No Fear (No Shame Series Book 3)

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No Fear (No Shame Series Book 3) Page 6

by Nora Phoenix

  Blake nodded. “Sounds good. Can you find him something like that while we try on the jeans?”

  “Your wish is my command,” Colin said. He handed Aaron the jeans, winking, before stepping out again. “Lock the damn door,” he called out.

  Aaron’s eyes found Blake’s. Would he continue with what he’d been doing?

  “Try them on,” Blake said. His voice was low, sexy.

  Aaron bit his lip. He dropped one pair of jeans on the faux-leather bench in the dressing room, then held up the other, eyeing it critically. “They’re really tight.”

  Blake’s eyes sparkled. “That’s the whole idea. With your long legs and your perfect ass, you’re gonna have everyone drooling over you.”

  Aaron highly doubted the accuracy of that statement, but he wasn’t about to argue with Blake. He stepped into the jeans, then inched them over his legs bit by bit. He had to hold his breath to drag them over his hips. Was he supposed to be able to breathe in these? He sucked his stomach in even farther, managed to pop them shut.

  Blake let out a sound that came close to a growl. “Perfect,” he said. “Look at yourself, Aaron.”

  He faced himself in the mirror. The jeans were indeed riding low on his hips, showing his boxer’s waistband clearly, which he assumed was sexy. They hugged his body completely, leaving nothing to the imagination. “They’re too tight,” he protested.

  “That’s because you’re still hard.”

  “Yeah, well, nothing I can do about that,” he muttered. For a second he’d hoped Blake would finish what he’d started before, but of course he wouldn’t. They were in a dressing room. The whole thing was already highly inappropriate.

  In a flash Blake was behind him again, pressing his hard body against Aaron’s. “Do you want to do something about it?” he breathed in Aaron’s ear.

  Aaron watched them in the mirror. They were the same height, yet Blake was so obviously the stronger one. The dominant one. And it felt right. It felt absolutely right to not try and be the aggressor. Blake had been right. It wasn’t who he was, what he felt deep inside. He wanted to be something else. He wanted to be conquered, wooed, cherished.

  He raised his arms, looped his hands backward behind Blake’s neck, and pushed his ass back until it ground against Blake’s cock. He was still hard as well. “What do you suggest we do about it?”

  “Fuck, yes, Aaron, this is who you are, what you are,” Blake whispered in his ear. His hand found Aaron’s cock again and pressed against it. Aaron closed his eyes and leaned back his head. “Look at you, finally surrendering to me. You’ve been craving to do that all along, haven’t you? Stop fighting it, puppy.”

  The unexpected term of endearment did him in. “Please, Blake.”

  “Please, what?”

  “What ever you want.”

  Blake instantly let go of him, and for a second Aaron feared he was about to get massively rejected, humiliated. Instead, Blake locked the dressing room. Making eye contact with Aaron, he sank to his knees. With effort, he popped open Aaron’s ridiculously tight jeans, managing to drag them down far enough to free his dick from his underwear.

  “There are all kinds of things I want, but right now, as a reward for finally giving in, I’m gonna take care of you, okay? Don’t make any noise.”

  It was all the warning Aaron got, before Blake lowered his mouth and took his cock in. The hot, wet sensation of Blake’s mouth made him cry out, but a stern look from Blake caused Aaron to stuff his fist into his mouth to keep the noises in.

  Blake licked, nibbled, sucked. Aaron’s head swarmed, trying to process all the sensations, but his knees buckled. Blake’s hand grabbed his hips and held him steady as he continued his glorious assault on Aaron’s cock. How was it possible that this perfect man was on his knees, giving Aaron his first blow job?

  His balls pulled up, so tight it bordered on painful. He was gonna come in Blake’s mouth. Seconds later, his orgasm barreled through him, tears forming in his eyes at the force of it. He clamped down hard on his fist, managed to keep the noises in as rope after rope of cum ejaculated from his cock. Blake swallowed again and again. Finally, Aaron shuddered, his body going slack. If Blake hadn’t held on to him, he was pretty sure he’d collapse to the ground. Blake licked Aaron’s cock clean, then let his tongue dart around his own mouth to take in the last remnants.

  “You taste damn good,” he said. He tucked Aaron’s cock back into his underwear and rose up. “How did you like your reward?”

  Aaron removed his fist from his mouth, noticed he’d bitten down so hard there were teeth marks on it. “Yeah. Good. Perfect, I mean. Shit, I can’t find the words.”

  Blake grinned. “You said ‘shit,’” he pointed out. “I think that says enough.”

  Aaron blushed. He had, hadn’t he? Blake was right; it was a telling sign. Oh, well. He’d just gotten his cock sucked in a dressing room at Macy’s. In comparison, swearing seemed pretty mild.

  “Try on the other jeans.”

  Aaron raised a brow. “I thought you liked these on me?” He stuck his lower lip out, peeking at Blake from underneath his lashes.

  Blake shook his head slightly, smiled. “Boy, when you fully embrace your true nature, you’re gonna be deadly. There won’t be an alpha male able to resist you, not when you start pouting like that. Now, try on the damn jeans. I want to see how they look on you. Colin has an eye for this kind of thing.”

  Colin. Aaron’s somewhat giddy mood sobered. He was naïve to think all of this flirting meant something to Blake, even the sexual act they’d engaged in, or him using nicknames for Aaron. Blake did this all the time and with so many guys he couldn’t even remember all of them. Aaron would do well to see things in the right perspective. It didn’t mean anything at all.

  Aaron shimmied out of his jeans, his back turned toward Blake. Still, Blake had no trouble picking up on his mood change. What had happened?

  He couldn’t believe he’d sucked Aaron off. In a dressing room, of all places. First of all, he never got involved with his students on principle. It was asking for trouble, most likely in the form of a sexual harassment lawsuit.

  Secondly, he didn’t do blowjobs that often. He hated doing it when the guy was wearing a condom, but doing it bare meant risking an undisclosed STD. It was one advantage Aaron had: being a virgin, Blake was pretty damn sure he wouldn’t contract anything from him.

  And why the hell had he blown him in a dressing room, an almost public place? Aaron had tugged at his heartstrings for some reason. The constant fight between what he wanted, what he desired, and what his head was telling him was appropriate and acceptable was crystal clear to Blake. Aaron was so lost, looking for guidance. Blake wanted to help him find his true nature, embrace it. Of course, the fact that he’d been so damn sexy in those tight boxers had changed Blake’s more or less honorable desire to help into something a little more basal. Like a desperate need to fuck him.

  Years and years of training had ensured Blake had a tight grip on himself. He rarely gave in to impulses. The force of his want for Aaron had taken him aback. He hadn’t merely wanted him like he’d been sexually interested in the guys he’d fucked at the club. A deep, primal need to claim him had pulsed through him. His vision had blurred for a second, replaced by the image of fucking Aaron’s hole until it was overflowing with his juices.

  He’d held back, knowing Aaron wasn’t ready for any of that, and even if he was, Blake wasn’t gonna allow his first time to be in a dressing room. The guy deserved more. Blake wasn’t even sure if he should have sex with him in the first place, if Aaron asked him or showed signs he wanted that.

  He reasoned with himself about it, telling himself it was what Aaron wanted. He wanted to experiment, right? Doing it with Blake was safe. Fuck knew who he’d run into otherwise. There were a lot of sick dudes out there who would love nothing more than to have a chance at a virgin boy’s ass.

  Blake winced. If he was honest with himself, the thought excited him, too. Aa
ron made him horny in general, but the thought of being the first to claim him? It triggered all kinds of caveman-like feelings Blake hardly recognized in himself.

  “What do you think?”

  Aaron’s voice was soft, hesitant. No wonder, Blake had ignored him for minutes, lost in his own thoughts. He pulled himself back to the present.

  The second pair of jeans was equally skinny but rode even lower on Aaron’s hips. He should wear those commando. If he did, the top of his crack would be visible. Hot damn, no one would be able to keep their hands off him, Blake included.

  “We’re definitely getting these,” Blake said. “The other pair, too.”

  Colin knocked on the dressing room door. “You decent?” he asked, a laugh in his voice.

  Blake opened the door for him. “Yeah. Look at my boy here, being all sexy.”

  Colin whistled through his teeth. “You’re gonna have to swat the men off you if you wear that. Look, I picked a few tops that would suit you, I think.”

  He held up a simple, ribbed tank top in pink. “This would look great on you by itself. If it’s too cold—which it won’t be in a club—you can wear an open white shirt with it.”

  Aaron’s eyes latched on to it, Blake noticed. They widened slightly, and he almost imperceptibly licked his lips, then nodded. Colin held it out to him and he took it, caressing it for a second before pulling it over his head. It reached his waistband but not more, which was perfect.

  Aaron turned to look at himself in the mirror. The small sigh he let out said it all. “Perfect,” Blake decided. “What else do you have for him?”

  Colin had also brought a baby blue, tight-fitting polo shirt that brought Aaron’s eyes out, and a lilac short-sleeved button-down that showed his lean body.

  “I wasn’t sure about this last one, but I think it would look fantastic on you,” Colin said. He held up a flowery, sleeveless top in all shades of pink and purple, made from a sheer, fluid fabric.

  “It’s a girl’s top,” Aaron said.

  Colin seemed to sense he needed to tread lightly. “So is that pink tank top, but it looks amazing on you. Forget about the labels, honey. Wear what you love and what you feel beautiful in.”

  He held out the top to Aaron. For a few seconds, Aaron studied it, and Blake was sure Aaron was gonna reject it, when he finally accepted it. He put it on with slow movements, as if he still needed time to think about it.

  Blake’s breath caught when he took Aaron in. He was beautiful. The soft colors made his skin glow, and the top danced and swung around his hips. His nipples were clearly visible through the sheer fabric, offering a tantalizing glimpse of his body. Blake swallowed. “We’ll take it. You’ll go commando under the jeans, and we’ll wax all your body hair off. You’ll look absolutely stunning, Aaron.”

  Aaron made a tiny move with his hips, causing the top to swirl. He didn’t even look at Blake, his eyes glued to the mirror to watch himself.

  “You like it, honey?” Colin asked, his voice warm and soft.

  “I love it,” Aaron finally admitted.

  “Blake is right. You look absolutely stunning.” Colin smiled, putting a hand on Aaron’s shoulder. “Welcome to the light side, where we love pretty clothes.”

  Aaron nodded but still couldn’t take his eyes off himself. That told Blake more than anything else. He’d done a good thing here, helping Aaron find a piece of his identity.

  “Thanks for all your help, Colin,” Blake said.

  “You’re welcome. Look,” Colin lowered his voice at the sound of others coming into the dressing area. “I also work as a personal shopper and stylist. If you need anything else for Aaron, or for yourself, give me a call. I can find more amazing clothes for him, but it’s easier if I’m not limited to what we sell here.”

  Blake’s decision was instant. “You have a three-hundred-dollar budget. He needs everything, so make it match.”

  Colin beamed and handed him a business card. “On it. You’re gonna love the new you, honey,” he said to Aaron.

  Even after Colin had left them, Aaron kept looking at himself. Blake stood next to him. “You like what you see?”

  Aaron nodded. “I’m pretty,” he said, emotion thick in his voice.

  “You are.”

  “Not handsome, or masculine sexy, or hot. Pretty.”

  Blake could argue with him about the sexy part, since Aaron looked damn sexy, but he got the underlying message. “How does that make you feel?”

  Aaron sighed. “I like looking pretty,” he said. “It makes me feel good about myself.”

  “But you’re still worrying,” Blake said.

  Finally Aaron turned to look at him. “What will Josh think when he sees me like this?”

  “You’re talking about the guy who shares his house and I’m pretty sure his body with three other men?”

  Aaron’s eyes almost popped out of his head. “What?”

  Blake grinned. “You never noticed?”

  “Josh is with Connor,” Aaron protested.

  “Sure, but he’s definitely had sex with Noah, and I’m pretty sure about Indy, too. You can tell by their body language. I’ve watched all four of them interact with each other, at some point, and there’s a casual familiarity with each other’s bodies that stems from sex.”

  “But how would he… You can’t have sex with three other guys at the same time!”

  Aaron was whispering, but his indignation was clear. Blake kept his face carefully neutral. “Haven’t you heard about double stuffing or double penetration?”

  The look on Aaron’s face was a mix of horror and fascination as he shook his head.

  “Some guys like their holes full. Really full. One way is to have two guys fuck you at the same time, double stuff you with two cocks.”

  “That has to hurt,” Aaron said, shock still on his face.

  “Can’t say I’ve ever tried it, but then again, I’m not a natural bottom. Clearly it has to bring pleasure to some, otherwise they wouldn’t do it. And it’s nowhere as much as anal fisting. I’ve seen videos where guys take up a man’s arm all the way to his elbow.”

  “Hell, no,” Aaron said.

  He was looking a bit pale, and Blake took mercy on him. “You can start with plain vanilla sex, work your way up to the kinky stuff,” he said with a laugh.

  “You make it sound boring,” Aaron complained.

  Blake sobered. “No, and I’m sorry for teasing you a bit. You set the pace, Aaron. If you’re not ready for sex, you wait. If you are, you find someone who will respect you enough to take it slow, okay?”

  Aaron reached out for his hand and held it tight. “Will you do it?” he asked.

  Blake’s heart jumped in his chest. Was Aaron asking what he thought he was? “What do you mean?” He needed to be certain.

  “I want you to be my first.”

  He looked so cute and pretty and sexy, still in that gorgeous top and the tight jeans. But his words were cute and pretty, too, like a schoolgirl on prom night. Blake needed to manage expectations. “Aaron, I don’t do relationships. I like you, I really do, but don’t read more into this. I don’t date or hold hands or do romantic dinners.”

  “That’s okay. I don’t need that. What I need is a safe place to gain some experience. You said it yourself, I need someone who respects me enough to take it slow. I want my first time to be good. I trust you. Please, Blake?”

  Blake couldn’t help himself. He pulled Aaron close and brought their mouths together. At first, Aaron kept his mouth closed. Blake increased the pressure, licked his lips and pushed with his tongue until Aaron let him in. He angled his head a bit more, dove in deep. Aaron’s movements were slow, insecure, but he wound his arms around Blake’s neck and held on.

  His mouth was sweet, hot. Blake tasted the peppermint Aaron so often suckled on, those white-and-red-striped ones. He teased Aaron’s tongue with his, until it responded, until they were doing a slick dance of push and pull. He was a fast learner, copying Blake’s moves a
t first, then coming up with a few of his own.

  He was everything Blake usually avoided. Inexperienced, vulnerable, insecure. Yet kissing him did something to Blake’s body that he didn’t recognize. It triggered a hunger in him, a fierce need to possess, to own.

  His hands lowered till they reached Aaron’s ass. He put one hand on each butt cheek, pulled Aaron close to him and ground his hips into him. The kid was hard again, and he himself had barely been soft since they had gotten into the dressing room. What was Aaron doing to him?

  He broke off the kiss, swore softly at the sight of Aaron’s dazed look, his swollen lips. Fuck, Blake didn’t want to stop, not even close. He kissed him once more, the gentlest of kisses. “Not here. Not now.”

  Aaron blinked. “But you’ll do it?”

  “Tomorrow. I want you to have time to think about this, sleep on it. If tomorrow in the cold light of day you decide this is what you want, I’m your man.”


  He’d barely slept. Aaron kept playing the events of the day in his head. Blake inviting him to ask questions, then stripping naked in front of him. Watching Blake, touching him, tasting him. That glorious body, that perfect cock. Blake teasing him and pushing him in that dressing room until he’d finally surrendered. And Blake on his knees, sucking him off.

  Aaron’s thoughts were all over the place, trying to make sense of it. He’d even gotten up in the middle of the night to put the flowery top back on, with the skinny jeans. He’d studied himself in the mirror, wondering if the shame would always be there when he looked at himself in the mirror.

  The shame of being gay.

  The shame of wearing something so feminine.

  The shame of betraying everything his parents had ever taught him.

  The shame of wanting Blake, needing him with a fierceness that was foreign to him.

  He would’ve let Blake take him, right then and there in that dressing room. That’s how much he’d wanted him. Blake had been right, of course. It wasn’t the place, nor the time. He’d proved once again that he was an honorable man.


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