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Happiness Page 31

by Ed Diener

  Ferriss, A. L. 2004. Religion and the quality of life. Journal of Happiness Studies 3:199-215.

  Folkman, S., and J. T. Moskowitz. 2000. Stress, positive emotion, and coping. Current Directions in Psychological Science 9:115-18.

  Frank, R. H. 1999. Luxury fever: Why money fails to satisfy in an era of excess. New York: Free Press.

  Frank, R. H. 2005. Does money buy happiness? In The science of well-being, edited by F. A. Huppert, N. Baylis, and B. Keverne. New York: Oxford University Press.

  Frasure-Smith, N., and F. Lesperance. 2005. Depression and coronary heart disease: Complex synergism of mind, body, and environment. Current Directions in Psychological Science 14:39-43.

  Frederick, S., and G. Loewenstein. 1999. Hedonic adaptation. In Well-being: The foundations of hedonic psychology, edited by D. Kahneman, E. Diener, and N. Schwarz. New York: Sage.

  Fredrickson, B. L. 1998. What good are positive emotions? Review of General Psychology 2:300-19.

  Fredrickson, B. L. 2004. Gratitude, like other positive emotions, broadens and builds. In The psychology of gratitude, edited by R. A. Emmons and M. E. McCullough. New York: Oxford University Press.

  Fredrickson, B. L. 2008. Promoting positive affect. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Fredrickson, B. L., and C. Branigan. 2005. Positive emotions broaden the scope of attention and thought-action repertoires. Cognition e3 Emotion 19:313-32.

  Fredrickson, B. L., and T. Joiner. 2002. Positive emotions trigger upward spirals toward emotional well-being. Psychological Science 13:172-5.

  Fredrickson, B. L., and M. F. Losada. 2005. Positive affect and the complex dynamics of human flourishing. American Psychologist 60:678-86.

  Fredrickson, B. L., R. A. Mancuso, C. Branigan, and M. M. Tugade. 2000. The undoing effect of positive emotions. Motivation and Emotion 24:237-58.

  Fredrickson, B. L., M. M. Tugade, C. E. Waugh, and G. R. Larkin. 2003. What good are positive emotions in crisis? A prospective study of resilience and emotions following the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11th, 2001. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 84:365-76.

  Friedman, E. T., R. M. Schwartz, and D. A. F. Haaga. 2002. Are the very happy too happy? Journal of Happiness Studies 3:355-72.

  Friedman, P. H. In press. The forgiveness solution: 10 steps to releasing depression, anxiety, guilt, and anger, and increasing peace, love, joy, and well-being in your life. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publishers.

  Frisch, M. B. 2006. Quality of life therapy: Applying a life satisfaction approach to positive psychology and cognitive therapy. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

  Frisch, M. B. 2008. Quality of life coaching and therapy and (QOLC/T): A new system of positive psychology and subjective well-being interventions. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Fujita, F. 2008. The frequency of social comparison and its relation to subjective well-being: The frequency of social comparison scale. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Fujita, F., and E. Diener. 2005. Life satisfaction set-point: Stability and change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 88:158-64.

  Gable, S. L., H. T. Reis, and A. J. Elliot. 2000. Behavioral activation and inhibition in everyday life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78:1135-49.

  Gardner, J., and A. J. Oswald. 2007. Money and mental wellbeing: A longitudinal study of medium-sized lottery wins. Journal of Health Economics 26:49- 60.

  George, J. M., and J. Zhou. 2007. Dual tuning in a supportive context: Joint contributions of positive mood, negative mood, and supervisory behaviors to employee creativity. Academy of Management Journal 50:605-22.

  Germans, M. K., and A. M. Kring. 2000. Hedonic deficit in anhedonia: Support for the role of approach motivation. Personality and Individual Differences 28:659-72.

  Gerstorf, D., J. Smith, and P. B. Baltes. 2006. A systematic-wholistic approach to differential aging: Longitudinal findings from the Berlin aging study. Psychology and Aging 21:645-63.

  Gilbert, D. T. 2006. Stumbling on happiness. New York: Knopf.

  Gilbert, D. T., E. C. Pinel, T. D. Wilson, S. J. Blumberg, and T. P. Wheatley. 1998. Immune neglect: A source of durability bias in affective forecasting. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 75:617-38.

  Gottman, J. M. 1994. What predicts divorce? The relationship between marital processes and marital outcomes. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

  Grant, N., J. Wardle, and A. Steptoe. 2007. The relationship between life satisfaction and health behavior: A cross-cultural analysis of young adults. Keynote address presented at the Second World Congress of Stress, Budapest.

  Grant, N., J. Wardle, and A. Steptoe. In press. The relationship between life satisfaction and health behavior: A cross-cultural analysis of young adults. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.

  Gunnar, M. R., and B. Donzella. 2002. Social regulation of the cortisol levels in early human development. Psychoneuroendocrinology 27:199-220.

  Harker, L. A., and D. Keltner. 2001. Expressions of positive emotion in women's college yearbook pictures and their relationship to personality and life outcomes across adulthood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 80:112-24.

  Harris, S. 2006. Letter to a Christian nation. New York: Knopf.

  Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., and Hayes, T. L. 2002. Business-unit level relationship between employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and business outcomes: A meta-analysis. Journal ofApplied Psychology 87:268-79.

  Hastorf, A. H., and H. Cantril. 1954. They saw a game: A case study. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 49:129-34.

  Haybron, D. M. 2008. Philosophy and the science of subjective well-being. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Headey, B., J. Kelley, and A. Wearing. 1993. Dimensions of mental health: Life satisfaction, positive affect, anxiety, and depression. Social Indicators Research 29:63-82.

  Helgeson, V. S., and S. E. Taylor. 1993. Social comparisons and adjustment among cardiac patients. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 23:1171-95.

  Helliwell, J. F. 2006. Well-being, social capital and public policy: What's new? Economic Journal 116:C34-C45.

  Herbert, T. B., and S. Cohen. 1993. Depression and immunity: A metaanalytic review. Psychological Bulletin 113:472-86.

  Hewitt, P. L., and G. L. Flett. 1991. Perfectionism in the self and social contexts: Conceptualization, assessment, and association with psychopathology. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 60:456-70.

  Hill, S. E., and D. M. Buss. 2008. Evolution and subjective well-being. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Hope, optimism, and other business assets: Why "psychological capital" is so valuable to your company. 2007. Gallup Management Journal (January 11, 2007). Retrieved January 11, 2007, from www.gmj.gallup.com/content/ print/25708/Hope-Optimism-and-Other-Business-Assets.aspx.

  Hsee, C. K., S. Blount, G. F. Loewenstein, and M. H. Bazerman. 1999. Preference reversals between joint and separate evaluations of options: A review and theoretical analysis. Psychological Bulletin 125:576-90.

  Huebner, E. S., and C. Diener. 2008. Research on life satisfaction of children and youth: Implications for the delivery of school-related services. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Isen, A. M. 1999. On the relationship between affect and creative problem solving. In Affect, creative experience, and psychological adjustment, edited by S. Russ. Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis.

  Isen, A. M. 1999. Positive affect. In The handbook of cognition and emotion, edited by T. Dalgleish and M. Power. Chichester: Wiley.

  Iyengar, S. S., and M. R. Lepper. 1999. Rethinking the value of choice: A cu
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  Iyengar, S. S., and M. R. Lepper. 2000. When choice is demotivating. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 79:995-1006.

  Iyengar, S. S., R. E. Wells, and B. Schwartz. 2006. Doing better but feeling worse: Looking for the "best" job undermines satisfaction. Psychological Science 17:143-50.

  Jacobs, N., I. Myin-Germeys, C. Derom, P. Delespaul, J. van Os, and N. A. Nicolson. 2007. A momentary assessment study of the relationship between affective and adrenocortical stress responses in daily life. Biological Psychology 74:60-6.

  James, W. 1902. The varieties of religious experience: A study in human nature. New York: Longmans, Green.

  Johnson, W., and R. E. Krueger. 2006. How money buys happiness: Genetic and environmental processes linking finances and life satisfaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 90:680-91.

  Jonas, E., J. Schimel, J. Greenberg, and T. Pyszcynski. 2002. The Scrooge effect: Evidence that mortality salience increases prosocial attitudes and behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28:1342-53.

  Judge, T. A., and R. Klinger. 2008. Job satisfaction: Subjective well-being at work. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Judge, T. A., and R. Larsen. 2001. Dispositional affect and job satisfaction: A review and theoretical extension. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 86:67-98.

  Judge, T. A., C. J. Thoresen, J. E. Bono, and G. K. Patton. 2001. The job satisfaction-job performance relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review. Psychological Bulletin 127:367-407.

  Kahneman, D. 1999. Objective happiness. In Well-being: The foundations of hedonic psychology, edited by D. Kahneman, E. Diener, and N. Schwarz. New York: Sage.

  Kahneman, D., E. Diener, and N. Schwarz. 1999. Does living in California make people happy? A focusing illusion in judgments of life satisfaction. Psychological Science 9:340-6.

  Kahneman, D., E. Diener, and N. Schwarz. 1999. Well-being: The foundations of hedonic psychology. In Well-being: The foundations of hedonic psychology, edited by D. Kahneman, E. Diener, and N. Schwarz. New York: Sage.

  Kahneman, D., B. L. Fredrickson, C. A. Schreiber, and D. A. Redelmeier. 1993. When more pain is preferred to less: Adding a better end. Psychological Science 4:401-5.

  Kahneman, D., and A. Tversky. 1979. Prospect theory: An analysis of decisions under risk. Econometrika 47:263-91.

  Kahneman, D., and A. Tversky. 1984. Choices, values, and frames. American Psychologist 39:341-50.

  Kahneman, D., P. P. Wakker, and R. Sarin. 1997. Back to Bentham? Explorations of experienced utility (In memory of Amos Tversky, 1937-1996). Quarterly Journal of Economics 112:375-405.

  Kasser, T. 2002. The high price of materialism. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

  Kasser, T. 2006. Materialism and its alternatives. In A life worth living: Contributions to positive psychology, edited by M. Csikszentmihalyi and I. S. Csikszentmihalyi. New York: Oxford University Press.

  Keyes, C. L. M. 2006. Mental health in adolescence: Is America's youth flourishing? American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 76:395-402.

  Keyes, C. L. M. 2007. Promoting and protecting mental health as flourishing: A complementary strategy for improving national mental health. American Psychologist 62:95-108.

  Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., L. McGuire, T. F. Robles, and R. Glaser. 2002. Emotions, morbidity, and mortality: New perspectives from psychoneuroimmunology. Annual Review of Psychology 53:83-107.

  Kim, J., and E. Hatfield. 2004. Love types and subjective well-being: A cross-cultural study. Social Behavior and Personality 32:173-82.

  King, L. A. 2008. Interventions for enhancing SWB: Can we make people happier and should we? In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  King, L. A., and C. M. Burton. 2003. The hazards of goal pursuit. In Virtue, vice, and personality: The complexity of behavior, edited by E. C. Chang and L. J. Sanna. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

  King, L. A., J. E. Eells, and C. M. Burton. 2004. The good life, broadly and narrowly considered. In Positive psychology in practice, edited by P. A. Linley and S. Joseph. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

  King, L. A., and J. A. Hicks. 2007. Whatever happened to "what might have been"?: Regrets, happiness, and maturity. American Psychologist October.

  King, L. A., J. A. Hicks, J. L. Krull, and A. K. Del Gaiso. 2006. Positive affect and the experience of meaning in life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 90:179-96.

  Kitayama, S., B. Mesquita, and M. Karasawa. 2006. Cultural affordances and emotional experience: Socially engaging and disengaging emotions in Japan and the United States. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 91:890-903.

  Kohler, H. P., J. R. Behrman, and A. Skytthe. 2005. Partner + Children = Happiness? The effects of partnerships and fertility on well-being. Population and Development Review 31:407-45.

  Krause, N. 2004. Common facets of religion, unique facets of religion, and life satisfaction among older African Americans. Journals of Gerontology, ser. b: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 59B(2):5109-5117.

  Krause, N. 2006. Church-based social support and mortality, Journals of Gerontology, ser. b: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 61B:S140- S 146.

  Kuppens, P., A. Realo, and E. Diener. In press. The role of emotions in life satisfaction judgments across cultures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

  Larsen, R. J., and E. Diener. 1985. A multitrait-multimethod examination of affect structure: Hedonic level and emotional intensity. Personality and Individual Differences 6:631-6.

  Larsen, R. J., and Z. Prizmic. 2004. Affect regulation. In Handbook of selfregulation: Research, theory, and applications, edited by R. F. Baumeister and K. D. Vohs. New York: Guilford Press.

  Larsen, R. J., and Z. Prizmic. 2008. Regulation of emotional well-being: Overcoming the hedonic treadmill. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Layard, R. 2005. Happiness: Lessons from a new science. New York: Penguin.

  Lepper, H. S. 1998. Use of other-reports to validate subjective well-being measures. Social Indicators Research, 44:367-79.

  Levin, J. S. 1996. How religion influences morbidity and health: Reflections on natural history, salutogenesis and host resistance. Social Science and Medicine 43:849-64.

  Loewenstein, G., and D. Schkade. 1999. Wouldn't it be nice? Predicting future feelings. In Well-being: The foundations of hedonic psychology, edited by D. Kahneman, E. Diener, and N. Schwarz. New York: Sage.

  Lucas, R. E. 2005. Time does not heal all wounds: A longitudinal study of reaction and adaptation to divorce. Psychological Science 16:945-50.

  Lucas, R. E. 2008. Personality and subjective well-being. In The science of subjective well-being, edited by M. Eid and R. J. Larsen. New York: Guilford Press.

  Lucas, R. E. In press. Adaptation and the set-point model of subjective wellbeing: Does happiness change after major life events? Current Directions in Psychological Science.

  Lucas, R. E. In press. Long-term disability is associated with lasting changes in subjective well being: Evidence from two nationally representative longitudinal studies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

  Lucas, R. E., and B. M. Baird. 2004. Extraversion and emotional reactivity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 86:473-85.

  Lucas, R. E., and A. E. Clark. 2006. Do people really adapt to marriage? Journal of Happiness Studies 7:405-26.

  Lucas, R. E., A. E. Clark, Y. Georgellis, and E. Diener. 2003. Reexamining adaptation and the set point model of happiness: Reactions to changes in marital status. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 84:527-39.

  Lucas, R. E., A. E. Clark, Y. Georgellis, and E. Diener. 2004. Unemployment alters the set-point for life satisfaction. Psychological Science 15:8-13. />
  Lucas, R. E., and E. Diener. 2001. Understanding extraverts' enjoyment of social situations: The importance of pleasantness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 81:343-56.

  Lucas, R. E., and E. Diener. 2003. The happy worker: Hypotheses about the role of positive affect in worker productivity. In Personality and work: Reconsidering the role of personality in organizations, edited by M. R. Barrick and A. M. Ryan. The Organizations Frontiers Series. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

  Lucas, R. E., E. Diener, A. Grob, E. M. Suh, and L. Shao. 2000. Cross-cultural evidence for the fundamental features of extraversion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 79:452-68.

  Lucas, R. E., E. Diener, and E. Sub. 1996. Discriminant validity of well-being measures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 71:616-28.

  Lucas, R. E., and P. S. Dyrenforth. 2006. Does the existence of social relationships matter for subjective well-being? In Self and relationships: Connecting intrapersonal and interpersonal processes, edited by K. D. Vohs and E. J. Finkel. New York: Guilford Press.

  Lucas, R. E., and F. Fujita. 2000. Factors influencing the relation between extraversion and pleasant affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 79:1039-56.

  Lucas, R. E., and U. Schimmack. Forthcoming. Income and life satisfaction in the GSOEP. Manuscript in preparation.

  Luthans, F. 2002. The need for and meaning of positive organizational behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior 23:695-706.

  Lykken, D. 1999. Happiness: What studies on twins show us about nature, nurture, and the happiness set point. New York: Golden Books.

  Lykken, D., and A. Tellegen. 1996. Happiness is a stochastic phenomenon. Psychological Science 7:186-9.

  Lyubomirsky, S. 1997. Hedonic consequences of social comparison: A contrast of happy and unhappy people. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 73:1141-57.

  Lyubomirsky, S. 2001. Why are some people happier than others? The role of cognitive and motivational processes in well-being. American Psychologist 56:239-49.

  Lyubomirsky, S. 2008. The how of happiness: A scientific approach to getting the life you want. New York: Penguin.


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