Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 12

by A. K. Michaels

  “Sabrina baby, you know I love you, shit I would do anything for you, anything at all. I just want to know your feelings on all of this?” Kyle hoped she wasn't too outraged. Though considering what had been going through her head a moment ago even she knew there were times that law, justice, didn't work.

  “I know Kyle, you know how much I love you, I think I'd die without you. I need to know you'll be safe though. What if someone you go after has armed guards, a small army! You could get hurt or even killed!” Sabrina knew he was powerful but surely even he couldn't survive being riddled with bullets.

  “Uhm, yea I could, it's happened before, being shot that is. My body heals itself Sabrina, even bullet wounds. However, that was a long time ago, centuries ago, since then I've become far more powerful and fast, so you don't need to worry. I go over things so many times and with so many different scenarios that usually it's quite simple.” Kyle knew that at times it had been a close call but each time he got away with no injuries whatsoever.

  “So, can I be involved?” Sabrina didn't like that Kyle did this all on his own.

  “Does that mean you're not freaking out about it?” Kyle raised an eyebrow as he spoke and Sabrina gave him a small smile.

  “You look so hot when you do that, you know that don't you!?” Sabrina had thought it so many times that her mate must've heard her before this.

  “Uhm, off track Sabrina but thanks, I may just do it more often if it gets those thoughts in your head! But back to what we were discussing, you're not freaked out?” Kyle had a poker face on but inside he was getting excited, very excited.

  “No I'm not freaked out, not exactly. What I do want is to be involved. I want to make sure there's no other way, ok?” Sabrina's insides were a little shaky. God, she had just agreed to help her mate kill people.

  “Ok, if that's what you want baby. This one has already been decided. I'm taking the guy out! He lives in Denver so it's going to be about an eleven hour drive. I leave tomorrow.” Kyle watched her face, hoping she would come with him. He didn't want to be apart from her but he didn't want her along if she would be upset or endanger the mission.

  “Ok, I take it you don't fly because of items you take with you?” Sabrina wasn't sure how Kyle executed the people but she thought he would have items he didn't want to take on a commercial flight.

  “Yea, I have all my research on the guy with me. I take certain weapons that would not pass security. I have a variety of blades, I don't use guns very often. Plus, I prefer the anonymity of driving, no paper trail that way. I also book hotels under an assumed name and I usually get one of my contacts to hack into the hotel's security systems and black out the cameras, that way there is no proof I was ever there.” Kyle smiled down at her and felt the urge to kiss her.

  “Right, well I better get packing. How long will we be away?” Sabrina stood up and as she did Kyle's arm snaked around her waist and drew her close, his lips connecting with his mate's in a deep kiss.

  Sabrina's arousal ignited but she tried to push him away, pulling her lips from his with a groan. “Kyle – business first! How long will we be away?”

  Kyle hissed through his teeth, his cock was hard and he needed a release. He controlled himself, just, and chuckled. “Oh you're cruel to me baby! Cruel! Right, work, we'll probably be away at least a week, maybe more. I like at least a couple of days before to check everything out. Then I usually stay for a day or two after. If by some fluke it's found I was there in the city at the time, even under one of my assumed names, I don't want to run away immediately. That's exactly what a killer would do. What a killer would not do is stay and have a good time. I try to set up some business meetings so I have a good reason to be in the area. So pack for a fortnight, we may just go on a few detours on the way home! Some evening attire too baby, there are some very fine restaurants in Denver and I'm going to take you!” Kyle nuzzled into Sabrina's neck and she moaned loudly.

  “Ok. Ok, bedroom Kyle, now!” Sabrina couldn't stop the feelings coursing through her system. She tried but it so hadn't worked.

  Kyle picked her up and literally ran to their large bedroom, pulling her shorts and top off before almost throwing her down onto the bed. Sabrina gasped as her body hit the bed and a laugh escaped as she saw her mate move so fast she couldn't make it out. He was naked and standing at the end of the bed, his arousal there for her to see.

  “Sabrina, you're so fucking gorgeous, I can't wait to be inside you baby!” Kyle's voice was that husky way it got when he was REALLY turned on and Sabrina felt herself getting wetter just listening to him.

  “Kyle, you do know you're insatiable don't you!” Sabrina laughed as her mate started to move towards her on his hands and knees. The look on his face was pure lust and Sabrina's eyes hooded as she watched him draw nearer.

  Her heart started to race and her skin became sensitized and as his hand grabbed her ankle and pulled her towards him she sighed deeply. His touch sending little jolts of pleasure through her; she found herself with her behind up on his thighs as he knelt above her.

  Kyle moved his hands all over her skin, skin that was so soft and perfect. Skin that made his cock twitch in response. She was perfect, so perfect, and she was his, only his.

  One of Kyle's hands found a nipple and tweaked it hard, Sabrina groaned, god she loved it when he did that. Kyle leaned over and he took the other nipple into his mouth. Sucking, licking, laving it mercilessly as Sabrina's head fell back and she groaned in pleasure.

  His head moved and took her mouth, devoured her mouth, his need great as his tongue sought entrance. Sabrina opened willingly to her mate and moaned into his mouth as his tongue darted in and out. She bucked her hips, wanting him inside her.

  Kyle pulled back and Sabrina's eyes shot open. The loss of his mouth on hers making her almost whimper. Kyle held his hardness in one hand and moved it to her wet folds while his other found her nub. Circling and rubbing it just the way he knew drove Sabrina crazy.

  Sabrina's hands were bunched in the comforter as Kyle entered her, soft, slowly. She wanted fast, hard.

  Kyle chuckled. “You are such a little vixen you know that? Hard? Fast?”

  Sabrina's face was flushed with her need and she didn't care if Kyle was reading her thoughts, she just needed him NOW.

  Kyle moved his hips so that he entered her quicker and she moaned louder. His thrusts got harder and the force of them moved her whole body, she kept her eyes on his. Watching his arousal deepen, his need greater, the sight almost pushing her over but she held on. Tried desperately to hold on.

  Kyle's fingers on her clit worked expertly and she knew she couldn't last. With some further hard thrusts and his finger working her sensitive area she went over, the orgasm engulfing her entire system. A scream tore from her throat and Kyle's eyes never left her face. Watching the pleasure ripple through her and the intensity of it took him to his own release.

  A low growl rumbled from his chest as he thrust in deep and held himself there. In his mate's tight sheath, as she convulsed around him, his seed erupted from him in a feeling of utter ecstasy.

  Kyle smiled down at Sabrina who had a slightly dazed look on her face. “Hey, you ok?” he asked softly.

  Sabrina tried to talk, found she couldn't, so smiled lazily and nodded her head.

  Kyle moved so he lay next to her, took her in his arms, held her until she could think coherently again. His senses were still on overload as he held Sabrina tight to his body. Each and every time they lay like this he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have found her.

  The odds of any vampire finding their mate were astronomical. For him to find his, a Scottish lass on holiday in Vegas, well the odds went up even higher.

  When he thought on the night he first saw her, heard her scream from the dark alley. Fuck, his blood ran cold, because he had been going to ignore it and walk on. Only the sound of her accent made him pause and decide to intervene.

  If he hadn't she would have been lost to him. He would never have found her. A vampire only ever had the chance at one mate. One. Kyle held her tighter as if afraid she would disappear.

  “Kyle! You're holding me too tight! I can hardly breathe!” Sabrina's tone was half laughing and half strangled as she fought to take a breath. She could sense he had been worried about her for a minute there and wondered why? She would, no scratch that, could never leave him.

  He was part of her very soul now and the thought of not being with him gave her shivers.

  “Sorry baby, I was just thinking on that first night! Sabrina, I've never said this before, but I was just going to walk on. I don't like getting involved in human dramas!” Kyle kissed the top of her head and kept his hold on her.

  “Really? What made you stop Kyle?” Sabrina was a little shocked. He had not spoke of that night before, never.

  “It was your accent honey, you do know when you're drunk your accent gets very pronounced don't you?” Kyle smiled down at her upturned face.

  “Yea I know, jeez I bet I sounded terrible!” Sabrina knew just how bad her accent was when she was drunk.

  “Yea well as soon as I heard it, the Scottish twang, it made me angry and I decided to help. It worries me no end that I could've missed you baby. So easily we could've missed each other!” Kyle's voice was strange to Sabrina's ears, she hadn't heard that tone before.

  As she looked up at him she was sure she could see him swallowing, as if a lump was lodged in his throat.

  “I know, but you did stop ,you did save me, so don't dwell on what if's Kyle. It's what IS that is important honey. You found me and we're together. So what's on the schedule for tonight? After I pack that is!” Sabrina nipped his arm, as it was him that interrupted her plans to pack for the trip to Denver.

  Kyle chuckled. “Yea yea, ok, I was thinking of going for a long drive and then something to eat? Or is there something you fancy?”

  “No that sounds good, can we do the drive after we eat? I plan on having a full bottle of wine with dinner and you know what that does to me?!” Sabrina had a very saucy look on her face as she spoke.

  Kyle smiled. “Well in that case I think the SUV is in order tonight?”

  Sabrina laughed loudly, remembering the reason Kyle had bought it. His sports car was not conducive to having sex inside it. The large SUV with very large seats that reclined completely, it was just the thing for a sexy stop off on the way home.

  “Indeed my vampire, the SUV tonight!” Sabrina giggled and managed to get out from his arms, jumped up and ran to the en-suite for a shower. She wanted a quick one before getting the packing done.

  “You stay there Kyle! I mean it. I want to get started on the packing!” Sabrina saw the pout on Kyle's face at her words and she laughed all the more, he was really and truly insatiable.

  Chapter 4

  As Sabrina came back through to their bedroom from her shower she saw Kyle wasn't there. She was half glad and half sad.

  She wanted to get the packing done but she also would like to have had to fend Kyle off to do so. She let out a sigh as she entered the enormous dressing area, went to the back and pulled out a couple of suitcases. She took them to the bed and lay them on top before opening both to get things packed.

  She started on her own, taking some casual clothes as well as more dressy ones. As she did this she looked at the amount of things she now owned. Kyle spoiled her rotten and she had so many clothes now she didn't think she would possibly wear them all.

  She looked through the rack and found the dress she wanted. It was the first dress Kyle bought her. It was a dark ruby color, long at the back and short at the front. She had felt like a princess that night. She was taking it with her, she would wear it while they were away.

  This time she packed a new garter belt and suspenders with matching thong and bra. Kyle would have a fit when he saw her in them. She hummed as she did the packing, never in a million years did she think she could be this happy.

  AND with a frigging Vampire.

  Sabrina stopped what she was doing. She was humming happily away as she packed. Packed to go and kill a man. Maaan, that was fucked up.

  Kyle appeared in the doorway. “You ok Sabrina?”

  Sabrina gave him a half smile. “Yea, sort of, I was humming away and felt really happy, packing, then I realized we were going to go kill someone. Kinda felt weird.”

  Kyle stayed where he was, watching her closely. He chose his words carefully before speaking. “Baby, lets get a few things straight. First, WE are not going to kill anyone. I am going to be the one doing that. YOU will not be involved in that at all. Yes you have prior knowledge but you won't be doing anything yourself and you sure as hell won't be coming with me when I do it! YOU little lady will be safe inside the hotel and not anywhere near where that creep is.”

  Sabrina frowned, she was a seasoned undercover detective. Not some silly schoolgirl. She could take care of herself.

  She didn't say any of this, she knew Kyle could see it in her mind so she didn't have to speak it aloud.

  Kyle now frowned too, maybe it had been a mistake to tell her. She was strong willed and could be quite stubborn. Both of these he had found out over the past six months.

  Up til now it hadn't caused any major problems. Now though, it could, and he wondered if he had made the right decision in telling her.

  “Sabrina maybe I shouldn't have told you, it's probably a bad idea you knowing.” Kyle's mind was all over the place. He really didn't want to use his powers on her to make her forget.

  Sabrina let out a huge sigh and in her heaviest Scottish brogue said. “Of course ye were right tae tell me! Jeez that would be one huge bloody secret between us, don't ye think!”

  Kyle smiled, her accent always came out if she was upset or angry. Sabrina blushed, knowing how she had just spoken. Realizing it was a big tell that she was angry.

  “I know, but realistically I could've told you anything. Told you I was doing some freelance security work, which I also do from time to time by the way. The fact is I didn't have to tell you the truth. I did because I don't want secrets. I want us to be able to discuss anything, but maybe I shouldn't have told you this.” Kyle looked at his mate for a long minute then turned and walked away.

  Sabrina's breath was stuck in her throat. They had never had a proper argument. Not a one. Sometimes there were little tiffs about things but nothing that wasn't put right with a hug, a kiss, hot and heavy sex.

  She felt bad, deep down inside she felt sick. She wondered if maybe her mate shouldn't have told her?

  Sabrina let that thought sit in her mind for a few moments as she stood stock still. Still fighting to breathe.

  The thought of Kyle keeping that part of himself from her hit her hard. She knew he was a vampire when she met him or shortly thereafter. Vampire's didn't exactly have a reputation as being dogooders. Most kept to themselves and sometimes did very bad things.

  She knew the first time she saw Kyle that he was hard and dangerous. She admitted that she was drawn to that, she liked the fact he wasn't a normal guy. Christ, he was so far removed from any guys she had been with before it was like the moon and the earth.

  She also knew that if given the chance she would've taken out that serial rapist back in Scotland. She knew deep down she would've done it if she knew she couldn't get caught. So does that make Kyle any different to her?

  The fact that he was strong, fast, with vampire powers, made his work easier. She saw the kind of research he did. He didn't just get an email and promptly run out and kill someone. He made damn sure they deserved it and that the law had failed.

  Many times the law failed, Sabrina knew this up close and personal. She had been that law. She saw how many bad people got away with terrible crimes. She saw the damage done to friends and families of victims; not to mention the victims themselves.

  It wasn
't as if Kyle was out every week doing this, he took great care when deciding on a target. Sabrina wished she was as strong as him. She so wanted that rapist dead.

  Did that make her a bad person? Hell, if it did then so be it. She knew Kyle wasn't a bad person either. So basically she just had to get over it.

  She left her packing and went in search of Kyle. She found him in his favorite armchair reading a book. He loved his books.

  “Kyle, I'm sorry, I was just a little shocked with all this. The truth is there were times when I wished I could take someone out. The ones that were let go; free and clear, to do whatever they wanted, and got away with it! So I guess what I'm saying is that as long as you are positive the target is guilty and they've got away with it then that's fine with me. How do you expect me to sit in a hotel while you're out doing goodness knows what though? That's going to be hard Kyle.” Sabrina was now standing behind Kyle's chair and her hands were massaging his head slowly. He absolutely loved a head massage.

  “Ok Sabrina, we'll see how it goes this time. Although I'm not a hundred percent sure I should've told you. Why don't you finish packing and I'll throw some of my stuff in and we'll get ready and go out, ok?” Kyle turned to look up at her and she nodded her head.

  Kyle replaced his book in it's place in the huge bookshelves, which took up most of one whole wall. He turned to follow Sabrina and her head moved to the side.

  “So we're still taking the SUV tonight?” She asked cheekily and then ran for the stairs, Kyle hard on her heels.

  Kyle caught her easily and Sabrina squealed. “Kyle no, later, you'll tire me out before we've even got out the door!”

  Kyle nuzzled her neck, her blood that tasted so glorious so near he wanted to bite deep and savor it. He held himself in check, he couldn't feed on her as often as he wanted or she would become ill.


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