“Why don’t we have supper? You must be hungry after such a long nap.” She laughs. I cringe, knowing only one other person who laughed like that. Mendina.
“Thank you. What is your name?” I wipe away the remaining tears and pull myself to my feet.
“To the world? Your Majesty. But you may have the special privilege of knowing my name.” She says this as if it is an honor. “Acacia. My name is Acacia.”
Avonathia - A-VON-A-THI-A
Danica - DAN-EEK-A
Edda - ED-DA
Eina - Ei-N
Ferrell - Fer-rel
Garverdale - GAR-VER-DALE
Gowell - Gow-ell
Ivy - I-V
Javiar - JAY-V-AR
Krea - K-REA
Nastasia - NA-STAIS-A
Palamides - PAL-A-MY-DIS
Roan - ROW-N
Romondino - ROM-ON-DINO
Sephet - Se-fit
Shanice - SHA-NEICE
Tivor - Tiv-OR
Umare - Ooh-Mar
Valentino - VAL-EN-TINO
Wentsden - Wen(t)-c-den
Konstanz Silverbow has always been a dreamer … but not a writer. She was dragged into being an author. But since that day, she hasn't stopped. It has become more than a hobby—it is a passion.
During the day, Konstanz works at Rockpick Legend Co. making jewelry, and during her free time she can be found playing the violin, collecting dragons, and learning all she can about medieval weapons. But at night, she creates made-up worlds and places where those dragons come to life and the weapons are used in battle.
Young adult fantasy and paranormal author with a dash of romance, Konstanz Silverbow is the proud creator of magical worlds, fictional creatures, ideal super heroes, and sarcasm since 2007!
To connect with Konstanz, visit her blog:
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