Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 2

by A. K. Michaels

  “NO!” Sabrina screamed, terror running through her. Fuck! She couldn’t be raped, no she couldn’t. Then her eyes found the green ones looking down at her, the fair hair, the large straight nose.

  “You’ve got green eyes.” She gasped and wondered why the hell she had just said that.

  “Uhm yeah, so have you.” The man said and smiled, only a slight one. He looked cold, hard, dangerous, and Sabrina wondered if she had gone from the frying pan and into the fire.

  Chapter 2

  Kyle looked down into her face, willing himself not to just place his mouth on her lips. Kiss her into submission. Take her there and then.

  He tried to keep a detached look on his face. Not wanting to show any feelings of weakness to this human.

  Her first words about his eyes threw him, it wasn’t what he had expected her to say. Who are you? Where am I? Those he expected, not “you’ve got green eyes.”

  Sabrina looked around, realized she was in a bedroom, in a bed. She sat up quickly and dizziness overtook her.

  Kyle grabbed hold of her, both sensing and seeing, the wooziness come over her. His strong hands steadied her. “It’s okay, you’re safe.”

  Sabrina tried to focus on his voice. It was like none she had ever heard before. She was sure she heard a faint Scottish twang. However, it was the precision in his words, the detached tone, but at the same time, it sounded sexy as hell.

  WTF! She had just nearly been sexually attacked, and she was now thinking this guy’s voice was sexy. Was she bloody mad or just still drunk?

  “What happened?” She asked, realizing her mouth tasted awful, wishing she had a toothbrush and toothpaste handy.

  “You were being attacked. I got you out of there. Then you collapsed, I didn’t know what else to do, so I brought you to my home.” Kyle’s tone had softened, watching her deep breathing, making her breasts heave, making him hard once more.

  “I remember. I was so stupid. I should know better for fuck sake!” Sabrina was angry at herself for getting into that situation.

  “Why?” Kyle queried, with an eyebrow raised, and Sabrina saw just how handsome this man was. He was definitely hot.

  “Why what?” She asked back, trying to keep track of the conversation.

  “You said you should know better, why?” This time Kyle’s voice was low, sultry, and he was trying hard to keep the longing out of it, but he didn’t think he had succeeded.

  “I’m a detective, or rather I was, that’s why I’m here, sort of. Shit, my life’s so fucked up.” Sabrina took a deep breath, everything that had happened over the past few months and weeks crashing in on her.

  Kyle moved a hand to her face, the girl was in distress, that was obvious. Slowly his hand gently caressed her cheek, as she moved her head into his hand. Fuck he wanted her.

  Sabrina liked the feeling of his hand, even if it was a bit cold, and moved into it. She really needed some company, she had been on her own for weeks now. Everyone staying away. Her lover now in jail. She just wanted to be held. Just wanted to feel again, anything other than this hurt inside her.

  Kyle could feel it in her, she wanted him, or maybe not him, but she wanted something, or someone. He moved closer, placing his glass with whisky, onto the bedside cabinet and let his lips brush hers. Ever so gently, not really a kiss, not yet.

  Sabrina felt him drawing near, felt the light touch of his lips, and it felt like a dam had broken. Feelings overwhelmed her, want and lust, she moved a hand to the back of his neck, pulling him closer.

  The kiss deepened, both were breathless, panting, neither pulling apart. Even when Kyle moved to place Sabrina back down onto the bed, and he joined her, their lips stayed locked together.

  Kyle’s hands moved all over her body, cupping a breast, tweaking a nipple through the thin material of her dress, then running down over her stomach and between her legs. Moving under her dress and finding a very small thong, his finger started rubbing in slow circles around her nub, as she moaned into his mouth.

  Kyle’s fingers left her mound, and she groaned. “No,” around their kiss, but it was soon back. He had only pulled his zipper down, undoing the button on his jeans, pulled them down slightly, releasing his hardness.

  He moved on top, both still fully clothed, moved his hands down to her underwear. Using his strength, to tear the very thin straps, at either side of her lace thong. A moan escaped her, louder than before and she moved her hips upwards.

  Sabrina couldn’t understand what was going on. Her body was acting like it had never done before. The want in her was so strong it was taking her breath away, she needed him inside her, now.

  Her dress was now bunched up at her waist and she moved her legs, wide, up, and around him, crossing her feet at the ankles on his backside. Pulling him to her, with an abandon she had never felt in her life.

  Kyle entered her fast, pushing all the way in on the first thrust. Sabrina gasped, maybe she should’ve looked to see what he had before this point. She felt so full it was almost painful. Almost but not quite. The pleasure taking over from the pain, as she bucked under him, she thought his ass is just as cold as his hand.

  Kyle moved quicker, this time was going to be quick he knew, next time he would make sure it was slow. So slow, she would be screaming for her release, a release he may or may not give her.

  Sabrina felt her orgasm building. Her breasts hurt, her nipples so hard and rubbing on her bra, wishing she was naked. The feelings inside grew and grew, until finally their lips parted, she threw her head back and screamed, the sound primal and animalistic. Not a sound she had ever heard come from her before.

  Kyle watched her face, watched the release build, watched her come and scream. That scream took him over. His seed spilling deep inside her, he grunted loudly, before falling fully onto her.

  His fangs descended and he fought to retract them, fought not to feed on that neck right in front of him. He could smell her blood, hear it pump round her body, he wanted it, wanted it badly.

  Kyle moved to the side, placing an arm over her waist, slightly rubbing up and down on her side. God, that had been good, even with their clothes on.

  “Uhm, where’s the loo?” Sabrina asked, shocked and embarrassed at her actions.

  She didn’t do quickies, or one night stands. No, she thought, she only fell in love with the bad guy she was sent under cover to get the dirt on, so he could be arrested.

  Kyle smiled at her face, one which showed she was embarrassed. “Over there, door next to the dresser, en suite’s in there.”

  Sabrina got up, realizing she now had no underwear. Her shoes kicked off and on the floor. Christ, she had had unprotected sex. What the hell was she thinking?

  She wasn’t, that was the problem. There had been no thinking on her part whatsoever.

  She moved to the bathroom, her eyes widening at the size of it, the room was huge. There was a large bath, it looked like a Jacuzzi one, and a shower big enough to hold a bloody party in.

  As she looked at the shower, she decided she was going to have one. She felt dirty from her exploits earlier in the evening. The alley smells still on her, she undressed, which was pretty simple as she only had a dress and bra on. Then she looked around, opened some drawers in the unit beside the double sinks, and found what she was after. Yes.

  A new, unopened, toothbrush. She opened it quickly, found the toothpaste and cleaned her very icky mouth. Stale booze making her tongue furry and awful.

  When her teeth were cleaned, she started fiddling with the knobs on the shower. Christ it was like the cockpit of an airplane. It took a few tries, but she got it working, and gladly stepped under the warm water. She cleaned herself thoroughly, even washing her hair, using just soap, but it would work in a pinch.

  She was in the shower for what seemed like ages, and she only exited it reluctantly. She wrapped a small towel around her long hair, a huge fluffy one around her bo
dy. Then she moved back towards the bedroom, shyness overcoming her. She had never done this before. What if he was annoyed she had used the shower?

  As she opened the door to the bedroom, she saw him standing, as if waiting on her? A look of lust clear on his face. Oh my, as soon as he looked into her eyes, a slight tug on his lip, she became aroused. What the hell was happening to her body tonight?

  She stood still, not knowing what to do.


  Kyle paced the room, waiting on her return, he felt alone as he waited. For the first time in over five centuries, he felt alone and it was alien to him.

  He poured another whisky and paced, back and forth, waiting on her to come back to him.

  When the shower went off, he stood still, emptied his glass and placed it down. Waiting on “her” coming out the door.

  The door opened and there she was. A damp towel around her head, one of his large bath sheets covering that body. A body he wanted to see, to feel, to kiss, to lick, and he wanted it now.

  A small smile tried to take over his lips. He didn’t smile, well not often, and one was trying hard to make an appearance.

  His eyes bored into hers, willing her to come to him. She had to come to him. He stood still. She stood still.

  “Can I ask you something?” Sabrina whispered, trying to keep a hold of her feelings while staring at this male in front of her. He was very handsome, his hair slightly wavy and a touch long. His eyes bored into hers as if willing her to do something. What?

  “Yes?” He said, all the while wanting her to walk to him. She had to walk to him.

  “My name’s Sabrina, what’s yours?” And she blushed as she asked. She had sex with this man, unprotected sex. But she didn’t even know his name? That was just wrong.

  “Sabrina? That suits you, my name’s Kyle.” Sabrina, her name was Sabrina, it fit her like a glove and he liked the sound of it on his own lips. He wanted to use it, and use it often, about as often as he wanted to use her.

  “Hi Kyle, I like that. My name’s my mum’s fault, she liked that teenage witch program. You know, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch?” and Sabrina felt her feet moving, forwards, of their own accord.

  Kyle sighed, she was moving, in his direction, thank fuck.

  “Yeah, I know the program, but the name still suits you, Sabrina.” Kyle moved an arm, holding a hand out towards her, and she moved a little quicker. As soon as she was close enough he grabbed her. Pulling her close and kissing her lips again.

  As he kissed her, he pulled her towel from her hair, letting it fall free, grasping it in his hand. Holding her head securely in place, kissing her deeper and deeper. His hardness now hurting him, rubbing against the zipper of his jeans. Why the hell did he get dressed?

  Sabrina was in overload, her skin on fire. She had never felt like this before and it scared her. More than a little. Her heart started to beat faster, her fight or flight mode coming back strongly. She felt Kyle was strong, and dangerous.

  “I won’t hurt you, Sabrina, never.” Kyle spoke into her mouth, feeling fear coming across her.

  Sabrina heard his words, firstly, wondering how he had known she was scared, secondly, believing every word he said.

  “What’s happening?” She asked, not understanding.

  “I’ve no idea, but it feels so good, Sabrina. I have to have you, now!” Kyle was groaning with need, he knew he wouldn’t let her leave now. No, if need be, he would use his Vampire power to charm her into his bed, and have no regrets of doing so. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time. But, he would much prefer she came willingly.

  “Promise?” Sabrina asked and Kyle wasn’t sure what she meant. “Promise you won’t hurt me? I couldn’t take getting hurt again, not now.” Sabrina’s voice broke and Kyle wondered who had hurt this woman. Whoever it was must be mad.

  A feeling of anger burst into him, if he found out who it was that had hurt her, he was going to make them pay. In a way only a Vampire could.

  “I promise, look at me, Sabrina...” and they pulled apart so they could see clearly into the others face. “I promise I won’t hurt you, do you trust me?” Kyle asked with one eyebrow raised and one side of his mouth, jeez he looked so damn sexy.

  “Kyle, I’ve no idea why, really I don’t. I don’t do this, this, sort of thing, but yeah I do.” Sabrina realized this with a bit of shock, and a bit of cop calm. If he had wanted to hurt her, he could easily have done it, while she was out for the count.

  Kyle picked her up, far too easily in Sabrina’s opinion, and carried her to the bed. He stood her up at the side and removed the towel, his eyes raking over her body.

  Sabrina blushed and tried to place her arms and hands in strategic spots. Kyle grabbed her wrists, moved them, so he had a clear view. Sabrina was very glad that she had got her nether regions waxed, before coming to Vegas, a couple of days ago.

  “You’re gorgeous, Sabrina, perfect!” Kyle’s need for this female was huge. He lay her down in the middle of the bed and slowly undressed.

  Sabrina’ eyes widened at his physique. He was all hard contours and muscle, his thighs strong and thick, his abs hard as stone, his chest free of hair. Good, she hated hairy men.

  Kyle’s eyes never left her body the entire time, then he asked her, “Do you really trust me?” and Sabrina frowned.

  “Yes, I told you,” she said as she wondered what he meant.

  “Close your eyes.” Kyle’s voice was full of longing, which was clear for Sabrina to hear. She thought for a second, then did as he asked, closing her eyes and waiting.

  She heard him move around and then the bed moved. He was beside her, he took one hand and moved it back and up. Before she could process what was happening, he had fastened that wrist with some sort of restraint, and her eyes popped open.

  She looked at her wrist, tied to the bedpost by a silk scarf, or tie, and before she could say anything, her other hand was also secured.

  “What are you doing?” She exclaimed, she had never been restrained before, it was more than a little scary. Especially as it was by someone she had only just met.

  “Don’t worry Sabrina, I’m not going to hurt you, but I do want you restrained. I want to cover your body in kisses, I want to suck, lick and bite every part of you, without you moving. I’m going to worship that perfect body of yours.” Kyle’s voice hitched, as his cock twitched, just at the thought of what he was going to do to Sabrina.

  Sabrina looked wide eyed at him. His words said not to worry, but hell her body was worried, and turned on, it was very strange indeed.

  Kyle turned the lights down, not off, just down, so it wasn’t so bright, then moved to the bottom of the bed. He started at her feet, kissing the insides of her soles, which made Sabrina jerk as it tickled. Then he moved upwards, inside her thighs, soft kisses, even softer nibbles, all the way up one leg then he started on the other.

  Sabrina relaxed, he didn’t seem to want to hurt her, and as the feelings he was eliciting in her worked through her system, she relaxed even more. A moan, a groan, escaping from her lips, her breathing getting faster and faster, as she wished he would lick that special place between her legs.

  Finally, Kyle got there, his tongue darted out and licked her and she moaned and jerked. The feelings he was giving her were out of this fucking world.

  Kyle worked his tongue and mouth over her sex, slipping his tongue all the way inside, tasting her. And the taste was exquisite.

  He moved his tongue to her nub and worked it while entering her with his fingers, slowly, curling forward to search for that other place inside. He found it, started to move his fingers against it, and she gasped and moaned loudly. Curse words now tearing from her throat.

  Just as she was on the edge, Kyle pulled his fingers out, moved his mouth away, and she jerked her hips up towards him. He laughed and smiled at her, her face showing how upset she was that he had stopped.

Kyle brought his hand up to his face, the fingers that had been deep inside her, he placed them in his mouth, sucking them clean. Tasting even more of her, and her face blushed scarlet.

  What the hell was he doing, Sabrina just saw him take his fingers from her, well, her sex, and put them in his mouth and suck them. No man had ever done that and she found it was more than a little erotic. Especially the look of pleasure that had crossed his face.

  Kyle then moved his attention to her breasts, tweaking, suckling, kneading, and they were exactly as he had thought they would be. Perfect.

  Sabrina was near to bursting, she had never felt this much pleasure before. It was overwhelming, then there was the feeling of being restrained, it added to it. Made everything that much more, just so much more.

  She noted that he seemed cold again and wondered why. The room wasn’t cold and she certainly wasn’t cold, but he definitely felt more than a little chilly.

  Kyle was finding it difficult to hold on now and he also wanted to taste her. Taste her not like a man, but as a Vampire, he wanted to taste her blood.

  He fought to keep his fangs in his gums, not wanting to give her a heart attack. Fuck, if they came out now she would be terrified. Bound to his bed and him above her with great, sharp, fangs. No, wasn’t going to happen. Well, not yet anyway.

  “Lift your legs, put them on my shoulders.” Kyle groaned, wanting to be inside her, pumping hard, making her moan in pleasure.

  “Uhm, what about a, you know, protection?” she asked, realizing this was going to be the second time she had unprotected sex.

  “Don’t need it, trust me!” Kyle spoke as he now grabbed her legs and moved them himself. Leaning over her, placing a hand either side of her and entered her hard.

  Sabrina jumped, she had forgotten how big he was.

  Kyle moved with speed now and Sabrina realized something. He was moving way too fast. Her breasts were jumping all over the place. He entered her faster, and faster, and she just couldn’t believe it. This was not normal.


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