Betrayal 2012

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Betrayal 2012 Page 2

by Amber Garr


  “No,” I whispered in a state of shock. Three of my closest friends from school had been shot and I believed it was in an attempt to harm me. We continued watching the news until the repeating film loops began to give me a headache. The ticker on the bottom of the screen said that all three girls were in critical condition at the city hospital, but that the doctors were hopeful with their prognoses.

  The newscaster added that a few students heard Justin say that a tall blond man told him to do this, but everyone seemed to be passing that off as a delusion. Certainly Justin was hearing voices. No one could force another to shoot innocent people. Right?

  Kain and I looked at each other in perfect understanding. His eyes reflected back the same fear that was now coursing through my bones. We knew a tall blond man who could force a human to do his bidding. And he just happened to hate me right now.

  “It couldn’t be,” I whispered again, forcing Kain to grab the sides of my arms when I almost toppled over.

  “I’m sure there’s another explanation,” he said calmly, but the stiffness in his shoulders gave him away. Kain thought that Lucian Sutherland was behind the shooting just like I had suspected.

  The doorbell rang causing nearly everyone in the room to jump. Jason, one of the protectors that had been inside earlier, left the living room to greet our new guest. I heard some mumbled words a few seconds before he came back into the room holding a red envelope, a black flower, and a suspicious look on his face. “It’s for you, Mistress Dumahl.”

  I wiped the tears I’d been shedding from my cheeks and pulled myself away from Kain. He followed closely behind but didn’t stop me from taking the delivery. The envelope was made of expensive paper and my first name was written in perfect calligraphy across the center. I broke the wax seal, noting the engraved “S” in the center. Inside was a note card, no bigger than the envelope with a personalized message written in the same cursive style.


  Consider this your warning. The next time will be fatal. You have one last chance to accept my offer. I anxiously await your answer.



  My hands were still trembling when Kain yanked the letter from them. I turned towards Jason who was holding the other gift away from his body as though it might attack him at any second. Knowing it was from Lucian meant that Jason should be scared. I took the flower from his hand and spent a few seconds admiring its beauty. It was a black with several draping petals and a stunning blue pattern of dots highlighting a path towards the center. I had never seen anything like this before.

  “It’s a black orchid,” Marisol said. While wondering how she could possibly know that, her commentary continued. “I read about them. They are supposed to be a symbol of power and absolute authority. Those that give the black orchid expect submission.” As though she suddenly stopped channeling a botanist, Marisol’s head snapped up and she stared at me with fear. “Is that from Lucian?”

  “That bastard!” Kain mumbled under his breath, and if things were different, I would have made some comment about how he was unable to control his temper like he’d so often berated me for. But this was no time for jokes. Realizing the gravity of the situation, our security team jumped into action.

  Chirps and static filled the room as they assembled their group and searched our property for intruders. I knew that they wouldn’t find him. Lucian wouldn’t be so careless. Kain, Marisol, and I sat down in the living room but I muted the television so that I wouldn’t have to continue hearing the names of my friends repeated over and over. I was still trying to fathom why Lucian would do something like this. Sure he wanted to threaten me, but why hurt my friends? My human friends? It was such an evil calculated plan, yet one that I could promise would not go unreciprocated.

  How did Lucian know that I wasn’t at school today? I was still listed as a student even though they were making special arrangements for me. I’d missed almost a month of classes when I ran away with Brendan and my parents were killed. Instead of finishing the school year with my friends, I was on a special home school program to get caught up in time to walk at graduation. It was a very gracious offer and one that I didn’t think I would have received had my parents still been around.

  Thinking about this more, it seemed as though Lucian purposely chose an indirect assault. Shooting my friends was an emotional attack, one that might lead me to make rash decisions. He warned in his note that the next time will be fatal, implying that he instructed Justin not to shoot to kill. It also meant that this could happen again.

  I was sick with guilt and reverberating with fear. Who would he go after next? Me? Kain? Marisol? My sister and I were not best friends but I certainly didn’t want her to lose her life because Lucian and I disagreed on principles. In fact, no one should have to die over this. “We need to call the Council,” I finally said to Kain.

  He hesitated a few moments and sat there watching me. I recalled a conversation with him in which I all but said that the Council was useless in this situation and that the only way to squelch this war was to fight it head on. Use our powers to take back control. Don’t let Lucian and his cronies get away with it. Apparently it was what my mother had wanted as well, but Kain had disagreed. Now, here I was, conceding that we needed their help and advice.

  “I’ll talk to Andre,” he replied as he stood. Squeezing my shoulder slightly, Kain forced me to look up at him. “Your friends are going to be okay.” I nodded and he left me alone with my sister.

  Andre was my only uncle from my mother’s side and the one who seemed to be doing most of leading since I assumed this position. He was an advisor of sorts, and thought that I wanted him to handle the clan’s affairs. It was true that I needed help, but I often wondered how much it bothered Andre that the position fell to me instead of the most qualified family member. This was the way of the clan; our shield decided who was to lead next and there was no denying the family heirloom had chosen me.

  I looked down at the glistening golden double wave pendent and sighed. Why the shield had picked me, I really didn’t know. But I promised myself and my clan when I ascended to the leadership position that I wouldn’t let them down. Plus, I had a barrage of “counselors” and “advisors” at my beck and call so there was no way that any decision would be made alone. At least not for a while.

  Kain had faced a similar distrust in his leadership status at first, too. We were both so young and inexperienced in politics and life, that it seemed natural for our clan members to be leery. It was natural, but it was also slightly disrespectful and very annoying. And now that Lucian was in my backyard, directly threatening me, I had a feeling more and more merfolk would be interested in my affairs.

  Someone began shouting from the foyer and the remaining protectors rushed from their posts to provide assistance. Marisol and I stood without saying a word to each other and listened. It sounded like a man’s voice although it was a little high, no doubt due to the presence of the guards. He was saying something about being invited and then finally yelled at them to check with me.

  Palmer led the group into the living room, his hand firmly grasping the back of a boy’s neck. “Boy” probably wasn’t the right word, but that’s what he looked like. His tiny frame and soft skin would forever let people underestimate his age. I smiled at the way he glared at the protectors like he could take them all on and win. In reality, he’d probably rather play fashion show and dress them all up in tight jeans and tiny tank tops.

  “Daniel!” I shouted while running towards my friend. Palmer immediately stepped away and allowed me to throw my arms over my guest’s bony shoulders. With only a little hesitation, Daniel returned my hug and gave me a big kiss on the lips.

  “Did you forget that I was coming?” he said sarcastically. Actually, I had forgotten but I didn’t want to tell him that. I didn’t want to upset him after being pushed around by my personal protectors.

  “No…well, not totally. Something t
errible just happened, so everyone’s a little on edge.” Daniel already finished school, so he’d asked if he could spend a few weeks in sunny California with me. I first met Daniel at the syrenka’s Cotillion earlier this year and we had become instant friends. He was comfortably gay with an amazing personality and even better fashion sense. I’d been nervous about that whole weekend but Daniel’s natural charm comforted me and we’ve been good friends ever since.

  When Brendan almost died, Daniel came to Maryland to help. Along with the rest of us, he’d been captured and tortured in the process. Even though it was ultimately my fault, Daniel never once blamed me and he didn’t seem to hold any type of grudge. He also bonded with Brendan and I was tempted to see if he’d heard anything more recently than I had. But now wasn’t the time so I made a mental note to check with him later.

  “What’s going on?” Daniel studied the serious faces and vast expanse of protectors now surrounding us.

  “Come on in and I’ll explain,” I wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him further into the living room.

  “My suitcases are on the porch,” he yelled back over his shoulder to Palmer. My cousin rolled his eyes. I had no doubt the suitcases would still be outside by the time we finished with our conversation. Protectors did just that…protect. They didn’t act as butlers. Especially not Palmer.

  My sister left us alone and I filled Daniel in on the day’s events. He asked about my life and how I was handling my new leadership role. In no time at all, we were laughing about my training stories and his tales about nearly missing the prom. It was a much needed distraction.

  About twenty minutes later, Kain returned and gave Daniel a quick hug. They chatted about random topics until we couldn’t avoid the real issue any longer.

  “So, what did Andre have to say?” I asked Kain.

  “We’re going to let the Council know.”

  “And…” I prodded.

  “And you and I are going to do it in person.”

  “What?” I exclaimed. Communicating with the Council was a big enough deal, but to actually get some personal time with them was almost unheard of.

  Kain shifted back against the couch and tried to look relaxed. “They’ve taken a personal interest in your situation and they’d like to speak more about it.”

  “My situation?”

  “Yes, about Lucian and…your abilities.” He’d hesitated on that last part making me wonder if he was uncomfortable with my new powers. Daniel’s head twisted back and forth between us trying to follow the conversation.

  “What do they want to know?”

  “Andre said that they would like a demonstration of sorts. To see if your plan to control Lucian’s army is worthwhile.”

  I jumped to my feet. “How did they know about my plan? It’s not even really a plan! It was just a stupid suggestion.”

  “Well, apparently Andre didn’t think so and he and several others have drafted a proposal for the Council.” I continued to stare at Kain with my mouth hanging open. “They thought it was best for us to be proactive.”

  “Why would they do this without Eviana knowing?” Daniel asked, taking the words right out of my mouth.

  Kain smacked his lips together and then leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Because they still don’t have full trust in her and they want to make sure the Council will be there for the clans if necessary.”

  I was mad but at the same time kind of proud. Sure, my clan members didn’t fully believe that I could lead them yet, but they also must have thought my plan had some merit. Otherwise they never would have proposed it to the Council.

  “Blasphemy!” Daniel cried in mock admonishment. “Off with their heads!”

  I smiled at that thought. “When do we see them?”


  “Two days,” I stated sarcastically.

  “Yes, and since they want to see a demonstration, I would suggest you practice between now and then. We leave Friday morning.”

  “Where are we meeting?” It must not be too far if we could leave the same day.

  “Seattle.” My heart dropped. Brendan was in Seattle. And now I was going to be there too.

  “What do you mean practice?” Daniel interrupted. Kain gave me a look that let me know he was following my thought process. If I was going to Seattle, then I had to see Brendan.

  “Controlling her powers,” Kain answered him. “She’s going to need to show them that she can take over someone else’s hold.”

  “But she’s already done that,” the boys continued as though I wasn’t in the room. It was all right though because my thoughts were with Brendan.

  “Yes, but that might have been due to the stressful situation. She needs to show them that she can wield that much power in a controlled environment before they will even consider taking on Lucian’s army.”

  Daniel sat back and sighed, seeming to think that justification through. “Well, where does she practice?” I hadn’t really practiced at all since our return. I don’t like the fact that I can do things to people without their knowledge. It felt invasive and wrong. Although Kain was right in suggesting I practice. I just didn’t know where.

  “Tomorrow we’ll go to Bennett’s Park and work through different scenarios,” said Kain. I didn’t know what I thought about that so I stayed silent.

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Daniel said while pushing himself off the couch. “Now, where is my room?”

  “I’ll show you,” I said robotically, still trying to imagine what it was going to be like to finally see Brendan.

  We grabbed his suitcases from the front porch as Kain walked by us and said that he was going to the guest house. He told us that he’d see us in the morning and continued on with two protectors following at his heels. I watched him go until Daniel shoved me.

  “Stop staring,” he teased.

  I shook my head. “I wasn’t staring at him.”

  “Mmm hmm,” he said with flare. I turned on my heel and headed towards the stairs.

  “It’s not like that,” I justified.

  “Mmm hmm.”

  “Shut up.” I smiled down at Daniel who was a step below me. “Or I’ll kick you out.”

  “No you won’t,” he replied with confidence. He was right.

  We went on a swim later that evening so that I could show Daniel some of my favorite spots. The moment my feet hit the water I felt the transition begin. My legs fused and the bones reformed to accommodate a single tail. Usually the pain associated with the transformation was excruciating, but now that I was a leader, the process was smooth and effortless.

  Daniel struggled with his change. I could hear his grunts and moans under the water where I waited for him. Looking around, I marveled at the changes with my site and in my lungs. As part of the shifting process, our vision cleared and the ability to hold our breath increased. It was a welcomed change from being on land.

  Daniel finally joined me and we set off to look at the sites. It wasn’t as much fun with four protectors following our every move, but at least we were safe for the time being. I purposely avoided the rocky island that Brendan and I called our sanctuary. Ever since coming back, I’d been unable to go there. The memories were too painful and I was suffering enough. Daniel didn’t mind though, as he took enough enjoyment in trying to catch a sea otter that taunted him the entire evening.

  “I almost had him,” Daniel said as we drifted at the surface and admired the stars.

  “He was just toying with you,” I laughed. “He’s been here forever and not once have any of us captured him.”

  “Well, I’ll get him tomorrow.”

  The stars filled the skies like the millions of phosphorescent creatures in the deep ocean. Twinkling and glowing in the infinite darkness. A shooting star passed over our heads and Daniel quickly grabbed my hand.

  “You have to make a wish,” he said. “It’s good luck.”

  “What are you going to wish for,” I asked. He splashed w
ater at my face in response.

  “I can’t tell you or it won’t come true. Now, close your eyes and make a wish.”

  I watched as he relaxed into the water and let his tail gently rest on the surface. I envied Daniel and his carefree life. Leadership responsibility, loss of loved ones, and fear for my clan’s safety weighed me down like a thousand years. I wanted to help everyone and I wanted certain people back in my life again. In the end I decided that there were too many things for me to wish for so I didn’t ask for anything at all.

  The first thing I did when we returned home, after sending Daniel off for the night, was draft an email to Brendan. I must have stared at the computer screen for an hour writing and re-writing my message. It was important that I didn’t sound too desperate, but I also wanted him to know that I wasn’t willing to leave Seattle without seeing him. Finally satisfied with it, I pushed the send button and let out a long breath. Now I had to wait.

  I fell asleep that night thinking about how much I wanted to see Brendan and about how I was going to prove myself to the Council. I worried for my friends and had visions of Justin Bernard pointing a gun at me. It was a restless evening to say the least.


  “Try that one next,” Daniel mumbled through a mouth full of bagel.

  “Stop pointing!” I warned him. The three of us were sitting on one of the benches in Bennett’s Park that surrounded the largest playground area. We probably looked young enough that this wasn’t creepy, otherwise the adults would wonder why we stared and laughed at their kids all morning. I felt kind of bad but it was the only way I could practice. “What should I do?”

  Daniel tilted his head in thought, and I could see the moment he got some demented idea. “Make him do the chicken dance!” Kain snorted and I agreed with his sentiment.

  “Daniel…,” I groaned. “Really?”

  “Yes, it’s genius because no one would be suspicious if an adult is dancing for a kid. Plus, you can try to give the command to just one person,” he pointed out.


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