Propositioning the Rich Italian

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by Propositioning the Rich Italian (lit)

  He chuckled. “Well, cara, I could be incorrect, but last time I checked, that is the point of a scary movie.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him before handing him the case with great reluctance. He took it while she went over to the couch and covered herself with the blanket she’d grown attached to.

  When he joined her on the couch, she snuggled into his side. The movie hadn’t been on for fifteen minutes before she was screaming and burying her face into Antonio’s chest. She could feel his chest rumble with his low laughter as his arms came up and surrounded her. It was a long time before she could brave another look at the television with an unobstructed view. When the movie ended, she shuddered. A person had to be demented to make a movie like this. Antonio glanced over at her, his expression still full of amusement.

  “Are you ready for bed?”

  She gave him an incredulous look. “After watching that movie? I don’t think so.”

  He smiled. “Would you like to watch another?”

  She shuddered again at the thought. “Very funny, but somehow I don’t think that will solve the issue.”

  He grinned. “Then what will?”

  “Something non-Boogeyman related,” she replied.

  He stared at her briefly then leaned closer. “I can think of a few things we can do that are non-Boogeyman related.”

  She stared up at him. His expression spoke of panna cotta memories.

  “Like what?”

  He gave a light shrug. “We could play cards, board games or—”

  Her elbow connected with his side, cutting him off. “Ouch. What was that for?”

  The expression she gave him said everything he needed to know. “I can’t believe you would tease me. Play cards?”

  “Don’t forget board games,” he added as he moved away from her. She still reached for him and came close, but he was quicker. He laughed, pinning her arms to her side and pulling her closer to him.

  “Well, tell me what you have in mind if playing cards and board games doesn’t hold any appeal to you.”

  Instead of responding verbally, she stretched upward, found the spot behind his ear close to his hairline, and nibbled softly. His body hardened instantly in response. She found this erogenous zone by accident, but ever since she had, she used it to her advantage. When she had his full attention, she drew back and sighed in dejection. She stood up and stretched, offering him a revealing view of her body before turning to look at him.

  “Well, I can’t think of anything, so we might as well go to sleep.”

  The look appeared on his face was one of total shock. The next second, his eyes narrowed. She turned and headed for the stairs, trying to hide her smile.


  She considered ignoring him. It served him right. She extracted a little payback, but the tone of his voice indicated ignoring him might not be a good idea. She stopped with one foot on the stairs.


  “You might want to run.”

  She turned around to stare at him with puzzlement at the statement. “Why should I run?”

  “Because in a second, the boogeyman will be coming to get you,” he replied with a tight smile.

  It only took her a moment to realize what he meant when he stood up. A split second later, she turned and ran up the stairs as fast as she could, but it wasn’t fast enough because he caught her as she reached the doorway to his room. A shriek bubbled up from her throat followed by laughter as he swept her up into his arms. His mouth found hers briefly before she found herself being tossed onto the bed. She landed softly with a slight bounce and immediately reveled in the feel of the satin sheets beneath her. As soon as she returned home, she would invest in a set for her own bed.

  All thoughts of the satin sheets left her mind as he began removing their clothes. She loved the way he worshipped her body. A loud gasp of pleasure escaped her when his mouth found the sensitive nub between her thighs and began to lavish attention upon her. What always seemed to amaze her was how quickly he could bring her to the threshold of ultimate satisfaction. His fingers joined his mouth, causing her to climax hard and fast. He pulled away slowly, and she moaned in protest. After she realized she had, she paused. When had she become so greedy for his touch? She looked up at him in surprise as he drew away, then rolled her over onto her stomach. He drew her upward until she rested on her knees.

  “What are you doing?”

  His smiled wickedly as he responded. “Trying something new.”

  Her breath caught in her throat as he slid inside of her slowly. She cried out in elation, urging him to move. There wasn’t any hesitance in his response to her demand. He moved slowly, his thrusts deep and measured, creating blissful sensations within her she could hardly keep up with.

  He increased the momentum, pushing her closer to the release she craved despite even when she just experienced the wonderful sensation a short time ago. She couldn’t get enough of his touch. It was highly addictive and left her wanting more. Her release came upon her so suddenly she became a captive to it. She threw back her head and cried out his name as she raced over the edge, her uninhibited sounds and body pulling him along with her.

  “Oh, my God,” she moaned as they collapsed on the bed together.

  He exhaled heavily. “I know.”

  It seemed as if every time they touched each other they couldn’t get enough of each other. She rolled onto her side, and he drew her into his arms. There was something about being in his arms that made her feel special—made her feel as if she were the only woman in the world worthy of him.

  When it involved Antonio, there wasn’t doubt of what she meant to him, how he felt toward her. It showed in his eyes every time he looked at her. She didn’t know how she would hold it together when she returned home. There was so much she would miss, and she hadn’t stepped on the plane yet. He’d shown her so much about herself. She knew she had a lot to look forward to in life. A life she would have never been free to discover if she married Quincy. A life she found herself wanting to discover with Antonio, and it scared her.

  Chapter 14

  “I’m going to miss you…miss all of this.”

  Antonio looked over at Tierra. They were on their way back to the hotel. When he awoke beside her this morning, it had been bittersweet. Mainly because as much as he loved having her in his arms, he knew it might be the last time he awoke with her in his bed. Deep down he hoped it wouldn’t be, but he would have to fight for it. Tierra was worth fighting for, so he didn’t mind.

  “I am going to miss you as well, cara.”

  Her gaze met his, and for a moment he felt as if she was going to say something before changing her mind and looking away. He remained silent as he pulled into the parking garage. She waited for him to come around to her side to open the door.

  When they entered the lobby, he watched as she waved to some of the staff members she’d come to know. They greeted her just as warmly in return. His staff members liked Tierra. They’d welcomed her. Now if he could only get her to realize how much she’d become a part of his life as well as those who surrounded him.

  The ride up to the room was a quiet one, as if they were both doing a countdown to the inevitable. When they reached her floor, they stepped off the elevator and made their way to the hotel room. She sighed as they stepped into the room. He wondered if she was thinking the same thing. Entering the room served as a reminder of another last before she went home. Setting their bags down, he helped her pack, stopping when a knock sounded on the door. He opened it to find the room service attendant standing there with the cart. Antonio took the cart.

  When he turned around, Tierra stood staring at him with surprise. He smiled and wheeled the cart to the balcony.

  “You ordered room service?”

  He nodded. “Since we slept late and missed breakfast, I figured we could at least have lunch because dinner is a little ways off.”

  She nodded slowly, watching him take the cart out onto the b
alcony and set everything up. He had to admit the food looked very appealing. Tierra stepped closer to peek around him

  “What are we having?”

  “Mediterranean crostini, pasta e fagiole and baccala with polenta.”

  She smiled. “That sounds good.”

  He motioned for her to have a seat. They shared a little of each of the dishes with her seeming to enjoy every single flavor. She told him she wasn’t a big fan of cod, but as she normally did she tried it, informing him that it tasted great.

  Still, time passed quickly, and he knew she needed to finish packing her bags. From the expression on her face, she seriously dreaded it. So did he. When he looked over at her again, she sat staring out at the scenery, appearing lost in her thoughts, thoughts he was interested in knowing more about.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  She turned her attention back to him and smiled. “If I had a dollar for every time you asked me that—”

  He chuckled. “You would be rich?”

  She shook her head. “No, but I would be off to a good start.”

  He laughed. “Maybe so.”

  She stared at him for a moment before sighing. “To begin with, I’m thinking about me having to pack.”

  He leaned back in his chair and studied her. He tried to find the words she needed to hear, even if it wasn’t what he wanted to say.

  “Don’t forget, I am here to help.”

  She sighed again. “Yes, but packing is only one part of it.”

  Antonio wiped his mouth before putting the napkin on the table. “Well, why don’t we go ahead and get it over with so we don’t have to worry about it?”

  He wanted to think of reasons as to why she should postpone the packing but couldn’t find one—at least not one that wouldn’t cause her to run from the room in a panic. Before he could come up with anything else, she scooted her chair back.

  “You’re right. Let’s get this over with.”

  He stood and followed her back into the room. Several moments later, they had her bags packed with the exception of a swimsuit and the two outfits she planned to wear tonight and tomorrow. He picked up the bags before setting them by the door. His gaze traveled over to her.

  “Are you ready to go swimming?”

  She nodded as she headed into the bathroom. He chuckled at the irony. As many times as she’d been intimate with him, there was still something that made her nervous about getting completely naked in from of him in broad daylight. She returned as quickly as she left, clad in a tangerine colored two-piece swimsuit. It wasn’t as revealing as the first one she wore, but she looked just as good in it. When she stepped outside the bathroom, she hesitated, telling him his expression was as heated as he felt. She definitely made a good choice in what she picked out. He watched her walk over to the bed and pick up the sarong she laid out, tempted to tell her she didn’t need it. Antonio stifled a groan when she wrapped the sarong around her waist, covering up the area of her body he seemed to be obsessed with. He had never been a butt or hip man, but thanks to Tierra, he was now a fan of both.

  A few moments later, she drooled over him. He smiled as she gave his body a once over, lingering over his stomach area. He chuckled when she licked her lips and her head jerked upward, her expression full of guilt. He smiled as he held his hand out to her.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  She nodded, and they made their way to the pool. As usual, the area was almost empty. Most guests at the hotel preferred to go to the beach. He sat down in a lounge chair as Tierra dropped the sarong and walked toward the edge. She smiled as she stepped into the water. He watched her sink farther into the water before turning to look at him.

  “The water feels really good,” she stated as she drifted backward.

  “Does it?”

  She nodded, and he made his way toward her. He slipped into the water, wading deeper until he stood next to her, enjoying the feel of the cool water. The Mediterranean sun could be stifling, but Tierra hadn’t complained.

  “What do we have planned for the rest of the day?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing. We are just going to relax and enjoy the rest of our afternoon together.”

  She nodded, and he moved farther into the pool. They didn’t have long. Dinner with his family was scheduled in a few hours. It gave them a little time to relax before they needed to get dressed. He knew she had to make her daily call to her parents as well. She still needed to provide them with her return flight information. The statement still felt strange to him. To know he would have to let her walk away from him tomorrow was the toughest thing he would ever have to do. It made him aware of just how close her departure was. He planned to make the best use of the rest of the time they had together. Looking over at her, he smiled as she continued to tread water.

  “Are you actually going to swim today, cara?”

  She shook her head. “If I do, we will be late for dinner.”

  He chuckled. “Do you want to go for a swim?”

  She nodded. “Of course I do. I love the water, but my hair will be hell to deal with if I do.”

  The corners of his mouth curved upward. He held his hand out to her.

  “Don’t worry about your hair. I will help you wash it, and I promise you we won’t be late.”

  * * * *

  Tierra stared at the hand Antonio held out to her, and she started to decline the offer but couldn’t think of a good reason why she should. If she learned anything from this trip, throwing caution to the wind on occasion with him could be very rewarding. Besides, it was her last day in Rome, it was a beautiful day, and she really wanted to swim. She smiled as she reached out to take his hand. Antonio slid farther back, pulling her with him. A second later, he dipped underneath the surface of the water, and she followed. He released her hand after giving it a slight squeeze. She swam a few laps before resurfacing. A quick glance around told her Antonio still traveled through the water with graceful strokes. She laid back and began to float. Antonio appeared by her side, his expression amused, but she didn’t miss the quick glance he spared her breasts.

  “Good to see you relaxed.”

  “I’m glad you talked me into swimming.”

  His expression became serious. “I’m glad you talked me into having an affair.”

  She smiled. “But it has been so much more, hasn’t it?”

  He nodded. As complicated as it might make things, she knew what they had could never be just described as an affair. They milled around the pool a little longer until they both knew they had to get out. Her skin started to become prune like, and it was time for them to start getting ready. She stepped out of the water and reached for a towel. She turned around just in time to be treated to the sight of Antonio exiting himself. The way the water ran down his body should be a crime. It was more his body than the way the water ran down it. She wrapped the towel around her body, then turned to pick up her sarong, needing the distraction. As difficult as it might be, she needed to control her hormones until later on tonight. It would be their last night together, and she wanted it to be something both of them would remember for a long time to come.

  She breathed a sigh of relief as he toweled off, happy to be heading back to the room—until they entered the shower and his hands touched her scalp. Antonio was true to his word. He helped her wash her hair, although it might have been a mistake. The feel of his strong hands massaging her scalp was almost more than she could bear.

  Together, they managed to get her hair clean, as well as their bodies, without her having an orgasm, but there were a few close calls. Close calls he seemed to be well aware of, and she suspected he attempted to arouse her intentionally. She had to put an end to this before they got into trouble. She stepped out of the shower with him following close behind. She dressed quickly, donning a turquoise knee-length halter dress.


  She looked at Antonio. He held a jewelry case in his hand, and for a moment she thought he found his
gift. Upon closer inspection, she realized it was a different jewelry case. She looked at him with confusion, and he smiled.

  “I bought a gift for you. Something I want you to have to always remember me by.”

  He stepped closer to her, opening the case. A gasp escaped her when she saw the exquisite necklace and matching earrings.

  “Turn around, Tierra.”

  She did as he asked, watching as he set the case down before lifting the necklace out. He placed it around her neck, clasping it in place.

  She glanced at her reflection in the mirror briefly before turning to face him. “Grazie, Antonio. This is beautiful.”

  “I am glad you like it.”

  She shook her head. “I love it, Antonio.”

  Tierra placed a kiss on his lips, and when he pulled back one corner of his mouth was curled upward. “Don’t forget the earrings, cara.”

  She surprised herself when she put them on with hands a lot sturdier than she thought they would be. Glancing up at the mirror, her reflection stunned her. She felt like a princess. Then it dawned on her she should give him his gift as well. Tierra turned to look at him.

  “Hang on a second. I have something for you as well.”

  Making her way to her carry-on bag and dug out the two gifts she’d hidden. Her original plan had been to give them to him tomorrow morning before they left for the airport. She handed him the cologne first.

  “I had this made for you.”

  Antonio uncapped the bottle, and the woodsy masculine scent filled the room. He grinned before putting some on.

  “I like this, cara. How did you choose it?”

  Tierra shrugged. “I picked out scents I thought you would like and those I would like on you as well.”

  He recapped the bottle. “Well, you did a good job.”

  She waited for him to set the bottle down before handing him the jewelry case. He opened it, and his smile said it all.

  “I like it, cara.”

  She smiled. “Do you really?”

  He nodded, and his expression spoke of sincerity. “Yes, I do.”

  “Sit down so I can put it on for you.”


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