Five: Out of the Pit (Five #2)

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Five: Out of the Pit (Five #2) Page 5

by Anderson, Holli

  “I want you to choose only one cut—he has several. Choose one and save the rest for Halli, Seth and Alec.”

  Johnathan flinched as I felt the cuts on his hand, his fingers twitching in mine. A deep one right across the knuckle below his middle finger dripped blood. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  “Continue to hold his hand in yours, keep your fingers on the cut. There needs to be physical contact near the area of healing. Concentrate on the injury. Send your will into it. You should be able to feel the wound, feel what’s disconnected. You’re going to transfer some of your power into the cut. The word to use is sano. Say it. Concentrate on weaving the layers back together.”


  I felt the small amount of power leave me and enter Johnathan’s cut. Both my fingers and the area of his hand I touched flared with heat. I felt, both within my concentration and with my fingers, his wound start to knit back together from the inside out. It felt strange yet exhilarating as the wound closed beneath my touch.

  “Let me do the rest of the cuts,” I said excitedly.

  “No,” Joe said. “I want the others to try and I don’t want you to use up any more energy. I’m afraid we all need our tanks to be as full as possible tonight.”

  I reluctantly let go of his hand and gave my chair up to Halli.

  The others, even though the cuts they healed were all smaller than mine, had a harder time with it. They each took twice as long.

  “I think maybe Paige has found another strength. I hoped one of you would show an affinity to healing. It’s one of the most important spells you will learn,” Joe said after Seth had healed the last cut.

  “What about me?” Johnathan asked. “Shouldn’t I learn it as well?”

  “Of course you should. But I’m not going to have someone intentionally injure themselves just so you can learn. You’ll have to wait.”

  “Could he try to heal Paige’s arm? Then she could take the cast off,” offered Seth.

  Joe was silent for a minute. “That’s actually a good idea, Seth.”

  “Don’t sound so surprised. I have good ideas all the time.”

  Joe laughed. “Yes, you do. It won’t take too much power to heal now because the healing process has already begun. The brand new break would have been too difficult for your first time. And, Paige having full use of both hands tonight would be a very good thing.”

  “Will I be able to heal it through the cast?” Johnathan asked.

  “Hmm. Probably not. I didn’t think about that. We’ll have to cut the cast off first, so you’d better get this healing thing right. Bones aren’t as easy as skin. Paige, are you willing to do this?”

  I nodded. Getting rid of the bulky cast seemed like a great idea.

  Joe and Johnathan cut the cast off with Joe’s super sharp hunting knife. I was really glad I couldn’t see what they were doing, surprised they managed to get it off without slicing my arm open.

  It took Johnathan several minutes of concentration before I felt the warmth transfer from his hands to my arm. Once he figured it out, it still took him more than thirty minutes to heal me. There was some discomfort as the bones in my arm and wrist fused back together, but I worked hard not to let it show.

  The heat dissipated and Johnathan let go of my arm with a sigh. “Well? How does it feel?”

  I tentatively moved my arm up and down. I lifted my hand up and down and twisted it around. No pain. No grinding of bones. “It feels as good as new. Thanks, John.”

  “It’s getting late, let’s go get us an Incubus.” Alec sounded like he was getting ready to play football instead of face a deadly half-demon.

  “Let’s make a plan first,” Joe said.

  I led the way to Trey’s house. I kept flexing my newly healed wrist, amazed at how good it felt to have full mobility. His house was a ways outside of town, up on a hill. It took a good hour to get there; it was after nine o’clock when we stopped just down the street. I waited there while Alec, Seth, and Halli snuck up to the house and hid in the shrubbery near the front door. Johnathan and Joe stayed near me, but out of sight.

  I was terrified. More so than I’d ever been. I wasn’t afraid of being hurt—I was afraid I would do something to hurt Johnathan. There was no doubt Trey had had an easy time exerting his power over me with every other encounter, and I had no reason to believe he wouldn’t be able to do so this time.

  Johnathan and Joe stayed back where they’d be able to see the front porch and yard, but Trey wouldn’t be able to see them. They hunched behind the rock wall that surrounded the property. They also had camouflage spells on that made them blend in with their surroundings.

  “Okay, Paige. Go,” Joe whispered.

  I took a deep breath. My entire body shook and my head swam like I might pass out. I navigated my way to the front door more from the image he’d sent me than from my sonar. I tripped on the first step but regained my balance before I fell. The aroma there momentarily stopped me in my tracks. A sweet smell like honeysuckle and fresh clean rain accosted my senses. The aroma had another effect—it made me think of Trey. Of kissing him. Of his body pressed against mine.

  “Is everything all right?” Halli whispered from her hiding place near the porch.

  I shook my head. Then I nodded. I took another deep breath—which wasn’t very smart, considering the reaction the smell caused. I dug my fingernails into my hands, hoping the pain would clear my fuzzy mind. It didn’t work as well as I’d hoped, but it helped a little.

  I continued up the remaining two stairs and knocked on the door before I lost my nerve completely. I stepped back, trying to breathe through my mouth instead of my nose.

  A whoosh of warm air blew across my face as the door opened. The plan was to draw him outside for as long as I could.

  “I knew you’d come. Please, come in. I’ve… we’ve waited so long for this. Let’s not delay another second.” His voice, pure silk, drew me in.

  I almost forgot the plan. I had to make a conscious effort to forbid my limbs from taking me to him. My lips tingled at his nearness. Johnathan is watching. That thought at least partially broke the spell. “Can we sit out here for a minute? I’m a little nervous.”

  He hesitated. I’m sure he wasn’t used to all this resistance to his charms. “As you wish, Paige. Everything is ready inside. Let’s take a short walk, to calm your nerves.”

  Perfect. “Yes, that’s a good idea.”

  I took a step backwards and nearly fell down the porch steps. He reached me with incredible speed and took hold of my arm, steadying me. He helped me down the steps and then snaked his arm around my back possessively. He led me away from the house. I heard leaves rustle as he moved hanging branches out of the way and ushered me into a protective cover. As soon as we entered, the biting wind could not be felt; the intoxicating fragrance even stronger. I hoped we were far enough away from the porch that Alec, Seth, and Halli would be able to get into the house undetected.

  I reached through some of the thick velvety leaves and touched the smooth bark of a tree. “What is this? It’s so warm in here. It feels like a summer evening instead of near winter.”

  “This is my little haven. These are very special trees. This is actually one of my favorite spots to… be intimate with a woman.” He closed the small distance between us.

  His nearness and the intoxicating aroma surrounding me were too much. I forgot the plan. Forgot my fear. Forgot Johnathan. Forgot my name…

  I reached a hand up to touch his chest.

  His breath blew in my face as he whispered, “I have one question for you Paige. The first time I saw you, when I knew I had to have you, you were walking—with your group, but alone. No one was guiding you. I really had no idea you were blind. You avoided the brush and rocks near your little hideout. How do you do that?”

  “I… I don’t know.” My mind shut off. I couldn’t focus on his question.

  Trey chuckled, low and lovely. He unbuttoned my jacket, slowly, and slid it off my shoulde
rs, letting it drop to the ground. His hands caressed my upper arms. Up and down, so soft, so tantalizing. My skin tingled at the light touch. I stretched toward him, my lips longing for his.

  I felt his warm breath just an inch from my face. My lips parted, the need for his kiss nearly overwhelming me. It wasn’t his lips that touched my mouth, though. His finger pressed against it as he said, “No, Paige. It’s my turn to deny you. When we go inside, when you can look upon my face and see the desire in my eyes, then I will kiss you… and so much more.”

  His sizzling lips brushed across my forehead. I moaned in distress. My only thoughts were of him. I felt as if I would die if he didn’t kiss me.

  Then, he laughed. My already saturated senses flooded with the sweet melody. The silkiness of his voice was magical—just like his touch, his kiss, his warmth. His beauty. I wanted nothing more at that moment than to be able to gaze upon his beauty.

  His hands continued their tortuous caressing up and down my arms. “Please,” I whimpered. “Please…” I didn’t know what I wanted, what to ask for.

  He led me from the protection of the trees. My mind barely acknowledged the cold wind biting into my now coatless body. He lifted and carried me to the house. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and buried my face in his shoulder, breathing in his scent.

  I was entirely under his control.

  He ascended the porch steps and entered the house, the door still open. He set me down gently, then closed the door.

  Warm hands cupped my face, his fingers tangled in my hair. He pulled me to him. Once again, I felt his warm breath as his lips came within millimeters of mine. “Maybe just one kiss before your sight is returned.”

  “Please,” I moaned. I placed my hands on his bare chest.

  His lips came crashing into mine. I pressed my body to his and wrapped my arms around his torso as tight as my strength would allow. The ecstasy of his kiss lasted only a second.

  An agonized growl rent the air. A pair of strong hands grasped my shoulders and tore me away from the embrace at the same time as someone slammed into Trey.

  The hands that gripped me pulled me away from the sounds of crashing furniture and rage-filled cries. I started to fight. I needed to get back to him, to Trey. I couldn’t breathe without him. I couldn’t feel without him. He was mine and I needed him in order to live. The strong arms of the one who had ripped me away from the source of my will to live wrapped entirely around me, pinning my arms to my sides as I kicked my feet in desperation.

  “Paige! Stop! It’s Alec. Calm down!” Something clicked inside my head. Alec. I know Alec. I stopped struggling. Slowly, I remembered where I was and why I was there.

  Alec continued to pull me away. “Stay here behind the couch.” Then he left me to join in the fray.

  This was the first fight we’d been in since I’d traded my sight away. I was worse than helpless. I didn’t dare fire off any magic for fear of hitting one of my friends. I was sure they endangered themselves to keep the fight away from me. To keep me safe.

  Johnathan let out a pained grunt. Someone flew over my head and crashed into something next to me. Books tumbled down around and on top of me. “Who’s there? Are you okay?” I asked, panicked that one of my friends might be hurt.

  “I’m fine, sis.” Seth had called me ‘sis’ ever since we’d pretended to be siblings while infiltrating Edwards High School. His foot, I’m assuming, whooshed passed my head as he jumped back into the fight.

  “Halli, attack him from behind!” Joe yelled, out of breath.

  “I’m trying. He’s too fast!”

  Too fast for Halli? That’s impossible. Halli was a virtual hummingbird on feet.

  Not being able to see what was happening made me crazy. I clenched my jaw and let out a frustrated growl. It sounded like Trey was throwing my friends around like ragdolls. There was a huge crash. Halli yelled, “Johnathan!” My heart jumped into my throat.

  “What happened? Is he hurt?” I cried.

  No one answered me. I crawled out from behind the couch toward where I’d heard the crash. “Johnathan?”

  “Paige! Get back!” My relief at hearing his voice was short lived as I was yanked sideways by the arm.

  Strong arms wrapped around my waist and lifted my feet from the ground. “You betrayed me, Paige.” Trey’s words were laced with anger. Desire flared up again at the feel of his body pressed against mine.

  I shook my head, trying to clear it of the traitorous thoughts. I struggled to free myself from his powerful grip while at the same time wishing I was turned the other way, face to face—lip to lip. His arms tightened. I couldn’t get any air in. I pounded on his arms as dizziness crept in. I was very near to losing consciousness when someone, or a couple of someones, slammed into me and my captor. My love. No…

  We landed hard. Before I could figure out what had just happened I was jerked free and carried several feet away. “Stay here,” Johnathan demanded, out of breath. Then he was gone again.

  “Nice tackle for a wussy running back,” Seth teased.

  “Hmmf,” Alec grunted. “Get his other arm. Hey, Johnny, Halli, a little help here?”

  Another crash ensued. Someone—I think Seth—flew into the wall next to me with a grunt. Halli screamed out her ninja yell and I heard a dull thud. Trey groaned. And continued to groan.

  “Nice shot, Halli.” Seth arose slowly, using my shoulder to push himself up.

  “Vincio!” Halli yelled the proper, Latin word for bind. We’d learned from Joe that using the proper words made our spells stronger.

  “Who knew a guy with super-human strength could be brought down with a ninja kick to the nuts? Remind me never to piss Halli off, ‘kay?” Alec said.

  “Do your duct tape magic, Alec, before the binding wears off.” Joe sounded hurt, forcing the words out through his pain.

  “Why?” Johnathan asked. He sounded angry. “Just let me finish the job. That is what we came here to do, isn’t it?”

  I cringed.

  “Hang on. Let’s see if we can get any useful information out of him first,” Joe said, breathing hard.

  There was a sound like a fist hitting a face followed by a chuckle. “Nice try Pretty Boy. You hit like a girl.” Trey’s voice was even alluring when mocking.

  “Johnathan, stop,” Joe demanded. “You should probably check on Paige.”

  He let out a small growl of frustration before complying. Before he reached me, I heard the familiar sound of duct tape being pulled and ripped from the roll.

  Johnathan plopped to the ground next to me. “You okay?” he asked.

  I nodded, afraid to speak. Afraid my voice would betray my mixed up emotions.

  He lifted my chin and turned my face toward him. “Paige, are you sure you’re okay?” His voice softened, edged with worry.

  I nodded again.

  Johnathan engulfed me in a fierce embrace, holding my head against his warm chest. His heart beat so fast it sounded like a washing machine on spin cycle. I felt like I should be crying, but I didn’t have it in me. My body trembled, though, and Johnathan’s hold on me increased in pressure.

  He kissed the top of my head and then left his lips there as he muttered into my hair. “I’ve never been so furious before. Seeing him touch you… kiss you. Knowing what he wants to do to you. He needs to die. I need to kill him.”

  He started rocking back and forth. I knew I should say something—do something—to calm his rage, but my mind was still frayed from the events of the day. Being there, in his house, still smelling the scent that drove me to the brink of insanity, drove me to want him more than life itself—I still felt some of those things. Even while in Johnathan’s arms. I buried my head deeper into his chest and clenched my jaw so tight I thought my teeth would break. I tried to picture Johnathan’s face in my mind. I couldn’t. I only felt the longing for Trey’s lips.

  “Okay, he’s tied up tighter than an insane clown in a strait jacket,” Alec said smugly.

p; Johnathan loosened his grip slightly, readying himself to get up. I clung to his arm with both hands. “Stay,” I whispered.

  He settled back but his muscles were all taut, ready to spring.

  “Kiss me,” I whispered. I wanted to get Trey out of my head. I wanted Johnathan to be the only one in there, like that.

  Johnathan hesitated. For the first time since our first kiss. I felt him shake his head slightly as his lips brushed across my hair. “No. I can’t. Not until the poison of his lips is washed from your mouth. I can’t, Paige. I just can’t.” His voice broke.

  “Please,” I begged. I couldn’t stop a tear from falling.

  “I can’t. Please… please understand.” The heartbreak in his voice was tangible. He jumped up so quickly that I fell to the side and had to catch myself.

  “Joe, let’s get on with this. We just need to wipe this filthy pervert off the face of the Earth.” Johnathan stomped away from me.

  “Okay, Johnathan. Just stand back. I want to ask him a couple of things,” Joe commanded. “Seth and Alec, go stand by Johnathan and help him stay put.”

  “I don’t need their help! I just need to get this over with!”

  “Come on Johnny, hold your horses,” Alec huffed. “I never pictured you as one who would be so anxious for your first kill… well, except when you were transformed into a beast of rage, that is. You were pretty anxious to kill then.”

  I heard a thud and then Alec’s grunt as air escaped his lungs. He never knew when to keep his mouth shut. Or when to stay out of reach of the one he was tormenting.

  “Enough! Just give me a minute with him. You guys shut up!” Besides sounding mad, Joe still sounded short of breath.

  “Your name is Trey?” Joe asked, his voice quieter as, I assumed, he’d turned his back to where I was so he could face the Incubus.

  “For now. I grow tired of the same name and change it every fifty years or so.” His voice wafted straight into my mind, paralyzing me.

  “Well, Trey, to get right to the point of this conversation, you told Paige you could give her sight back. How were you going to go about doing that?”


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