Dragon’s Stone

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Dragon’s Stone Page 6

by Lena Austin

  Aneurin rewarded his joke with a chuckle. “I’ll hunt with Watash and the other dragons while you’re in class tomorrow. They tell me there’s fine fat deer within the safe zone and fish in the lake to dive for.”

  Visions of graceful dragons diving from the air like cormorants flickered in front of Jack’s eyes. Where had that vision come from? He could see it clear as day, like a scene from a movie. He sat on the edge of the bed and moved Aneurin’s silky black hair aside with his left hand so he could nibble on Aneurin’s ears and neck. “Dry off in the sun before we have flying lessons, will you? I don’t fancy a wet ass.”

  Aneurin moaned and turned his head to allow Jack better access. “Saddle. You’ll have a saddle.” He writhed in his bonds. “Dammit, Jack, get up here and fuck me.”

  Jack chuckled and reached into his bags beside the bed. The dark brown one held his lube, condoms, and a special present he’d saved for just such an occasion as this. “Not yet, Aneurin, but I will. First, a little gift from me.” His hand closed around the distinctive bullet-shaped bottle. He brandished it in front of his dragon’s curious face.

  Frowning, Aneurin read the label without comprehension. “What’s a warming liquid?”

  “A special substance with properties you’re going to like, I hope.” Grinning, Jack flipped the cap. The scent of blackberries filled the air, and he allowed one drop to fall on his fingertip. Lazily, he rubbed it on Aneurin’s right nipple, nearest to him.

  The nipple hardened immediately beneath his fingertip. Aneurin squirmed. “By my foremothers, that feels good.”

  Wickedly, Jack leaned forward until his lips hovered inches above the gooey delight. Oh, this was going to be a pleasant surprise. “Just wait and see what happens next.” He blew a hot breath of air across the nipple.

  Aneurin’s back arched as he tried to lift himself off the bed with an inarticulate cry of pleasure. “Hot! It got hot!”

  His hand still resting on the dragon’s chest, Jack pushed him back down on the mattress. Aneurin’s reaction was even better than Jack had dared hope for. “So you like my version of dragon breath? There’s more.”

  Gasping for air, Aneurin was helpless to stop Jack. “More? Shards, I can’t take much more.”

  “Yes, you can.” Jack bent to lick a tasty mouthful of blackberry-flavored nipple before sucking it in. Where Aneurin couldn’t see, Jack dribbled more of the tasty liquid into his right hand, and slid it toward Aneurin’s rigid cock.

  Moans escaped Aneurin’s throat, and changed to draconic purrs when Jack’s slippery hand encased his cock and stroked the fluid up and down the entire length. Quickly, Aneurin matched his movements to Jack’s, timing his thrusts into Jack’s hand to increase the pleasurable sensation of the slick liquid. “Ja -- ah -- ack!”

  Aneurin’s shirt snarled as it ripped in two, unable to contain a dragon in the throes of passion. Oh, well, bondage on a dragon was always going to be a fragile thing. Jack still had Aneurin at his mercy, sort of.

  Jack released Aneurin’s nipple and licked his way down the dragon man’s flat, hairless belly. He reached his goal of Aneurin’s thick, appropriately purplish cock. After all, his dragon body was purple. Aneurin’s fingers tightened in Jack’s hair, begging for his mouth.

  Jack winced and withdrew teasingly. His mouth watered to taste a blackberry flavored dragon dick, but Jack would be damned if he’d end the game by giving his dragon any control. The word control echoed back to him in his mind. This wizard shit was getting to him.

  “Dammit, Jack, stop tormenting me.” However, Aneurin released his grip on Jack’s hair.

  Jack chuckled. His eager lips wrapped around the head of Aneurin’s cock and his taste buds exploded with blackberry-sweet meat. Now Jack lay fully upon the bed between Aneurin’s legs, and ground his dick into the velvety bedspread.

  Aneurin yelped and thrust upward, shoving his cock deep down Jack’s throat in a convulsive movement. Had Jack not been prepared, he might have gagged.

  Jack’s right hand, still sticky with the warming solution, crept down to play with Aneurin’s tightening balls. Already the dragon’s body prepared to pop off a load, and Jack wanted Aneurin to come first. Jack’s other toys could wait for another day, another opportunity. Deliberately, his middle finger played with Aneurin’s ass. He thought hard at his dragon, “I love you, Fireball Butt.”

  Bless those thick stone walls for absorbing the sound of a dragon’s ecstatic shriek. Jack’s ears rang, his throat filled, and he swallowed in a big hurry to keep from choking. Hungrily, Jack took it all in. His own need pulsed in time to his attempts to drill a hole in the mattress beneath him.

  His dragon lover convulsed like an epileptic in full seizure before collapsing limply into the center of the bed. Aneurin’s one long roar subsided into harsh, growling pants. When he could stand no more, Aneurin grabbed Jack’s ears and tugged until Jack lifted his head.

  Jack licked his lips and gulped down the last tasty drops. “How does a dragon hold his liquor?” Jack paused. “By the ears.”

  Aneurin stared for a full three heartbeats before his eyes flew open wide as he caught the joke. He could barely laugh around his gasps, but at least he let go of Jack’s ears before his claw-like nails gave his human new places for earrings Jack didn’t want. “Shut up and fuck me, you damned wizard.”

  The “damned wizard” snickered and knelt on the bed to grab Aneurin’s ankles, enjoying how the dragon’s toes curled in anticipation. With one hand, Jack slathered his cock with some of the solution, foregoing the condom since Aneurin wasn’t susceptible to disease like a human partner. Besides, Jack was too anxious to wait.

  Still in the throes of passion, Aneurin lifted his legs and did his reptilian best to bend himself in half. He was a damn sight better at it than a human would be, since his spine was twice as flexible. “Hard, Jack. Give it to me hard.”

  Too pent up to wait any longer, Jack slammed into Aneurin’s ass with as much force as he dared. Getting past the first barrier was easy enough, but he refused to cause his dragon internal damage by shoving all the way in without giving Aneurin time to adjust. Jack didn’t give a rat’s ass that Aneurin’s insides were built to withstand an internal furnace.

  Heated dragon tissue closed around Jack’s cock. Warm oven mitts, straight from delivering a pizza to the counter, had about the same barely tolerable temperature. Aneurin threw his arms around his legs to hold them steady, his whiskey eyes hazed with lust.

  Now Jack wished he could roar with pleasure, but all that came out was a long groan. Heat and pressure enveloped his over-stimulated cock in pure sensation. The scent of their play combined with the aroma of blackberries, as much a taste as a smell. A reverent “Bloody hell!” fell from his mouth without passing through his brain. Jack tightened his buttocks and slid home as soon as the barrier allowed.

  Aneurin sucked in a breath, his head thrown back and his mouth open in a silent roar. He grasped his hands over Jack’s and pulled his ankles in tighter, wordlessly begging for more.

  Unable to maintain any sort of control, Jack pounded into Aneurin like a jackhammer. There was no stopping his thrusts, and Jack didn’t want to in any case. Every inch of him screamed with need for release with his nerve endings burning, maybe literally, inside the fiery insides of his love. Not lover. Love. No one else came close to fulfilling all Jack’s needs, no one else had almost died for him. Jack poured all that love into every stroke, waiting for the final giving his heart demanded.

  His wonderful dragon smiled ecstatically. Aneurin must have sensed this extra dollop of emotion on top of their physical play through their bond. Nothing else could explain why he suddenly roared and came again all over Jack’s chest in great gouts of white cream.

  Now Jack screamed. His poor human vocal cords were unable to match the draconic expression of pleasure and happiness, but they gave vent to the closest thing Jack could manage. Something he couldn’t name reached out and seized him, but he could sense it meant no harm.<
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  Aneurin’s orgasm soared up their bond, a few seconds of disorientation, and an electric shock that sent Jack straight over the cliff edge and into flight. In that moment of shared pleasure, Jack could have sworn they were both dragons, mating on the wing high above the mountains where the air was so cold Jack could see his breath as they roared and fucked mindlessly in shared passion. In the sane back of Jack’s mind, something celebrated and he knew his dragon body was real.

  Neither of them cared they could not even soar, but rather plummeted toward the earth. The rush of adrenaline coursed through Jack’s body, heightening every sensation. They careened to certain death, uncaring and unwilling to stop.

  At the last possible moment, Aneurin’s wings snapped open and his forearms wrapped around Jack to glide them gently to the lakeside opposite where the humans still partied wildly. Their bonfires winked and lit the lake water with beautiful colors of flame, and the sweet aroma of smoke scented the air.

  They chuckled indulgently as if watching children’s antics, and rested their entwined bodies atop a delightfully cushioned meadow of bushes that creaked and snapped like firecrackers as they settled.

  Somehow, Jack knew their bodies could not part yet, and he was content to remain locked in Aneurin’s embrace. Jack sighed, and purred, surprising himself. “Aneurin?”

  A sleepy golden eye opened and looked down his purple snout at Jack. “Hmm?”

  “What color am I?” Out of his subconscious popped that weird question instead of asking Aneurin if dragon love was like this all the time. Somehow, Jack knew the answer to both.

  Aneurin’s tongue flickered out to caress Jack’s muzzle. “Black, Jack. Black as the night. Go to sleep. You have class tomorrow.” His huge purple wing settled over his bonded like a blanket.

  Jack snuggled and twined his long neck around Aneurin. His last conscious thought was stupid, but Jack couldn’t help wondering, didn’t black dragons breathe sulfuric acid? “That might explain my acid reflux.”

  Another voice laughed with Aneurin’s chuckles at the joke. An image formed in Jack’s mind. The stone. That damned stone he’d touched. What the hell was it? For a brief moment, an image of the rock, just as he’d held it in his hands at the Trial, appeared. Then the stone morphed into a tiny golden dragon. Seconds later the images were gone, and with it, the memory of the stone’s special nature. Later, it promised. Later. Sleep stole over Jack before he could ask any more questions.

  Chapter Eight

  Aneurin opened one sleepy eye when the first birdsong of the morning began from a lark on their windowsill. The first rays of a pink dawn speared up on the horizon, but hadn’t completely chased away the darkness yet. He let the bird finish its song and flitter away, considering it a victory tune in celebration of not only Jack’s acceptance into the Royal Academy, but also Jack’s unprecedented transformation into a dragon. His bonded was truly remarkable, and completely unaware of how gifted he was.

  Jack snuffled and rolled over on his back, losing a large portion of the blanket in the process. He lay with his cock pointing at the canopy above them, displayed in all his glory with his right hand under his head in an unconsciously erotic pose.

  The dragon in man form eased away from his lover wizard and quietly rose from the bed. A washstand nearby probably contained water, since a small stack of folded towels sat next to it. The idea of washing Jack clean and continuing their play until breakfast brought a sly smile to Aneurin’s lips.

  The room was a mess of clothing tossed haphazardly aside, leather bags scattered on the floor, and the fireplace gone cold and ashy in the soft gray light of dawn. Even the other empty bed had lumpy piles stacked on it, though Aneurin couldn’t remember putting anything there the night before. The dragon stepped gingerly over the detritus of their play and poured water from the pitcher as quietly as he could into a kettle from the hearth.

  Rather than waste time starting a fire and chance waking Jack, Aneurin set the kettle on the hook in the firebox and blew gently on it with his fiery breath until steam rose from the neck.

  Mixing cold and warm water together in the provided bowl took only a few moments, and shortly Aneurin squeezed out a soft linen square he found on the shelf of the washstand. He washed himself, enjoying the familiar scratch of linen on his sensitive cock. It was nice to be back among simple things he understood instead of the crazy world Jack had come from. Aneurin would never completely understand “civilization” where noise was a part of everyday life and humans reacted to the sounds of bells, alarms, and horns like well-trained animals.

  Since coming to Honalee, Jack had alternated between discomfort and fascination, sometimes clenching his jaw with determination to learn the world of his birth. At other times he acted like a child on holiday, eager to learn and oblivious of danger.

  Aneurin despaired of protecting Jack from all who would harm the son of the king when Jack romped about happily learning all he could of the different races inhabiting Honalee. Worse, Aneurin himself had not grown to maturity in Honalee either, and lived in fear he’d miss some detail that could spell Jack’s death. Aneurin shook his head, sighed, and began washing his bonded.

  Jack’s eyes flew open at the first touch of the cloth, and he jerked as if he’d been shot with an arrow. His deep green eyes focused on Aneurin and softened with love. He chuckled softly. “Insatiable dragon.”

  Love slid up their bond and made Aneurin tremble with the depth of emotion. Food for his soul, more important than meat, filled him. Since regaining his sight and strength, Aneurin feasted as much on the excess energy pouring from his wizard’s body as he did on the excellent food fed to him by his loving human. He grinned and winked at Jack. “You know what a carnivore I am. How can I resist such a tasty feast before me?” He knelt beside the bed to take in Jack’s now rock hard phallus.

  Jack groaned and relaxed, trustingly giving himself to his dragon.

  A rustle came from the other bed. The lumps that Aneurin had thought were their luggage moved, and a grass green eye curtained by white hair appeared from under a blanket. “Yum, yum. Will you share?”

  At the soft question from the other bed, Aneurin stopped sucking and peered over Jack’s hip without releasing the tasty delicacy in his mouth. In his eagerness to celebrate Jack’s victory, he’d forgotten Watash’s warning that they would share their room with another of the adult male students.

  Startled, Jack looked over his shoulder, flushing bright red. Jack cleared his throat, but didn’t remove his cock from Aneurin’s slackened mouth. “Uh, hi Remo. What did you say?” Jack fumbled with the bedclothes in an attempt to cover himself and Aneurin, but was thoroughly tangled.

  Aneurin blushed and winced guiltily. He’d forgotten to even taste the air for unfamiliar scents in his eagerness to further cement his bond with Jack. The handsome Elf could easily have been an assassin instead of a fellow student.

  Remo rose from the bed, and knelt next to Aneurin. His large, grass colored gaze focused on the dragon man, and Aneurin saw the plea in his eyes. “Please, will you share?” He colored as brightly as they. “I’ve never had a dragon and a human before. I hope I don’t offend by my request.”

  Aneurin’s jaw dropped in surprise, and Jack’s softening cock fell out of his mouth. Conflicting emotions surged around his head and heart. One was an unreasoning jealousy. Another was the lust for the Elf he’d kept hidden since Aneurin first laid eyes on his graceful beauty. Third was self-disgust for feeling these things at all.

  Several emotions flittered across Jack’s face, and his heated cock twitched, brushing Aneurin’s cheek. Through their bond -- at this distance, Aneurin easily sensed everything his bonded felt -- the same emotions coursing through him roiled in Jack. “Uh, not exactly what I meant when I said I’d see you again, Remo. Aneurin? What do you want?”

  Bless Jack for being polite enough to emphasize his dragon’s wishes were paramount. Aneurin could smell the arousal coming from them both, and squelched the jealousy
firmly. There was no harm in allowing the Elf to play with them. In fact, it might be a good thing, since Remo was to share their room. He smiled at Remo. “Certainly you may join me for my unusual breakfast. Jack has tangled himself in the linens and is at our mercy.”

  Remo squirmed on his heels for a moment, lust darkening his eyes to the color of moss. He clapped his two fists together in front of Aneurin’s face. “Oh, yes. Bind me, too, then. I love this game, and have played it many times.”

  Jack sat upright in the bed. For the first time, Aneurin could not read what was in Jack’s mind. A barrier had been erected within his heart, as if he closed off something he did not want to feel. He reached down to the floor and picked up the lacing that had held Aneurin’s tunic together. With the air of a ceremony, he wound it loosely around Remo’s hands and put the ends where the Elf could grasp them. “It seems symbolic that I tie you with Aneurin’s lacing, and give you the same right of freedom whenever you want it.” He grasped the tops of Remo’s hands. “Aneurin and I both bind you until you wish to be free. Fair deal?”

  Remo nodded happily, with a dazzling smile.

  The jealousy in Aneurin’s heart melted away at Jack’s proclamation. His bonded included him in permitting the Elf to join their play and made Remo his equal in the temporary and voluntary confinement. With the jealousy gone, lust returned full force to life within his body. “Enough wasting time.” Aneurin removed Remo’s tunic and soft pants with magic, and placed them neatly on the other bed.

  Jack rose from the bed to his feet, and offered his cock to Aneurin with one hand and crooked his finger at Remo with the other. “Come here, sexy Elf.”

  Remo stood and shook the shining mass of silvery hair out of his eyes. His body was pale, but lightly tanned from the sun, except where a loincloth might fall to give his tenderest parts some protection. There, his skin gleamed like milk in moonlight.

  For a brief moment, Aneurin wondered what that milky flesh would taste like. Would it be as sweet as it looked? He’d soon find out, but for now he was offered meat he knew well and wanted. He sucked down Jack’s cock happily.


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