Sunshine and Bullets (The Bullets Book 1)

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Sunshine and Bullets (The Bullets Book 1) Page 10

by Coralee June

  "We really should go," he whispered once again before cupping me over the thick fabric of my jean shorts. Ever so slightly, he began moving up and down. I jumped. This. This was what I wanted.

  “You don't have to go to that fucking cop," Gavriel growled while moving his palm faster. My breath hitched, and I clamped my mouth shut to stop a moan from escaping. "You want to know what it feels like to have someone touch you? You come to me. That’s what friends are for, Love."

  I went rigid, his words like a bucket of ice on my senses. I reached down and yanked his hand off of me. He then grinned at my angry expression while slipping his thumb in his mouth and sucking. I gasped, more heat pooling in my core.

  Gavriel broke the tension, and the smug look on his face said that he knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted me aching. Wanting. And he wasn't going to do a damn thing about it—nor would he let anyone else.

  He got up and stretched his arms over his head. I lay in bed watching his back muscles flex. Then when he turned around to face me, I couldn't help but stare at his tented boxer briefs.

  "I'm going to go take a shower.” His voice was low and husky. “Don’t look so scared. I was just messing with you,” he added with a half-hearted laugh. Gavriel left me on his bed, and the sounds of the running water in the shower pulled me out of my trance.

  Did I just openly ogle Gavriel? Did he...touch me? I thought of his coy smile and immediately felt shame. It was a joke to him. I was the naive and inexperienced friend. I shot up from the bed, preparing to run for the door, when the shower cut off.

  "Hey, I'm going to go to the animal shelter. I'll talk to you later," I said before jerking open his bedroom door and fleeing down the stairs. Pounding feet sounded behind me. I got to the front door then turned to see Gavriel, wearing only a towel and bounding towards me.

  "Where are you going?" he asked with a bite. Ahh, there was my obnoxious alpha friend.

  "That was...too far. We've never..." I was flustered, and the smile on his face showed that he knew how shaken I was. He strutted towards me, water droplets dripping down his chest.

  "I was playing with you. I didn't know you were such a prude." I dropped my mouth open at the derogatory word. He knew I was sensitive about my inexperience. The last two days were the most action I had gotten. Ever. "It was nothing, chill. I didn't peg you to be one of those girls that gets all worked up over some petting," he teased.

  At first, I was angry. Gavriel was using my insecurities against me. But instead of yelling at him, I laughed to hide the pain and embarrassment I felt.

  "I'm not all worked up!" I forced myself to shudder and prayed it didn't look like the shiver of arousal I felt. "I mean," I began, knowing full well what my next statement would do to him, "when Callum was over last night, he got me 'worked up' but at least stayed long enough to get the job done,” I lied.

  I wanted nothing more than to have Callum stay and explore the tension between us last night. I’d been in a heightened state of wanting ever since. Maybe that was why I didn’t stop Gavriel's touch.

  I turned back to the door as his tanned face went red with anger. I twisted the knob, preparing to leave, but his palm slammed on the door above my head to stop me. "Grab my helmet and put it on, we're going for a ride." I froze, excitement pushing away my earlier anger. I'd been dying to ride on the back of his motorcycle since he got it last year. Yet, each time I asked, he came up with a lame excuse of why I shouldn't.

  Outside, I waited for him to get dressed while staring at the bike. It wasn't anything special. He bought it at a garage sale, and Blaise helped him fix it up with parts he found at the salvage yard. But it was fast and added to the Bullet badass image.

  He strolled past me, wearing dark denim and a white shirt. After he mounted the bike, I shoved the black helmet on my head, clumsily flung my leg over the seat, and shifted forward. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I purred at the feel of him. He kicked the bike to life, and I squeezed my eyes shut as my entire body shook.

  Each time he accelerated, the bike jumped to the next gear with a stutter. It wasn't a smooth ride, and my teeth chattered each time he hit a groove in the road. I was thankful for the helmet. Not only was I doubting the safety of his death trap, but it concealed my identity. On the off chance that we ran into my father, I didn't want him to recognize us.

  I gripped Gavriel tighter as we rode through town, and as he got further from our neighborhood, more trees and winding hills surrounded us. It was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. Each stretch of straight highway, he went faster. The bike felt like it would fall apart at the first sign of trouble. The shocks were nearly nonexistent, and every bump had me rising in my seat.

  He turned down a small road in a remote area outside of town. He stopped right before a gravel road. Then, without warning, revved the engine before descending down the rocky road. The vibrations of the bike intensified, and a whole new sensation took over my fear.


  The vibrations hit me just right. I was no longer clutching Gavriel because I wanted to feel safe, I was grounding myself against him. I trembled as I straddled the bumpy leather seat.

  The road felt never-ending. He would approach a curve, and I thought that it was the end of my blissful torture. Then he would continue along another path. The quaking of his bike, combined with his muscular body pulled tightly against mine, made for an embarrassing situation: if he didn’t stop soon, I’d have my first orgasm on the back of Gavriel's motorcycle. And there was nothing I could do to stop it.

  At the end of the road, he met a dead end and stopped abruptly. I let out a hiss at the pause in sensation. He waited there for a moment, not speaking. I was stuck between wanting to get off his bike and get off on his bike.

  He revved the engine once and my breath hitched. Two more times, he pulled back on the accelerator, and my knees locked tighter around him. I felt his chest move up and down, in short, jerking motions, as if there were laughter caught in his chest. We then continued roaring back down the road, kicking up gravel and dust behind us. He picked up more speed, and this time I knew an orgasm was inevitable.

  Flying down the back road, the sensations grew and grew. He hit that perfect ratio of velocity that had me breaking apart at the seams. It was like an explosion, bursting through me. I willed my body not to relax. Clinging to his chest, I held still even though my body demanded to slump into languid relaxation. The aftershocks of my orgasm rocked through me as he continued to barrel down the road. I squeezed my knees tighter while lifting up, my poor core too sensitive to handle much more.

  Finally, he exited the gravel road, and I slumped in relief, keeping silent even after he got off the bike. So that was an orgasm? Why the hell had I waited so long to experience it? And when could I have another?

  I made a mental note to look up vibrators online, then blushed. I was daydreaming about vibrators as Gavriel waited for me to get off the bike. He didn't seem to notice my reaction, and I prayed that he just thought this was a fun ride between friends. If he knew what had happened, I would never hear the end of it. I could almost hear their teasing now. Innocent little Sunshine—coming on the back of his junkyard bike.

  With shaky legs, I dismounted. Gavriel removed my helmet with a smile. And when our eyes met, I forced back my embarrassment. Was this crossing a line, somehow? Even if he didn’t directly cause my orgasm, he was still involved. I shook away the worry as Gavriel brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. He leaned in closer before whispering, "How's that for follow-through?"

  He didn't wait for a response, instead, he strolled into the animal shelter like he owned the place.

  He knew.

  I debated kicking the damn motorcycle but caught myself. Gavriel would only tease me more if I acted out. They all thought of me as an inexperienced prude, and I had to change that perception. So instead of crawling into a hole and hiding for all eternity, I followed after him.

  The red-headed woman working inside gave us a
once over before going back to checking her phone. Gavriel strolled up to her desk and gave her a stern frown.

  "Did someone drop off a dog here this morning?"

  The woman smacked her gum. While rubbing a thumb along the blue eyeliner under her eyes, she responded, "It's a shelter, we get lots of dogs." She rolled her eyes as if this was the most inconvenient interaction she'd had all day.

  Gavriel's broody methods of intimidation didn't work. Time for plan B. I strolled up to her with a smile.

  "Did Chief Bright stop by?" I asked. My father was a local celebrity of sorts. He’d often found ways to go places unnoticed, but she’d remember if he came in today. The woman let out a huff and tossed her phone aside before looking at me.

  "No Chief Bright. No dog. We did get a couple cats and one pissed off opossum though?"

  I dipped my brow in confusion, wondering if there were many shelters in town, or if Dad hadn't stopped by yet. Surely he wouldn't want Cat in his squad car for longer than necessary?

  "Okay then, thanks for your help," I said while turning around. Gavriel took in my confused expression and rested his hand at the base of my back.

  "Do you want to go back there and check for sure?" he asked while nodding his head towards the loud kennels behind a closed door to our left. I shook my head no. It was curious. Doubt nagged at me, but I was determined to assume that I misunderstood the note Dad left.

  "No," I began with a small sigh. Figures, the one companion I made would disappear right under my nose. “How about we go for another ride?" I asked, feeling brave.

  Gavriel smirked at me for a moment, dragging his eyes up and down my legs. Tossing the black helmet at me once more, he said, "You’re full of surprises lately, Love." His eyes went dark.

  “Yeah, so are you.”

  Chapter Ten

  Present Day

  Flying on a private plane was surreal. Polite flight attendants catered to our every whim as we sipped our champagne. Blaise and I eyed the bedroom on the plane, but neither of us got up to use it. We were too aware of the suited gentleman that boarded our plane alongside us. During the entire six hours, the only words he muttered were into his phone receiver once we boarded.

  “She’s here.”

  A limo picked us up from the private airport, and we drove through the winding hills of LA. Everything was so green, vibrant—and crowded. When we pulled up to a gigantic stucco home, I gaped at Blaise. He simply kept his eyes ahead. The limo driver checked in with the security team at the gate before descending down the long drive.

  "This is where he lives?" I asked in shock, feeling wildly inadequate.

  "Yeah, I have a feeling he's showing off for you. He spends most of his time in his penthouse in New York. He only comes here when Ryker has a fight," Blaise explained. We both sat in the car for a moment longer, enjoying the silence and the safety of the moment. We didn't have to speak to know that once our door opened, everything would change.

  “Ryker still fights?” I asked.

  Blaise chuckled like my question was absurd. “Does Ryker fight? HAH!” he replied. “He’s one of the best.”

  “Funny how some things never change, yet nothing feels the same,” I mumbled. I wished I could take a moment to study all I'd missed out on.

  "Do you still want it all, Sunshine?" Blaise asked. It was so strange hearing the lack of confidence in his voice. In all things, Blaise Bennett was self-assured, or at least, the Blaise Bennett I remembered was.

  "I want to be happy," I whispered, hoping my admission was enough.

  It was easy to spill confident declarations in the dark. But I didn't know how I could possibly have it all when Gavriel apparently already owned the world.

  "That, I can do," Blaise replied with a tight grin before the driver opened my door, letting us both out. Once on the drive, he threaded his fingers through mine as we walked up the white steps towards Gavriel's front door. I let out a sigh as the door opened. My eyes dipped towards the floor at a pair of shiny, black dress shoes. I slowly raised my eyes and took in his tailored pants that fit perfectly. Fine Italian leather made up the belt at his waist. I observed his crisp, white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and the tattoos covering his arms. Then, my eyes got stuck on his strong shoulders, taking in their width. He'd grown over the years.

  I lingered, too scared to look Gavriel in the eye. I wasn't sure what I'd see there. Wasn't sure who he was now, and what he wanted with me. Finally, when I felt brave enough to dive into the depths of his black gaze, I gasped when I saw his raw, consuming fury.

  "Took you long enough," Gavriel growled, not bothering to even look at Blaise, who now had a death grip on my hand.

  “She was tired. We needed to rest—”

  “I don’t pay you for your fucking excuses, Blaise. I pay you to get a job done.”

  My eyebrows shot up in surprise as I really took in Gavriel’s appearance. I looked past the expensive suit and handsome face. I looked at his rigid posture, and his fists clenched at his side. His black hair was ruffled as if he had spent the night running his hand through it. His legs were locked and firmly planted to the ground.

  “So I’m a job?” I asked, angry that this was how he was going to greet me. “Five years and I’m nothing more than a job, Gav?”

  His eyes felt like knives on my skin. He sliced up and down my body, scraping his attention along my legs. I held firm, taking in every painful inch of his scrutiny. I didn’t expect a hug or sighs of relief from Gavriel. I didn’t expect him to say he missed me or proclaim his undying love. Intimidation was his game. He wouldn’t feel satisfied until I was squirming and begging forgiveness. And maybe Summer Bright would have done that. She would have dropped to her knees and pleaded for whatever drops of attention he’d offer. But not anymore.

  “What’s the bounty for, Gav? Why try and find me after all this time? If you’ve come to collect on a debt, you’re dead wrong. I don’t owe you a damn thing.” I hoped I sounded more confident than I felt. If I had my way, I’d hug him. I’d smile and try to thread back together the jagged edges of our friendship. But that’s not what Gavriel needed. I used to never understand why he hosted those fights when we were younger, but I did now.

  Ryker once told me that sometimes people needed a chance to bleed. So I was willing to cut open and pour out every last drop if it meant we could get through this.

  “You okay, sir?” a bulky man in a suit asked while shifting closer to Gavriel. His frame filled the entryway. The man gave me a steel look as if I were a problem he didn’t mind eliminating.

  “Yeah. Go home, Joe. I need some time alone with Miss Bright,” he replied in a dismissive tone. I flinched at the formal name. He still wouldn’t acknowledge my words or Blaise. The large bodyguard shoved past us, and I shivered when his intense, hateful stare hit me full force.

  “We gonna stand here all day, Gav?” I asked once the other guy was out of sight. He released the fists he was holding at his side, and his fingers twitched.

  I expected him to fight back. In the past, we were constantly pushing and pulling at one another. We tested the limits of our anger until there was nothing left but resolution between us. But he surprised me. Instead of arguing, he stepped aside and gestured for me to come inside. His slip into cool, collected confidence was scarier than the brash boy I once knew.

  As I walked past him, I pushed the boundaries once again and brushed my shoulder against his chest, sweeping my body across the soft fabric of his shirt. He didn't bristle at my touch, but there was a slight hitch in his breath, only audible to me. I bit the inside of my cheek to hide my joy at hearing his reaction.

  Inside, the house was immaculate but cold. Despite the cozy beach setting, the home had a modern, minimalist feel. It didn't look like someone was here to enjoy it very often. Even as a teen, Gavriel didn't put down roots. His room at the Jamesons’ was bare. No personal touches to provide insight into the hardened boy that lived there.

  "Have a seat, Miss Bright."
Gavriel's tone was curt as he motioned for me to sit on the long gray couch in the formal sitting room. It didn’t escape my notice that he used my formal name to put emotional distance between us. I moved cautiously, following behind a tense Blaise. And when we both settled into the stiff cushions, Blaise shifted so that our thighs were touching. Gavriel's eyes zeroed in on where our bodies connected, an angry expression on his face. He stared openly as his lip curled in aggravation.

  "I have your check, Blaise, but cut ten percent since you failed to bring her within our contracted time frame." Gavriel's methodical voice made me wince. This felt like a business transaction. I then realized that his methods of meanness and cruelty had evolved over the years.

  "I don't want your money, Gav. You know I would have done this regardless," Blaise answered through gritted teeth.

  I squeezed his hand. How did their friendship get like this? They weren't anything like the boys I once knew.

  "Well, she must have been a good fuck, if the infamous Blaise Bennett is turning down cash. I thought that's all you were motivated by these days," Gavriel sneered. His voice was low and scratchy. "And for the record, I'm not in need of your services anymore. You can leave." I looked up at Gavriel through my thick lashes, feeling small. For a brief moment, Gav looked down at me and licked his bottom lip before turning away.

  "This wasn't a regular job, and you know it," Blaise replied. "You jumped through quite a few hoops to make sure it was me who found her. I was tracking someone in Florida. You sent the fucking plane to bring me in."

  I squeezed Blaise's hand harder, unwilling to let go. He was my roadmap to navigating the new Gavriel. "Get out of here, Blaise," Gav said.

  "Fuck you, Gav. This isn’t like before and you know it," he replied. My eyes pinged between them in shock. I wanted to kick Blaise for not warning me that there was animosity between them.


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