don’t want to wait a month. We can do this and be careful. You can do all the work.”

  My hormones might’ve been clouding my judgement. “Maybe I should ask Tegan if it’s OK.”

  “Fuck no,” he spat immediately, the sound of disgust reverberated off the walls. “You’re not asking your brother if you’re allowed to fuck me. Not happening.”

  I covered the giggle coming out of my mouth with a hand. That was exactly the response I thought I’d get out of him. “We’ll be very careful.”

  “The carefullest.” Then he glanced down at my breasts. “Shirt first.”

  I’d give him what he wanted because it was what I wanted too.

  He watched while I pulled my T-shirt over my head and unhooked my bra. I went to climb back on top of him, but he stopped me and insisted I help get him undressed to save time later. I got fully undressed while I was at it.

  After we kissed for a bit longer, he pushed on my ass to indicate he wanted me higher. I moved up until my breasts were at his face level. He sucked a nipple into his mouth, making me melt on top of him.

  “This is wrong,” I said with a sigh.

  “The fucking hell it is.” His voice was low and gravelly, marred with lust and excitement. That was the only thing that had me not caring that I should’ve been the one putting a stop to it. He scraped his teeth across the sensitive nub then pushed on my ass again.

  “No way,” I said, sounding so breathless that I should’ve been embarrassed.

  “Come on,” he pled again, probably knowing I’d give in.

  “I’ve… I’ve never done it that way and I don’t think now is the time to try it.”

  “Who the fuck have you been dating?” he asked. I didn’t answer, knowing it was rhetorical. Then he pushed again.

  I rolled my eyes and moved until I found a position that was comfortable for me and wouldn’t hurt him. This was the most self-conscious I’d ever been in bed with anyone. The position wasn’t what I’d call the most flattering. Me hovering over him with my most sensitive area right in his face.

  Then his tongue touched me and I almost launched off the bed. His one good arm kept me where I was. He continued making me squirm and moan, uttering some of the most unflattering noises known to man. He didn’t stop. Not until my legs quivered, my muscles clenched, and everything became right in the world. And I was going to collapse on him, making me highly aware of his injury again.

  I swung my leg around and slid down beside him, trying to catch my breath. He wiped a hand over his mouth and I swore I didn’t want to think about the reason for it. I knew. I just didn’t want to think about it.

  “Sounded like a good first time,” he said.

  I slapped my hands over my face to cover the redness I knew had to be there. “Why would you say that?” Though the words were muffled.

  “Because it did.” He pulled my hands back, almost forcing me to look at him. “That was nothing to be embarrassed about,” he said as he gently caressed my cheek. “That was fucking beautiful.”

  “Stop.” I rolled my eyes. Then to shut him up myself, I leaned over and kissed him again.

  Before we got too lost in it, I went to my dresser and came back with a condom. I always had condoms just in case. Never knew when you’d need one. I was no fool and always prepared. I just didn’t think I’d be using any of them until after he was healed.

  “Fuck. Yes,” he said, but I didn’t think it was to me.

  For the first time with him, I opened the package and slid the latex over his erection. There was no stopping this now. He needed the same release he’d just given me. When I sunk down onto him, taking him in one movement, he sighed in relief, as if this was what he’d been waiting for. Maybe it was.

  I stilled for a moment to get used to him being there then began the making the movements I knew to make. He guided me to what he liked with his hand on my hip to coax me to move faster or slow down when necessary. It was the perfect dance between the two of us. The groan I’d come to know from him released into the room and I knew that we’d both gotten exactly what we’d come for.

  Slowly, I moved off of him and cuddled into his side. I’d done it. We’d had sex without me hurting him. I was very proud of me.

  “That… ” He took another breath. “That might be my favorite position.”

  “You say that about all of them, but this one is the only one we can do while your arm is like that.”

  He chuckled. “Not the only one.”

  I wanted to ask but definitely didn’t want to encourage him right then.

  He rolled to his side and the off the bed and stood up.

  “Need me to help you with that?” I asked, pointing at the now used condom.

  “Nah. I got it,” He told me then shuffled off to the bathroom.

  After we both took a moment to clean up, I snuggled back into him in my bed, underneath the blanket this time.

  “I just want to be clear,” I began, then I wet my lips which were suddenly dry from the activity and nervousness of what I was about to say. “You want me to stay here in East Branch, right? Like this is a permanent thing to you, right?”

  “Permanent thing?”

  “I’m not asking you to marry me, Eugene.”

  His hand suddenly slapped me on the ass. “I told you not to use that name.”

  I laughed. “Sorry.” I wasn’t. I had to do it once. “But I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m going to take the teaching job if it’s offered because I want to stay here for a lot
of reasons, but you’re one of the big ones and I want to make sure that’s what you want.”

  “I told you that I love you, Rhian.”

  “I know, but that doesn’t—”

  He cut me off. “It does to me. I’ve never told someone that before and can’t imagine ever saying it to anyone else. Yes, I want you here. I don’t want to have to follow you somewhere else but I would. Zac would hate you forever, though.”

  My phone made the dinging noise to indicate I had a text. He tried to keep me from looking at it, but I prevailed.

  “Shit. I have to shower,” I said.

  “Sounds good to me, but why?”

  “Laney got me a meeting with the high school principal, who’s going interview me and I can’t smell like sex.”

  “Isn’t it late for an interview?” he asked. “And the weekend?”

  I glanced at the clock. “We’re going to meet for coffee. It’s only seven and he can do it tonight before he leaves for vacation in the morning. I told her I’d literally take any time. Day, night, weekend didn’t matter. I can’t not do it now.”

  “You have to help me get dressed first. Otherwise, Laney will have to do it.”

  I shook my head and helped him get dressed before running off to the shower and putting something professional on.

  After a quick kiss goodbye to him, with the nagging guilt of leaving him alone, I hurried out the door and headed to the coffee shop for the interview.

  Mr. Shephard waved me over as soon as I came through the door. He looked to be about thirty-five to forty years old. Hair cropped short to his head and he was a big guy. Tall. Lots of muscles.

  “Laney described you perfectly,” he said as we shook hands.

  “Thank you for meeting me on such short notice,” I told him as I took a seat. “And on the weekend.”

  “Not a problem at all. I’m going to a conference tomorrow and will be gone the week. This worked out for me.”

  “Well, I really appreciate it.”

  Then he went into interview mode. He asked about school. Why I wanted to be a teacher. The second part, I left my parents out of it. I did mention it was the family business, but he didn’t need to know more than that.


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