No Fear (No Shame Series Book 3)

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No Fear (No Shame Series Book 3) Page 8

by Nora Phoenix

  Fucking. It was time to start using the right words, instead of hiding behind euphemisms. He was fucking Blake’s asshole with his tongue, and judging by the now almost constant stream of grunts and moans Blake was producing, he liked it as much as Aaron did.

  Blake moved, reaching for his cock with his right hand. He started jacking himself off for real, his big hand fisting his cock without much finesse. Aaron matched his rhythm with his tongue, fucking that asshole until Blake was thrashing on the bed.

  “Aaron, I’m coming,” Blake warned, his voice tight.

  Aaron let go, not wanting to miss Blake’s finale. Blake’s legs fell aside and Aaron sat up. Blake’s eyes were pinched shut, his head thrown back in abandon. Slick noises of his hand on his cock reverberated through the room.

  “Come on me,” Aaron said impulsively. Again, it was something he’d seen in porn and had wanted to experience. To make a man lose control like that, allow him to paint you with his cum, had looked so sexy to him.

  Blake’s eyes flew open, and he adjusted his cock a flash of a second before he erupted. Thick ropes of semen landed on Aaron’s face and chest, another jet on his belly. Blake let out a deep growl as he spurted one more time, his eyes never leaving Aaron’s.

  Panting, he lowered his gaze to take in Aaron. “Holy fuck, you have a talent for rimming. That’s the single best rimming I’ve ever had. And I gotta admit, I really appreciate the sight of you covered in my cum.”

  Aaron beamed, crazy pleased with Blake’s praise. It felt like a fire had been lit inside of him, warm enough to chase away the cold of all his self-condemning thoughts.

  He looked down at himself. The creamy, white ropes were slowly dripping downwards. He dipped his index finger in it, sucked it off with a slow move.

  “Next time I want to taste you,” he said.

  Blake’s eyes darkened. “You’re starting to discover your sexy side, aren’t you? I like Sexy Aaron. In fact, I like him a lot, way more than Prude Aaron. Sexy Aaron should come out to play more often.”

  Aaron acted on instinct. He crawled toward Blake and lowered himself on top of him, stickiness and all. Blake’s eyes widened in surprise. Aaron hovered above his mouth. “Sexy Aaron wants you to fuck him,” he breathed.

  Blake lifted his head to close the distance. This time the kiss was slow and scorching hot. Blake flipped him on his back with ease, taking the top position again, his mouth never leaving Aaron’s. Aaron loved being handled like that. The display of pure masculine strength and dominance had him all gooey in his belly.

  Finally they ended the kiss, Blake staring at him with blazing eyes.

  “What’s the third condition?” Aaron whispered.

  Blake sent him a sexy smile that spread slowly across his lips. “You already did it. I wanted you to take initiative for once. It can’t come from me. You have to show me you want this.”

  “I rimmed you,” Aaron said with pride.

  The sexy smile spread even farther. “You sure did, puppy. And you did a helluva job. Didn’t expect that from you. Not many newbies like rimming.”

  “I loved it.”

  Blake’s eyes burnt even hotter. “Make sure to bring Sexy Aaron to the club tonight. We’re gonna have fun, you and me.”


  Josh woke up to the sounds of soft slurping noises coming from right beside him. He blinked a few times, his brain slow to start the day. What was making the noises? He turned his head sideways.

  Ah. Right.

  Connor was at work pulling a night shift, and so Josh had crawled in bed with Noah and Indy, who were now starting the day in the most delicious way. Indy was sprawled on top of Noah, kissing him as if his life depended on it, while Noah’s hands were gently kneading his ass.

  Josh's hand traveled to his morning wood, which presented itself with extra fervor, it seemed. No wonder, with the titillating scene next to him. He scratched his balls, gave himself an experimental tug.

  Wait, what? Connor had forgotten to put his cage back on. They’d sixty-nined each other the evening before, Connor eating Josh’s ass out while he sucked the Beast. A highly satisfactory session, but his body was itching for more.

  They hadn’t had a Dom/sub session in four weeks. They’d gone to Master Mark twice, but that was weeks ago. He wasn’t sure what the issue was. Noah and Indy knew about their…preferences, so that had nothing to do with it. Connor had started work again, so time had been a factor, and of course he’d been busy with the paperwork for the house. The contract was signed, and if everything went according to plan, they were moving in next month. Noah had put the house up for sale, and they’d had some interested viewers already. It was all moving fast, but it felt so right. Josh couldn’t wait to make a home with the three men he loved the most.

  Noah’s finger slipped inside Indy, fingering his hole. Judging by the soft moans, Indy didn’t mind at all. Should he leave? Josh slid his hand on his shaft again, fisting it gently a few times. Fuck, he needed a release. He needed more than that. He needed Connor to work him over good. Both his body and his mind craved the peace it would bring.

  “Noah, we need to stop,” Indy whispered. “Josh…”

  “Josh woke up minutes ago. If he wants to leave, he’s more than welcome to. He’d better do it fast, because I’m burying myself in your sweet ass in about a minute.”

  Both heads turned to him and Josh smiled. “Having fun over there?”

  “You gonna leave?” Noah asked.

  Josh considered it. “Nah. We forgot to put my cage back on, so I’m gonna enjoy the show.”

  Noah simply nodded, but Indy’s eyes narrowed. “Will Connor be okay with that?”

  “I hope not. I hope he’s gonna punish me real bad,” Josh said, his eyes sparkling. There was no doubt in his mind that he could trick Connor into working him over. If he caught him in bed with these two, all bets were off. Damn, Josh couldn’t wait. “He should be home in about twenty minutes, so if you could stretch it out a bit so you’re not done before he arrives, that would be much appreciated.”

  Noah look horrified for a second, then started laughing. “Fuck, you’re bad. Whatever makes you happy. We’ll do our part, right, baby?”

  Indy grinned. “Fucking for at least twenty minutes… Jeez, Noah, I’m not sure if you can last that long.”

  “You little shit. I’ll show you how long I can fuck you. Hand me the damn lube,” Noah growled.

  Josh smiled as he watched them. They were so fucking perfect together, these two. Indy dutifully reached out for the lube and dropped it in Noah’s hand. He squeezed out some on his hand, coated his cock, then added some more on his fingers. He dropped the lube while mashing their mouths back together. His finger slid inside Indy without preamble. Indy spread his legs wider, pushing his ass back. Yeah, he wasn’t exactly protesting.

  Josh angled for the lube himself. He wanted a little so he could jack off easier. He sat up against the headboard with a pillow behind his back—perfect position to watch his own personal porn show. This had to be weird for most people, surely, watching an ex—two exes, technically—have sex, but he loved it. Watching Noah and Indy turned him on as evidenced by his rock-hard cock. His hole twitched, wanting to be filled.

  Noah had Indy prepped in a heartbeat. Josh had expected Indy to ride Noah, but Noah flipped the boy on his back, taking the top position. It showed how well his leg was healing, that the stump was already recovered enough to carry weight. Indy pulled up his legs, opened wide. His soft sigh as Noah filled him touched Josh. It was only months ago that the boy had flinched from every touch, not sure if he’d ever be ready to be fucked again. Yet here he was, taking Noah with ease. And the man wasn’t small, either, with his thick cock.

  Noah slid in and out of Indy, his mouth never leaving Indy’s. That was the big difference in the sex between Noah and Indy and Noah and him, Josh mused while he fisted himself steadily. He and Noah had rarely kissed, not even during sex. It hadn’t been part of their routine, for lack of
a better word. Their sex had been functional and dysfunctional at the same time, aimed at providing them both with an outlet, but never granting either of them what they truly craved.

  He jacked himself at a leisurely pace, wanting to time it so he’d come seconds before Connor walked in. The man would definitely come looking for him if he didn’t see them downstairs. Hopefully, he’d be so fired up he’d start fucking Josh right away. Because damn, he needed to be filled and fucked hard. Maybe he should start prepping himself?

  He kept on fisting himself with one hand, while the other traveled south. Not the easiest angle, with him sitting. He let himself fall on his side, pulled his legs up so he could reach his hole easier. Much better. He didn’t even bother with one finger, but immediately shoved in two. His ass burned in protest, and he sighed with pleasure.

  “Harder,” Indy begged. “Dammit, Noah, fuck me harder.”

  Noah raised himself up on his hands, his upper body starting to sweat. “Fuck,” he said between pants. “I’ll never, ever get my fill of you. Ever.”

  He deepened his thrusts, moving his hips with more force. Indy closed his eyes, throwing his head back. The moan from his lips was low and long. “Like that…so good… Don’t stop, Noah, don’t stop,” he babbled.

  “I have zero intention of stopping,” Noah promised him.

  Noah was stunning when he fucked. His strong arms never protested against carrying his weight, his perfect ass contracting powerfully every time he surged forward inside Indy. Noah’s eyes were fixed on Indy’s, his face painted with a mix of deep want and pure love. As if Indy was his sun, moon, and everything.

  Josh fucked himself with three fingers, slowing down on jacking his dick so he’d last a little longer. He watched as Noah ravished Indy’s ass, keeping it up longer than Josh had expected. Indy thrashed on the bed, his restless hands finally grabbing his own cock and furiously jacking himself off.

  The garage door opened with a soft whirl. Connor was home. Perfect, because Josh couldn’t keep himself from coming much longer. He added a fourth finger, teased his slit with his other hand to stay on the edge a second or two longer.

  Indy came first, crying out as he spilled his load all over his hand and Noah’s stomach. Noah followed on his heels, firing off a few hyper-fast thrusts before his body froze, all his muscles coming to a standstill as he came with an obscene moan.

  Josh clamped down hard until Connor’s heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs. He jacked himself hard, and as the door opened, he came all over the sheets.


  Connor’s voice was stern, but he wasn’t mad. The steely edge in his voice when he was truly pissed off was missing. A shiver tore through Josh's body, and he trembled with the aftershocks of his orgasm as much as in anticipation of what was coming.

  “Fucking hell, I leave you with these two for one night and you’re having an orgy.”

  Josh's skin prickled. Hell, yes. He slowly retracted the four fingers from his ass. Since his back was toward the door, he was pretty sure Connor would pick up on his not-quite-subtle clue. What would Connor do next? Would he dare to fuck him in front of Noah and Indy? He’d proven to be a bit of an exhibitionist when he’d let Josh suck him off in front of Noah a few weeks back, but this would take it to a whole new level.

  Suddenly his hands were jerked back, cold metal encircling his wrists. Josh looked over his shoulder. Handcuffs. Connor had handcuffed him. He was still in full uniform and boy, was that a turn-on. The crisp blue shirt barely fit his chest and arms, stretching the fabric with every move. Josh grinned.

  Connor pulled him off the bed by his wrists, pushed him face down on the bed, kicking his legs wide with his feet. Seconds later, he threw something on the floor—his gun belt, probably—and put his gun on the nightstand. He leaned over Josh to grab the lube and unzipped with his other hand.

  Would he?

  Fuck, yes.

  Strong hands grabbed his hips, his ass, and Connor pushed in, his cock slick and oh, so fucking hard. He still took it slow enough it didn’t hurt, but he sure burned his way inside. Josh moaned, wanting the hot burn to last forever.

  “You like that, you little greedy bottom?”

  Connor didn’t pull back, kept sliding deeper and deeper in till he was fully sheathed. Tears sprung in Josh's eyes. So full. So overwhelmingly full.

  “Yes, Connor. More, please, I need more.”

  He was helpless with his arms cuffed behind his back, his body completely at Connor’s mercy. Connor was still fully dressed, had merely unzipped his pants and half-dropped them. It was deeply sexy to be fucked like this, as if Connor was truly using him. Josh lifted his head, suddenly remembering they were not alone. Noah and Indy had turned on their sides, facing them. Indy’s leg was on top of Noah’s, keeping his ass open. Noah was still lazily fucking him, by the looks of it gearing up for a second round. No wonder, with Josh and Connor now providing the necessary stimulation.

  Connor went from zero to a hundred miles an hour in seconds, pounding Josh's ass so hard he saw stars. He closed his eyes, pushed back his ass, and welcomed every raw thrust. The force of Connor’s fucking shoved him against the bed, again and again, making it hard to even keep his feet on the ground.

  “You’d better not come a second time, Joshua, because there will be hell to pay if you do. And don’t think I don’t know you timed this on purpose, you devious sub.”

  Connor shoved in so hard, Josh's feet came off the floor this time. “Though I have to say you prepping yourself was a nice detail. Did you like watching them fuck?”

  Josh's head was turning to mush, his thoughts disorganized and scrambled. Connor slid in deep and stayed there as he put an arm around Josh's throat, lifting his neck and head up. “I asked you a question. Answer me.”

  Josh opened his eyes, blinked. “Yes, Connor,” he said automatically. Was that the right answer? He hoped so.

  Connor nibbled on his neck with his teeth, thrusting in as deep as he could in this position. “Is your brain shutting off already, baby? I’m sorry. I know you needed me to work you over, but I got distracted with the house and everything else. But I’ve got you now. Let go, baby, I’ll take care of you.”

  Josh smiled. Connor had him. His body went pliant, and he didn’t even need to work hard at not coming. An orgasm wasn’t what he needed, not even what he wanted. Connor sped up, then came with a sexy growl that made Josh sigh. He could bring his man such pleasure, and fuck knew how much Connor gave him.

  Connor pulled out, smearing cum all over his crack and ass. “Ah,” he said. “That was a nice start.”

  He smacked Josh's ass hard on both sides. “Go get the paddle.”

  Josh clumsily put his weight back on his feet. How was he supposed to get up without using his hands? Connor helped him by pulling on his wrists a little until he’d gained balance. “Thank you, Connor.”

  Connor nodded. “Hurry the fuck up. I’m still pissed at you for disobeying me, so I need to let out some aggression.”

  It was all part of the play, the scene. Josh understood but would Noah and Indy? He shot them a look he hoped was reassuring. He stepped into the guest bedroom, where he and Connor had dedicated a drawer to all their toys. Connor had ordered a nice paddle, one that packed a serious punch. Josh loved it and hated it with equal fervor.

  He frowned. How was he gonna get the damn thing out with his hands cuffed? He kneeled in front of the drawer, looked over his shoulder to position his hands correctly and pulled it open. He had to practically dislocate his shoulders to reach the paddle, but he managed to get it out without dropping it. He almost fell over when he stood up, regaining his equilibrium at the last moment. He’d done it.

  Beaming proudly, he brought it to Connor, who had undressed and was waiting for him, seated in the reading chair. It was awfully close to Noah and Indy, who had switched positions. They wanted to watch, huh? Josh wasn’t sure whether he minded or not. In the end, all he cared about was reaching that pain-ple
asure paradise in his brain. What the fuck did he care if others watched? Master Mark observed them and that didn’t bother Josh one bit.

  He kneeled in front of Connor, his back toward him, so Connor could take the paddle. He did, swiftly unlocking Josh’s handcuffs right after. Josh scrambled around and immediately took his place over Connor’s knee as soon as Connor gestured. The paddle came down hard before he’d even prepared himself, then once more on the other ass cheek. Fuck, that stung.

  Connor gently rubbed his ass now. “You’d better brace yourself, baby. I’m not in the mood to play nice today.”

  Josh relaxed completely, which was inexplicable considering what Connor was about to do to him. He should fear it, but instead he surrendered. He had nothing to fear. Connor knew his limits better than he knew them himself.

  “Oh, Josh, you humble me,” Connor said softly. His finger traveled from the top of Josh's crack to his hole, slipping inside with ease. “I love watching my cum drip out of your ass. It shows everyone who you belong to.”

  “You,” Josh said. “I’m yours, Connor.”

  The finger retreated and the paddle came down again, more gently it seemed. One, two, three smacks, then Josh stopped counting. It stopped, Connor’s fingers resuming their play with his hole. He rubbed Josh's buttocks again, then smacked them rapidly in succession. Another ten blows or so. Fingers fucking him. Rough, but gentle hands kneading his ass. More strikes with the paddle.

  Noah shouted out at some point. Another orgasm. Indy, too, though less loud. Good. He was happy for them.

  Pain and pleasure mixed until Josh lost all track of time. He reached that stage where everything faded away, subspace. All that was left was his body, Connor’s body. Connor stopped paddling him and pushed him down on his knees. He offered him his cock and Josh took it, opening wide. He sucked until he ran out of breath, saliva dripping from his chin. When Connor pulled back, he whimpered.


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